
标题: 进军美利坚IBT特训营—作文小组 优秀作业汇总贴 [打印本页]

作者: snowman0427    时间: 2010-7-28 23:07:03     标题: 进军美利坚IBT特训营—作文小组 优秀作业汇总贴

本帖最后由 snowman0427 于 2010-8-22 15:30 编辑



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作者: hulinlin24    时间: 2010-7-28 23:16:34

作者: chenyyalex    时间: 2010-7-28 23:19:13

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作者: hulinlin24    时间: 2010-7-28 23:25:37



作者: niunian    时间: 2010-7-28 23:27:35

先贴一个哈  版权归layla1989

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Advertising is the most important cause of unhealthy eating habits

Nowaday, the increase of obesity and the spread of stomach troubles both indicate that more and more people are suffering from the damage brought by their own unhealthy eating habits. It is common to see couch potatoes eating and watching TV at the same time, many fat little children crazy filling their stomach with junk food and office workers eating their take-out while filling the reports for their companies. This problem has come into people’s notice and many of them blame food advertisement for causing unhealthy eating habits. However, not only advertising but also many other factors should account for people’ felling into such terrible habits.
The increasing speed of life pace leave people no time to care about their lunch. In ancient times, the people of upper class enjoy their feast,while today’s top managers just eat up their meal as filling gas into their cars. Fierce competition and strong desire for promotion drive people from top executives to office clerk to clear their head and to keep and update work information in it all the time. It is a luxury to have a health meal with a slightly slow eating speed for most people in the morden society.
The highly developed food industry is also a main contributor to the formation of bad eating habits. There is a demand, there is supply. The number of fast food restaurants and quick-freezing manufactories are booming under the growing needs of today’s working population. Once the consumers try such products, in most cases, they will be addicted to them for their special quality of time saving although those food taste not so delicious as they look.
Not only the external factors but also the internal factors have influence on people’s eating habits. In the eyes of most people, the time spend on each meal occupy their time for hard working and interrupt their ongoing work. To some extent, they are willing to sacrifice all their lunch time to get good working performance. What’s worse is that they are so proud of such eating habits for they thought it is the expression of elite.
As a conclusion, although the advertising of food play part of the role to lead and attract people to consume junk food, it can not be deny that the function that increasing pace of life, booming of fast food industry and people’ own concept have in the formation of today’s unhealthy eating habits is also huge and not neglectable.
作者: darkathrun    时间: 2010-8-1 05:59:47

作者: niunian    时间: 2010-8-2 00:30:15

作者: zhangting318    时间: 2010-8-10 18:09:24

4# hulinlin24
作者: qsubq    时间: 2010-8-13 17:39:20

作者: Colin_h    时间: 2010-8-14 13:26:38

作者: lh2125156    时间: 2010-8-15 23:41:46

作者: 猪猪快跑    时间: 2010-8-22 14:48:52

作者: 逍遥若曦    时间: 2010-8-26 17:00:49

作者: skyice1987    时间: 2010-9-1 23:24:16

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作者: llljjjlll    时间: 2010-9-3 16:23:55

本帖最后由 llljjjlll 于 2010-9-3 16:25 编辑

09.06.12NA   Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Students should not take part-time jobs while they are studying in universities

Currently, the increasing number of students taking part-time jobs while still in universities has aroused considerable concern. No one can doubt the plain fact that numerous students, for certain purposes such as seeking to earn extra money or obtaining working experience, opt for part –time jobs when feasible. However, there is a general debate over the phenomenon. The majority of people have been taken in by the notion that as to students nothing matters fundamentally but studying; part-time jobs decrease the time students tend to occupy in learning, probably resulting in lagging behind. But has it? Close examination fails to bear out the argument and from my perspective, it does good to further life.

There’s no denying that students can benefit a lot from working while still studying. Notwithstanding it takes fairly much time , what virtually matters is that working cultivates talents, which means via making students learn to communicate and accomplish tasks timely and perfectly ,taking jobs before graduating accelerate the speed of maturing. Bill Gates is generally cited as a prime example that endeavors to work and innovate from the initial years in Harvard and consequently creates Microsoft Empire. Another equally crucial cause is that the hands-on experience gives students who choose to work in advance a great advantage over those who merely focus on studying or more than that ,entertaining.

But that’s only part of the interpretation. Perhaps the most primary effect of taking part-time jobs is that it helps impoverished students. Unfortunately it is likely to be the case that destitution is one of the bitter truths that quite a number of students must learn to face. A recent report shows that millions of students in China are lacking money to finish schooling. Hence, earning extra money and using it towards tuition fees is the most probable incentive for students to opt for part-time work and most accessible approach to resolve all the difficulties. As noted, plentiful jobs such as family educators and leaflets distributers are offered by official institutions organized by universities themselves.

However, it would be a sad blunder to devote excessive time in part-time jobs. What really counts to students most is gaining knowledge. That’s to say, students are obliged to give priority to study, for only if they are equipped with sufficient expertise can they excel in the further formal job. It seems pretty certain that putting the cart before the horse is not the rational option.

As a conclusion, taking-part jobs makes undergraduates capable for further vocations and what’s more, it offers opportunities to those needy students to accomplish schooling. But in the meantime, students should primarily focus on study and not be immersed in an error.[/td][/tr][/table]

作者: dailiangzhen    时间: 2010-9-11 16:00:16

作者: ing315    时间: 2010-9-13 09:23:55

作者: chxh2020    时间: 2010-9-24 15:58:55

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by zcnvszwj(松山雪影)
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作者: lereina    时间: 2011-2-11 14:17:07

作者: zoebaimax    时间: 2011-8-1 21:35:42

作者: chhiwawa    时间: 2011-8-3 08:30:15


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