marilyn9l 发表于 2009-4-20 13:32:34

105# Genev


Genev 发表于 2009-4-20 16:49:32

106# marilyn9l

During periods of social and cultural stability, many art academies are so firmly controlled by ___ that all real creative work must be done by the __.
A. dogmatists ... disenfranchised
B. managers .. reactionaries
C. reformers .. dissatisfied
D. imposters .. academicians
E. specialists... elite


so that表示否定,因为艺术学院被----如此紧密地控制住,所以创造性工作不能由他们完成,必须由另外一个团体----完成。这里紧密控制和创造性工作是对立的,所以主体也是对立的。

3. People frequently denigrate books about recent catastrophes as morally ___ attempts to profit, from misfortune, but in my view our desire for such books, together with the venerable tradition to which they belong, ___ them.
A. inopportune .. encourage
B. fortuitous .. fosters
C. treacherous .. safeguards
D. despicable .. legitimizes
E. corrupt .. generates
使合法化, 宣布合法化; 予以法律保障[地位]; 官方[正式]认可; 授权; (对非婚生子)给予合法地位

yeah it cant b D has to b A

People frequently denigrate books about recent catastrophes as morally _____ attempts to profit from misfortune,but in my view our desire for such books,together with the vulnrable tradition to which they belong,______ them.

denigrate -> to Criticize,defame,blacken so i dont c it having anything to do with legalization.

recent catastrophes -> recent is the keyword here indicating that the books were published just right after the catastrophes so that attempt can b perceived as inopportune or untimely or ill-timed.

linda06020114 发表于 2009-4-20 18:10:30

In response to the follies of today's commercial and political worlds, the author does not __ inflamed indignation, but rather __ the detachment and smooth aphoristic prose of an eighteenth-century wit.
A.display...rails at
C.suppress...clings to

harem0129 发表于 2009-4-20 23:06:50

Rroadway audiences have become inured to ___ and so ___ to be pleased as to make their ready ovations meaningless as an indicator of the quality of the production before them.
A. sentimentality...reluctant
B. condescension...disinclined
C. histrionics...unlikely
D. cleverness...eager
E. mediocrity...desperate

问一个小问题:so as to这种因果逻辑前后是不是同义程度上有区别?是增还是减呢?

harem0129 发表于 2009-4-20 23:18:33

In response to the follies of today's commercial and political worlds, the author does not __ inflamed indignation, but rather __ the detachment and smooth aphoristic prose of an eighteenth-cent ...
linda06020114 发表于 2009-4-20 18:10


Genev 发表于 2009-4-21 09:59:17

108# linda06020114 这题前面解答过了。

Genev 发表于 2009-4-21 10:03:26

109# harem0129
so as to表示目的
Rroadway audiences have become inured to ___ and so ___ to be pleased as to make their ready ovations meaningless as an indicator of the quality of the production before them.
A. sentimentality...reluctant4 V8 o5 @0 f; {: z6 S. M- Y7 x
B. condescension...disinclined
C. histrionics...unlikely3 e0 {, p2 m% V5 f, j, x( ^( M
D. cleverness...eager9 J9 o7 K' J4 M5 t6 \
E. mediocrity...desperate


harem0129 发表于 2009-4-21 12:14:17

112# Genev

谢谢 这题太晦涩了,我再理解理解。。

Genev 发表于 2009-4-21 17:11:28

113# harem0129

Broadway audiences have become inured to mediocrity and so desperate to be pleased as to make their ready ovations meaningless as an indicator of the quality of the production before them.


harem0129 发表于 2009-4-22 23:03:38

Even those who disagreed with C's views rarely faulted her for expressing them, for the positions she took were as ____ as they were controversial.
A complicated B political C subjective D commonplace E thoughtful

While the delegate clearly sought to______the optimism that has emerged recently, she stopped short of suggesting that the conference was near collapse and might produce nothing of significance.
A. substantiate B dampen C encourage D elucidate E rekindle

lynth 发表于 2009-4-22 23:54:14

1  To have true disciples, a thinker must not be too _______ : any effective intellectual leader depends on the ability of other people to _______ thought processes that did not originate with them.
A popular … dismiss% c8 b4 |) z3 ]& Q
B methodical … dismiss
C idiosyncratic … reenact
D self-confident … revitalize6 ^+ I' J3 d* L9 `
E pragmatic … discourage9 i6 |& _; D8 y3 l9 }& a6 H* g
Answer: C  
蓝书上解释reenact是再现的意思。 但是这里到底是说other people要去重复再现这些思维过程还是thinker要去再现呢?那如果是别人要再现的话就和thinker本身是不是偏执没有关系啊

2 .The sale of Alaska was not so much an American coup as a matter of___for an imperial Russia that was short of cash and unable to___its own continental coastline% B9 Y, V/ e( L3 @
B:custom...maintain: Z% S3 T) q; N6 I
Answer: D
感觉这个题看了解释确实说的通,但是没有背景知识的话就觉得好像其它选项也可以。 主要是请教下版主,难道是看到not so much 就直接取反吗,感觉这里解释原因,不一定非要是反过来的意思啊。。。。。而且an american coup这个东西,让人没有要取反的感觉。。。。。

3  Having no sense of moral obligation, Shipler was as little subject to the ____ of conscience after he ascted as he was motivated by its ____ before he acted.
+ {) |7 x& Z3 n- B
A rewards...chastisement   B balm...eloquence   C reproaches...prompting   D ridicule...allure   E qualms...atonement1 H$ `, i( M+ H- s
这个题如果选C的话,那上半句和下半句就不是指同一件事情了,就应该是做坏事不受谴责做好事不受激励。 我觉得B的话,虽然词义不是特别吻合,但是可以勉强解释成他做事之后得不到良心的安慰,做事之前不受到良心的驱使,就是一件事,也和obligation对应。。。。

谢谢谢谢 麻烦版主拉~~

Genev 发表于 2009-4-23 09:59:29

Even those who disagreed with C's views rarely faulted her for expressing them, for the positions she took were as ____ as they were controversial.
A complicated B political C subjective D commonplac ...
harem0129 发表于 2009-4-22 23:03

Even those who disagreed with C's views rarely faulted her for expressing them, for the positions she took were as ____ as they were controversial.
A complicated B political C subjective D commonplace E thoughtful


While the delegate clearly sought to______the optimism that has emerged recently, she stopped short of suggesting that the conference was near collapse and might produce nothing of significance.1 p8 p9 |0 {8 [/ ?) N. Y8 y9 Z
A. substantiate B dampen C encourage D elucidate E rekindle2 B, a& e2 T2 G3 G5 X6 p

while这里表示转折,等于although,后面说她没有指出会议接近崩溃,那面反推前面她指出了会议的不足,optimism前面选择否定意义的词,B dampen.

Genev 发表于 2009-4-23 10:01:09

本帖最后由 Genev 于 2009-4-23 10:07 编辑

1  To have true disciples, a thinker must not be too _______ : any effective intellectual leader depends on the ability of other people to _______ thought processes that did not originate with them.
lynth 发表于 2009-4-22 23:54

1  To have true disciples, a thinker must not be too _______ : any effective intellectual leader depends on the ability of other people to _______ thought processes that did not originate with them.8 U5 \7 j5 Z' |0 b/ s, S. m
A popular … dismiss% c8 b4 |) z3 ]& Q
B methodical … dismiss
C idiosyncratic … reenact
D self-confident … revitalize6 ^+ I' J3 d* L9 `
E pragmatic … discourage9 i6 |& _; D8 y3 l9 }& a6 H* g2 q! K! P( ~; H2 ^& s7 \; g# y
Answer: C  
蓝书上解释reenact是再现的意思。 但是这里到底是说other people要去重复再现这些思维过程还是thinker要去再现呢?那如果是别人要再现的话就和thinker本身是不是偏执没有关系啊

other people去重现thinker的思维过程,所以thinker的思维不能太古怪和难以理解,要易于别人重现。
特质, 特性, 癖性
【医】敏感性; 特异体质, 特异素
drug idiosyncrasy

2 .The sale of Alaska was not so much an American coup as a matter of___for an imperial Russia that was short of cash and unable to___its own continental coastline% B9 Y, V/ e( L3 @4 G1 f* Y! N% b; r( H4 c$ V$ }: s
A:negligence...fortify. \5 I0 h; E1 ?' T
B:custom...maintain: Z% S3 T) q; N6 I
Answer: D 8 A# a' C- l+ B# M
感觉这个题看了解释确实说的通,但是没有背景知识的话就觉得好像其它选项也可以。 主要是请教下版主,难道是看到not so much 就直接取反吗,感觉这里解释原因,不一定非要是反过来的意思啊。。。。。而且an american coup这个东西,让人没有要取反的感觉。。。。。%
J' H9 O) P6 ~3 F/ V# ~3 K
* p8 u  M- q# T- _0 ]6 B1 z

3  Having no sense of moral obligation, Shipler was as little subject to the ____ of conscience after he ascted as he was motivated by its ____ before he acted.
A rewards...chastisement   B balm...eloquence   C reproaches...prompting   D ridicule...allure   E qualms...atonement1 H$ `, i( M+ H- s3 K0 }7 K* }, F6 B3 h

这个题如果选C的话,那上半句和下半句就不是指同一件事情了,就应该是做坏事不受谴责做好事不受激励。 我觉得B的话,虽然词义不是特别吻合,但是可以勉强解释成他做事之后得不到良心的安慰,做事之前不受到良心的驱使,就是一件事,也和obligation对应。。。。

lynth 发表于 2009-4-23 13:22:13

还有谁能告诉我怎样在帖子内部搜索? 谢谢

Genev 发表于 2009-4-24 14:20:34


The demise of the rigorous academic
curriculum in high school resulted, in part, from
the progressive rhetoric that----the study of
subjects previously thought----as part of school

advocated.. necessary
enhanced.. indispensable
restricted.. impractical
undermined.. popular
sanctioned.. inappropriate


demise: n.1.死亡,终止,逊位,消失 2.(财产)转让,遗赠,传位
rigorous: a.1.严格(厉)的 2.严峻(酷)的 3.精确的,缜密的
curriculum: n.(必修)课程
rhetoric: n.1.修辞(学),雄辩(术) 2.辞令,巧辩,言谈,言论
progressive rhetoric: 即有关progressive education方面的言论,而所谓progressive
education(矛盾渐进教育)指的是美国一种以John Dewey及其追随者理论为基础的教育体系,
Indispensable: a.1.必不可少的,必需的 2.责无旁贷的
Undermine: v.1.在…下面挖 2.侵蚀…的基础,暗中破坏,逐渐损害(或削弱)
Sanction: v.1.批准,赞许,鼓励,认可 2.对…产施制裁,惩处

E is ok, then why not D?
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