Sonia96 发表于 2022-6-25 15:47:33


本帖最后由 Sonia96 于 2022-7-2 09:45 编辑




[*]2014.9 - 2018.7 化学本科 GPA3.0/4.0
[*]2018.9 - 2021.10 Ph.D. student in Chemistry GPA 3.6/4.0(只上了一个学期的课)
[*](2019.6 - 2020.7 休学在家上了一些CS的MOOCs,比如数据结构与算法、机器学习、深度学习、数据分析。这些我都有课程证书,是否有必要在面签的时候提供一下?)
[*]2020.8 - 2021.1 数据分析实习
[*]2021.3 - 2021.6 做了一个网页开发的个人项目
[*]2021.7 - 2022.10 后端开发实习
[*](2022.10 至今,准备美硕留学相关事宜)
Study Plan

I am XX. I have been admitted to the XX program at the University of XX. After finishing my study, I plan to return to Chengdu, China and find a job as a software engineer.

Introduction of my background
I was born in Guizhou as the only child of my family. In 2018, I received my bachelor's degree in Chemistry at XX University. After that, I went to XX University to pursue my Ph.D. in XX Chemistry. After the first semester, I realized I didn't want to study chemistry anymore because I thought doing experiments was dangerous and exhaustive. But I had never tried anything other than chemistry in the past five years, so I decided to take two years off from the university to try new things.

I first learned Python by myself, which piqued my interest in computer science (CS). I continued to take many online courses on Coursera and Udemy, including Data Structures and Algorithms, Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Data Analysis, Web Development, etc. After that, I tried two internships in the IT industry, including a five-month data analyst at XX and a three-month software engineer intern at XX (a startup spun off from XX). After these explorations, I found my career goal -- to become a software engineer, because I enjoy developing real-life applications. Compared to a Ph.D. in chemistry, a master's in CS helps more with my career goal, so I decided to shift from my Ph.D. to a CS master's.

Why do I choose this program?
During my internship as a software engineer, my deficiency in CS fundamentals kept reducing my work efficiency. For example, my inefficient I/O operations once caused a server crash due to my insufficient knowledge of operating systems; I often feel confused facing computer network problems. Compared to taking MOOCs and learning at work, doing a CS master's is a quick and systematic way to fill my gaps.

XX program is a 16-month program designed for students from non-CS majors who want to do software development jobs, which fits my background and intention. In addition, the University of XXX has a good reputation in CS, especially in Computer Graphics, and my peers are motivated and visionary. I long to study with these excellent people. Also, I am always interested in experiencing different culture. I believe studying abroad will expand my horizons and network, which are lifelong treasure to me.

Career plan after graduation
After graduation, I plan to find a job as a software engineer in Chengdu, China. For the following reasons, I believe Chengdu is the best city for me to balance family and career:

[*]Chengdu is close to my hometown so I can return home often and better take care of my parents.
[*]Chengdu is a second-tier city in China, with many startups and big IT companies like ByteDance, Tencent, and Alibaba. Thus, I have a high chance of finding an ideal job here.
[*]The house price in Chengdu is much lower than in first-tier cities like Beijing, Shenzhen, and the software engineers' salary is relatively high, so I can afford to buy my own house in Chengdu.


gterlann 发表于 2022-6-27 13:13:57



2014.9 - 2018.7 化学本科 GPA3.0/4.0
2018.9 - 2021.10 Ph.D. student in Chemistry GPA 3.6/4.0(只上了一个学期的课)
(2019.6 - 2020.7 休学在家上了一些CS的MOOCs,比如数据结构与算法、机器学习、深度学习、数据分析。这些我都有课程证书,是否有必要在面签的时候提供一下?)

看有没有合适的时机, 反正也没坏处。

2020.8 - 2021.1 数据分析实习
2021.3 - 2021.6 做了一个网页开发的个人项目
2021.7 - 2022.10 后端开发实习
(2022.10 至今,准备美硕留学相关事宜)

你这时间线写的啥意思? 你怎么都已经过到2022.10去了? 你是不是年份全都写乱了?

Study Plan

I am XX. I have been admitted to the XX program at the University of XX. After finishing my study, I plan to return to Chengdu, China and find a job as a software engineer.

好一点说I plan to work in companies like A, B as as Software Engineer. 差一点说I plan to work as a Software Engineer也行。 不要刻意用find a job这样的字眼让VO觉得你满脑子都是找工作。

Introduction of my background
I was born in Guizhou as the only child of my family.

I come from Guizhou就行了, 没用的东西不要说。

In 2018, I received my bachelor's degree in Chemistry at XX University. After that, I went to XX University to pursue my Ph.D. in XX Chemistry. After the first semester, I realized I didn't want to study chemistry anymore because I thought doing experiments was dangerous and exhaustive. But I had never tried anything other than chemistry in the past five years, so I decided to take two years off from the university to try new things.

这样一个基调是不好的, 美国人会希望你在开始博士项目之前了解你所要学习的项目, 因为phd在他们看来不仅是你个人的一个任务, 而是你占用了一个宝贵的机会, 你消耗了国家的资源。 结果你开始读之后才感觉做实验这个那个, 会显得你这个人并不是一个对学习有规划的人。
你这一段, 整体表达的感觉就是“试一试”。 VO本身是不欢迎你去美国留学单纯是为了试一试的, 这样的人是没有“留学必要性”的。

I first learned Python by myself, which piqued my interest in computer science (CS). I continued to take many online courses on Coursera and Udemy, including Data Structures and Algorithms, Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Data Analysis, Web Development, etc. After that, I tried two internships in the IT industry, including a five-month data analyst at XX and a three-month software engineer intern at XX (a startup spun off from XX). After these explorations, I found my career goal -- to become a software engineer, because I enjoy developing real-life applications. Compared to a Ph.D. in chemistry, a master's in CS helps more with my career goal, so I decided to shift from my Ph.D. to a CS master's.

你这一个段落几乎没有逻辑: 花了很长时间自学CS课程, 然后决定goal就是当码农, 然后决定弃化学转CS因为更好当码农。
从中文来理解, 你有没有觉得这一段的逻辑非常的古怪? 说了半天就表达了一个意思, 要当码农, 至于内在的原因, 干涩而乏于解释。

Why do I choose this program?
During my internship as a software engineer, my deficiency in CS fundamentals kept reducing my work efficiency. For example, my inefficient I/O operations once caused a server crash due to my insufficient


knowledge of operating systems; I often feel confused facing computer network problems. Compared to taking MOOCs and learning at work, doing a CS master's is a quick and systematic way to fill my gaps.

XX program is a 16-month program designed for students from non-CS majors who want to do software development jobs, which fits my background and intention. In addition, the University of XXX has a good reputation in CS, especially in Computer Graphics, and my peers are motivated and visionary. I long to

nobody say "long to"

study with these excellent people. Also, I am always interested in experiencing different culture. I believe studying abroad will expand my horizons and network, which are lifelong treasure to me.

这套说辞放在二十年前都是非常烂大街的, 如果VO思考你为什么不在国内念一个CS, 你认为你这一段有cover到吗? 唯一可能对得上的解释就是, 你想去国外搞点尔国际味道, 你认为这个有利于你的“回国羁绊”吗?

Career plan after graduation
After graduation, I plan to find a job

为什么非要反复强调find a job呢? 去美国只是为了一个job的人, VO认为是没有career ambition的, 只是为了一个job的人不仅没有去美国的必要, 也没有离开美国的意愿。

as a software engineer in Chengdu, China. For the following reasons, I believe Chengdu is the best city for me to balance family and career:
Chengdu is close to my hometown so I can return home often and better take care of my parents.
Chengdu is a second-tier city in China, with many startups and big IT companies like ByteDance, Tencent, and Alibaba. Thus, I have a high chance of finding an ideal job here.
The house price in Chengdu is much lower than in first-tier cities like Beijing, Shenzhen, and the software engineers' salary is relatively high, so I can afford to buy my own house in Chengdu.

说了半天就是因为当码农能买房。 我是VO, 我看完get到的就是这个message。


如果你面谈的时候也按照这个文案, VO得到的感觉就是你这个人短视, 看中赚钱, 并不会认为你是一个适合去美国“追求梦想”的人。 你的所有解释和故事也都非常的generic。

另外study plan这种东西能起到的作用很有限, 不知道你的准备程度怎样, 如果你有所准备, 应该知道不要指望VO看了你的study plan就会直接满意。 他们最后的最主要的评判标准还是你临场回答的内容以及效果。

整体来说也没啥好指教的, 基本上30% percentile的准备水平, 这种过去基本就跟碰运气也差不多。

Sonia96 发表于 2022-6-29 15:23:16

本帖最后由 Sonia96 于 2022-7-3 22:46 编辑

gterlann 发表于 2022-6-27 13:13 static/image/common/back.gif
看有没有合适的时机, 反正也没坏处。

你这时间线写的啥意思? 你怎么都已经过到2022.10去了? 你是不 ...
谢谢版主给出如此详细的建议!这两天研究了一下美国签证哲学,然后按照你的建议又改了一版study plan。(我写study plan是为了整体串一下逻辑,重点还是会放在准备面签的回答上。)




Study Plan
I am XX. Ihave been admitted to the Master of Software Development (MSD) at theUniversity of Utah (UoU). After finishing my graduate study, I plan to returnto Chengdu, China, and work in IT companies like Tencent and ByteDance as asoftware engineer.Introductionof my backgroundI was born inGuizhou. In 2018, I received my bachelor's degree in Chemistry at AUniversity. Then I went to B University to pursue my Ph.D. in EnergyChemistry. After the first semester, I found myself not enjoying the academicenvironment. I planned to switch my career to the IT industry because it showsstrong growth in China and offers many high-salary jobs.
I once learnedprogramming during my undergraduate studies and quite enjoyed it, so I decidedto do a job related to programming. However, I was unsure which position Iwanted to pursue: data analyst, software engineer, or machine learningengineer? Participating in internships in different positions can help mefigure out this question. Therefore, I decided to take two years off fromschool to explore my career interest. I talked with my advisor XXX, adistinguished young scientist in China (only around 160 people win this honoreach year), about my plan. He fully understood and supported my decision.
I first took manyonline courses on Coursera and Udemy to prepare for my internships, includingPython, Data Structures and Algorithms, Machine Learning, Deep Learning, DataAnalysis, Web Development, etc. After that, I participated in two internshipsin the IT industry, including a five-month data analyst at Yimian NetworkTechnology (a company collecting and analyzing business data) and a three-monthsoftware engineer intern at (a startup spun off from Microsoft).After these internships, I firmly set my career goal as a software engineer.Because I genuinely enjoy developing real-life applications, and softwareengineer is the most in-demand position in the IT industry.
Whydo I choose MSD at the University of Utah?
During myinternship as a software engineer, my deficiency in CS fundamentals keptreducing my work efficiency. For example, my inefficient I/O operations oncecaused a server crash due to my lack of knowledge of operating systems, and Ioften feel confused facing computer network problems. Compared to taking MOOCsand learning at work, doing a CS master's is a quick and systematic way to fillmy gaps.
After thoroughresearch, I decided to go to the U.S. for graduate study because there are manyCS master's programs for non-CS majors like me. What's more, these programs arecourse-based, ideal for students who want to switch careers to the IT industry.In contrast, most master's programs in China are research-based and requirethree years to finish, which is more suitable for students who want to pursue aPh.D.
MSD is such aprogram designed for non-CS majors. Above all, its curriculums focus onsoftware engineering, which fits my study interest. Also, MSD requires only 16months to finish, while most programs for non-CS majors require 2 to 3 years.In addition, the University of Utah has a good reputation in CS, especially invisualization (UoU ranks first in visualization in the U.S. according to I believe a master's degree from such an accreditedinstitution in America will continually help with my future career in China.
Careerplan after graduation
After graduation,I plan to work as a software engineer in Chengdu, China. First, there are manystartups and big IT companies like Tencent, ByteDance, and Alibaba in Chengdu,and the expected salary for junior software engineers is 15K – 25K a month.Second, Chengdu is close to my hometown. I can get together with my familyoften and better take care of my parents. I believe Chengdu is the best cityfor me to balance my career and family.

另外还有detailed study plan和advisor information,都是直接从官网摘的,就不放了。

Sonia96 发表于 2022-6-29 17:18:20

本帖最后由 Sonia96 于 2022-7-3 22:43 编辑


gterlann 发表于 2022-6-30 04:24:17

你这太长了, 我哪天有空才能看。 或者你着急的话自己找找中介问问也行。

Sonia96 发表于 2022-6-30 11:08:22

本帖最后由 Sonia96 于 2022-7-1 00:30 编辑

gterlann 发表于 2022-6-30 04:24 static/image/common/back.gif
你这太长了, 我哪天有空才能看。 或者你着急的话自己找找中介问问也行。


zhangshude19900523 发表于 2022-6-30 12:27:46


Sonia96 发表于 2022-7-1 00:21:55

本帖最后由 Sonia96 于 2022-7-3 23:00 编辑

本帖最后由 Sonia96 于 2022-7-1 00:28 编辑

gterlann 发表于 2022-6-30 04:24 static/image/common/back.gif
你这太长了, 我哪天有空才能看。 或者你着急的话自己找找中介问问也行。

[*]21年10月正式退学,gap一年申请美硕,即将入学专业为computer software engineering的硕士项目

不喜欢做科研,决定转到CS -> 不确定想做哪个方向,于是休学自学CS网课并做了两段实习,从而确定了自己想做软件开发(SE) -> 由于缺乏SE相关知识,决定申请美硕补课,顺便拿个硕士学位,毕业后可以在国内以应届生身份找工作。


1. 一定会被问到的问题:为什么从化学转到SE?/ 为什么退学?
I left my Ph.D. because I didn't quite enjoy the academic environment. I wanted to change my career to the industry. I choose Software Engineering because I enjoy coding and software engineers are well paid in China. This program can provide me with ability, training, and degree for my career development in China.

2. 如果VO看了我的成绩单,一定会问:你博士读了三年,为什么只上了一学期的课?
After the first semester, I realized that I didn’t want to do chemical research anymore. I wanted to switch my career to computer science, so I left the school and study CS by myself. Then I took many online courses and accomplished two internships. (I explained my experience clearly in my study plan, do you want to read it?) (I have brought my course certificates and internship certificates, do you want to take a look?)

3. 为什么不直接退学,要gap两年半?
At first, I was unsure which position in the IT industry I want to pursue: data analyst? software engineer? or machine learning engineer? Doing internships is a quick way to verify my career interest, but only student can do internships in China. So, I maintained my student status, instead of quiting right away.
4. 你本科GPA很糟糕。
I was not very motivated when I was an undergrad, because I didn’t realize the importance of a good GPA. But now, I have a clear career plan, I am sure I will do well in my master’s program.

Also, GPA cannot fully represent my learning ability.  I graduated from the best university in China, and my undergraduate thesis received the highest score in my department. And I ranked the first in the entrance exam to the Ph.D. program at B University, outperforming many students with a much higher GPA than me. In addition, I finished these online courses with full marks and I can quickly learn a new skill in my internships. All these experiences have proved my study ability and my perseverance in the area of CS.

5. 这个项目是开设给零CS经验的人,但是你已经有了一定经验了,为什么还去?

Actually, I have very limited background in Software Engineering. First, I have no knowledge in courses like computer systems, databases, and software engineering. This program will help to fill my gaps. Second, except for an internship, I have no work experience as a software engineer. As a non-freshman without any work experience, it would be difficult for me to find an ideal job in China. After graduating from this program, I can look for jobs as a freshman in China. This is a big advantage this program will give me. (第二点我是想说,从这个项目毕业后,我可以以应届生的身份来找工作,这样我会更容易进入大公司)

6. career plan after graduation?
I plan to return to Chengdu and work as a software engineer. Chengdu has many big IT companies and is close to my hometown, which is a best city for me to balance career and family. (明确说我想回成都,会不会显得太刻意了呢?)

gterlann 发表于 2022-7-5 13:26:12

不喜欢做科研,决定转到CS -> 不确定想做哪个方向,于是休学自学CS网课并做了两段实习,从而确定了自己想做软件开发(SE) -> 由于缺乏SE相关知识,决定申请美硕补课,顺便拿个硕士学位,毕业后可以在国内以应届生身份找工作。

应届生是new grad.

1. 既然上了一个学期的博士之后就已经知道不喜欢科研和当前的化学专业, 那么为什么没有立刻退学?

你一个非常需要解决的难题是, VO对你的印象很可能会认为你是一个没有规划的人(基于你写了这么多的回答, 我感觉你估计也就是这样的一个人)。
你休学自己瞎折腾了两年, 结果连SE的基础都还欠缺很多? VO咋想, 是不是根本没有码农天赋? 去美国读书是不是根本就是浪费时间? 留学必要性--。
我觉得你就干脆说为了美国学位读书算了, 然后围绕说这个怎么好在国内发展。


1. 一定会被问到的问题:为什么从化学转到SE?/ 为什么退学?
I left my Ph.D. because I didn't quite enjoy the academic environment. I wanted to change my career to the industry. I choose Software Engineering because I enjoy coding and software engineers are well paid in China. This program can provide me with ability, training, and degree for my career development in China.

你怎么就离不开钱了呢, 说的高大上一点不行吗。你就稍微翻翻F1的签证帖子, CS的学生那么多, 看看人家都是怎么说的, 别不是job就是paid。
另外你这个逻辑还是很弱, 你的逻辑这里无非就是不enjoy这个, enjoy那个。 这都不算啥正常的理由。 让人信服的理由, 来自于你的了解, 理解, 和规划。

2. 如果VO看了我的成绩单,一定会问:你博士读了三年,为什么只上了一学期的课?
After the first semester, I realized that I didn’t want to do chemical research anymore. I wanted to switch my career to computer science, so I left the school and study CS by myself. Then I took many online courses and accomplished two internships. (I explained my experience clearly in my study plan, do you want to read it?) (I have brought my course certificates and internship certificates, do you want to take a look?)

If you already decided to quit Chem at the time and switch to CS, why didn't you apply to a CS program immediately?


可是你official quit的时间就死活2021啊? 如果博士只写2018.9-2019.6岂不是更奇怪? 不提他主动问不会算隐瞒, 你自己回答的时候大方积极一点就行了。

3. 为什么不直接退学,要gap两年半?
At first, I was unsure which position in the IT industry I want to pursue: data analyst? software engineer? or machine learning engineer? Doing internships is a quick way to verify my career interest, but only student can do internships in China. So, I maintained my student status, instead of quiting right away.

我也不知道这招是好还是不好。 这个解释确实回答了这个问题。
但是你去了美国读书的时候也会是要实习的, CPT的规定是一个学生的实习内容必须和所学专业高度对应。 你在中国做过读着化学专业博士做着CS实习的事情, 那么你到美国会不会故技重施呢?
我不是说VO一定会这么想, 也许他可能只是assume这个是中国特色, 但是如果碰到不友好的VO, 完全可以用这个写在档案里面然后拒掉你, 而且这一条档案记录可能会让你连着被拒很多次。

另外, 中国真的是必须学生才能实习吗? 我不太清楚哈, 但是我好像认识非学生状态实习过的。 你自己确认一下, 如果VO也有我这样的疑问, 不太好。

4. 你本科GPA很糟糕。
I was not very motivated when I was an undergrad, because I didn’t realize the importance of a good GPA. But now, I have a clear career plan, I am sure I will do well in my master’s program.

Also, GPA cannot fully represent my learning ability.  I graduated from the best university in China, and my undergraduate thesis received the highest score in my department. And I ranked the first in the entrance exam to the Ph.D. program at B University, outperforming many students with a much higher GPA than me. In addition, I finished these online courses with full marks and I can quickly learn a new skill in my internships. All these experiences have proved my study ability and my perseverance in the area of CS.

这个解释还是可以的, 你到底是因为啥GPA低的? 有拖后腿的科目吗? 这个也可以说?
或者可不可以说你more interested in research at undergrad and did not spend enough time for the courses' exams? 不太了解你本人具体情况, 看你怎么解释。 光说motivated其实还是有点套路话。

5. 这个项目是开设给零CS经验的人,但是你已经有了一定经验了,为什么还去?

Actually, I have very limited background in Software Engineering. First, I have no knowledge in courses like computer systems, databases, and software engineering. This program will help to fill my gaps. Second, except for an internship, I have no work experience as a software engineer. As a non-freshman without any work experience, it would be difficult for me to find an ideal job in China. After graduating from this program, I can look for jobs as a freshman in China. This is a big advantage this program will give me. (第二点我是想说,从这个项目毕业后,我可以以应届生的身份来找工作,这样我会更容易进入大公司)

1. 系统学习强于自学, 更扎实
2. 学位是敲门砖

按照这两点说就行了, 不过你这样写其实也行。

big advantage this program will give me
这里也缺少佐证, 实际上是展示回国计划的好机会, 但是你一句带过。

6. career plan after graduation?
I plan to return to Chengdu and work as a software engineer. Chengdu has many big IT companies and is close to my hometown, which is a best city for me to balance career and family. (明确说我想回成都,会不会显得太刻意了呢?)

不太了解成都, 不知道互联网行业发展的怎么样了。

你写了很多, 我也看到你在其他帖子回复, 以及你尝试去掌握我在各种帖子里面讲过的面谈的时候的对话技巧。
但是你目前自己的这个剧本的准备程度不够。 你的故事过于简单且没有信服力, 你对于自己gap的解释比较薄弱, 如果你运气差点, 这里很可能会是你栽跟头的地方。

gterlann 发表于 2022-7-5 13:27:42

本帖最后由 gterlann 于 2022-7-5 13:36 编辑

按照这个思路自己好好想想故事就行了, 你这面签也快了, 别浪费时间大改稿子了, 最后最重要的还是你面谈的时候口头自信从容把故事说好就行了。

Sonia96 发表于 2022-7-6 11:24:20

gterlann 发表于 2022-7-5 13:27 static/image/common/back.gif
按照这个思路自己好好想想故事就行了, 你这面签也快了, 别浪费时间大改稿子了, 最后最重要的还是你面谈的 ...


今日北京面签,VO一个问题都没有问,要了CV、study plan、导师CV、录取信就直接check了。不知道这是好事还是坏事。

我猜测这可能是因为我有三年的PhD经历,后面又要转专业去美国读Computer Software Engineering。不知道check后我能做什么呢?要不要清理一下社交媒体,以及找PhD advisor说一下情况呢?


Sonia96 发表于 2022-7-6 11:25:54

以及,像我这种情况,study plan和CV会不会成为签证issue的决定性因素呢?

gterlann 发表于 2022-7-6 11:43:56

Sonia96 发表于 2022-7-6 11:25 static/image/common/back.gif
以及,像我这种情况,study plan和CV会不会成为签证issue的决定性因素呢?

不会, 只有水过的人这种纸质材料有点用。

gterlann 发表于 2022-7-6 11:46:35

Sonia96 发表于 2022-7-6 11:24 static/image/common/back.gif

今日北京面签,VO一个问题都没有问,要了CV ...

多烧香吧, 没有直接拒就是好事。
你社交媒体写了啥我不知道, 要是有特别不正经的早就该删了。 其他的都是看你自己心情, 现在能做的事情也不多了, 电话一定保持畅通, 一定要畅通。

Sonia96 发表于 2022-7-12 09:48:21

gterlann 发表于 2022-7-6 11:46 static/image/common/back.gif
多烧香吧, 没有直接拒就是好事。
你社交媒体写了啥我不知道, 要是有特别不正经的早就该删了。 其他的 ...


VO: You are going to study Computer Software Engineering.
Me: Yes.
VO: Give me your resume, advisors' resumes, study plan, and admission letter.
Me: OK, give me a second.(找齐材料后递了进去)
VO: (说了啥我没听清)... You are good to go. (递出了221g)
Me: OK, thank you. Have a good one.



1. 她说"You are going to study Computer Software Engineering."的时候,我不应该回答这么简略,应该顺道解释一下这个项目:Actually this program is called Master of Software Development, which is fully course-based and focuses on basic courses of software development. 强调这个项目以基础课为主,或许会降低我被check的概率?

2. VO递黄单时说的那段话我没听清,可能是她声音小,但也可能是我听力不好。但我不应该直接说thank you,应该问一下她说了什么,以免自己遗漏了什么重要信息。


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查看完整版本: 转专业+GAP4年,求问如何解释这么长的GAP时间