【Fundamental Course of Writtng】基础写作每日一讲(3)Writer's Block
接着上次的那个Writing Anxiety这里更进一步去做Writer's Block的介绍
very very 强大!
Symptoms and Cures for Writer's Block 对于神经性写作便秘的症状介绍及治疗建议
Because writers have various ways of writing, a variety of things can cause a writer to experience anxiety, and sometimes this anxiety leads to writer's block. Often a solution can be found by speaking with your instructor (if you are in school), or a writing tutor. There are some common causes of writer's block, however, and when you are blocked, consider these causes and try the strategies that sound most promising:
You have attempted to begin a paper without doing any preliminary work such as brainstorming or outlining...
Possible Cures
[*]Use invention strategies suggested by a tutor or teacher [*]Write down all the primary ideas you'd like to express and then fill in each with the smaller ideas that make up each primary idea. This can easily be converted into an outline Symptom
You have chosen or been assigned a topic which bores you....
Possible Cures
[*]Choose a particular aspect of the topic you are interested in (if the writing situation will allow it...i.e. if the goal of your writing can be adjusted and is not given to you specifically, or if the teacher or project coordinator will allow it) [*]Talk to a tutor about how you can personalize a topic to make it more interestingSymptom
You don't want to spend time writing or don't understand the assignment...
Possible Cures
[*]Resign yourself to the fact that you have to write [*]Find out what is expected of you (consult a teacher, textbook, student, tutor, or project coordinator) [*]Look at some of the strategies for writing anxiety listed belowSymptom
You are anxious about writing the paper...
Possible Cures
[*]Focus your energy by rehearsing the task in your head. [*]Consciously stop the non-productive comments running through your head by replacing them with productive ones. [*]If you have some "rituals" for writing success (chewing gum, listening to jazz etc.), use them.Symptom
You are so stressed out you can't seem to put a word on the page...
Possible Cures
[*]Stretch! If you can't stand up, stretch as many muscle groups as possible while staying seated. [*]Try tensing and releasing various muscle groups. Starting from your toes, tense up for perhaps five to ten seconds and then let go. Relax and then go on to another muscle group. [*]Breathe deeply. Close your eyes; then, fill your chest cavity slowly by taking four of five short deep breaths. Hold each breath until it hurts, and then let it out slowly. [*]Use a calming word or mental image to focus on while relaxing. If you choose a word, be careful not to use an imperative. Don't command yourself to "Calm down!" or "Relax!"Symptom
You're self-conscious about your writing, you may have trouble getting started. So, if you're preoccupied with the idea that you have to write about a subject and feel you probably won't express yourself well...
Possible Cures
[*]Talk over the subject with a friend or tutor. [*]assure yourself that the first draft doesn't have to be a work of genius, it is something to work with. [*]Force yourself to write down something, however poorly worded, that approximates your thought (you can revise this later) and go on with the next idea. [*]Break the task up into steps. Meet the general purpose first, and then flesh out the more specific aspects later. [*]Try one of the strategies on the next page of this resource.Other Strategies for Getting Over Writer's BlockIf you have tried the other strategies and are still having problems, try some of these general techniques for getting over writer's block. These strategies will prove more helpful when you're drafting your writing.
Begin in the MiddleStart writing at whatever point you like. If you want to begin in the middle, fine. Leave the introduction or first section until later. The reader will never know that you wrote the paper "backwards." Besides, some writers routinely save the introduction until later when they have a clearer idea of what the main idea and purpose of the piece will be.
Talk Out the PaperTalking feels less artificial than writing to some people. Talk about what you want to write someone—your teacher, a friend, a roommate, or a tutor. Just pick someone who's willing to give you fifteen to thirty minutes to talk about the topic and whose main aim is to help you start writing. Have the person take notes while you talk or tape your conversation. Talking will be helpful because you'll probably be more natural and spontaneous in speech than in writing. Your listener can ask questions and guide you as you speak, and you'll be more likely to relax and say something unpredictable than if that you were sitting and forcing yourself to write.
Tape the PaperTalk into a tape recorder, imagining your audience sitting in front of you. Then, transcribe the tape-recorded material. You'll at least have some ideas written down to work with and move around.
Change the AudiencePretend that you're writing to a child, to a close friend, to a parent, to a person who sharply disagrees with you, or to someone who's new to the subject and needs to have you explain your paper's topic slowly and clearly. Changing the audience can clarify your purpose and can also make you feel more comfortable and help you write more easily.
Play a RolePretend you are someone else writing the paper. For instance, if you have been asked to write about sexist advertising, assume you are the president of the National Organization of Women. Or, pretend you are the president of a major oil company asked to defend the high price of oil. Consider being someone in another time period, or someone with a wildly different perspective from your own. Pulling yourself out of your usual perspective can help you see things that are otherwise invisible or difficult to articulate, and your writing will be stronger for it.
(Many of these ideas are from Peter Elbow's Writing with Power, and Mack Skjei's Overcoming Writing Blocks.)
抢座~yeah~ 占之~~~ 蹲点学习,虽然还有2天就考试了。考完也要来学习。 扫了一下 本帖最后由 米饭袜子 于 2009-4-21 23:27 编辑
(3)Writer's Block学习笔记3
You have attempted to begin a paper without doing any preliminary work such as brainstorming or outlining...
Possible Cures
Write down all the primary ideas you'd like to express and then fill in each with the smaller ideas that make up each primary idea. This can easily be converted into an outline
You have chosen or been assigned a topic which bores you..
.. Possible Cures
Choose a particular aspect of the topic you are interested in
You don't want to spend time writing or don't understand the assignment...
. Possible Cures
Resign yourself to the fact that you have to write (——!)。。。
Find out what is expected of you (consult a teacher, textbook, student, tutor, or project coordinator)
Look at some of the strategies for writing anxiety listed below
You're self-conscious about your writing, you may have trouble getting started. So, if you're preoccupied with the idea that you have to write about a subject and feel you probably won't express yourself well...
Possible Cures
Talk over the subject with a friend or tutor.
assure yourself that the first draft doesn't have to be a work of genius, it is something to work with.
Force yourself to write down something, however poorly worded, that approximates your thought (you can revise this later) and go on with the next idea.
Break the task up into steps. Meet the general purpose first, and then flesh out the more specific aspects later.
Begin in the Middle Start writing at whatever point you like. If you want to begin in the middle, fine. Leave the introduction or first section until later. The reader will never know that you wrote the paper "backwards." Besides, some writers routinely save the introduction until later when they have a clearer idea of what the main idea and purpose of the piece will be.
Talk Out the Paper Talking feels less artificial than writing to some people. Talk about what you want to write someone—your teacher, a friend, a roommate, or a tutor. Just pick someone who's willing to give you fifteen to thirty minutes to talk about the topic and whose main aim is to help you start writing. Have the person take notes while you talk or tape your conversation. Talking will be helpful because you'll probably be more natural and spontaneous in speech than in writing. Your listener can ask questions and guide you as you speak, and you'll be more likely to relax and say something unpredictable than if that you were sitting and forcing yourself to write.
Tape the Paper Talk into a tape recorder, imagining your audience sitting in front of you. Then, transcribe the tape-recorded material. You'll at least have some ideas written down to work with and move around.
Change the Audience Pretend that you're writing to a child, to a close friend, to a parent, to a person who sharply disagrees with you, or to someone who's new to the subject and needs to have you explain your paper's topic slowly and clearly. Changing the audience can clarify your purpose and can also make you feel more comfortable and help you write more easily.
Play a Role Pretend you are someone else writing the paper. For instance, if you have been asked to write about sexist advertising, assume you are the president of the National Organization of Women. Or, pretend you are the president of a major oil company asked to defend the high price of oil. Consider being someone in another time period, or someone with a wildly different perspective from your own. Pulling yourself out of your usual perspective can help you see things that are otherwise invisible or difficult to articulate, and your writing will be stronger for it.
本帖最后由 cicialice 于 2009-11-7 21:05 编辑我出现过的症状以及如何对症下药:
You have attempted to begin a paper without doing any preliminary work such as brainstorming or outlining...
Possible Cures
[*]Use invention strategies suggested by a tutor or teacher [*]Write down all the primary ideas you'd like to express and then fill in each with the smaller ideas that make up each primary idea. This can easily be converted into an outline
You don't want to spend time writing or don't understand the assignment...
Possible Cures
[*]Resign yourself to the fact that you have to write [*]Find out what is expected of you (consult a teacher, textbook, student, tutor, or project coordinator) [*]Look at some of the strategies for writing anxiety listed below
You're self-conscious about your writing, you may have trouble getting started. So, if you're preoccupied with the idea that you have to write about a subject and feel you probably won't express yourself well...
Possible Cures
[*]Talk over the subject with a friend or tutor. [*]assure yourself that the first draft doesn't have to be a work of genius, it is something to work with. [*]Force yourself to write down something, however poorly worded, that approximates your thought (you can revise this later) and go on with the next idea. [*]Break the task up into steps. Meet the general purpose first, and then flesh out the more specific aspects later. [*]Try one of the strategies on the next page of this resource.
Begin in the MiddleStart writing at whatever point you like. 记得很早以前看过imong淘的一篇写历史学家都是讲故事的人那篇issue的文章~经典啊经典~那篇就是开头几段都谈的貌似与主题无关,看到后面才知前面的铺垫真是巧妙~很长一段时间我也想写出那样的文章,但是自己的积淀实在没达到那个程度所以都宣告失败了~这一次,再试试!
Talk Out the PaperTalking feels less artificial than writing to some people. “ETS喜欢说真话的。”这是我一个学姐在有了AW 3分的惨痛经历后送给我的至理名言。其实这次准备AW的过程我要的不仅仅是一个4.5分或者更高的成绩,更重要的是让自己真正摒弃模板,达到之前都未曾达到的一种写作的境界,很自然的抒发对一个topic的感悟,用真正的critical thinking&logical analysis~
Tape the PaperTalk into a tape recorder, imagining your audience sitting in front of you. 哈,这点操作起来好像不太靠谱~
Change the AudiencePretend that you're writing to a child, to a close friend, to a parent, to a person who sharply disagrees with you, or to someone who's new to the subject and needs to have you explain your paper's topic slowly and clearly.恩,这蛮实用的~
Play a RolePretend you are someone else writing the paper.可以增加写作快感的说~^_^
其实归根结底是在告诉我们:写作是件正经事儿,我们要正视它,并且不要怕它~ 【Fundamental Course of Writtng】基础写作每日一讲(3)Writer's Block
Begin in the MiddleStart writing at whatever point you like. If you want to begin in the middle, fine. Leave the introduction or first section until later. The reader will never know that you wrote the paper "backwards." Besides, some writers routinely save the introduction until later when they have a clearer idea of what the main idea and purpose of the piece will be.先写中间法:我觉得这种方法好新奇,从来没试过。先把想写的部分写了,比如说中间,然后把介绍及第一段留到最后再写。这种方法应该还是有好处的,就是最后知道前面应该如何写最合适。
You're self-conscious about your writing, you may have trouble getting started. So, if you're preoccupied with the idea that you have to write about a subject and feel you probably won't express yourself well...无法下笔写,不知怎么表述。这个可能是最容易出现的问题。不知如何下手。那么看如何解决呢?Talk Out the PaperTalking feels less artificial than writing to some people. Talk about what you want to write someone—your teacher, a friend, a roommate, or a tutor. Just pick someone who's willing to give you fifteen to thirty minutes to talk about the topic and whose main aim is to help you start writing. Have the person take notes while you talk or tape your conversation. Talking will be helpful because you'll probably be more natural and spontaneous in speech than in writing. Your listener can ask questions and guide you as you speak, and you'll be more likely to relax and say something unpredictable than if that you were sitting and forcing yourself to write.
Change the AudiencePretend that you're writing to a child, to a close friend, to a parent, to a person who sharply disagrees with you, or to someone who's new to the subject and needs to have you explain your paper's topic slowly and clearly. Changing the audience can clarify your purpose and can also make you feel more comfortable and help you write more easily.
Play a RolePretend you are someone else writing the paper. For instance, if you have been asked to write about sexist advertising, assume you are the president of the National Organization of Women. Or, pretend you are the president of a major oil company asked to defend the high price of oil. Consider being someone in another time period, or someone with a wildly different perspective from your own. Pulling yourself out of your usual perspective can help you see things that are otherwise invisible or difficult to articulate, and your writing will be stronger for it.
2、改变读者。小孩子,密友, 父母,或跟你观点不同的人,对这东西不了解的人。所以你必须解释详尽,且有说服力才行。
【Fundamental Course of Writing】基础写作每日一讲(3)Writer's Block
Symptoms and Cures for Writer's Block 对于神经性写作便秘的症状介绍及治疗建议
----什么是writer’s block?
--------MW: a psychological inhibition preventing a writer from proceeding with a piece
--------GOOGLE: a problem that writers sometimes have when they cannot think of what to write and have no new ideas (使不能写作或原创性思维的)作家心理阻滞 noun uncountable
--------从Writer’s Block的definition来看,KG在写作中经常遇到这种困境—cannot think of what to write,或者have no new ideas。遇到这种情况KG惯用作法是GOOGLE/MW/GTER, 到处查找资料,了解其它人对这个问题有什么看法,即the present status;学习他们如何表达有效地表达个人观点;然后整理能够发挥作用的句子或素材;最后形成自己的看法与文章。但成文后再去比照Writer’s Block的definition时发现,KG没有仍然是have no new ideas, 仍然还困在Writer’s Block中。那么KG要好好学习学习下文中提到的方法了,也许能找到一点点提示。
Because writers have various ways of writing, a variety of things can cause a writer to experience anxiety, and sometimes this anxiety leads to writer's block. Often a solution can be found by speaking with your instructor (if you are in school), or a writing tutor. There are some common causes of writer's block, however, and when you are blocked, consider these causes and try the strategies that sound most promising:
-- speaking with your instructor (if you are in school), or a writing tutor
You have attempted to begin a paper without doing any preliminary work such as brainstorming or outlining...
--preliminary work such as brainstorming or outlining
--outlining是大部分人都会采用的方法。某些会用英文写,某些人会选择中文,其实差别不是特别明显,关键在于提纲者的思想。KG也遇到过这样的人,她/他写作文基本不列提纲,上来就写。至于文章好坏且不论,那根据这个Symptom她/他是否患了Writer’s block?
Possible Cures
Use invention strategies suggested by a tutor or teacher
Write down all the primary ideas you'd like to express and then fill in each with the smaller ideas that make up each primary idea. This can easily be converted into an outline
You have chosen or been assigned a topic which bores you....
Possible Cures
Choose a particular aspect of the topic you are interested in (if the writing situation will allow it...i.e. if the goal of your writing can be adjusted and is not given to you specifically, or if the teacher or project coordinator will allow it)
Talk to a tutor about how you can personalize a topic to make it more interesting
You don't want to spend time writing or don't understand the assignment...
Possible Cures
Resign yourself to the fact that you have to write
Find out what is expected of you (consult a teacher, textbook, student, tutor, or project coordinator)
Look at some of the strategies for writing anxiety listed below
You are anxious about writing the paper...
Possible Cures
Focus your energy by rehearsing the task in your head.
Consciously stop the non-productive comments running through your head by replacing them with productive ones.
If you have some "rituals" for writing success (chewing gum, listening to jazz etc.), use them.
You are so stressed out you can't seem to put a word on the page...
Possible Cures
Stretch! If you can't stand up, stretch as many muscle groups as possible while staying seated.
Try tensing and releasing various muscle groups. Starting from your toes, tense up for perhaps five to ten seconds and then let go. Relax and then go on to another muscle group.
Breathe deeply. Close your eyes; then, fill your chest cavity slowly by taking four of five short deep breaths. Hold each breath until it hurts, and then let it out slowly.
Use a calming word or mental image to focus on while relaxing. If you choose a word, be careful not to use an imperative. Don't command yourself to "Calm down!" or "Relax!"
You're self-conscious about your writing, you may have trouble getting started. So, if you're preoccupied with the idea that you have to write about a subject and feel you probably won't express yourself well...
Possible Cures
Talk over the subject with a friend or tutor.
assure yourself that the first draft doesn't have to be a work of genius, it is something to work with. (这种认识非常重要!)
Force yourself to write down something, however poorly worded, that approximates your thought (you can revise this later) and go on with the next idea. (非常实用,不管好与差,先写出来再说!)
Break the task up into steps. Meet the general purpose first, and then flesh out the more specific aspects later. (分块写,减轻压力)
Try one of the strategies on the next page of this resource.
Other Strategies for Getting Over Writer's BlockIf you have tried the other strategies and are still having problems, try some of these general techniques for getting over writer's block. These strategies will prove more helpful when you're drafting your writing.
Begin in the MiddleStart writing at whatever point you like(从自己容易下手的部分开始,说不定在写的过程,灵感慢慢地到来,呵呵). If you want to begin in the middle, fine. Leave the introduction or first section until later. The reader will never know that you wrote the paper "backwards." Besides, some writers routinely save the introduction until later when they have a clearer idea of what the main idea and purpose of the piece will be.
Talk(讨论在克服Writer’s Block中显得非常重要) Out the PaperTalking feels less artificial than writing to some people. Talk about what you want to write someone—your teacher, a friend, a roommate, or a tutor. Just pick someone who's willing to give you fifteen to thirty minutes to talk about the topic and whose main aim is to help you start writing(讨论的对象需要加以选择,合适的对象能够给你以启发,但随机对象可能让你更加恶心writing topic). Have the person take notes while you talk or tape your conversation(这个比较困难,除非是真心想帮助你的对象,一般情况下不可行,不过为了解决这个问题,我们可以求助于QQ,它的记录就是最好的record). Talking will be helpful because you'll probably be more natural and spontaneous in speech than in writing. Your listener can ask questions and guide you(再次突显对象能力的重要性) as you speak, and you'll be more likely to relax and say something unpredictable(这个与挑选自己最容易下手的开始有着异曲同工之妙,都是在进行的过程产生新的灵感) than if that you were sitting and forcing yourself to write.
Tape the Paper Talk into a tape recorder, imagining your audience sitting in front of you. Then, transcribe the tape-recorded material. You'll at least have some ideas written down to work with and move around.
Change the Audience(不同对象对同一问题有着不同看法,需要作者尝试从不同角度去解释或讨论,从而得到比较全面的分析) Pretend that you're writing to a child, to a close friend, to a parent, to a person who sharply disagrees with you, or to someone who's new to the subject and needs to have you explain your paper's topic slowly and clearly. Changing the audience can clarify your purpose and can also make you feel more comfortable and help you write more easily.
Play a Role Pretend you are someone else writing the paper(换位思考,特别是从反对者的角度来考虑,从而使得自己的文章具有更强的保护性). For instance, if you have been asked to write about sexist advertising, assume you are the president of the National Organization of Women. Or, pretend you are the president of a major oil company asked to defend the high price of oil. Consider being someone in another time period, or someone with a wildly different perspective from your own. Pulling yourself out of your usual perspective can help you see things that are otherwise invisible(从这个通俗的角度,类比到ISSUE131"The arts (painting, music, literature, etc.) reveal the otherwise hidden ideas and impulses of a society.",可能会更好地理解题目) or difficult to articulate, and your writing will be stronger for it Date: 11/09/2009
Topic: 【Fundamental Course of Writtng】基础写作每日一讲(2)Writing Anxiety
Reference: https://bbs.gter.net/thread-931466-1-1.html
You have attempted to begin a paper without doing any preliminary work such as brainstorming or outlining...
Possible Cures
Use invention strategies suggested by a tutor or teacher 这句话拓展开来,也包括回忆模板吧。其实模板的作用就是一种invention strategy,或者说是invention convention让你尽快从某些固定的点开始思考。
Write down all the primary ideas you'd like to express and then fill in each with the smaller ideas that make up each primary idea. This can easily be converted into an outline 这句话很实在,同样适用于列提纲时,先搜索资料,然后再整合的过程。
You have chosen or been assigned a topic which bores you....
Possible Cures
Talk to a tutor about how you can personalize a topic to make it more interesting 这个在自己列提纲想例子时也要参考。所谓扬长避短。
You don't understand the assignment...
Possible Cures
Find out what is expected of you (consult a teacher, textbook, student, tutor, or project coordinator) 其实看范文和ETS寄来的本本是了解what is expected 的最好方法
You're self-conscious about your writing, you may have trouble getting started. So, if you're preoccupied with the idea that you have to write about a subject and feel you probably won't express yourself well...
Possible Cures
Talk over the subject with a friend or tutor. 讨论是平日准备提纲的好方法。
assure yourself that the first draft doesn't have to be a work of genius, it is something to work with. 摆正心态很重要,而且练习时,修改和多练之间要有个平衡
Force yourself to write down something, however poorly worded, that approximates your thought (you can revise this later) and go on with the next idea. 回到了那种“憋死也得憋出第一篇”的感觉
Break the task up into steps. Meet the general purpose first, and then flesh out the more specific aspects later. 分而治之。聚沙成塔,水滴石穿。平时可以注意记录难点,然后找时间逐个击破,以留下深刻印象。
Other Strategies for Getting Over Writer's Block
Begin in the Middle
Start writing at whatever point you like. If you want to begin in the middle, fine. Leave the introduction or first section until later. The reader will never know that you wrote the paper "backwards." Besides, some writers routinely save the introduction until later when they have a clearer idea of what the main idea and purpose of the piece will be.我觉得这个在考场上很实用,我之前总是争取一句话写出我的main idea,然后就开始正文。有时间再回来补,写得与预料有差距了再改改statement。反正一句话,也好改。
Talk Out the Paper
Your listener can ask questions and guide you as you speak, and you'll be more likely to relax and say something unpredictable than if that you were sitting and forcing yourself to write. 交流是思想火花的来源
Change the Audience
Pretend that you're writing to a child, to a close friend, to a parent, to a person who sharply disagrees with you, or to someone who's new to the subject and needs to have you explain your paper's topic slowly and clearly. Changing the audience can clarify your purpose and can also make you feel more comfortable and help you write more easily.
Play a Role
Pretend you are someone else writing the paper. For instance, if you have been asked to write about sexist advertising, assume you are the president of the National Organization of Women. Or, pretend you are the president of a major oil company asked to defend the high price of oil. Consider being someone in another time period, or someone with a wildly different perspective from your own. Pulling yourself out of your usual perspective can help you see things that are otherwise invisible or difficult to articulate, and your writing will be stronger for it.
最后两点都是改换环境的方式。前者帮助你写得更清晰(想象自己面对着新手),更客观全面(想象有不同意你的人)等等。后者有时候可以用来处理一些有大局和细节矛盾的问题。例如为官之时,纵然要顾全大局,却也不能引起民愤。所以某些做法是值得还是不值得就可以从两面来分析了。 Symptoms and Cures for Writer's Block 对于神经性写作便秘的症状介绍及治疗建议Because writers have various ways of writing, a variety of things can cause a writer to experience anxiety, and sometimes this anxiety leads to writer's block. Often a solution can be found by speaking with your instructor (if you are in school), or a writing tutor. There are some common causes of writer's block, however, and when you are blocked, consider these causes and try the strategies that sound most promising:SymptomYou have attempted to begin a paper without doing any preliminary work such as brainstorming or outlining...Possible CuresUse invention strategies suggested by a tutor or teacher Write down all the primary ideas you'd like to express and then fill in each with the smaller ideas that make up each primary idea. This can easily be converted into an outline SymptomYou have chosen or been assigned a topic which bores you....Possible CuresChoose a particular aspect of the topic you are interested in (if the writing situation will allow it...i.e. if the goal of your writing can be adjusted and is not given to you specifically, or if the teacher or project coordinator will allow it) Talk to a tutor about how you can personalize a topic to make it more interestingSymptomYou don't want to spend time writing or don't understand the assignment...Possible CuresResign yourself to the fact that you have to write Find out what is expected of you (consult a teacher, textbook, student, tutor, or project coordinator) Look at some of the strategies for writing anxiety listed below
SymptomYou are anxious about writing the paper...Possible CuresFocus your energy by rehearsing the task in your head. 【这一条会使我更紧张 因为总觉得有个声音在耳边叨咕】Consciously stop the non-productive comments running through your head by replacing them with productive ones. If you have some "rituals" for writing success (chewing gum, listening to jazz etc.), use them.SymptomYou are so stressed out you can't seem to put a word on the page...Possible CuresStretch! If you can't stand up, stretch as many muscle groups as possible while staying seated. Try tensing and releasing various muscle groups. Starting from your toes, tense up for perhaps five to ten seconds and then let go. Relax and then go on to another muscle group. Breathe deeply. Close your eyes; then, fill your chest cavity slowly by taking four of five short deep breaths. Hold each breath until it hurts, and then let it out slowly. Use a calming word or mental image to focus on while relaxing. If you choose a word, be careful not to use an imperative. Don't command yourself to "Calm down!" or "Relax!"SymptomYou're self-conscious about your writing, you may have trouble getting started. So, if you're preoccupied with the idea that you have to write about a subject and feel you probably won't express yourself well...Possible CuresTalk over the subject with a friend or tutor. assure yourself that the first draft doesn't have to be a work of genius, it is something to work with. Force yourself to write down something, however poorly worded, that approximates your thought (you can revise this later) and go on with the next idea. Break the task up into steps. Meet the general purpose first, and then flesh out the more specific aspects later. 【有的A的题目可以跟同学讨论讨论 上走读班坐我旁边的同学就特别喜欢批判老师的说法,几乎对每一个题都有自己的见解,当然不一定对,我们下课就讨论一下刚才的题目,通过这个讨论的过程使人思路变得更加清晰,同时也是一个互相提示的头脑风暴的过程,能想出好多你自己一个人的时候想不明白的东西。所以,多讨论。】Try one of the strategies on the next page of this resource.Other Strategies for Getting Over Writer's Block If you have tried the other strategies and are still having problems, try some of these general techniques for getting over writer's block. These strategies will prove more helpful when you're drafting your writing. Begin in the MiddleStart writing at whatever point you like. If you want to begin in the middle, fine. Leave the introduction or first section until later. The reader will never know that you wrote the paper "backwards." Besides, some writers routinely save the introduction until later when they have a clearer idea of what the main idea and purpose of the piece will be.
Talk Out the Paper Talking feels less artificial than writing to some people. Talk about what you want to write someone—your teacher, a friend, a roommate, or a tutor. Just pick someone who's willing to give you fifteen to thirty minutes to talk about the topic and whose main aim is to help you start writing. 【找身边的各种G友 尤其那种爱辩论的】Have the person take notes while you talk or tape your conversation. Talking will be helpful because you'll probably be more natural and spontaneous in speech than in writing. 【非常同意~本来觉得自己思路一团乱麻 跟人一说 说着说着就好了】Your listener can ask questions and guide you as you speak, and you'll be more likely to relax and say something unpredictable than if that you were sitting and forcing yourself to write.
Tape the Paper Talk into a tape recorder, imagining your audience sitting in front of you. Then, transcribe the tape-recorded material. You'll at least have some ideas written down to work with and move around.Change the Audience Pretend that you're writing to a child, to a close friend, to a parent, to a person who sharply disagrees with you, or to someone who's new to the subject and needs to have you explain your paper's topic slowly and clearly. Changing the audience can clarify your purpose and can also make you feel more comfortable and help you write more easily.【在GRE写作中应该把受众想成什么呢?a person who sharply disagrees with you比较好吧 也许~
求大家意见~~】Play a Role Pretend you are someone else writing the paper. For instance, if you have been asked to write about sexist advertising, assume you are the president of the National Organization of Women. Or, pretend you are the president of a major oil company asked to defend the high price of oil. Consider being someone in another time period, or someone with a wildly different perspective from your own. Pulling yourself out of your usual perspective can help you see things that are otherwise invisible or difficult to articulate, and your writing will be stronger for it.【这个以前没考虑到过诶 有机会试一试】
Leave the introduction or first section until later.
Change the Audience Pretend, to a person who sharply disagrees with you, or to someone who's new to the subject and needs to have you explain your paper's topic slowly and clearly. Changing the audience can clarify your purpose and can also make you feel more comfortable and help you write more easily.多和别人交谈的重要性,充分利用身边资源,把话题转到G题上,即能娱乐又能备考~最好找到与自己持相反意见的人。
另外,多多换位思考,或者称为假想敌? 【Fundamental Course of Writtng】基础写作每日一讲(3)Writer's Block
Symptoms and Cures for Writer's Block 对于神经性写作便秘的症状介绍及治疗建议
Because writers have various ways of writing, a variety of things can cause a writer to experience anxiety, and sometimes this anxiety leads to writer's block. Often a solution can be found by speaking with your instructor (if you are in school), or a writing tutor. There are some common causes of writer's block, however, and when you are blocked, consider these causes and try the strategies that sound most promising:
You have attempted to begin a paper without doing any preliminary work such as brainstorming or outlining...
Possible Cures
• Use invention strategies suggested by a tutor or teacher
• Write down all the primary ideas you'd like to express and then fill in each with the smaller ideas that make up each primary idea. This can easily be converted into an outline
You have chosen or been assigned a topic which bores you....
Possible Cures
• Choose a particular aspect of the topic you are interested in (if the writing situation will allow it...i.e. if the goal of your writing can be adjusted and is not given to you specifically, or if the teacher or project coordinator will allow it)
• Talk to a tutor about how you can personalize a topic to make it more interesting
You don't want to spend time writing or don't understand the assignment...
Possible Cures
• Resign yourself to the fact that you have to write (多么无奈的举动)
• Find out what is expected of you (consult a teacher, textbook, student, tutor, or project coordinator)
• Look at some of the strategies for writing anxiety listed below
You are anxious about writing the paper...
Possible Cures
• Focus your energy by rehearsing the task in your head.
• Consciously stop the non-productive comments running through your head by replacing them with productive ones.
• If you have some "rituals" for writing success (chewing gum, listening to jazz etc.), use them.
You are so stressed out you can't seem to put a word on the page...
Possible Cures
• Stretch! If you can't stand up, stretch as many muscle groups as possible while staying seated.
• Try tensing and releasing various muscle groups. Starting from your toes, tense up for perhaps five to ten seconds and then let go. Relax and then go on to another muscle group.
• Breathe deeply. Close your eyes; then, fill your chest cavity slowly by taking four of five short deep breaths. Hold each breath until it hurts, and then let it out slowly.
• Use a calming word or mental image to focus on while relaxing. If you choose a word, be careful not to use an imperative. Don't command yourself to "Calm down!" or "Relax!"
• 这个和第二讲是重复的吧
You're self-conscious about your writing, you may have trouble getting started. So, if you're preoccupied with the idea that you have to write about a subject and feel you probably won't express yourself well...
Possible Cures
• Talk over the subject with a friend or tutor. 写作文都是一个人写,不和人讨论(x)身边带个玩偶,和玩偶讨论(正解!)
• assure yourself that the first draft doesn't have to be a work of genius, it is something to work with. (反正我没天赋)
• Force yourself to write down something, however poorly worded, that approximates your thought (you can revise this later) and go on with the next idea. (万事开头难)
• Break the task up into steps. Meet the general purpose first, and then flesh out the more specific aspects later.
• Try one of the strategies on the next page of this resource.
Other Strategies for Getting Over Writer's Block.If you have tried the other strategies and are still having problems, try some of these general techniques for getting over writer's block. These strategies will prove more helpful when you're drafting your writing.
Begin in the MiddleStart writing at whatever point you like(还是最喜欢这样写啊,想到什么写什么). If you want to begin in the middle, fine. Leave the introduction or first section until later. The reader will never know that you wrote the paper "backwards." Besides, some writers routinely save the introduction until later when they have a clearer idea of what the main idea and purpose of the piece will be.
Talk Out the PaperTalking feels less artificial than writing to some people. Talk about what you want to write someone—your teacher, a friend, a roommate, or a tutor. Just pick someone who's willing to give you fifteen to thirty minutes to talk about the topic and whose main aim is to help you start writing. Have the person take notes while you talk or tape your conversation. Talking will be helpful because you'll probably be more natural and spontaneous in speech than in writing. Your listener can ask questions and guide you as you speak, and you'll be more likely to relax and say something unpredictable than if that you were sitting and forcing yourself to write.
Tape the PaperTalk into a tape recorder, imagining your audience sitting in front of you. Then, transcribe the tape-recorded material. You'll at least have some ideas written down to work with and move around.
Change the AudiencePretend that you're writing to a child, to a close friend, to a parent, to a person who sharply disagrees with you, or to someone who's new to the subject and needs to have you explain your paper's topic slowly and clearly. Changing the audience can clarify your purpose and can also make you feel more comfortable and help you write more easily.
Play a RolePretend you are someone else writing the paper. For instance, if you have been asked to write about sexist advertising, assume you are the president of the National Organization of Women. Or, pretend you are the president of a major oil company asked to defend the high price of oil. Consider being someone in another time period, or someone with a wildly different perspective from your own. Pulling yourself out of your usual perspective can help you see things that are otherwise invisible or difficult to articulate, and your writing will be stronger for it.
(Many of these ideas are from Peter Elbow's Writing with Power, and Mack Skjei's Overcoming Writing Blocks.) 本帖最后由 miki7cat 于 2009-11-22 13:31 编辑
没有准备过的题目:Write down all the primary ideas you'd like to express and then fill in each with the smaller ideas that make up each primary idea. This can easily be converted into an outline
遇到讨厌的题目:Choose a particular aspect of the topic you are interested in (if the writing situation will allow it...i.e. if the goal of your writing can be adjusted and is not given to you specifically, or if the teacher or project coordinator will allow it)
不想写:Resign yourself to the fact that you have to write
assure yourself that the first draft doesn't have to be a work of genius, it is something to work with.
Force yourself to write down something, however poorly worded, that approximates your thought (you can revise this later) and go on with the next idea.
Break the task up into steps. Meet the general purpose first, and then flesh out the more specific aspects later.
Begin in the Middle---Start writing at whatever point you like. Save the introduction until later when they have a clearer idea of what the main idea and purpose of the piece will be.
Talk Out the Paper---
Talking will be helpful because you'll probably be more natural and spontaneous in speech than in writing. Your listener can ask questions and guide you as you speak, and you'll be more likely to relax and say something unpredictable than if that you were sitting and forcing yourself to write.
Tape the Paper---
Talk into a tape recorder, imagining your audience sitting in front of you.
Change the Audience---
Pretend that you're writing to someone who needs to have you explain your paper's topic slowly and clearly. Changing the audience can clarify your purpose and can also make you feel more comfortable and help you write more easily.
Play a Role---
Pretend you are someone else writing the paper. Consider being someone in another time period, or someone with a wildly different perspective from your own. Pulling yourself out of your usual perspective can help you see things that are otherwise invisible or difficult to articulate, and your writing will be stronger for it.