破海沧澜 发表于 2007-11-4 10:24:39


Do you agree or disagree: Observing and study of animal can teach us a lot about the nature of human beings.

Myriad clues in our daily life manifest the inspiration our human beingsget that origin from the animals. Frog eyes, widely applied in the airports and transportation channels, radar, which imitates bat’s echolocation system, and also shell-like structure such as Sydneyopera are all outcomes of people’s learning from animals. Then it appears adiscipline named bionics. Nevertheless, people’s attitude about the essence of animal is not so much as positive. We can indicate this kind of biases viewpoint from a pair of words, human natures & brutality. Animal’s essences prejudiced simply associated to ferocity and savageness, and their behaviors drive of their basic appetency. However, if you have some common sense aboutanimal’s daily life or once see a documentary film like “March of thePenguins”, I am sure you will hold a distinct opinion.

You could see two deer fight for their own territory, you could see mailpeacock show its glorious tail to court the female, you also could seethousands of penguin fathers huddle together for warmth to protect the egg attemperatures far below zero. Observation of the daily life of animals makes usbelieve that our human beings and animals have a lot of in common, and behave ina similar way. In that, could we also learn a lot from animal at sensibilityview of human nature just like we do in bionics?

The answer is no. Not decipher animals behavior of animals from biographicview, people add human beings’ perception uponthe study of animals’ behavior——the perception base on the thorough cognition of ourselves. Let me take “sheepeffect” for instance. The phenomena that when making a choice people tend tofollow the majority were realized by people first. Then people found thephenomena alike in the animal kingdom that flocks of sheep follow the old buckjumping down the cliff. At last, people use our thought to explain the animals’behavior, while just use animal’s name to designate it in reverse. Peoplealways use the affair happened in animal kingdom to fit the principle alreadysummarized by human’s experience. It is virtually not the study of human’snature.

Additionally, we cannot find human beings’ counterpart in animals’ behaviorsmost of time. Varieties of situations exist in our society that animals do nothave ability to make a choice. In that case, we could but use precisely andlogically analysis of ourselves just like ancient Greek philosophies dotodiscern our nature though increasing complex social phenomena.

Furthermore, some animals’ adaptive endeavor is endowed by us with more profoundmeanings. Just from different outcomes of comparative experiment of the frogput in a gradually heating up pan and a boiled pan, people actually explain itin “a stitch in time save nine”. We should also be clear that the characters inanimal allegories are just made up and personified by author to illustrate orsatirize human beings’ nature in an easy way.

In conclusion, to acknowledge our nature, observing and studying animals isjust akin of vivid means, but definitely not the source.

(这是10.27 号的题目, 本来不好写.其实我觉得这个题目的难度在于对于题目本身的把握上---- human nature, 怎样理解? 如果像作者这样理解, 我觉得写作文的时候就会有一定的难度.因为将生物的特性运用到日常生活中是科学范畴, 如果没有专业的知识和积累, 是很难写出好文章的. 而我的构思是这样的: 通过观看National Geography这样的电视节目, 我了解了动物之间同样存在情感交流---- 一. 以老鹰hawk为例,老鹰妈妈虽然在幼鹰成长的过程中给他们施加了很多的压力,但这些压力却成为幼鹰翱翔蓝天必不可少的因素. 从中我更深刻地了解到了parental love, 因为我的父母一向对我很严格. 二. 以ants and termites 为例,人类通过观察发现这两种生物都有高度的social behavior, 而因此这两个物种长生不衰, 因此人类也意识到cooperation对于人类的重要性.
在我看来, 这样的观点是比较好的, 并不是说他们很新,而是因为他们很好写. 当然,如果作者觉得自己的观点同样很好发展, 可以坚持这样写. )

破海沧澜 发表于 2007-11-4 10:46:55


nanchuanbeima (南船北马)

Leaders like John F. Kennedy and Martin Luther King have made important contributions to the people of the United States. Name another world leader you think is important. Give specific reasons for your choice.

"We all love Chairman Mao!" This was a sentence in the English textbooks in 1950s in China, and it was also an authentic acclamation from the bottom of (Chinese) people's hearts. Yes, Mao Zedong, the first chairman of People's Republic of China, is no doubt an important world leader.

In the history of foundation of People's Republic of China, Mao was no doubt the first-ranked hero. In the 1940s, Mao took up the crucial responsibility - to lead his people to fight for a new republic nation, and he achieved the goal in 1949. Thanks to his outstanding intelligence and leadership, China retained her peace and safety after decades of wars. Millions of farmers then were granted lands of their own, which promoted Mao's fame and prestige to a further higher status.
(Dating back to 1940s, when Chair Mao began his glorious and arduous journey with his people--- the wars were bloody and violent, the situation was perilous and the daily necessities were insufficient. Nevertheless, he never put down his courage and great confidence as well as his yearning for a new era. In 1949, during that great year, his dream finally came true with the establishment of People’s Republic of China, helping millions of people lead a new life. 如果是以一个人的事迹充当主体段, 那么就要以尽量具体为主, 比如这里, 毛主席怎样带领中国人民夺得战斗胜利的显然是重点, 而你却仅仅以一句: to lead his people to fight for a new republic nation, and he achieved the goal in 1949就结束了, 这不符合老外的思维习惯, 况且别人并不了解毛主席, 就像你不太了解每一个美国总统一样. )  

Mao is also a prominent example for students. When he was young, he worked hard on his study despite the poor condition of his family. More over, he read various books and newspapers after class. One remarkable hobby of his was to take notes and make comments referring to the books he read. Margins of his books were always full of words conveying his ideas and thoughts. And this hobby, to some extent, helped him to be a great thinker. Mao's efforts and enthusiasm to grasp every drop of knowledge are still remembered and praised today.

(Additionally, Chairman Mao has also made great achievements in literature: his poems reflects his great ambition of conquering all the difficulties to fight for his plan--- to make China one of the greatest nations in the world. In one of his poems “ Qinyuanchun  Snow”, he expresses his thoughts concerning his homeland emotionally and motivates the young generation to develop themselves hard so that they are able to do something beneficial for their country’s improvements. 还是这句话:具体。)  

Mao's military intelligence was famous both during and after his life time. In the civil war against Kuoming Dang Party, the enemy boasted cutting-edge equipments and high technologies. With weapons far worse, nevertheless, Mao and his people created the miracle to beat Kuoming Dang Party eventually. It was his talent in military and gift in leadership that made this seemingly impossible aim accomplished, which paved the path to a new republic nation for the country.(这段写得不错!!!!)

To conclude, Mao Zedong, one of the most important founders of China, with his diligence in studying to remember and follow, and his military talent to admire, is surely eligible to be named as one of the great leaders in the world.

破海沧澜 发表于 2007-11-4 11:13:10


劳驾小超人,帮忙看一下,很期待你的评价-If you could ask a famous person a question, what would you ask? Why?There is no doubt that we human beings benefit a lot from the progress of technique, science, and what we have done in the past years to improve our quality of life. However, more and more (more and more= increasing, 注意替换!) problems accompany (accompanying, 注意语法!) with the progressions which make me confused in that I really could not to distinct the progression and regression. If I were given a chance to ask Einstein a question, I would desperately to find out whether we are in progressing or not? (很新啊!!一开始就被你提的问题震撼了!构思实在是绝妙!) Firstly (for one thing), it seems a paradox that our efficiencies are much higher than before while our leisure time is increasingly diminishing(while our leisure time is constantly in shrinkage, 这样的表达可能更地道。不过作者本身的表达就已经很到位了。), but it is actually the reality. The greater our mobility, the more our destinations each day; the more time-saving facilities we use, the more activities we try to attend each day; with more convenient access to information, we try to assimilate more of it each day(好!)。 Nowadays we are forced to do more by the superiors, the competitors, or even by ourselves (这里你应该要注意句式的变化。因为你前面运用的大多数是陈述句,所以这里你应该用一些其他句式:It is more likely nowadays that modern citizens live by obeying rules, dealing with tons of affairs and sacrificing their leisure times.) . Fortunately, we have more opportunities and choices than our predecessors, but at the same time, unfortunately, we have to confront with much more challenges and suffer from much more pressure. (这里的fortunately, unfortunately 不好。这里的逻辑关系是很清楚,所以建议你用on one hand, on the other hand来进行阐述。) Therefore, people may be not able to enjoy their leisure time much in such an increasingly competitive society (people are scarcely possible to enjoy their leisure times to their fullest due to the fierce competition in the modern society. Increasingly 作者在文中多次用到,建议作者积累一些词汇替换。),  consequently resulting in some serious social problems, such as unemployment, resentment, high suicide, anti-social behaviors, and so forth. Secondly (for another), indeed, the quality of our life have improved a lot (a lot= dramatically), but on the other side, as the famous saint, Mother Teresa has said that, and I quote, “In the West there is loneliness, which I call the leprosy of the West. In many causes it is worse than our poor in Calcutta. We find that technology does not seem to sole all human problems-in fact, it raises issue that society as a whole has been unable to address. And maybe that is the reason for the blooming development of an occupation –psychologyist.Accordingly, the fast development and progression make me can not understand if we immersed in the superior sense or were frustrated  

(作者的写作水平很不错,真是考试的时候这篇作文不出意外应该在4.5分左右。加油!!!!Great things are coming to you!!!)

培佩 发表于 2007-11-4 15:37:33


Do you agree or disagree: People who do not work with enough money are rarely happy.

These days, when I turned on the newspaper a survey has drawn my attention: the top twenty richest human in China. Apparently, the finance they owned is beyond my imagination. The question how they got balanced with work and entertainment is beyond me. Stressed as they are, yet would they do enjoy themselves in the working circumstance? Personally, as far as I am concerned the answer is yes.

For one thing, in the current society, the vast majority may have well awareness of workaholic. In other words, the workaholics are those who pursue the delightful feeling in the working and only in this way can they find their value in the world. Thus, it is not amazing to see some billionaires regard the process of working outweigh anything in their lives. The richest woman in China Zhang yin is a case in point. During a year’s time, almost two thirds of her time contributed to the work and one fourth to the family and only the rest of the time to the relaxation. As she says, “even one day I do not go to work I invariably feel that there must be something wrong with my work, thus no matter how harsh the situation for me to accomplish my work I would make it with great efforts.” With her strong-minded, she managed to create a new paper-industry that led her to the success of wealth.

On the other hand, those who possess a large number of money merely via continuously working can they remain the wealth. Quite the revise, if they do not work may be the prosperity would disappear with wind. Due to this point, the loss of the possessions would deeply hurt their heart thus only by working can they hold the riches and be happy.

Though, at times, people do need time for a rest as well. And it is common to see the rich release their strain in the golf-court or struggling in the gym. During this time they do not work also can feel nice about them.

When it comes to the bottom line I would like to say that happiness are varied. Some may find themselves in the working, while others may enjoy the time with friends and family to acquire happiness. All in all, the happiness depend on many factors, and find the adjust way to enjoy happiness by yourselves!

qinyubest 发表于 2007-11-4 17:21:29



My point of view is that people should not pay excessive attention to appearance and style; in contrast, they should pay more attention on a person's real capability when they judge a person. There are many reasons I can present to support my standpoint, and I am here to explore two most important ones.
  Firstly, a person's good appearance and fashionable style don not represent that he or she has real ability. Nowadays, people admire the good appearance and fashionable style of some people, however, when these people encounter some real problems, many of them don't have the ability to surmount the problems. In contrast, it is those people in ordinary clothing, having ordinary face but real ability that finally surmount the difficulties and become success. Take the main male character in the movie Spider Man for example. This young boy is not tall or handsome, but it is this boy that gets the highest salary in Hollywood. The reason is that this ordinary boy has the real ability in performance, so many directors and managers of film companies want him to present in their film. This example supports my former discussion.
  Another thing worth mentioning is that, the trend of excessive attention to the appearance and style has bad impact on the society. When a growing number of people put good appearance and fashionable style in the first place, the attention to the real capability of people will surely become lower. According to this trend, there will be less and less people who want to be educated. Many people will choose to stay at home, doing some toilette to have a good appearance and thinking that in this way can they be admired and thus get a good job. As a result, the velocity of the development of our society will become slower and slower, and the development will surely stop one day if all people think it in that way. To avoid this trend, people must not pay excessive attention to the appearance and style.
  Here I must point out that attention to good appearance has some advantages. For instance, good appearance can give other people a good impression at the first time. However, excessive attention to the appearance and style does harm to not only single person, but also the whole society. So my standpoint is that people should not pay excessive attention on appearance and style.

nanchuanbeima 发表于 2007-11-4 17:25:02


hehe, thx vvvvvvvvv much:)

破海沧澜 发表于 2007-11-5 09:02:06

培佩Uncle,能帮我看一下这篇文章吗?Do you agree or disagree: People who do not work with enough money are rarely happy.These days, when I turned on the newspaper a survey has drawn my attention: the top twenty richest human in China. Apparently, the finance (fortune,财富的一般表达方法.) they owned (possess) is beyond my imagination (is beyond my wild imagination) . The question how they got balanced with work and entertainment is beyond me. Stressed as they are, yet would they do enjoy themselves in the working circumstance? Personally, as far as I am concerned the answer is yes. For one thing, in the current society, the vast majority may have well awareness (have a more comprehensive awareness) of workaholic. In other words (=that is), the workaholics are those who pursue the delightful feeling in the working and only in this way can they find their value in the world. Thus, it is not amazing to see some billionaires regard the process of working outweigh anything in their lives. The richest woman in China Zhang yin is a case in point. During a year’s time, almost two thirds of her time contributed to the work and one fourth to the family and only the rest of the time to the relaxation. As she says, “even one day I do not go to work I invariably feel that there must be something wrong with my work, thus no matter how harsh the situation for me to accomplish my work I would make it with great efforts.” With her strong-minded, she managed to create a new paper-industry that led her to the success of wealth. On the other hand (for another, 这是固定的搭配. 如果用你的这种写法, 应该是on one hand, on the other hand.) , those who possess a large number of money merely via continuously working can they remain the wealth. Quite the revise (=on the contrary= Conversely) , if they do not work may be the prosperity would disappear with wind (这是写作老师教的表达法吗?我只是想说如果所用的表达尽量都是曾经自己在别处看到过的, 不杜撰是原则.) . Due to this point, the loss of the possessions would deeply hurt their heart thus only by working can they hold the riches and be happy. Though, at times, people do need time for a rest as well. And it is common to see the rich release their strain in the golf-court or struggling in the gym. During this time they do not work also can feel nice about them. When it comes to the   bottom line(那天香香告诉我这个表达法是错误的,该死的DJ!!) I would like to say that happiness are varied. Some may find themselves in the working, while others may enjoy the time with friends and family to acquire happiness. All in all, the happiness depend on many factors, and find the adjust way to enjoy happiness by yourselves!(这是11.3的考试题目, 我想你应该是比较担心你自己的作文所以让我看看? 看了这篇文章, 我觉得你的进步很大, 用到了那天我给你们讲的一些原则. 我没有像给其他网友那样改得这么详细, 但是语言质量绝对是比较好的.你不用担心太多.)

破海沧澜 发表于 2007-11-5 09:17:58



My point of view is that people should not pay excessive attention to appearance and style; in contrast, they should pay more attention on a person's real capability when they judge a person. There are many reasons I can present to support my standpoint, and I am here to explore two most important ones.(这里作者用的是简洁式的开头法, 但是也过于简洁了. 最好这样: When it comes to the question that whether people are paying too much attention upon current fashion, my view is that it is better for people to pay more attention to a person’s quality and skill cultivation than to appearance and style.)

Firstly (这样的连接词与似乎略显得单调, 建议作者尝试 for one thing,  for another 的连接方式.) , a person's good appearance and fashionable style don not represent that he or she has real ability. Nowadays, people admire the good appearance and fashionable style of some people, however, when these people encounter some real problems, many of them don't have the ability to surmount the problems. In contrast, it is those people in ordinary clothing, having ordinary face but real ability that finally surmount the difficulties and become success. Take the main male character in the movie Spider Man for example. This young boy is not tall or handsome, but it is this boy that gets the highest salary in Hollywood. The reason is that this ordinary boy has the real ability (is absolutely skillful进行替换.)  in performance, so many directors and managers of film companies want him to present in their film. This example supports my former discussion.

Another thing worth mentioning is that, the trend of excessive attention to the appearance and style has bad impact on the society. When a growing number (=an increasing number of) of people put good appearance and fashionable style in the first place, the attention to the real capability of people will surely become lower. According to this trend (in the light of this statement最好, 因为你前面所阐述的是一个说法.这里是一个总结性的逻辑关系.而逻辑在托福作文中的重要性我以前已经提到多次了.) , there will be less and less (=decreasing)  people who want to be educated. Many people will choose to stay at home, doing some toilette to have a good appearance and thinking that in this way can they be admired and thus get a good job. As a result, the velocity of the development of our society will become slower and slower, and the development will surely stop one day if all people think it in that way. To avoid this trend, people must not pay excessive attention to the appearance and style.

Here I must point out that attention to good appearance has some advantages. For instance, good appearance can give other people a good impression at the first time. However, excessive attention to the appearance and style does harm to not only single person, but also the whole society. So my standpoint is that people should not pay excessive attention on appearance and style.
(整篇文章下来观点清晰,翔实具体. 唯一的不足就是开头和中间的过渡连接词.
评分: 4.25-4.5  作者的问题其实很好解决,只要稍加注意即可, 所以,完全有能力4.5 以上! 加油!!!)

woHAPPY 发表于 2007-11-5 19:51:16


Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?
It is the responsibility of the government to provide health care to everyone living in that country.
If had the enough fees and health care provided by the government in time, my brother might have been sitting in the classroom and studying with his classmates in the university From my perspective, I do agree that the government should be responsible for every citizen in the country to offer health care, considering the private medical care is so expensive in most country that some people could not afford, and also the government ought to utilize the taxes they receive from citizen in practice. Unfortunately,  my brother died at last, not given the immediate health care by the government.

In the standing point of the most citizens, some of them are quite poor and not able to see the doctor or have regular health care, and thus they would have diseases readily, some of which would even threaten their lives. To this point, for me, I think it is really important for government to provide proper health care to their citizen. For example, my family was in a bad condition in my childhood, which my father was forbidden to work outside as a teacher in the specific period of China in 1960s, and the whole family depended on my mother’s little wages in the clothes factory. Teaching by his father who expected him to go the university, my brother worked hard and had tremendous knowledge, which made him be called “genius” at the age of seventeen. However, the horrible liver cancer came to him, and my parents could not afford to pay the medical fee of 30,000 RMB per month, and instead, what they could do was desperately watching their son dying in bed. A few days later, my brother died just because of lacking in-time health care!

In terms of using the taxes properly, the governments have the duty to serve the needs of their citizen with the taxes they hand in, and in most cases, the important need of citizen is health care, and consequently, they ought to offer the health care for everyone living the city. If the government are not responsible for serving health care for their citizen, they might be criticized by public, since the public might think the governments have not use their hand-in money in practice. Therefore, from the perspective of the governments, providing the health care might be a better decision for them.

Generally, based on the two main reasons I mentioned: first, the poor could not afford to have health care; second, it is more practical for government to spend taxes, I completely hold a point that governments have the responsibility to provide health care for their citizen.
30+27=57min   word count: 422

jennie1221 发表于 2007-11-6 04:39:51


Lute 发表于 2007-11-6 09:12:06


34. Businesses should hire employees for their entire lives. Do you agree or disagree? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.   

   Nowadays, there are some companies claimed that they will hire employees for their entire lives. I think may be that those companies want to encourage those employees. However, I don't agree such a statement. Because in that situation, it's difficult for companies to learn and apply new technologies and knowledge into their products. And it's also have bad effect on employees who don't hired for their lives.
    First, if companies hire employees for their entire lives. As time passed, those employees will become older. As they grow older, their brain function will be degraded. It means that it's difficult for those old people to learn new technologies. They will spend more time on their learning and understanding of new technologies. In that case, the company will feel difficult in apply new technologies into products. Therefore, company's products will become old-fashioned and lost its technological advantage when compared with other companies' products. In that case, it's certain that hire employees for their entire lives will slow the development of the company.
    Second, if company hire employees for their entire lives. Other employees may feel that it's unfair. Because since those employees can't be fired by the company but other employees can. In other word, those employees hired for their entire lives don't need to worry about their career. Other employees will feel that they have a higher risk of being fired. Becasue when company has trouble and have to unemploy its staffs, employees who don't hired for lives are the first group people to get the sack.  In that case, those employees will leave their company and come for companies which treat all the employess equally.
    Just like what I wrote above, hiring employees for their entire lives will slow companies' pace of development, made companies' products old-fashioned. Also, other employees in the companies will feel unfair because they have to face higher risk of being fired when their company  is run into troubles.   

Word Count: 322

马鹿 发表于 2007-11-6 10:21:55

OG #250,作文修改

OG #250,作文修改

第一次写综合写作,写完就贴过来了,帮忙看一下吧   谢谢~~
It can be seen and heart clearly in the reading passage and the lecture that there is no absolutely agreement between the writer and the speaker on the question whether assembling a group of people into a team makes the project be better accomplished. The point made in the reading are doubted and challenged by the lecture.

According to the lecture, the speaker illustrated that gathering people into a team does no good to the accomplishment of the project which is totally against to the statement mentioned in the reading passage.
To begin with, the lecturer demonstrated that it contributes to more possibilities of going on the wrong direction. This result from the factor that once a convinced person argues a point will never be realized, the others will drop the assignment without any thinking, even though a small group of people argue they may go towards a wrong direction, they will be ignored undoubtedly. This is the opposite of the opinion conducted in the reading.

What’s more, the professor in the lecture point that ,the team work will make the process less efficient. Because they waste too much time on the endless meetings making the final decision. This is also obviously contradicted to the point argued in the passage.

The last one is, since the teamwork stress more in corporation than individuals, there are a part of members does nothing but gain a lot benefit from the final success as the praise comes to the team as a whole which leads to a unfair phenomena.

马鹿 发表于 2007-11-6 13:30:18

劳驾小超人帮忙看一下  谢谢啦~~
Some people prefer to live in a small town, others prefer to live in a big city. Which place would you prefer to live in?
Have you ever walking along the street in the never-sleeping city of Hong Kong? Have you ever wandered in the rich shopping shocked by the various commodities? Or have you ever benefited from the highly-skilled doctor when you suddenly got a strange disease? If you have never experienced these, you can hardly how wonderful it is living in the cities.

To begin with, big cities can provide residents a better condition. With the prosperous economics condition, cities are capable to run convenience traffic system. Every morning I only need 10 minutes by bus to get my school with the highly-developed traffic .And what’s more, there are surely a larger number of restaurants as well as shopping malls in cities, all of these promise the residents a comfortable and convenient life style.

Another advantage attracts me is the better economics condition following with more job opportunities in cities. According to a survey stated by the Statistics., one organization famous for the analysis, demonstrated that the cities attracts 50% more investment by domestic corporations and international companies as well as a 30% higher employment rate than the small towns does. For me, a student just graduated from the university, it is undoubtedly wise to choose the city.

The last but not the least, a better education condition is available in cities. Since great institutions are always built in the big cities where does good to students to develop there social relation system, what could be the better choice than living in big cities to parents those who want their children to receive a better education?

Admittedly, small towns have a less polluted environment with blue sky and fresh air. However, the environment can not be the only tool to evaluate a life condition. Therefore, after taking all aspects into account, I safely draw the conclusion that, life in the cities is more beneficial than that in small towns.

word count: 316

woHAPPY 发表于 2007-11-6 20:32:14


Do you agree or disagree:
It is better to learn broad subjects than to specialize in a specific subject.
What would you like to be after you graduated: The one gains numerous invitations from different companies or the other still desperately finds jobs on the street?  As for me, I would agree that learning broad subjects is better than studying a specific subject, considering students would have more chances to find a job and also schools having broad classes would attract more students. My two classmates is a typical example.

In terms of more opportunities to seek a job, the students with wide knowledge could try a variety of jobs, and it might increase the probability of working, while the students specializing in single subject might have difficulties to work, since they are lacking know ledges in some other fields. For instance, one of my classmates studied a lot subjects which might not related to her major in the university, and the other classmate of mine only chose one course to specialize in for he thought he would only use the knowledge of one certain subject. After they both graduated, surprisingly, a lot of companies invited the first person but the second person still sought for jobs everywhere.

The other factor I mentioned is that at the standing point of the school, I think more students would go the school with broad courses, and the school would not only increase their revenues but also expand its reputation. For example, there are two universities near my communities: the one offers all kinds of courses for students to choose at the same time and the other requires students to major in one specific subject. Everyday, I see a lot of students enter the first university while there are little students going to the second university. In the following years, the first university abstains a good reputation in my city and uses the money it receives to expand and reform its environment. However, the second university could not afford the wages of faculties and eventually closed.

Offering the broad courses for students, the university might not have enough money to pay its faculties. Although studding specific subject could help us learn more and deeper in certain realm but the advantages of broad subjects obviously surpasses that of a specific subject. Thus it comes to my argument that it is better to study wide subjects than a specific course.

Time: 30+15=45min word count: 384

woHAPPY 发表于 2007-11-7 19:34:29

小超人又没来呀?? 急死了, 作文没人改 越写越差了,BLESS小超人快快来:o

Do you agree or disagree:
Young people enjoy life more
Given not the youth, I might look much old and even have sleep problem like my father. As for me, I would argue that young people really have a happier life than the older people, considering they have less pressures of life and both physically and mentally they are more likely to taste different things in life. This phenomenon would be apparently showed on my father and me.

For one thing, the life might put less weight on the adolescence’ shoulders, since they might not concern much about their family which supported by their parents and also different situation in the social circle. For example, facing the same circumstance that I would study abroad, my father seems to have more pressures than me. Collecting enough money, finding his friends to help me write recommendations, solving numerous problem of studying abroad, my father obviously looks much older than before and sometimes even could not sleep well at night, since he worries my future development and wants to help as much as he can. However, from my perspective, I do not have to concern more except the toil exams. In this sense, young people are really happier than adults, undertaking less pressure in life.

For another, young people have energies to advent a variety of fresh and exciting things in life. For instance, I am more willing to play with my peers rather than accompany with adults, since we have more energies and times to do what we want but the adults always consider too much and dare to try new things in life.

Although adults might enjoy their lives in different ways, I do agree that young people live with happier life. The two main reasons are as following: first, adolescence does not worry too much in their lives: second, young people have more time and energies to do what they like.

Time: 35min   word count: 310
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