
标题: 【Daily Writing作文特训小组】蜂鸟的作文贴!TOEFL之旅已结束,谢谢大家! [打印本页]

作者: 冰雪蜂鸟    时间: 2011-6-27 14:52:01     标题: 【Daily Writing作文特训小组】蜂鸟的作文贴!TOEFL之旅已结束,谢谢大家!

本帖最后由 冰雪蜂鸟 于 2011-9-14 14:28 编辑

一战:10年2月7日    悲催的86——R21  L23  S18  W24
再战:11年9月18日  目标100+      作文目标26+

加场:11年8月28日   总分101       作文24

作者: 冰雪蜂鸟    时间: 2011-6-27 23:21:08

本帖最后由 冰雪蜂鸟 于 2011-8-15 08:52 编辑

6月27日作业:在家利用电脑和电话(work at home by using computer and telephone)工作,还是去公司的办公室(company’s office)工作。5/22/2010。

作者: kaijuncc    时间: 2011-6-28 08:00:45


首先It cannot deny that a suitable workplace can stimulate better work. However, the debate on whether works at home by using computer and telephone or at company’s office never stops.这两句话的转折比较有问题,诚然楼主希望第一句话能和后面的话构成逻辑上的转折,但是仔细想想,还是有问题的,争论继续和合适的工作环境有什么样的转折联系呢?怎么样就好了很多呢?那就是改成
The debate on whether works at home by using computer and telephone or at company’s office never stops. However,from my point of view, I am inclined to believe that people should work at their office. It's true that working at home (不是home,而是working at home)can effectively(比properly要更准确一些) avoid the pressure and provide a relaxable(relax是动词) environment for people. And we also know that a suitable workplace can generate working incentive(stimulate better work.说法有点不恰当,刺激了更好的工作?只能说stimulate people to work better,你的说法better work是stimulate的承受者了). But what, as far as I concern, more important is that company’s office is always the most formal and efficient place for work.

作者: 冰雪蜂鸟    时间: 2011-6-28 17:49:24

本帖最后由 冰雪蜂鸟 于 2011-8-15 08:50 编辑



作者: 冰雪蜂鸟    时间: 2011-6-28 17:51:07

本帖最后由 冰雪蜂鸟 于 2011-8-15 08:53 编辑

6月28日作业:3/6/2010 which is better, challenging plans about one's future or practical plans about one's future?
作者: kaijuncc    时间: 2011-6-28 19:11:52

6# 冰雪蜂鸟
Those who hold that they tend to work at home and communicate with colleagues and clients by using computer and telephone instead of at office may have two possible reasons. For one thing, as for their flexible working schedule, some people chose working at home to save more time, plan their day more flexible, and work more efficiently. For another thing, home, which is more familiar to its owner, give people more personal space which is less interrupt to perform well. Specifically, a worker may be reluctant to speak in public can express his or her well by using typing word on computer and voice in telephone. Therefore, these reasons are why some people prefer to work at home.' T+ k2 u' Y5 R0 ]9 }6 a
- |2 A8 ?' b5 u7 ^# i0 Y3 k  I2 h
However, communicate with colleagues and clients face to face in office rather than through computer and telephone is more direct and effective. Working in a project is a good example, if every project member work at home and convey themselves through electronic equipment, the coherent-need project group seems to be undisciplined. On the contrary, the project group with daily communication in the office seems to be more formal and at least encourage the morale of the group members. Thus, I am tending to believe that the insurmountable flaws that occur when working at home can be avoided by working at office.
Those who tend to work at home and communicate with colleagues and clients by using computer and telephone may argue that it offers great flexibility which consequently promots the working efficiency. But is it really how the story goes?  Actually many surveys conducted by sociologists indicate that too much flexibility means lack of supervision and undermines the working efficiency. What they've found is more fevorable to working at office. They state that the office creats a "feeling of work" that initiate people to work hard and effective, rather than to lay back and relax as they probably do at home. Moreover, communicating(非communicate) with colleagues and clients face to face in office rather than through computer and telephone is more direct and human(这里直接说efficient不妥).  balabalabala~~~~
接上面For example,Wang Shi,the most successful real estate businessman in China, has once said that he prefers working with his colleagues. A guy with his wealth can choose to work at home and relax since he just need to make a few decisions everyday and leaving other complex and basic work to his executive groups. But Wang Shi stressed that he enjoy the feeling of contacting with real people in office, which makes him closer with his fellows.


小腐警棍YY帝    看一段好累好累啊~~~   我就先只看一段先,要是不满意我们再磋商~~祝进步
作者: kaijuncc    时间: 2011-6-28 19:27:26

6# 冰雪蜂鸟
看到你的这一篇,却感觉你先说A好,再说B好B好也是可以的,为什么会这样呢?那是因为你说A好的时候用词很恰当,是有保留的再说好,实际上其实还是不好,这和你的第一篇情况不一样。第一片里面说在家好,真的感觉在家好啊,其实是削弱了你的论点。所以第一篇要花大量时间去否定在家好的观点。而第二篇,虽然那一段说practical plans 好,但是其实是真的好么?并不是,因为你说了,那是routine life,其实还是支撑你的观点的,和后面也很和谐。




作者: 冰雪蜂鸟    时间: 2011-6-28 21:04:04

本帖最后由 冰雪蜂鸟 于 2011-6-30 14:28 编辑

8# kaijuncc




作者: kaijuncc    时间: 2011-6-28 21:56:11

9# 冰雪蜂鸟

It is no exaggeration to say that challenge is to people what water is to fish. Some may plan their lives practical things and maintain the stability they enjoy. However, if I was asked whether challenging plans is always a good thing, my answer is positive.这是你的第二篇开头。
The opinion towards A varies from person to person. Some XX, some XX. But in my opinion, B is my choice.

It cannot deny that a suitable workplace can stimulate better work. However, the debate on whether works at home by using computer and telephone or at company’s office never stops. As far as I know, although home can properly avoid the pressure and provide a relax environment for people, company’s office is always the most formal and efficient place for work. From my point of view, I am inclined to believe that people should work at their office.

所以说,背景句可以有,毕竟一上来就说In my opinion,XXXX. 似乎不是你的风格。但是一上来就主题句并无不妥,你可以尝试几篇一上来就In my opinion的,相信会找到一些平衡感。

还有,背景句可以放在主题句后面,也就是说一开头,In my opinion,B is much better than A. Of course, some may hold different point of view because they think A have many merits. However, as far as I concern, B has even more merits than A does in the following aspects.我想,这样写也可以接受对吧?而且你也比较安心,第一句话就很明确表明观点了,写起来也顺一些。







作者: 冰雪蜂鸟    时间: 2011-6-29 09:57:37

本帖最后由 冰雪蜂鸟 于 2011-6-29 10:02 编辑

9# kaijuncc


原则是,水平越高越不用要求严。这样就可以分阶段提升你的能力。0 [; P2 F3 s& r' K; S0 v
* c( `  f9 s0 Q/ V
如果你听力水平已经不错了,但还是一天认真弄一篇,那基本上是进步很小的。   水平越高,每天做越多,越不要那么仔细到每句话每个字。我甚至与建议你,到后期,有时间就听听力,每句话都要听清楚,单词听不懂,你就上translate.google.com.hk然后按照你听到的音拼出来,一般下面就会出现正确的单词。新闻也是很好的,你把每个新闻也当成材料来听(但是新闻一定要短,比如三四分钟的,我不知道国内能不能上CNN,里面的都很好,还可以看看放松自己)
7 v4 x2 I' c; t7 t

至于复习计划,相信我,“单词书”如果要准备,必须在4天内拿下,然后以后就是时不时花一天复习一本书一遍,要求是不求完全掌握,但求尽量多的有印象。能记住一些就当是成功,当做赚了,而不要要求自己完全记住单词书中的单词。 ^  ], h4 u$ 单词更重要的,是听力里面听得出来,所以,更重要的是你的积累,是你的听力分学科积累。  如果你四天没有弄完单词书,果断不用理它了,而是要把单词时间花在积累听力中的分学科单词上和作文的同义词改写积累上(关于作文将会在下一期推出)。

重中之重试听力,很多时候,听力单词认识,但是听力的时候,听一遍的情况下怎么都分辨不出来,特别是对多音节的词,你要特别对这些词注意,要多听几遍它们的发音。关于你的复习重点,应该是听力每天,作文每天,口语每天,阅读每天,重要性也依次递减。 作文有作文的积累,重点我会在下一期介绍;口语贴里面也介绍了做题时的技巧和你需要准备的话题,还有一点,口语答题时一定要流利,不能有顿音,快慢自己把握来做到这一点,不要有e~~的停顿。阅读相对来说没有容易准备得多,关于阅读的资料和方法网上有很多,阅读你只要突击一下就好了,如果哪天没有时间,那不做阅读也是没有太大关系的。
小腐警棍YY帝  很高兴和你交流  很高兴和你成为朋友“
作者: 佳佳LOVE舞    时间: 2011-6-29 11:43:44

10# 冰雪蜂鸟

哇哇哇。。肿么有个这么高级的人!!  我改出来的岂不是-0-  (拽衣角。。。)
作者: kaijuncc    时间: 2011-6-29 14:23:09

10# 冰雪蜂鸟



作者: kaijuncc    时间: 2011-6-29 14:28:44

11# 佳佳LOVE舞


作者: 佳佳LOVE舞    时间: 2011-6-29 15:33:46

13# kaijuncc

我是小白一只-0- 才发现你改的是第一篇 还好还好我改第二篇去了~
作者: kaijuncc    时间: 2011-6-29 17:17:00

14# 佳佳LOVE舞


作者: 佳佳LOVE舞    时间: 2011-6-29 22:05:06

5# 冰雪蜂鸟

It is no exaggeration to say that challenge is to people what(可以用what连接这个类比吗? 我不晓得哈) water is to fish. Some may plan their lives practical things and maintain the stability they enjoy. However, if I was asked whether challenging plans is always a good thing, my answer is positive.

Those people who avoid planning a challenging future may assert that living in a familiar environment, they feel satisfied, stable and enjoy(enjoy是动词,enjoyable). In such an environment, they never have to devise other ways to fulfill themselves. What they should do is doing routine things, working without threaten(threats) and liveing happily. To be true, this kind of life seems to be fascinating and eye-catching. Nevertheless, cannot we draw a telling conclusion that it is this life that thoroughly destroys people’s ambition and barricades people’s steps?#

As for me, a challenging plan about my future is more breath-taking than stability. The individual challenge should be first factor to be outlined. Making the individual challenge means that people are blessed with a golden opportunity to develop the potential, expand the horizon of knowledge and cultivate the logical thinking. Suppose, one is forever doing the same job and avoiding challenge, one will never know what else he or she can do(l两个句子之间没有连接词啊~动词会打架的), thus making it impossible for him or her to develop his or her potential. Not come singly but in pairs, a celebrity used to say that doing difficult things that you feel challenging can make progress.

Besides, a challenging plan gives one an opportunity to try whatever he or she is fond of. Challenge may mean comparative instability, yet it is this that forces people to make wiser judgment, acquire more knowledge这个点上文提过了呀肿么又出现了?后面这个解释和这句的能让人们尝试任何喜欢的东西不是非常贴切哇~)to concurred these obstacles and adapt to the ever-accelerated society. The most typical person always challenges his life and the world is(challenge 和is 打架了-0- 那从句或者分词连接一下下) Abraham Lincoln who is the most successful President in US. Every time he projected his future with a challenge and ambitious picture such as being a senate or an entrepreneur even the failure always knock his door(everytime 那个人****样了后面应该是结果啊社么的吧, even引的这个读起来乖乖的啊, 如果是即使会失败他也继续challenge那这句话这样用引导词就不恰当了,应该he still projected……even though....). Therefore, planning a challenging future(这句话的主语是people's view, 那如果plan要伴随的话这个就奇怪了,这个plan的主语和这句话的主语不一致所以不能用伴随最好弄个从句什么的清晰), people’s view is expanded and their logical thinking can be cultivated.

As has been mentioned previously, we can see clearly that though taken by some people as unacceptable, however, taking more factors in to consideration(跟上面的语法问题一样, take 的主语和句子主语不一致~), a challenging plan for one’s future is essential for individual development and is also an unavoidable trend.
我没改过大作文呢,第一改见谅啊~不同意的地方即使跟我交流恩,关于结构上我没有你了解的清楚,没法做多评价~ 就能改改语法啦, sat 考试语法做多了赫赫~~
作者: kaijuncc    时间: 2011-6-29 23:46:06

16# 佳佳LOVE舞





Every time he projected his future with a challenge and ambitious picture such as being a senate or an entrepreneur even the failure always knock his door.  这一句话 出来你讲的还有一点要改Every time he projected his future with a challenging(要用形容词) and ambitious picture such as being a senate or an entrepreneur even the failure always knock his door.


作者: kaijuncc    时间: 2011-6-30 04:11:08

16# 佳佳LOVE舞


Suppose, one is forever doing the same job and avoiding challenge, one will never know what else he or she can do(l两个句子之间没有连接词啊~动词会打架的), thus making it impossible for him or her to develop his or her potential.   这句话是对的,不需要改,注意到“Suppose,” 没有,这就和suppose that一样,所以是正确的。^^

Challenge may mean comparative instability, yet it is this that forces people to make wiser judgment, acquire more knowledge,这里加上一个“and” to concurred these obstacles and adapt to the ever-accelerated society. 这一句话里,challenge应该用复数,yet it is this that 应该改为yet it is what, concurred应该为conquer


作者: 佳佳LOVE舞    时间: 2011-6-30 12:31:18

18# kaijuncc
啊你好高级! 神马时候我也能慢慢接近你水平就好了。。
作者: 冰雪蜂鸟    时间: 2011-6-30 14:18:31



但是还要为自己申辩一下~ 一个是supposed那个,就像小腐老师说的,我觉得这种句型就像if...then...条件句一样,使用主将从现。另外一个是最后一段,我将taking more factors into consideration, 当做的是插入语,所以应该在句中不起到任何作用。不知道我这样理解对不对><,继续求教!
作者: 冰雪蜂鸟    时间: 2011-6-30 14:19:13

本帖最后由 冰雪蜂鸟 于 2011-8-15 08:50 编辑



作者: kaijuncc    时间: 2011-6-30 14:56:36

20# 冰雪蜂鸟

As has been mentioned previously, we can see clearly that though taken by some people as unacceptable, however, taking more factors into consideration a challenging plan for one’s future is essential for individual development and is also an unavoidable trend.+

As has been mentioned previously, though taken by some people as unconvincing(这样比unacceptable语气轻点), however, a challenging plan for one’s future is essential for individual development and is also an unavoidable trend, taking more factors into account(consideration也可以哦).

这样写的话比较易懂吧^^     其实你的也没错啦

作者: kaijuncc    时间: 2011-6-30 15:01:23

19# 佳佳LOVE舞


作者: 冰雪蜂鸟    时间: 2011-6-30 17:29:50

12# kaijuncc

作者: 冰雪蜂鸟    时间: 2011-6-30 17:33:12

16# 佳佳LOVE舞

作者: kaijuncc    时间: 2011-6-30 18:04:54

24# 冰雪蜂鸟

我现在在德国交换呢~~~~   所以作息差了六个小时,郁闷郁闷啊~~~

Actually many surveys conducted by sociologists indicate that too much flexibility means insufficient supervision and sluggish at work.

Working at office can retain the humanity culture through interacting with others meet, interchanging notions obtained and caring and helping others who need help. Working at office can promotethe development of creativity and technology by making full use of the resourcesand facilities in the company and integrate the intelligent of a group ofpeople.


作者: 冰雪蜂鸟    时间: 2011-6-30 22:54:36

9/31/2010 Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? It is often not a good thing to move to a new city or a new country because of the loss of old friends?


The idea of leaving hometown to a new city or a new country often occur in mind when old friends leave us because whatever reason. But thoroughly consideration demonstrates that the disadvantages of the action always outweigh the advantages.

Those who hold that move to a new environment would be a good choice may believe that a new environment can help them forget grieve friendship and deliver them new friend with lucky. At first glance the statement is seemingly appealing and attractive, but, in fact, their thought is oversimplification. Usually, people who escape from their familiar environment to a strange situation because of dilemma always confront much more difficulties, which are not merely confined to friendship. Can we draw a telling conclusion that the consequence generated from living to a new city or a new country is more serious than that from staying where the problem occurred?

Moving to a new city or a new country is not an effective way to eradicate misery in people’s spirit. It is widely accepted that the only way to solve a problem is to improve one’s self and confront it bravely. Even if a person get some fortune and make new friends in a new ambience, he or she might commit the same mistakes and loss friends again. Moreover, even if an individual get rid of all the upset memory in the moment, he or she cannot guarantee the memory cannot recur once again. Dozens of movies setting a background that the hero moving to a seemingly promising new world because of a loss of friends tell us a story that the hero conquered his or her drawbacks and finally come back to the homeland.

Moreover, moving to a new environment impedes the stability of the society. Suppose, if everyone move to someplace new just because of an end of a friendship, one city will never has long-live citizen who live in the city more than a couple of years, because an end of friendship will happen with every person and at every moment. What is more, the instability of population of a community hinders the inheritance of the domestic culture. An extreme example is that it is not until the residents capture the culture in the land, they have to move. Therefore, the action is somewhat unthoughtful and unconvincing for the development of a community.

To be admitted, proceeding to someplace new is an easy action that some people will tend to. However, the action is not perfect not only for individual but also for our community.
作者: kaijuncc    时间: 2011-7-1 04:52:06

27# 冰雪蜂鸟




作者: 冰雪蜂鸟    时间: 2011-7-1 13:12:47

28# kaijuncc

作者: kaijuncc    时间: 2011-7-2 04:03:23

29# 冰雪蜂鸟


作者: 冰雪蜂鸟    时间: 2011-7-2 23:25:30

本帖最后由 冰雪蜂鸟 于 2011-8-15 08:51 编辑


The government should spend more money on education of very young children than the education of universities.

作者: xiangtuo    时间: 2011-7-3 11:35:23

3、文章的结构很完美,很完整,滴水不漏,我很喜欢。但是楼主问什么说两个都好的写不下去呢?小小交流一下为什么呢?我这篇文章就是两边都好,写起来很顺很舒服。楼主的想法能交流下不?我的文章是在https://bbs.gter.net/viewthre ... p;extra=&page=5 48楼,鄙人不才,拿自己的文章小小交流下。

作者: 冰雪蜂鸟    时间: 2011-7-3 23:29:50

本帖最后由 冰雪蜂鸟 于 2011-7-3 23:53 编辑

30# kaijuncc
作者: 冰雪蜂鸟    时间: 2011-7-3 23:47:49

本帖最后由 冰雪蜂鸟 于 2011-7-3 23:49 编辑

32# xiangtuo


2、至于提到America,并不特意写给老美看,也不是有前人说过,因为我在美国生活过一段时间,这些例子我比较熟悉而已。既然可以在文章里提China为什么不能提America呢?在第一段中我并不只是只写校友资助,我主要谈的是私立学校和公立学校的问题。而美国是一个非常典型以私立大学占多数的国家。第三段的例子中,公立校车是美国非常典型的场景。另外也是我的疏忽,“Boys and Girls club of America”是一个机构的全程,我忘记加引号了(已经在原文中补出),所以导致以为又在提美国。因为在这个机构实习过,所以比较熟悉。所以,我些例子全部都是基于熟悉,并不是为了迎合阅卷者的思想。
3、至于为什么没有继续写两个都好,是因为我写着写着实在觉得应该支持资助小孩子,我能写的理由更加充分,于是就改了~ 当然硬要写两个都好也是可以的。我去看看你的文章,然后给你留言在你的帖子里~

欢迎继续交流~~谢谢!# E% \' q( n7 g* o9 q  l& h
作者: Monitor2011    时间: 2011-7-4 23:29:27

作者: 冰雪蜂鸟    时间: 2011-7-14 20:12:24

本帖最后由 冰雪蜂鸟 于 2011-8-15 08:51 编辑

04/03/09 Do you agree or disagree with the following statement:  "The best way to improve the quality of education is to increase teachers' salaries."
作者: 应小呆    时间: 2011-7-15 16:40:34


04/03/09 Do you agree or disagree with the following statement:   "The best way to improve the quality of education is to increase teachers' salaries."

The issue of how to improve the quality of education has been discussed for several years. If I were asked whether increase teacher’s salary is a feasible method, my answer is positive.9 E- `- L" J( C$ P7 h9 B- [
" C5 [- m+ p% z
Those people hold (加一个the view 会不会更好些呢?)that the method cannot realize the goal may assert that the increase of instructor’s salary is unrelated with the education performance. Although the salary is increased, teachers are still lack of high-level knowledge, instruction skills and responsibility as they were in the past. However, if the method is implemented, we can forecast some pay back in the long run, such as the improvement of the quality of instruction and the attraction of(我不太清楚这个词的用法,attraction of在我的认识里面是sth的吸引力) more and more talents. Many educationists state that education is a never lose(同未见过这种结构,求解释~) investment, can we say that e3 }% m1 L# c& A5 @* J; U
  L9 F2 w2 n8 }0 E; Y/ [5 I
Increasing the salary of teacher can make teachers focus more on students and thus improve the education quality. Taking university professors as an example, many professors not only teach and research at university but also work for enterprises. Many even treat their work in corporation as main job and their work in university as a part-time job. There is a similar case, a great number of middle or high school teacher focus more on after-class training and private instruction. They become not available for their students in school. The main reason for this phenomenon is the low salary of teacher and thus higher salary job lured good teachers away. If teaching salary is increased, teachers will not turn on other means to get profits and, In return, more and more talents will be attracted to be a teacher. Thus, education quality is improved by retaining and attracting more competent teachers teaching students and instructing students more(这个more是修饰谁的呢?).3 ~" x& ~7 O! @% M+ a% @1 m4 |, h+ ~
3 i! u$ h1 R1 l) I2 \
Moreover, increase(increasing) education investment expresses that government and schools attach more importance into education. As we all know that to improve education quality, both teacher and student should have the norm of improve(improving) their performance. Not only should teachers take more responsibility into education, but also students make more effort to study. The increase of tuition caused by the increase of teaching salary will make students treat the learning opportunity more valuable and take more advantage of schools. Through this way, both teachers and students have more motivation to make the education quality better.(后面这个观点很新颖呢,但我有个小疑问,学费上升、部分学生就会离开学校,总的教育质量不就下降了吗?)

# h9 r8 _# _" y
To be admitted, although increase(increasing) teaching salary may not have immediate effect of education quality, the education quality will be improved in more promoted and effective in this way.
作者: 冰雪蜂鸟    时间: 2011-7-15 22:18:53

37# 应小呆

attraction 貌似有吸引的意思吧,我再去查查。谢谢!
Many educationists state that education is a never lose investment, can we say that the education investment will bring huge benefits?
Thus, education quality is improved by retaining and attracting more competent teachers teaching students and instructing students more by those teachers.这样有没有好些呢?
作者: 应小呆    时间: 2011-7-16 16:21:08

我问的是那个never lose结构~
作者: 冰雪蜂鸟    时间: 2011-7-17 01:29:49

本帖最后由 冰雪蜂鸟 于 2011-8-15 08:52 编辑

2/12/2010 Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: In a cooperation of team, the people who cannot accept criticize couldn’t be successful. Use specific reasons and examples to support your idea.

都快写一个小时了>< 下次要掐时间!
作者: 应小呆    时间: 2011-7-17 08:19:28


V2/12/2010 Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: In a cooperation of team, the people who cannot accept criticize couldn’t be successful. Use specific reasons and examples to support your idea.1 N* o$ |- l& d, O: `7 b

都快写一个小时了>< 下次要掐时间!0 D$ D% A# Y; W, N( t( f3 R
! H6 l# x" G2 B9 x
As the old saying goes “failure is mother of success”, success is always accompanied with criticize. When I am enrolled in a group work, I am always expecting and accepting any criticize, because criticism can improve my behavior.! Y/ F  e& X9 E/ u/ `  n6 n

Those people who never adopt advices from other people may be confidence(confident) that they can perform well on the task and do not need any revise. Follow this notion, what they should do is following their correct experiences in the past and take(taking) their own way.  However, can we say that is this life style narrows one’s scope and barricades one’s step?

However, criticizes and advices from other people, especially from members of cooperation team, are pretty useful that can point out a promising way when in difficulty. As a fable demonstrates, a bird, a crab and a dog want to move a big rock together. Even though they spare no effort to drag the rock, the rock cannot move even a little bit. The reason why the rock cannot move is that the bird drags the rock upward, the dog drags it forward, and the crab drags the rock to its left. They are not work in the same direction. A criticize and correction is needed in this critical moment to recommend them (to)move the rock in one direction. This philosophy is applicable to team work in reality too. Accept(Accepting) advice humbly can help people work more efficient and successful./ L( l$ ^, T7 m; ?: |5 Z3 A% G9 v7 A; v

Moreover, Accepting(accepting) criticize means that people are blessed with a golden opportunity to expand the horizon of knowledge, develop the potential and cultivate the logical thinking. Suppose, one is forever work in one format, one will never know what else he or she can do, thus making it impossible for him or her to develop his or her potential. Besides, other people’s advice gives one an opportunity to try whatever he or she is fond of. Criticism is sometimes unpleasant and unacceptable, yet it is this that forces people to make wiser judgment and acquire more knowledge to adapt them to this ever-accelerated society. In this way, people’s view is expanded and their logical thinking can be cultivated.5 H. H9 t/ }2 M; [

As discussed previously, although criticism for some people is unacceptable, it is an important attitude and skill when work in a cooperate group.

作者: qqweer2007    时间: 2011-7-17 09:30:01

40# 冰雪蜂鸟
2/12/2010 Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: In a cooperation of team, the people who cannot accept criticize couldn’t be successful. Use specific reasons and examples to support your idea.G1 Y0 s" e6 t  g: `: L* l0 P' W
As the old saying goes “failure is mother of success”, success is always accompanied with criticize. When I am enrolled in a group work, I am always expecting and accepting any criticize, because criticism can improve my behavior.
Those people who never adopt advices from other people may be confidence that they can perform well on the task and do not need any revise(amendment/revising). Follow this notion, what they should do is follow their correct experiences in the past and take their own way.  However, can we say that is this life style narrows one’s scope and barricades one’s step? (为什么要反问。)
However, criticizes and advices from other people, especially from members of cooperation team, are pretty useful that can point out a promising way when in difficulty. As a fable demonstrates, a bird, a crab and a dog want to move a big rock together. Even though they spare no effort to drag the rock, the rock cannot move even a little bit. The reason why the rock cannot move is that the bird drags the rock upward, the dog drags it forward, and the crab drags the rock to its left. They are not work in the same direction.(这个故事的寓意跟这段的论点有偏差啊。) A criticize and correction is needed in this critical moment to recommend them move the rock in one direction. This philosophy is applicable to team work in reality too. Accept(Accepting) advice humbly can help people work more efficient and successful.
Moreover, Accepting criticize means that people are blessed with a golden opportunity to expand the horizon of knowledge, develop the potential and cultivate the logical thinking. Suppose, one is forever work in one format, one will never know what else he or she can do, thus making it impossible for him or her to develop his or her potential. Besides, other people’s advice gives one an opportunity to try whatever he or she is fond of. Criticism is sometimes unpleasant and unacceptable, yet it is this that forces people to make wiser judgment and acquire more knowledge to adapt them to this ever-accelerated society. In this way, people’s view is expanded and their logical thinking can be cultivated.A- `. o7 B+ R
As discussed previously, although criticism for some people is unacceptable, it is an important attitude and skill when work in a cooperate group.

作者: april0515    时间: 2011-7-18 23:16:59

2/12/2010 Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: In a cooperation of team, the people who cannot accept criticize couldn’t be successful. Use specific reasons and examples to support your idea.

都快写一个小时了>< 下次要掐时间!

As the old saying goes “failure is mother of success”, success is always accompanied with criticizecriticism . When I am enrolled in a group work, I am always expecting and accepting any criticizecriticism, because criticism can improve my behavior.

Those people who never adopt advicesadvice from other people may be confidenceconfident that they can perform well on the task and do not need any revise. Follow this notion, what they should do isto follow their correct experiences in the past and take their own way.  However, can we say that is this life style narrows one’s scope and barricades one’s step?

However, criticizes and advicescriticism and advice from other people, especially from members of cooperation team, are pretty useful that can point out a promising way when in difficulty. As a fable demonstrates, a bird, a crab and a dog want to move a big rock together. Even though they spare no effort to drag the rock, the rock cannot move even a little bit. The reason why the rock cannot move is that the bird drags the rock upward, the dog drags it forward, and the crab drags the rock to its left. They are not work in the same direction. A criticize and correction is needed in this critical moment to recommend them move the rock in one direction. This philosophy is applicable to team work in reality too. Accept Acceptingadvice humbly can help people work more efficient and successful.

Moreover, Accepting criticize means that people are blessed with a golden opportunity to expand the horizon of knowledge, develop the potential and cultivate the logical thinking. Suppose, one is forever work in one format, one will never know what else he or she can do, thus making it impossible for him or her to develop his or her potential. Besides, other people’s advice gives one an opportunity to try whatever he or she is fond of. Criticism is sometimes unpleasant and unacceptable, yet it is this that forces people to make wiser judgment and acquire more knowledge to adapt them to this ever-accelerated society. In this way, people’s view is expanded and their logical thinking can be cultivated.

As discussed previously, although criticism for some people is unacceptable, it is an important attitude and skill when workworking in a cooperate group.

觉得论点还不错,第一段写接受批评有助于团队合作 但个人觉得例子有点牵强
第二点写接受批评有助于扩展知识面,个人觉得这里逻辑不是很强。为什么接受批评可以扩展知识面,接受哪些批评可以扩展知识面?如果能再详细点就更好了~~~ ) 总体还是不错的,语言可以更加丰富一些)

作者: 冰雪蜂鸟    时间: 2011-7-19 22:50:29

1/30/2010 Do you agree that the government should support the scientificresearch even there is no practical use?

Scientific research is to education what water is to fish. Asalmost every country regard education as a essential mission, government shouldsupport the scientific research undoubtedly even though it is useless.

Those people who hold that government should not supportscientific research any more may assert that it is better to invest the moneyto some quick-returned investment instead of the scientific research, most ofwhich is useless. Not only students learn little from it, but also spent agreat deal of ineffective effort in the process. However, the people who neverexperienced a real scientific research cannot understand what it brings to us. Ineffect, what an individual inherent from a scientific research is not merelythe topic of the project but an extremely valuable opportunity to access to thesource of high-level education.

The government support is urged to strengthen the education. Frommy experience of scientific research, I feel that it helps me learn the way ofsolving practical things, cultivate logical thinking and the ability of learnby myself. To complete this research, I learn the fundamental knowledge of thesubject, draw logic research plan and solve every emergence emerge in theresearch. Without of government, I cannot have this learning opportunity, the financialsource to operate the project and, what is more important, the seeminglyuseless for society but creative achievement. Therefore, although at the firstglance the scientific research, especially student research, is fruitless, governmentshould give strong support to it.

Moreover, the benefit from scientific research to the society andthe world are more compelling. Many professional scientific research institutessuch as Chinese Academy of Science routinely do national large-scale project.It cannot deny that most of the research are not famous and fruitless in theend or are only one part of other project that cannot render result in aminute. However, once the achievement is published, huge benefit will be gainedsuch as financial reward, government reputation and technology update. The mostfamous research achievement is Mars-venture techniques. From this point ofview, government should spare no effort to support scientific research.

Admitted, most of scientific research, both student research andnational project, cannot give society a quick pay back. Government shouldsupport it unconditionally to better educate individuals and flourishing thesociety.
作者: 超级猴子    时间: 2011-7-20 09:41:35

Scientific research is to education what water is to fish. As almost every country regard education as a essential mission, government should support the scientific research undoubtedly even though it is useless.

Those people who hold that government should not support scientific research any more may assert that it is better to invest the money to
in,invest in some quick-returned investment instead of the scientific research, most of which is useless. Not only students learn little from it, but also spent a great deal of ineffective effort in the process. However, the people who never experienced a real scientific research cannot understand what it brings to us. In effect, what an individual inherent(inherits,我猜你想表达的是继承的意思吧) from a scientific research is not merely the topic of the project but an extremely valuable opportunity to access to the source of high-level education.

The government support is urged to strengthen the education. From my experience of scientific research, I feel that it helps me learn the way of solving practical things, cultivate logical thinking and the ability of learn by myself. To complete this research, I learn the fundamental knowledge of the subject, draw logic research plan and solve every emergence emerg
ed during the research. Without of(
没看出这个OF和那里搭配) government, I cannot have this learning opportunity, the financial source to operate the project and, what is more important, the seemingly useless for society but creative achievement. Therefore, although at the first glance the scientific research, especially student research, is fruitless, government should give strong support to it.

Moreover, the benefit for the society and the world caused by scientific research are more compelling. Many professional scientific research institutes such as Chinese Academy of Science routinely do national large-scale project. It cannot deny that most of the research are not famous and fruitless in the end or are only one part of other project that cannot render result in a minute. However, once the achievement is published, huge benefit will be gained such as financial reward, government reputation and technology update. The most famous research achievement is Mars-venture techniques. From this point of view, government should spare no effort to support scientific research.

Admitted, most of scientific research, both student research and national project, cannot give society a quick pay back. Government should support it unconditionally to better educate individuals and flourishing the society.

作者: 冰雪蜂鸟    时间: 2011-7-22 10:20:10

9/11/2009 Do you agree with the following statement? It is only worth watchingmovies that can teach us something about real life?
写的很仓促>< 麻烦狠批!

It is widely accepted that we all live in a real society which is fullof difficulties and everyday trifles that we have to overcome. And governmentand press have the responsibility to educate citizens to have the ability tolive better. While, according to this notion, can we say that we should onlywatch movies that can teach us something about real life? My answer is definitelyno.

Those who assert that movies without teaching function areworthless to watch may believe that this kind of movies are useless for peopleand to watch it is a waste of time and money. What they should do is focustheir attention only on the movie topic that we probably will encounter in ourfuture life. To be true, this action seems to be useful and helpful in our reallife. However, can we draw a telling conclusion that it is this kind of notiontotally narrowed our scope and barricades our steps?

As for me, some seemingly unrealistic movies are always bringing tous more than we can experience in the whole life and thus benefit us more. Itcannot deny that, for an individual, we can only experience a limited number ofthings and we have to seek for other means to make ourselves knowledgeable. A famousHollywood movie “A.I.”, made by Steven Spielberg, conveys a moving story about anartificial intelligence boy and real people. This topic is far away from our reallife, however, this movie, as a kind of literature art, express to us adifferent and new world which we may not have the chance to experience in reallife. Thus, for individual unrealistic movie can breakthrough our normal notionand make ours life vigorous.

Moreover, the movie that cannot teach us in real life is stillworth watching for its value to literature and art and its contribution to thesociety. Another movie “Transformer”, which is famous all over the word and isfar from our daily life either, is a story about car transformers protect peopleand rescue the world. This movie, or fiction movie, was made by advancedcomputer techniques and comes out pretty shaking three-dimension visual effect.Transformer series movie have brought society and world huge profits andreputation. What is more, we are living in the time when movie has become anindustry. We should support our national industry to make our societyprosperous.

Admitted, some instruction function movies are more helpful anduseful for our individual, taking more long-view factors into consideration, unrealisticmovies are sill worthy to watch because they can produce much more benefits forus.
作者: theflyfish    时间: 2011-7-22 12:40:18

作者: wendy316    时间: 2011-7-22 15:22:30

作者: jenniferso    时间: 2011-7-22 21:40:20

It is widely accepted that we all live in a real society which is full of difficulties and everyday trifles that we have to overcome. Andand无意义,删除) government and press have the responsibility to educate citizens to have the ability to live better. While, according to this notion, can we say that we should only watch movies that can teach us something about real life?(这两句似乎没有任何逻辑关系) My answer is definitely no.3 v- c: y& @" _+ O

Those who assert that movies without teaching
educational may be better
function are worthless to watch may believe that this kind of movies are useless for people and to watch
for people to watch, no and(此句过长) it is a waste of time and money. What they should do is focus their attention only on the movie topic that we probably will encounter in ourfuture lifebe probably encountered in our future life. To be true, this action (what action, 指代不清晰,会引起歧义,因为前面有两种action,一个是看有教育意义的,一个是看无教育意义的)seems to be useful and helpful in our reallife. However, can we draw a telling conclusion that it is这个it is 可以删除
this kind of notion totally narrowed our scope and barricades our steps?7 m) r4 d# s, C5 h# S, ~+ @8 ]( N

. t. x: p& U  |$ d3 L  ~1 w
As for me, some seemingly unrealistic movies are always bringing to (TO
删除)us more than we can experience in the whole life and thus benefit us more(意思与前半句重复). It cannot deny that, for an individual, we (单复数一致问题)can only experience a limited number of things and we have to seek for other means to make ourselves knowledgeable. A famousHollywood movie “A.I.”, made by Steven Spielberg, conveys a moving story about anartificial intelligence boy and real people. This topic is far away from our reallife, however, this movie, as a kind of literature art, express to us (give us)a different and new world which we may not have the chance to experience in reallife. Thus, for individual(删除) unrealistic movie can breakthrough our normal notion and make ours life vigorous. 4 Z% v- h% w2 N% m/ Z% [) B

Moreover, the movie that cannot teach us in real life is still worth watching for its value to literature and art and its contribution to the society. Another movie “Transformer”, which is famous all over the word and is far from our daily life either, is a story about car transformers protect people and rescue the world. This movie, or fiction movie, was made by advanced computer techniques and comes out pretty shaking three-dimension visual effect. Transformer series movie have brought society and world huge profits and reputation. What is more, we are living in the time when movie has become an industry. We should support our national industry to make our society prosperous.
* B4 V3 G' n! w

Admitted, some instruction function movies are more helpful and useful for our individual, taking more long-view factors into consideration, unrealistic movies are sill worthy to watch because they can produce much more benefits for us.(

作者: 言寺林夕    时间: 2011-7-23 14:19:10

作者: 冰雪蜂鸟    时间: 2011-7-23 14:31:31

综合写作TOP11     第一次写综合><

The speaker argues thatthe declination of literature is not a negative phenomenon. She provides astark contrast to the unwarranted, and wholly negative, statement provided inthe article. Rather than blame the people and audience, the speaker suggests thatthe culture is changed and authors should responsible for it.

The speaker challengesthe article's claim that reading fewer books leads to the missing out onimportant benefits such as exercise our imaginations, help other people andbroaden our horizon. She believes although literature may have some valuablecharacteristics, it does not mean literature is of great quality and canstimulate intellectual. In addition, other book categories, such as Science,History and Political, are of much greater quality and creatively that can alsohelp people become knowledgeable and intelligent.

The speaker also takesissue with the argument that spending time on entertainment, which used tospend on reading, cause culture missing. Instead, she demonstrates that cultureis changing in the ever-accelerating world and can be expressed in othervarious forms. We cannot say that watching a classic music concert and educatedmovie is a waste of time. Although people read fewer books, the culture is keptand expressed.

Finally, the speakerdisagrees with the writer of the article that a lack of audience is the mainreason of the tendency of reading less. Instead, poor authors shouldresponsible for it because their language is not understandable. Thus, readingless literature has not that much negative effect as the article shows.
作者: 冰雪蜂鸟    时间: 2011-7-23 15:03:50

48# wendy316

作者: 冰雪蜂鸟    时间: 2011-7-23 15:05:42

50# 言寺林夕

作者: 羊小咩89    时间: 2011-7-23 15:33:32

本帖最后由 羊小咩89 于 2011-7-23 15:35 编辑

The speaker argues that the declination of literature is not a negative phenomenon.貌似lecture里面没有说这个观点吧) She provides as tark contrast to the unwarranted, and wholly negative, statement provided in the article. Rather than blame (blaming)the people and audience, the speaker suggests that the culture is changed and authors should responsible for it.( ^5 @+ k' V$ V

The speaker challenges the article's claim that reading fewer books leads to the missing out on important benefits such as exercise our imaginations, help(helping) other people and broaden our horizon. She believes although literature may have some valuable characteristics, it does not mean literature is of great quality and can stimulate intellectual. In addition, other book categories, such as Science, History and Political, are of much greater quality and creatively (creativity) that can also help people become knowledgeable and intelligent.' W# O7 A3 M5 _" U) j7 ~# ]

1 s5 t1 c0 C: L$ XThe speaker also takes issue with the argument that spending time on entertainment, which used to spend on reading,(to) cause culture missing. Instead, she demonstrates that culture is changing in the ever-accelerating world and can be expressed in other various forms. We cannot say that watching a classic music concert and(or) educated movie is a waste of time. Although people read fewer books, the culture is kept and expressed.

) o, Z7 O% h0 T2 a2 B3 QFinally, the speaker disagrees with the writer of the article that a lack of audience is the main reason of the tendency of reading less. Instead, poor authors should (be) responsible for it because their language is not understandable. (
有点歧义,其实主要原因是intended to be difficult to understand)Thus, reading less literature has not that much negative effect as the article shows.(没有必要show ur opinion,只用说与reading中所持观点相反就可以了)


https://bbs.gter.net/viewthread.php?tid=1286661&page=1&extra= 我的在这里,各种求教 O(∩_∩)O
作者: 冰雪蜂鸟    时间: 2011-7-23 16:26:59

本帖最后由 冰雪蜂鸟 于 2011-8-15 08:52 编辑

6/26/2010 Do you agree with the following statement? People whohave learned many different skills are more likely to succeed than those whofocus on learning only one skill.
作者: Jenius    时间: 2011-7-23 19:03:43

本帖最后由 Jenius 于 2011-7-23 19:05 编辑

Over the past several years,more and more widely specialize(specialized) talents have been required in society.Carefully(Careful) observation can find that holding(觉得不是太妥,换一个词呢?) various skills are one of common characteristics those people have. Following this trend, I am incline(inclined) to believe that learning more different skills can promote one’s career success.
Those who assert that people who focus on one skills(skill) are more likely to have a prosperous future may believe that focusing on only one field can dig in a specific area deeper due to the limited energy one may has(have). What those people should do is trying to be more professional and skillful (in this area and )only in this area. Can we draw a telling conclusion that it is this notion limited one’s scope and barricaded one’s step?
As for me, a multi-skilled background is more helpful for my future career. A multi-skilled background can help one has access to different fields and, what is more important, it means one are(is) knowledgeable and have(has) better understanding of the task appointed to his or her. A friend of mine has focused on his major in literature for his entire college time with little basic science courses. After graduate, he got an internship in Electronic field. Due to his limited knowledge about other area, he did not make any sense about Electronic and technical term and of course have(had) great difficulties in doing his work. Finally the company did not offer him the job. Hence, more knowledge on(in) other field will widely broaden somebody’s future road.
Moreover,possess(possessing) various skills can not only benefit individual but also the society. In scientific research, cross field research, which is more and more demanded in the society, is a strong force that drives the scientific and technology advance. My professor, who has Computer Science, Psychology and Linguistic degree, used to do a research related to Web Science. She implemented one of experiment(the experiments) by psychology method. Without doubt, it was a breakthrough in Web Science and she(was觉得reward后面加success 有点不当) also rewarded a great success and reputation. I cannot help myself to say(saying) that to learn more skills is compelling for me.
To be admitted, one can have a deeper understanding when he or she only focus on one field and thus making great contribution, learning more skills can bring about more benefit for us individual to success and also the society.

作者: Jenius    时间: 2011-7-23 20:27:36

作者: 冰雪蜂鸟    时间: 2011-7-23 21:03:56

56# Jenius

我看了一下,你独立写作的分组应该是“超级猴子/Jenius/kagomerw”啊,不应该是改我的呀>< 不过没有关系啦,谢谢你。我一会也去改你的!
作者: Jenius    时间: 2011-7-23 21:20:46

56# Jenius

我看了一下,你独立写作的分组应该是“超级猴子/Jenius/kagomerw”啊,不应该是改我的呀>< 不过没有关系啦,谢谢你。我一会也去改你的!
冰雪蜂鸟 发表于 2011-7-23 21:03

作者: theflyfish    时间: 2011-7-23 22:56:04


作者: 冰雪蜂鸟    时间: 2011-7-24 01:29:44

本帖最后由 冰雪蜂鸟 于 2011-7-24 15:41 编辑

谢谢theflyfish, wendi316, jenniferso的批改!  我的问题:1. 用词不准确,尤其是形容词  2. 用词多样性不够

9/11/2009 Do you agree with the following statement? It is only worth watchingmovies that can teach us something about real life?
作者: 冰雪蜂鸟    时间: 2011-7-24 14:24:14

本帖最后由 冰雪蜂鸟 于 2011-8-15 08:53 编辑

7月23日 独立作业
6/19/2010Do you agree with the following statement? If you need to discuss upsetting orcontroversial problems with others, using e-mail/text messaging is better thanusing telephone/voice-messaging.
又超时了>< 下次一定早交作业!
作者: 冰雪蜂鸟    时间: 2011-7-24 15:34:01

严格按时间完成,听力只听一篇>< 第二次写综合,还不会写,望狠批!

The lecture is mainly discussed that theevidence support by the article that the recently published painting is JaneAusten is unconvincing.

First of all, the speaker demonstrates thatthe portrait was published around seventy years later after Jane Austen'sdeath, which means that there are no Austen family members who had the chance tosee the portrait still living. This point is contrary to the article thatAusten's family recognized it and point out the girl is Jane.

Moreover, the speaker points out that thereare some cousins of Jane Austen are at about the same age with Jane and they resembleJane Austen pretty much. And it is possible that the recently published portraitis a sketch of one of her cousin. This claim destroys the statement in thearticle that the resemblance of Jane's sister Cassandra's sketch of Jane provethe teenager girl is Jane.

Finally, the speaker argues that it cannot drawthe conclusion merely because the portrait style is similar to the paintingstyle of Ozias Humphrey, who was a professional portrait painter Austen familywould hire. In fact, the portrait was sold by a man called William at a timewhen Jane Austen has been 27 years old, an age obviously older than the girl inthe portrait.

In conclusion, the speaker challenges thethree points in the article that the teenager girl in the portrait is not JaneAusten.
作者: theflyfish    时间: 2011-7-25 23:19:29

作者: 冰雪蜂鸟    时间: 2011-7-26 11:38:53

65# theflyfish

作者: theflyfish    时间: 2011-7-26 14:10:46

作者: 应小呆    时间: 2011-7-27 14:25:32

7月22日" i9 X$ X9 E+ C3 l" [% Q" B
6/26/2010 Do you agree with the following statement? People whohave learned many different skills are more likely to succeed than those whofocus on learning only one skill.: d0 ?5 n2 ?' n( m

Over the past several years,more and more widely specialized talents have been required in society.Carefully observation can find that holding various skills are(is) one of (我觉得加一个those更好,更有强调的意味~) common characteristics those people have. Following this trend, I am inclined to believe that learning more different skills can promote one’s career success.) m+ i: I3 b  ?9 l4 r/ w$ |* x
/ K! p4 D: B: y! n- Z8 p& v2 g

Those who assert that people who focus on one skills are more likely to have a prosperous future may believe that focusing on only one field can dig in a specific area deeper due to the limited energy one may has. What those people should do is trying to be more professional and skillful in this area and only in thisarea. Can we draw a telling conclusion that it is this notion limited one’s scope and barricaded one’s step?(这也是一种新写法吖,学习了~), S# ^' S. X( |9 v
# z7 H" N9 I- b5 U# R

As for me, a multi-skilled background is more helpful for my future career. Amulti-skilled background can help one has access to different fields and, what is more important, it means one are knowledgeable and have better understanding of the task appointed to his or her. A friend of mine has focused on his major in literature for his entire college time with little basic science courses. After graduate, he got an internship in Electronicfield. Due to his limited knowledge about other area, he did not make any sense about Electronic and technical term and of course have great difficulties in doing his work. Finally the company did not offer him the job. Hence, more knowledge on other field will widely broaden(意思重复了) somebody’s future road.

) G5 N1 K9 I, ^  N" O
Moreover,possessing various skills can not only benefit individual but also the society. Inscientific research, cross field research, which is more and more demanded in thesociety(修饰对象不明), is a strong force that drives the scientific and technology advance.(主语不明) Myprofessor, who has Computer Science, Psychology and Linguistic degree, used to do a research related to Web Science. She implemented one of experiment by psychology method. Without doubt, it was a breakthrough in Web Science and she also rewarded a great success and reputation. I cannot help myself to say that to learn more skills is compelling for me.

G! [5 j" I* P
To be admitted, one can have a deeper understanding when only focus on one field and thus making great contribution, learning more skills can bring about morebenefit for us individual to success and also the society.& V  Y$ R5 }8 S3 U  m5 U

作者: xiamentou    时间: 2011-7-28 11:46:28

提示: 作者被禁止或删除 内容自动屏蔽
作者: rlj021    时间: 2011-7-28 14:12:33

提示: 作者被禁止或删除 内容自动屏蔽
作者: 冰雪蜂鸟    时间: 2011-7-30 00:12:35

70# rlj021

谢谢啦>< 互相帮助,继续加油!
作者: 冰雪蜂鸟    时间: 2011-7-30 00:14:23

作者: fyxloveu    时间: 2011-7-30 12:42:26

提示: 作者被禁止或删除 内容自动屏蔽
作者: fyxloveu    时间: 2011-7-30 13:22:33

提示: 作者被禁止或删除 内容自动屏蔽
作者: theflyfish    时间: 2011-7-30 15:58:15

作者: 冰雪蜂鸟    时间: 2011-7-30 16:57:33

本帖最后由 冰雪蜂鸟 于 2011-7-31 10:25 编辑

作者: 冰雪蜂鸟    时间: 2011-7-31 10:24:24

本帖最后由 冰雪蜂鸟 于 2011-7-31 11:54 编辑

作者: 冰雪蜂鸟    时间: 2011-7-31 10:24:51

7月30日 独立
我怎么感觉我这个作文我两年前就写过> <
作者: fyxloveu    时间: 2011-7-31 10:42:04

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作者: fyxloveu    时间: 2011-7-31 10:42:28

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作者: 愤怒公爵    时间: 2011-7-31 12:47:12


20080823NA A teacherwho is serious and strict is more efficient than a teacher who uses humor andwho is easygoing.

A humorous and easygoing teacher is alwaysa most popular teacher but is not always the most efficient teacher in aschool. If I were ask learning from which type of teacher, serious and strictor humor and easygoing, can you absorb knowledge more efficient and effective?(这个长句,我都晕倒了,好) My answer will be definitely the former.


Those people who assert that humorous andeasygoing teachers are more fruitful in education may believe that theirinstructions are more acceptable because of their cordial characteristic. In aclass, students not only can learn from the reference book, but evenbut also canlearn from the funny instances made by humorous teachers, which give a hand to studentsto understand the class. However, students, particularly young children wholack self-control, may focus their attention only on jokes instead of the realknowledge that(个人偏好,定语从句加先行词更地道一些)
they should learn. Can we draw atelling conclusion that it is the easygoing type of teaching slows students’study progress?

As for me, taking the class of a strictteacher makes me feel I can concentrate more on class and, what is moreimportant, I will strict with myself. Teachers who are serious and strictalways present more content in a class, making use of time used by the humorousteacher for making jokes. I used to learn from a strict and knowledgeableteacher in high school. Her strict logic thinking and substantive instructcontent push us immerse into the Math world not only in the whole class butalso after class. All of the student in my class got abetter grade and became enthusiasm about Math. Therefore, as a conclusion madeby a professor in Peking University, student may study happily with pushoverteachers, but strict teachers can bring about more to students.

Moreover, rather than merely the schoolwork, other excellent characteristics from a rigorous teacher are also valuableand worth appreciate. A rigorous teacher will never be strict with his or herstudent without be strict with him or her own. Always, at the same time when I benefitfrom the rigorous school work, the characteristics of serious teacher alwaysinfluence on me a lot, such as diligent working attitude, great working passionand responsibility towards students. Is not it the most efficient education thatnot only teaches you scientific knowledge but also how to be an all-around developedperson and build up your personality?


Admittedly, amiable teachers are seeminglymore accessible. Strict and Serious teachers are the person who can bring aboutyou some hand-on and real-world education. Thus, Strict and Serious teachersare more efficient and effective in teaching.

作者: 愤怒公爵    时间: 2011-7-31 12:49:21

7月30日 TPO18

The article provides three methods to point out the decline of Terreya taxifoha and keep Terreya from extinct. However, the lecture with examples states that all of these three solutions cannot satisfy the desired goal.

Reestablish Torreya in the same area where it prosperous for thousands of years is the first option challenged by the speaker. As global warming contributes to increasing temperature in the region and thus climate change in North Florida is influenced, the dryer and dryer microclimate which used to be suitable for growing Torrey would not provide proper condition for Terrey.

The speaker points out the severe consequences will occurs if migrate Torreya to an entirely different location, which is an(another可能好一点) option mentions in the article. The lecture demonstrates with a vivid example of another human assisted migration of another plant. The tree spreads too quickly in the new area and kills almost all of the native species which is already in danger of extinction.(原文中是some of them 你这样写变成全部了) Thus, in order to protect those native plants and avoid unimagined outcome, migrating Torreya to a new place is not a plausible solution.(你超越了原文的想法啊,原文中只是UNPRIDICTABLE)

Finally, the speaker marks that rear Torreya in research centers cannot be successful. There are two criteria need to guarantee Torreya survive, which is large habitat and genetically diverse. Natural habitat can meet the criteria but research centers do not have the capacity.(感觉没有写完呢,capacity后面加定语 to contain a large population).


作者: 师走99    时间: 2011-7-31 13:27:31

作者: julijone    时间: 2011-7-31 13:34:30

水平明显逊于楼主 改得不是见谅
作者: julijone    时间: 2011-7-31 13:40:16

独立很好 就不改了
作者: 冰雪蜂鸟    时间: 2011-7-31 18:17:49

82# 愤怒公爵
作者: 冰雪蜂鸟    时间: 2011-7-31 18:18:29

83# 师走99

作者: 冰雪蜂鸟    时间: 2011-7-31 18:19:20

本帖最后由 冰雪蜂鸟 于 2011-7-31 18:23 编辑

85# julijone

作者: 年年年花    时间: 2011-8-1 03:46:30

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作者: season08    时间: 2011-8-1 23:09:05

作者: 冰雪蜂鸟    时间: 2011-8-3 01:18:38

本帖最后由 冰雪蜂鸟 于 2011-8-3 01:21 编辑

8月2日 独立
作者: Fruit~    时间: 2011-8-3 03:41:29

2# 冰雪蜂鸟

小的语法错还是多了点, 另外不太清楚为啥老中爱用I AM INCLINED TO BELIEVE。 我基本没见过老美这么用, 人家就直街I BELIEVE/THINK。。。。。
作者: 冰雪蜂鸟    时间: 2011-8-3 08:40:51

本帖最后由 冰雪蜂鸟 于 2011-8-3 08:44 编辑

92# Fruit~
“我倾向于相信..." 这句话没有问题的吧,我怎么记得我听过也见过老美这样用> <
作者: Fruit~    时间: 2011-8-3 22:38:03

92# Fruit~
“我倾向于相信..." 这句话没有问题的吧,我怎么记得我听过也见过老美这样用>
冰雪蜂鸟 发表于 2011-8-3 08:40

这是老美客气的说法, 但作文里用这东西感觉在凑字数。

相信就相信了, 说我倾向于。。。。。 就是口语里的客气说法了。 我从没见过英文的JOURNAL PAPER会用INCLINED TO BELIEVE这种表达方法。

作者: 冰雪蜂鸟    时间: 2011-8-3 23:43:57

94# Fruit~

作者: Fruit~    时间: 2011-8-4 01:50:45

95# 冰雪蜂鸟

Seriously, I have never heard one single American use "I am inclined to say/think/believe....." after staying in the U.S. for 4+ years.  If they want to show their courtesy/uncertainty, they usually use "would" instead of "be inclined to".
作者: little_caty    时间: 2011-8-4 02:14:49


82 20090807NA Parents should allow children to make their own choices rather than help determine children's future.

As an old saying goes: a wiser choice is much more essential than just work well. Parents always want to make wise choices for their children which can benefit children’s future. However, parents’ decisions are usually not suit well for children’s real condition. I am inclined to determine my future rather than let my parents make decisions for me.(这句话好像没有扣住主题的children啊)

Those who assert that it is better to allow parents to make decisions for their future may believe that the life road made by their parents is more stable and assured, because of parents’ abundant hand-on experiences, familiarity with children and mature social network. It seems that parents can always point out the most suitable life for them and lead them to the right direction. What they should do is following parents’ determination, being what parents want them to be and betraying their real interests. Can we draw a telling conclusion that it is this perspective that totally annihilates people’s happiness and barricades people’s creative?(欣赏了~但学不来~~)

As for me, following(感觉这里是不是用chasing更好呢) what I really want and making decisions of my own future is more desirable and appealing. Realizing what you want and being responsible for yourself should be the most important factors to be outlined. Take the arranged marriage as an example. In the last century in China, most of marriages are arranged by parents based on the occupation, wealth and social network. However, couples have little affection between each other and even do not have opportunity to acquire spouse’s appearance. As we can imagine, almost all of arranged marriage are tragedy with endless quarrels and unharmonious family ambience. A sociological research conducted by Peking University demonstrates that when one can choose one’s spouse freely, citizens are more satisfied with their current family and live more happily compared to that of the old time.

Moreover, making decisions of my own future is more breath-taking than stability. Making comparatively adventurous decision means that people are blessed with a golden opportunity to develop the potential, realize their interest and cultivate the creative thinking. Suppose, one is forever obeying his or her parents without his or her own in depth thinking, one will never know what he or she is really fond of and what his or her potential is. Yet people always need something new and creative, which is lack of in old generation’s perspectives, to adapt to the ever-accelerated society. In this way, not only individuals but also society, which benefits from the creative talents, makes progress. (这种断句学习了~)

Although parents’ experienced decisions are seemingly more convincing than the reckless decisions made by our self, parents’ advises cannot direct us to a promising future. Therefore, deciding ours own future becomes the unavoidable trend.

作者: 冰雪蜂鸟    时间: 2011-8-4 14:59:08


作者: 冰雪蜂鸟    时间: 2011-8-4 14:59:57

96# Fruit~

作者: season08    时间: 2011-8-5 00:25:48

99# 冰雪蜂鸟

83 20100115NA In order to become financially responsible adults,children should manage their own money at a young age.

The ability to management one’s financialwell has become(became?) increasingly importantat the ever-accelerated society. More and more parents would like to let theirchildren manage their money at a very young age. As far as I am concerned, itis absolutely a positive phenomenon that would help children become financiallyresponsible adults.

Those who assert that children should notmanage their own money too early may believe that children at a young ageusually have no notion about financial management. What they will do(你前方的主语是those who assertthat的那帮人,后面这个they就变得指代不明确了,最好还是点一下是children), when can takecharge of a great amount of money, is squander their parents’ money freely,without any responsibility, at every corner of the worldat的这句表达的意思是说全世界的孩子都一样?没懂. However, do not most of people start with a disordered financialcondition when they first manage their money and then begin to use their money justified? Giving children the power to controltheir own money meanmeans that they are blessed with a golden opportunity to develop themanagement potential,and to be familiar withthe society and cultivate responsibility.

As for me, management my own money when Iwas young laid a solid foundation for me tobuild up my characteristics. I learnt to arrange my money rationaland, moreover, handle all things happenshappen on me with logical thinking. I paypaid for my tuitionand fees, decided what things should be invested, and made planning of a longrun. What is more, my parents always controlled the whole picture by granting acertain amount of money and screening the management process. Not only did Inever sink into a “financial crisis”, but also inherit the ability of beingresponsible for my choices and my life in the future. Thus, making decision by oneself这块换成年轻时学会掌控钱比较好吧can developvaluable personalities useful in the future for an individual.

Moreover, letting young children todetermine the use of their money is ever more compelling to the society. Ifyoung children can take charge of their finance, they will have more chances totry things they are interested in and find their potential they mightspecialized in earlier. If young children can make decision of whether theyshould pay for one thing, they would use money wiser and know more about thesociety though spending money in reality. If everyone is educated aboutfinancial management at an early age, there would be less irresponsible squanderhappens in our society. In this way, basic knowledge of financial managementshould be educated to young children not only for (thebenefit of) individual but also for our society.

Admittedly, there are some risks ofirrational squander of money of grant power for young children to use moneyfreely. However, taking more factors into consideration, parents are better to givethe opportunity to children to help them grow as a(?aadults有冲突吧是不是?) responsible adults.
作者: 冰雪蜂鸟    时间: 2011-8-6 12:05:01



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