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I like English men the most when the firsttime I saw a gentleman from a movie. For it seems that they can always bepolite to anyone at anyplace. But I doubt whether this kind of gentlemen reallyexists in this world. I think it is impossiblefor one to be polite to anyone and I don’t think we should try to become thiskind of person.$ O)A1 p2 |% U1 d
Above all, we should be polite only to the polite person, not to the rude one.We should divide people into two groups, polite group and impolite group. (这句话起到什么作用呢?跟后面的内容好像没有什么联系?我觉得有点跳跃了)Wewant to become a polite person not only because we want others consider us as aperson with high educated, but also we expect for the polite response fromothers. As the old saying putted by Confucius, if you be polite to the personwho insults you, then in what way can you treat those who treat you politely?It means, if you treat everyone in a polite way, others will regard you as akind of person that can’t tell what is right and what is wrong, because youtreat every one in the same way.(这句话与if you treat everyone in a polite way 重复了,说理最好不要翻来覆去,有点累赘)Also, if you keep on being polite to all of the people, I guess mostof them will not treat you that much politely, for they can always get thepolite responses they want from you without being polite to you, until one day,you can’t be polite for any longer. So, I don’t believe a normal person canalways be polite and this kind of person must be a hateful person.
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Also, an always polite person can not show his or her emotion to others. Justthink about if one of your friends is such “polite forever” person, will youfeel upset when he seems to be insulted by you?It is common for one person to insult another unconsciously. And when they yell at you, you find themistake you have made, then after your apologies, your relationship will be saved. (我觉得哦,讲通常事情的,最好用现在时,你可以参考一下,我也不一定是对的)However(Onthe contrary 如果你这里是想表达相反的情况的话,用这个比较好,可以帮助人家理解,然后显得自己有逻辑关系), in the condition of a “polite” friend, he may tell you politelythat you have insult him, but you can’t tell from his behavior that to whatextend did he feel being insulted. It is alwayshard to judge one’s emotion by words. And the guilty of insulting will be withyou all the time even after your apologies, it is all because you can’t ensureyour friend’s feeling by his polite words and polite behaviors. And don’t youthink your polite behavior which makes your friend in such an embrace situationindirectly treat your friend impolitely?+ u( d: X4 U# m$ T
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In addition, your behaviors can affect your way of thinking. In the eyes ofeasily angry people, this world has a potential willing to make them angry, andin always polite people’s mind, everything tend to be paradox, you can not tellwhether it’s wrong or right. These people treat all of the things in a samepolite way, even the things make them feel angry. Thus, change theircharacteristic into boring and stability. By and by, they can’t and are notwilling to tell their own opinions, then lost the ability of creating their ownopinions.- O* I- f%t9 J6 z$ v
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In a word, the “polite forever” people can not be a popular one among normalpeople and their polite behaviors will appear to be hateful and untrue in otherpeople’s eyes.
意见:论证最好还是有个例子讲比较让人一看就明白,说理翻来覆去的话,要是正好有语法错误,那更加不能让评分人明白你的论述了。还有,论证的时候最好不要有重复意思的话出现,多用用关联词来体现逻辑关系,这样也可以帮助他人一下子就明白你的意思了。 |