老师你好! 关于OG里的6分范文的第一段最后一句话。 However,in order to fully evaluate this arg ...
你确定没抄错么 或者可否将整段摘录过来 我咋没看明白这句在说啥 tesolchina 发表于 2015-7-30 22:27 static/image/common/back.gif
你确定没抄错么 或者可否将整段摘录过来 我咋没看明白这句在说啥
不好意思,昨天复制黏贴的时候出了一点小问题。这个 第一段的最后两句话。However, in order to fully evaluate this argument, we need to have a significant amount of additional evidence. The argument could end up being much weaker than it seems, or it might actually be quite valid. In order to make that determination, we need to know more then analyze what we learn. supersam 发表于 2015-7-31 07:56 static/image/common/back.gif
不好意思,昨天复制黏贴的时候出了一点小问题。这个 第一段的最后两句话。However, in order to fully ev ...
这段话肯定不能照抄 不过它的基本思想你可以用来写你自己的argument 结尾时可以用自己的话把这个思路说一下 如果只是为了凑字数想照抄这段话 我觉得是没有什么意义的
Argument 34 示范
Argument 34) The vice president of human resources at Climpson Industries sent the following recommendation to the company's president.
"In an effort to improve our employees' productivity, we should implement electronic monitoring of employees' Internet use from their workstations. Employees who use the Internet from their workstations need to be identified and punished if we are to reduce the number of work hours spent on personal or recreational activities, such as shopping or playing games. By installing software to detect employees' Internet use on company computers, we can prevent employees from wasting time, foster a better work ethic at Climpson, and improve our overall profits. "
"Write a response in which you examine the stated and/or unstated assumptions of the argument. Be sure to explain how the argument depends on these assumptions and what the implications are for the argument if the assumptions prove unwarranted."
The vice president argued that the company could reduce the amount of time wasted by employees and improve work ethic and profits by monitoring the employees’ use of Internet. The argument is based on a number of assumptions about the efficacy of the system, the effects of monitoring and punishing employees as well as the cost of implementing the system. It is important to examine these assumptions critically in order to evaluate the soundness of the argument.
It is first assumed that the proposed system can necessarily reduce the time of the employees wasted on personal and recreational activities. Yet, a system focusing on the online activities on the workstations may not serve the purpose well. As we know, nowadays most people can surf the Internet with personal mobile devices such as smartphones and tablet computers that may connect to the Internet via mobile Internet service providers. In addition, employees may also waste time through face-to-face chatting or even daydreaming alone that do not require access to the Internet. Obviously, the proposed system would not be able deal with such online activities via personal devices or offline activities that could also waste a lot of time. Without addressing such scenarios, the system may not achieve the desired results.
Another assumption made in the argument is that better work ethics and productivity could be achieved by monitoring and punishing employees. It is true that certain behaviours may be reduced through punishment as negative incentive. Nevertheless, it is doubtful that employees would feel satisfied and motivated when they are constantly being watched by the proposed system and facing punishment for doing some personal stuff online. The employees may become demoralised and their work ethic and productivity may even deteriorate as a result of implementing such system as they feel that the company does not trust them.
Finally, it is also assumed that the benefits of implementing and maintaining such a system would necessarily outweigh the costs. Here we need to consider both the explicit costs and the hidden costs. Developing and installing the software to all the workstations in the company would certainly cost a large amount of money, especially when the software has to be made robust enough against the hacking of the employees. More importantly, the company may lost some valuable employees who might choose to leave the company feeling offended by such monitoring software. Therefore, the company has to carefully assess the potential benefits and costs of the proposed system before making decisions.
In conclusion, the proposed system may be able to reduce the online shirking among the employees through monitoring and punishing certain behaviours. Nevertheless, it may or may not successfully reduce the waste of time and improve work ethic. Whether the system can improve the overall profits of the company also depends on the benefits and costs of the system. More information has to be collected to examine the assumptions discussed above in order to reach a more accurate and reliable conclusion.
老师您好! 我发现您的习作,逗号后面空一格,句号后面空两格,这个是要求还是个人习惯 还是复制黏贴出现的问题? 老师,您好。下月21号参加GRE考试,第一次考。托福作文28。我想参加老师的写作任务。 supersam 发表于 2015-7-31 16:45 static/image/common/back.gif
老师您好! 我发现您的习作,逗号后面空一格,句号后面空两格,这个是要求还是个人习惯 还是复制黏贴出现的 ...
http://www.mlahandbook.org/fragment/faq#How_many_spaces MielsZhao 发表于 2015-7-31 18:55 static/image/common/back.gif
下周会有新的同主题练习 欢迎加入 MielsZhao 发表于 2015-7-31 18:55 static/image/common/back.gif
下周会有新的同主题练习 欢迎加入 tesolchina 发表于 2015-5-9 01:07 static/image/common/back.gif
每位作者都应该通过阅读和模仿逐步形成自己的风格。在自己的风格尚未形成前,一定要有意识地模仿,切忌随意 ...
真的很好,感谢老师,以后还希望有问题多请教您 tesolchina 发表于 2014-11-18 22:12 static/image/common/back.gif
老师你好! 我看到这篇evidence类型的文章 中心段3段 每段都有两次呼应写作指导的evidence(第一句和If... ,it would weaken这句) 而老师的evidence类文章可能就开头和结尾呼应了evidence 。 中心段 更多是呼应题目本身。(1、Maybe... 2、与文中句子矛盾 3、unless we know....,we could not be sure....) 感觉OG范文更注重形式对应要求,而老师的在内容上回答了题目的问题 。 所以想问下老师的想法。 两者都可以 还是说更推荐哪种? supersam 发表于 2015-8-2 19:40 static/image/common/back.gif
老师你好! 我看到这篇evidence类型的文章 中心段3段 每段都有两次呼应写作指导的evidence(第一句和If.. ...
evidence有时候也可以理解为information 或者某些事实 所以写的时候未必要每段开头都出现evidence
比如 In order to fully evaluate this article, we would also need to learn more about the
interview questions that Dr. Karp’s team used.范文里这句也没有出现evidence
不知道这是不是你的问题? tesolchina 发表于 2015-8-2 19:45 static/image/common/back.gif
evidence有时候也可以理解为information 或者某些事实 所以写的时候未必要每段开头都出现evidence
比如 ...
嗯 谢谢老师及时的回答。 另,我模仿老师论据写了一篇文章,并打算以一篇文章为核心模版,之后依次写其他argument, 希望老师点评一下,指出不足之处,以便我改进。谢谢!Argument 1 本帖最后由 tesolchina 于 2015-8-11 10:23 编辑
1. 在没有接受tesolchina的辅导前,你针对GRE作文有哪些问题、困难或困惑?
2. 你觉得tesolchina的辅导对你的写作哪些方面有重要的改变?这里的辅导包括博客上的讲解、范文以及通过微信群及Quip的互改。
- 3+1模型很好,相当于一种模板但并不是模板,让文章的结构更清晰;
- 王老师对段落内部的组织的要求很细致,保证文章能言之有物,每一个段落内也有层次。
- 回应题目的要求,在行文的过程中要不断回应题目的关键词,以及按照指导语的要求谋篇布局。
- 提纲的讨论。一方面讨论提纲的时候大家可以集思广益;另一方面有范文可以参考,王老师也会帮忙对提纲进行纠正。
- 语言的修改。用词不合适,语法错误王老师也会帮忙很细致的找出来,虽然内容篇章很关键,但是如果语言上有所欠缺而影响妨碍思想的话对分数肯定也是会有很大影响的。
3. 你在考试前一共练习了几篇issue和argument的全文或提纲?有没有计时?字数情况如何?写完后收到tesolchina的什么反馈?有没有修改?
4. 你觉得练习最主要的收获是什么?
- 了解了新GRE的题目要求,能针对题目的要求写出考官想看到的文章
- 形成了自己的写作风格,有自己的一套“模板”
- 有效地控制时间,保证在半个小时之内能写出一篇完整的文章
- 在选词搭配和语法方面有很多进步
5. 你在考场上运用了哪些写作策略和技巧,尤其是tesolchina强调过的?结合考试题目具体讨论下运用的情况。
6. 你觉得备考GRE作文的过程对你的批判性思维及将来的学术写作能力有什么意义? (请实话实说,觉得没有意义也请解释。)
7. 如果让你回到一个月前,你会如何准备GRE作文?你觉得tesolchina的指导有哪些优点和不足之处?
王老师的指导优点在于精准,一方面是针对GRE作文考试的要求的精准;另一方面是针对每个同学单独指导,每次练习都会有反馈,效果非常好。另外王老师也很强调总结,有的时候写作中的问题并不是很直观,不总结很难发现自己的问题;总结一下以后就很容易发现自己在哪些方面需要加强。把大问题一个个解决以后会觉得整体的行文有明显的进步。不足之处有两个方面,一方面是因为这毕竟是针对GRE的应试写作,所以个人觉得对英文写作整体的帮助不明显(这一点正好又是精确针对GRE备考的优点);另一方面是这种方式效率比较低,因为老师的一个人的工作量很大,一个时期内可以指导的学生比较有限。 tesolchina 发表于 2014-10-24 18:52 static/image/common/back.gif
GRE写作题库的issue部分149道真题有6种写作要求,包括是否同意命题及不同情况下是否正确(54题), ...