本帖最后由 Sonia96 于 2022-7-3 22:46 编辑
gterlann 发表于 2022-6-27 13:13 ![]()
看有没有合适的时机, 反正也没坏处。
你这时间线写的啥意思? 你怎么都已经过到2022.10去了? 你是不 ...
谢谢版主给出如此详细的建议!这两天研究了一下美国签证哲学,然后按照你的建议又改了一版study plan。(我写study plan是为了整体串一下逻辑,重点还是会放在准备面签的回答上。)
Study Plan
I am XX. Ihave been admitted to the Master of Software Development (MSD) at theUniversity of Utah (UoU). After finishing my graduate study, I plan to returnto Chengdu, China, and work in IT companies like Tencent and ByteDance as asoftware engineer. Introductionof my background I was born inGuizhou. In 2018, I received my bachelor's degree in Chemistry at AUniversity. Then I went to B University to pursue my Ph.D. in EnergyChemistry. After the first semester, I found myself not enjoying the academicenvironment. I planned to switch my career to the IT industry because it showsstrong growth in China and offers many high-salary jobs.
I once learnedprogramming during my undergraduate studies and quite enjoyed it, so I decidedto do a job related to programming. However, I was unsure which position Iwanted to pursue: data analyst, software engineer, or machine learningengineer? Participating in internships in different positions can help mefigure out this question. Therefore, I decided to take two years off fromschool to explore my career interest. I talked with my advisor XXX, adistinguished young scientist in China (only around 160 people win this honoreach year), about my plan. He fully understood and supported my decision.
I first took manyonline courses on Coursera and Udemy to prepare for my internships, includingPython, Data Structures and Algorithms, Machine Learning, Deep Learning, DataAnalysis, Web Development, etc. After that, I participated in two internshipsin the IT industry, including a five-month data analyst at Yimian NetworkTechnology (a company collecting and analyzing business data) and a three-monthsoftware engineer intern at Xiaobing.ai (a startup spun off from Microsoft).After these internships, I firmly set my career goal as a software engineer.Because I genuinely enjoy developing real-life applications, and softwareengineer is the most in-demand position in the IT industry.
Whydo I choose MSD at the University of Utah?
During myinternship as a software engineer, my deficiency in CS fundamentals keptreducing my work efficiency. For example, my inefficient I/O operations oncecaused a server crash due to my lack of knowledge of operating systems, and Ioften feel confused facing computer network problems. Compared to taking MOOCsand learning at work, doing a CS master's is a quick and systematic way to fillmy gaps.
After thoroughresearch, I decided to go to the U.S. for graduate study because there are manyCS master's programs for non-CS majors like me. What's more, these programs arecourse-based, ideal for students who want to switch careers to the IT industry.In contrast, most master's programs in China are research-based and requirethree years to finish, which is more suitable for students who want to pursue aPh.D.
MSD is such aprogram designed for non-CS majors. Above all, its curriculums focus onsoftware engineering, which fits my study interest. Also, MSD requires only 16months to finish, while most programs for non-CS majors require 2 to 3 years.In addition, the University of Utah has a good reputation in CS, especially invisualization (UoU ranks first in visualization in the U.S. according tohttp://csrankings.org/). I believe a master's degree from such an accreditedinstitution in America will continually help with my future career in China.
Careerplan after graduation
After graduation,I plan to work as a software engineer in Chengdu, China. First, there are manystartups and big IT companies like Tencent, ByteDance, and Alibaba in Chengdu,and the expected salary for junior software engineers is 15K – 25K a month.Second, Chengdu is close to my hometown. I can get together with my familyoften and better take care of my parents. I believe Chengdu is the best cityfor me to balance my career and family.
另外还有detailed study plan和advisor information,都是直接从官网摘的,就不放了。