
标题: 永动鸡的作文作业 [打印本页]

作者: 永动鸡    时间: 2011-7-18 23:16:47     标题: 永动鸡的作文作业

Do you agree with the following statement? In a team, those who do not accept others' criticism cannot succeed.

Communication is a significant element in our daily life, and we would provide ideas to others, we also accept advice and suggestions from others. Nowadays, there is a hot topic discussed by people: could one person succeed when he or she denies other's criticism in a group? Personally speaking, in a group it's unreasonable for people who always deny other's criticism, because any person cannot be always right and they need to be corrected; while, in order to keep independent and reasonable mind, a person can not accept other's criticism without thinking for some complicated situations.

Basically speaking, accepting other's criticism is a good manner for any members in a group, especially for those who just enter into new group. In Chinese, there is an old saying "No man is god, thus anyone could make wrong thing" In that way, people might not realize his or her mistakes and shortcoming, and it is possible that a person's bad habit makes other unpleased. For example, an office man is always speaking loudly in a office which is shared by others, and other colleagues is likely to remind him to keep voice lower. In that case, if the man refuse to accept the criticism about his loud speaking manner, other colleague must fell unpleased and they might keep hostile with the man. On contrary, if the man accept the criticism actively and apologize sincerely to his colleagues, his colleague would like to keep good relationship with him, they would like to have more communication in future. Therefore, accepting other's criticism is a primary method to keep good relationship with other members, which makes great contribution for a person to succeed in a group.

Secondly, accepting other's criticism is an efficient ways to help people to change their wrong mind and improve their shortcoming. For example, a new computer program maker always fails to finish his work on time, which makes negative effects to the whole program term. And his colleagues make criticisms to him. If the new maker accept these criticisms sincerely and then ask his colleague about the problems he faced, it's highly possible that he will get much valuable advice and knowledge from experienced members, which make him process quickly and continuously.

However, it is dangerous to accept other's criticism without thinking when it terms with some complex situations. For example, for a president, he or she faces many debatable and complex problems. When it's time to make policy, it is known to us that any policy can hardly to meet every social member's need and interests because of the complex conditions and situations of the great number of social members. Even a "right" policy is made by president, it still bring some criticisms to the policy maker. In that case, as a leader, they should consider these criticisms carefully, and make a most beneficial policy for the social members.

In sum, each person is inevitable to make mistakes, and accepting other's criticism is beneficial for them, because they can have a better understanding on their wrong manners and shortcomings, and make it possible to change and improve them in future. However, sometimes people will face complex and debatable problems and situations, in order to keep a clear and reasonable mind, people should reconsider the criticisms from other members, especially for the group leaders.

作者: xiangtuo    时间: 2011-7-19 20:06:28

作者: 永动鸡    时间: 2011-9-6 10:44:40

20100619NA Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? If you need to discuss upsetting or controversial problems with others, Using e-mail/text messaging is better than using telephone/voice-messaging.

With the help of advanced technology, there are increasing ways for us to communicate with others such as through e-mail, telephone, ICQ and etc. Nowadays there is a hot topic discussed by many people: Is it better to use e-mail or text messaging with others for some upsetting and controversial problems rather than using telephone or voice messaging? Well, for my perspective, I strongly agree with the above statement, and I will explain my view as following.
Through text messaging such as e-mail and letter could provide more time for you to think about the issue you involved. For some controversial problems, it should take more time and energy to analyze the complex situation and make a more suitable ways to solve it. Under such circumstance, using text messaging could offer you precious opportunity to revise your idea again and again until you are satisfied with contents in the text; while it may hard to achieve it like text messaging through voice-messaging such as telephone, because once you speak out your point which seems incorrect, you may fail to change it and make the things worse. In short, in order to solve some complicate and controversial issue, the text messaging is a preferential way to communicate with others.

Secondly, using text messaging is a suitable ways to solve some upsetting problems with your friends. Consider, for example, when you do some wrong for your friend, which makes your friend upsetting, you have to thing over some ways to apologize. If your friend is hurt deeply by you, he or she is very angry at that time and your quick inappropriate explanation may make the things worse. The communication of text messaging gives a change to make both you and your friend clam down, and then you can explain to your friend with careful consideration, helping to solve the upsetting issue.

Thirdly, the way of the text messaging can hardly be replaced in some situations. For example, any business company will use text method to sign a compact with other company to do business, because text can be stored clearly and comprehensively. Even if one side of the company does not obey the requirement in the compact, the other side company can solve these controversial problems and protect its own interests based on the text compact.

To sum up, due to the analysis mentioned above, we can safely make a conclusion that it's better to use text messaging for some upsetting and controversial problems. Even though voice messaging seems more convenient and efficient, for some complicate situation it may be ineffective and make the thing worse. While, using text messaging provides you enough time to reconsider the problems and it can also be as a sturdy proof for company to protect its legal interests.
作者: 樾悦    时间: 2011-9-6 17:50:32

好了 ~  还不错!
作者: 永动鸡    时间: 2011-9-7 11:07:15

作者: pj1213    时间: 2011-9-7 13:13:56

In order to meet the rapid development of our society andtechnology, people are increasingly urgent for a high-quality education. Nowadaysthere is a topic discussed by many people: Is that true the best way to improvethe quality of education is to boost the income of teachers? Well, in myperspective, I cannot agree with the statement totally.(分开吧,太长了这句) Although I concede thesalaries of technology can stimulate the equality of education to some degree,there are still (这样加强一下会不会好一点) much more efficientand effective ways to improve the quality of education.

First and foremost, government should(could比较好,should有点喊口号) provide enoughfunds to building classroom, library and etc to improvethe quality of education.(感觉论点要写完整才能让别人不觉得太突然). As we know, in manycountries, especially for (为什么要for?some developingcountries such as Indian and China, some places even don't have enough money tobuild a school. From(Though) the Internet, I hadeven watched some photos at a primary school in the poor area of China:students stayed in a dark classroom, and the rain was dropping from the brokenroof of their classroom. Under such circumstance( Inthis kind of situation), the government and society should give enoughmoney to these schools in poor areas, offering(and offer从句不能乱用,offering放在这里是修饰什么?) a comfortableenvironment for student to study. Furthermore, for university and college,school should give a lot of money on building library (andbuy)buying latest equipment in lab, since library and lab are key placesfor students and professors to undertake their research. In short, beforeincreasing the salaries of teachers, people should consider more aspects toimprove the quality of education.

Secondly, the education is not the only business ofteachers or school(teachers and school are not the onlyperson to take the responsibility of education), parents should alsotake part in the education of their children. For example, when children are athome, their parents have the responsibility to supervise their children tofinish their daily homework, and avoid their children spending too much timeand energy on computer games and television. What's more, parents could alsohelp their children to develop a good habit of study, such as providing someexcellent extra-class books to their children, orplay sports with their children to keep their body healthy and so on.

Finally, there is no denying the fact that teacher is animportant element for improving the quality of education. Besides the salaries, there are also some other ways to improve the quality of education. For example, in ouruniversity, before a teaching staff become a vice professor or professor status,he or she have to go outside for further study and obtain more experience onteaching and research. Improving the quality of teachers is also an essentialways to improve the quality of education, which is accepted by manyuniversities and colleges in China.

To sum up, due to the analysis mentioned above, we cansafely make a conclusion that besides increasing salaries for teacher, thereare much more efficient and effective to improve the quality of education. Eventhough the income stimulation for teacher more or less can help to improve thequality of education, for the analysis above, we should consider more about buildinga neat school and updating library and laboratory, parent's participate and furtherstudy for teachers to improve the quality of education.


作者: zhangbao0607    时间: 2011-9-7 13:37:44

作者: 永动鸡    时间: 2011-9-8 16:14:40


作者: 永动鸡    时间: 2011-9-8 22:45:59

9.7 关于宠物的作文
作者: 宁夏zoe    时间: 2011-9-9 07:17:03

作者: byebyehaku    时间: 2011-9-9 08:57:31

9# 永动鸡

作者: byebyehaku    时间: 2011-9-9 17:59:13

改好了~!!我有点拖沓抱歉了~ 欢迎讨论!
作者: tequilawine    时间: 2011-9-10 14:00:22     标题: 9.7 reivise

sorry for late

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