issue131 潜水数日,终于动笔,大家帮忙看看,俺给您鞠躬了!
Issue131: The arts (painting, music, literature, etc.) reveal the otherwise hidden ideas and impulses of a society.Failing to understand the nature and function of art, the speaker asserts that the arts reveal the otherwise hidden ideas and impulses of a society. Actually, it is the other way around. For its nature, art is an abstraction which transcends the reality of the mundane world but not a revelation of the hidden ideas and impulses of a society. For its function, art serves to reveal the individual impulse of the artists in emotion, imagination, and inspiration but not to reveal the social ideas and impulses.
Turning first to the nature of art, we would see that it is the intangible abstraction of blurred fragments of reality the artists gather from the tangible world that forms the core of art and makes it possible for art to transcend experiences, reality, and even the varieties art may manifest. The essential nature of art is almost irrelevant to social factors but to surpass them. In the process of art creation, materials are gleaned, rearranged, and abstracted to be a complicated language used by the artists to generate the final artistic products which are at an aesthetic altitude much higher than that of the primitive resources. Thus social factors that take up a small proportion of the stuffs are no more than a springboard from which art could jump further in the course of beauty seeking, or a ladder from which art could ascend higher and closer to the acme of perfection. Take Pollock for example, what hidden ideas and impulses of a society can you see in the splashy murals of this abstract painter? Pollock’s abstract masterpieces created by his unique technique of dripping paint on the floor have less to do with social ideas than the sublimation of a mass of sporadic images captured in the real life. And Pollock’s murals would be worthless if the main purpose of them is to advocate the social ideas and impulses.
Then consider the function of art, any artist, or anyone who has studies art would agree that the function of first-rate importance of art is to reveal the individual impulse of the artists. Art is the product of the artist’s authentic emotion, a manifestation of the artist’s unique creative imagination, and a creation of the artist’s inspiration. The desire of creation is motivated by these sparkles of spirit (emotion, imagination, and inspiration) which are the part and parcel of formation of artistic works rather than the stimulation of the social experience or ideas. Therefore, as a realization of individual pursuit of beauty and truth, art seldom reveals the ideas or impulses of society. One evidence is Mozart, who became a brilliant musical composer when very young, was inexperienced in social affairs and unaffected by social values when his wrote many of his works. How could he employ social ideas and impulses in his masterpieces? Moreover, unlike mass media which are more or less controlled by governments, art as well as artist has no responsibility of propagandizing social ideas and values. If art serves to manifest social factors, then this valuable treasure of mankind would simply imitate the secular world around us.
Admittedly, to some extent, the appearance of art is limited by social conditions and is affected by social ideas. For instance, the development of sculpture, especially the one made of metal is confined by the development of metallurgy. And the desire of human rights pervaded many masterpieces in Renaissance. But the impact is far from strong enough to alter the nature and function of art which belongs to a higher level of the heaven and change them into the tools of society. It is undeniable art uses some of the social factors as materials and resources from which it is generated and exists in the circumstances of society, just like our human is evolved from lower animals and once lived in the forests; but it is absurd to say just because of that we mankind will still have the ideas of animals and impulses of forests, so is to say art reveal the ideas and impulses of society.
To sum up, social factors influence merely a small account of the components of art. Neither the nature of art as an abstraction of reality, nor the function of art as a revelation of individual impulses is nearly related to the hidden ideas and impulses of society. And only with this recognition could us understand and enjoy the beauty of art.
B3:让步,虽然社会因素对艺术有一定影响,但从本质和功能上来说艺术并不揭示社会想法和冲动。 seat taken~ 写的真是好啊,我觉得都没什么修改的了………… 给针姐姐和Johnsoncao鞠躬,嘿嘿
写了快到2个半小时才写完:( 写的不错啊。很牛了。
1 instance, the development of sculpture is confined by the development of metallurgy.这个例子跑题吧?原题是谈hidden ideas and impulses of a society没涉及工艺问题吧。Renaissance这个例子就很好。是艺术家反映社会hidden ideas 。
2 is absurd to say just because of that we mankind will still have the ideas of animals and impulses of forests个人觉得人还是有重返大自然的冲动的~~尤其是富足的美国人想去返祖一把。(所以我们才要建公园)这段让步不妨让全了,不必再转折。
说错不要打我~~~~~~ 谢谢lakeqian,鞠躬!
B3:让步,虽然社会因素对艺术有一定影响,但从本质和功能上来说艺术并不揭示社会想法和冲动。 Failing to understand the nature and function of art, the speaker asserts that the arts reveal the otherwise hidden ideas and impulses of a society. Actually, it is the other way around.这句话我在背NC4的时候看到过,课文好像是the pattern of culture,用在disagree的时候效果真是不错 For its nature, art is an abstraction which transcends the reality of the mundane world but not a revelation of the hidden ideas and impulses of a society. For its function,我觉得这里应该是as its function art serves to reveal the individual impulse of the artists in emotion, imagination, and inspiration but not to reveal the social ideas and impulses.
Turning first to the nature of art, we would see that it is the intangible abstraction of blurred fragments of reality the artists gather from the tangible world that forms the core of art and makes it possible for art to transcend experiences, reality, and even the varieties art may manifest. The essential nature of art is almost irrelevant to social factors but to surpass them. In the process of art creation, materials are gleaned, rearranged, and abstracted to be a complicated language used by the artists to generate the final artistic products which are at an aesthetic altitude much higher than that of the primitive resources.这里加个过渡句it is the individual artist not the society that functions in the entire aesthetic sublimation process Thus social factors that take up a small proportion of the stuffs are no more than a springboard from which art could jump further in the course of beauty seeking, or a ladder from which art could ascend higher and closer to the acme of perfection. Take Pollock for example, what hidden ideas and impulses of a society can you see in the splashy murals of this abstract painter? Pollock’s abstract masterpieces created by his unique technique of dripping paint on the floor have less to do with social ideas than the sublimation of a mass of sporadic images captured in the real life. And Pollock’s murals would be worthless if the main purpose of them is to advocate the social ideas and impulses.and这一句我觉得有点画蛇添足了,因为论证的对象是:“艺术是否揭示了社会的idea和impulse”,而并不是说艺术品的价值,可以写当时社会的idea和impulse并没有影响到pollock的艺术
Then consider the function of art, any artist, or anyone who has studies art would agree that the function of first-rate importance of art is to reveal the individual impulse of the artists. Art is the product of the artist’s authentic emotion, a manifestation of the artist’s unique creative imagination, and a creation of the artist’s inspiration. The desire of creation is motivated by these sparkles of spirit (emotion, imagination, and inspiration) which are the part and parcel of formation of artistic works rather than the stimulation of the social experience or ideas. Therefore, as a realization of individual pursuit of beauty and truth, art seldom reveals the ideas or impulses of society.这里突然只说了society,art reveals the ideas or impulses of individual, not society One evidence is Mozart, who became a brilliant musical composer when very young, was inexperienced in social affairs and unaffected by social values when his wrote many of his works. How could he employ social ideas and impulses in his masterpieces? Moreover, unlike mass media which are more or less controlled by governments, art as well as artist has no responsibility of propagandizing social ideas and values. If art serves to manifest social factors, then this valuable treasure of mankind would simply imitate the secular world around us.我觉得又是一句画蛇添足的话……你怎么能确定莫扎特的音乐没有表现社会要素,莫扎特没有被社会影响并不代表他的作品不表现社会的要素,正好他的音乐富丽堂皇,是当时社会流行的
Admittedly, to some extent, the appearance of art is limited by social conditions and is affected by social ideas. For instance, the development of sculpture, especially the one made of metal is confined by the development of metallurgy. And the desire of human rights pervaded many masterpieces in Renaissance. But the impact is far from strong enough to alter the nature and function of art which belongs to a higher level of the heaven and change them into the tools of society. It is undeniable art uses some of the social factors as materials and resources from which it is generated and exists in the circumstances of society,这里让步后可以说虽然一些art就是为了表现社会,但是也是作者为了表现他眼中的社会的某个方面而作的,目的就是把社会的某些idea呈现给大家,没必要去reveal那些hidden的,而真正hidden的是作者的某些情感just like our human is evolved from lower animals and once lived in the forests; but it is absurd to say just because of that we mankind will still have the ideas of animals and impulses of forests, so is to say art reveal the ideas and impulses of society.just like后面开始举的例子我没看懂要表达什么…………
To sum up, social factors influence merely a small account of the components of art. Neither the nature of art as an abstraction of reality, nor the function of art as a revelation of individual impulses is nearly related to the hidden ideas and impulses of society. And only with this recognition could us understand and enjoy the beauty of art. 回:另外你说的让步让全了,是说承认这个人类的比喻吗?
不过已经写的不错了。 写的很好,牛啊,我最晕艺术类了
你的逻辑是釜底抽薪,指出本质和功能上来说艺术揭示的是A,而题目说揭示了B,所以你fundamentally disagree。你对A解释的很清楚,但是对什么是B,为什么艺术揭示了B确没有深入提及。
这么写当然很对,算不算巧妙的回避题目? 嗯。。。楼上说的有道理。
PS.釜底抽薪这个词我倒不熟。。。汗 小鬼加油啊! 我最近忙托福恐怕也没机会给你看作文了。以你的水平,5分以上绝对没问题的,呵呵! 最初由 pooh 发布
小鬼加油啊! 我最近忙托福恐怕也没机会给你看作文了。以你的水平,5分以上绝对没问题的,呵呵!
自从pooh姐姐申请斑竹我一直说要来都没来,真是不好意思呢 :o
我不会让你失望的 :D 十分感谢Jonsoncao的批改
谢谢 看到《北美GRE范文》上说着道题目可以写成问题解决型,即揭示社会隐藏观点和动力的不只有艺术,还有其他的方面
是否可以这样写呢? 我同意六翼小宇的意见,"巧妙地回避题目"。
题目说,the arts reveal the otherwise hidden ideas and impulses of a society,你回应的是reveal这个动作既不是艺术的本质,亦非它的功能;那reveal是否可能是艺术的其它方面,譬如,艺术造成的客观结果?不管艺术的本质功能动机目的……是什么,只要它客观上造成这一结果:reveal the otherwise hidden ideas and impulses of a society,这个题目的观点就是成立的。你恰巧是巧妙地回避了这个问题。
不过回避地真是漂亮啊!^_^ 题目这么BT,看来看去,除了像你这样釜底抽薪,一时也想不出什么正面回应的好办法。