Genev 发表于 2009-4-29 16:42:52

135# linda06020114

Many more eighteen-century novels were written by woman than by men, but this dominance has, until very recently, been regarded merely as __ fact, a bit of arcane knowledge noted only by bibliographers.
A. a controversial: O( t; Q. m& o4 _
B. a statistical2 G7 [& E# T3 b
C. an analytical6 G0 f/ {& \) ^- d; S# g! }8 p0 Y
D. an explicit
E. an unimpeachable: D3 }+ ]: B1 c- ^, U

fact后面是同位语,仅为某些bibliographer所知的、鲜为人知的知识,那么fact的修饰语是否定意义的,只有AB,仅仅是统计上的事实,并不是widely acknowledged and noticed。因为此事实虽然鲜为人知,但并不受到争议,所以排除A选B.

The pungent verbal give-and-take among the characters makes the novel __reading, and this very __suggests to me that some of the opinions voiced may be the author's.
A. disturbing...flatness9 D7 n( e, f. d" y3 d
B. tedious...inventiveness* M- T) g3 l% G2 F  Q
C. lively...spiritedness
D. necessary...steadiness
E. rewarding...frivolousness


Because many of the minerals found on the ocean floor are still __ on land, where mining is relatively inexpensive, mining the ocean floor has yet to become a __ enterprise.
A. scarce...common& b$ c% F:
B. accessible...marginal
C. unidentified...subsidized/ s+ N; b+ b$ v: I/ H) L
D. conserved...public
E. plentiful...profitable


根据意思,第一个空只能选BDE,第二个空是个trap,has yet to become是指有待于,还没有...开发海底矿物成本利润还有待于取得和陆地相比的优势,即还没有profitable.

toseetheworld 发表于 2009-4-29 22:16:36

Literature is inevitable a _______rather than ___ medium for the simple reason that writers interpose their own vision between the reader and reality.

a)distorting....a neutral  b) opaque  c)colorful...a drab  d) inexact  e)felxible..a rigid      能解释下句意吗?

Old age, even in cultures where it is___________, is often viewed with__

a)venerated...ambivalence    b)rare....suprise    c)ignored....condescension   d)  feared...dismay   e)honored....respect      为啥受尊敬但是又矛盾呢?

Genev 发表于 2009-4-30 09:05:47



toseetheworld 发表于 2009-4-30 13:37:09

All________biological traits fall into one of two categories: those giving their possessors greater____the environment and those rendering them more independent of it.

A.widespread..detachment from   B.beneficial..control over  C.successful..freedom from  D.neutral..compatibility with  E.harmful..advantage in


Genev 发表于 2009-4-30 15:03:47

139# toseetheworld

trait: n.特征,特点,特性
category: n.1.种类,类别 2.〔哲〕范畴
render: v.1.使得,使成为 2.给予,提供 3.提出,呈报
detachment: n.1.分开,分离,脱离 2.超然,公正,不偏不倚
beneficial: a.有益的,有利的,有帮助的


Genev 发表于 2009-4-30 15:16:25

While apropos depiction of his temporal characteristic cannot arrive at the verge of indifference, nobody should avoid the fact that his______ results in his final acquiescence.
  A.        enthusiasm
  B.        verbosity
  C.        dispassionateness
  D.        antipathy
  E.        taciturnity
  答案E, 完全的不明白。

linda06020114 发表于 2009-4-30 16:59:40

141# Genev
While apropos depiction of his temporal characteristic cannot arrive at the verge of indifference, nobody should avoid the fact that his______ results in his final acquiescence. # c: }/ ^3 G- Z+ y
  A.        enthusiasm' Q; W& c$ \5 W+ L3 }
  B.        verbosity
     C.        dispassionateness
     D.        antipathy
     E.        taciturnity
答案E, 完全的不明白。

个人理解这句话的意思是:尽管准确来讲我们不能说他冷漠,但他的__的确导致了他最终的默许纵容。这样看来空格对应的应该和indifference相关,选项中只有CE可以,但C是一个褒义词,而final acquiescence没有褒义成分,因此选E.

linda06020114 发表于 2009-4-30 17:02:24

The National Archives contain information so __ that researchers have been known never to publish because they cannot bear to bring their studies to an end.
A. divisive
B. seductive
C. selective
D. repetitive
E. resourceful

linda06020114 发表于 2009-4-30 18:08:39

The author argues for serious treatment of such arts as crochet and needlework, finding in too many art historians a cultural blindness __ to their __ texiles as medium in which women artists predominate.
A. traceable...prejudice against
B. opposed...distrust of
C. referring...need for
D. reduced...respect for
E. corresponding..expertise in

linda06020114 发表于 2009-4-30 18:11:27

Far from being __, Pat was always __ to appear acquiescent.
A. unctuous...loath
B. brazen...reluctant
C. ignoble...concerned
D. obsequious...eager
E. gregarious...willing

linda06020114 发表于 2009-4-30 19:33:47

Human reaction to the realm of thought is often as strong as that to sensible presences; our higher moral life is based on the fact that __ sensations actually present may have a weaker influence on our action than do ideas of __ facts.
A. disturbing...ordinary
B. material...remote
C. enotional...impersonal
D. definitive...controversial
E. familiar...symbolic

linda06020114 发表于 2009-4-30 19:43:38

For many young people during the Roaring Twenties, a disgust with the excesses of American culture __a wanderlust to provoke an exodus abroad.
A. stymied
B. overwhelmed
C. reflected
D. combined with
E. conflicted with

linda06020114 发表于 2009-4-30 20:24:40

Personnel experts say that attractive benefits alone will not always keep __ executives from changing jobs for better long-range opportunities, but they think the enticements may deter many executives from accepting __offers from other companies.
A. discontented...preferable
B. ambitious...routine
C. unqualified...inferior
D. experienced...superior
E. dedicated...advantageous

linda06020114 发表于 2009-4-30 22:14:57

The blueprints for the new automobile were __ at first glance, but the designer had been basically too conservative to __ previous standaeds of the beauty.
A. striking...flout
B. impractical...ignore
C. impeccable...dispel
D. influential...assess
E. confusing...incorporate

zhtwd 发表于 2009-5-1 00:04:05

本帖最后由 zhtwd 于 2009-5-1 00:06 编辑

To: linda06020114
The National Archives contain information so __ that researchers have been known never to publish because they cannot bear to bring their studies to an end.
A. divisive
. seductive; X% e9 M7 G& i- Z
C. selective) v& @& K) C+ v: ^' a
D. repetitive
E. resourceful! L( I6 M1 z6 Y5 C, Y

The author argues for serious treatment of such arts as crochet and needlework, finding in too many art historians a cultural blindness __ to their __ texiles as medium in which women artists predominate.
A. traceable...prejudice against
B. opposed...distrust of
C. referring...need for$ B0 K; I% e  T1 Y  Z. c+ U9 {
D. reduced...respect for ! K2 {: ~8 m3 g5 T5 z, _
E. corresponding..expertise in
这位作者支持严肃地对待诸如编织和刺绣这些艺术形式,她发现在大多数艺术史学家当中存在一个文化上的错误见解,这种错误见解可追溯到他们对编织物这种艺术媒介的偏见,即在编织物这一领域女艺术家占据着无与伦比的优势地位。6 Z* N.

Far from being __, Pat was always __ to appear acquiescent.2 ^* t2 D& O! K, U* m9 b6 G
A. unctuous...loath, X' J5 k7 l* K7 ~7 m
B. brazen...reluctant" R0 Y& r8 A# h+ \
C. ignoble...concerned
. obsequious...eager3 j, _& v5 l# y6 F8 I
E. gregarious...willing$ P  H0 n% p2 T, r% @% x& M

Human reaction to the realm of thought is often as strong as that to sensible presences; our higher moral life is based on the fact that __ sensations actually present may have a weaker influence on our action than do ideas of __ facts., a& g6 S- o- H% H' N( w6 m# K
A. disturbing...ordinary
B. material...remote. F& n1 o2 N3 p  r
C. enotional...impersonal- m0 _; l7 x' b* k
D. definitive...controversial8 h. Q- z" d8 @, y$ p* U* Z' N) }
E. familiar...symbolic5 E) A2 j& l9 i# h/ t
这两个空应该有广义反义关系,因为后半句存在对比。由前半句的realm of thought和sensible presences可知后半句空格和物质和精神层面有关。

For many young people during the Roaring Twenties, a disgust with the excesses of American culture __a wanderlust to provoke an exodus abroad.
A. stymied
B. overwhelmed
C. reflected& M/ B7 J" o7 s6 a
D. combined with1 w9 x# {: W/ ^& M) D# f0 s
E. conflicted with: `& l3 |4 G2 J* s& S
这个题目没有信息能够推出B选项,没有谁压倒谁的信息。空格前表达一种厌恶情绪,空格后说旅游癖,在Roaring Twenties的环境下,许多年轻人们的厌倦是伴随着旅游癖来的。
Roaring Twenties:The 1920s in the United States, called “roaring” because of the exuberant, freewheeling popular culture of the decade. The Roaring Twenties was a time when many people defied Prohibition, indulged in new styles of dancing and dressing, and rejected many traditional moral standards.

Personnel experts say that attractive benefits alone will not always keep __ executives from changing jobs for better long-range opportunities, but they think the enticements may deter many executives from accepting __offers from other companies.! n* t! n4 s, n
A. discontented...preferable
B. ambitious...routine6 F) A( p/ I6 k- I9 c5 s
C. unqualified...inferior' e. L) w; |& ?( X( g
D. experienced...superior; i, |, s6 X4 x3 c; ~! p" o
E. dedicated...advantageous
仅仅attractive benefits不能留住有野心的主管们,但是Personnel experts认为这个enticements可能能制止主管们接受其他公司提供的普通offers。But前后转折,前面better long-range opportunities和(空格+offers from other companies)对应,所以第二空填一个不better的。

The blueprints for the new automobile were __ at first glance, but the designer had been basically too conservative to __ previous standaeds of the beauty.
A. striking...flout7 r% ~+ C- ]7 w4 ]3 e* H: D
B. impractical...ignore
C. impeccable...dispel$ I6 K" K0 p6 n# b$ D, I* N
D. influential...assess
E. confusing...incorporate

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