
标题: 我的托福作文求狠拍 [打印本页]

作者: heyx    时间: 2011-9-7 00:09:50     标题: 我的托福作文求狠拍

本帖最后由 heyx 于 2011-9-14 19:01 编辑

20100619NA Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? If you need to discuss upsetting or controversial problems with others, using e-mail/text messaging is better than using telephone/voice-messaging.
作者: heyx    时间: 2011-9-7 00:11:43

本帖最后由 heyx 于 2011-9-14 19:01 编辑

20090403NA Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? The best way to improve the quality of education is to increase teachers’ salaries."

作者: heyx    时间: 2011-9-8 01:00:51

本帖最后由 heyx 于 2011-9-14 19:02 编辑

97 20100813NA
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? More and more people spend too much money on their pet (dogs, cats and others), although there are better uses for these money. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.

作者: byebyehaku    时间: 2011-9-8 17:25:33

作者: wq1102    时间: 2011-9-8 21:55:23

9.7 独立已改~ 麻烦抽空看下我的独立哈~先谢过了

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? More and more people spend too much money on their pet (dogs, cats and others), although there are better uses for these money. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.9 ]+ R+ C! E: ~6 I: [; V
9 O& N$ |, @0 a! f, j/ }
Nowadays, with the rapid development of quality of life, more and more people have spared money to consume on what they want. There is a phenomenon that more and more people like to keep pets for entertainment or accompanying, which spendt a lot of expense on food, health, etc. Someone argues that it is a wise investment for a family, while others do not agree. In my opinion, I suppose the latter one and I think the additional money paid on pets would be paid on can be used on the more indispensable aspects (?).
# ^$ N1 V+ M. P
To begin with, so many the expense spent too much on pets would be a heavy burden on one(?family). And the money can be used to improve the quality of life, increase one’s knowledge, or keep one’s health. For example, my uncle is so fat that he is in a bad health. He savedkeep extra money every month for physical exercise in the gym. But one day he obtained a lovely dog by chance which attracted all his attention. So he spent most of the extra money which he used to exercise on the pet’s food and health. As a result, he got sick for his fatness. The true story told us that the expense spent too much on pets is not wise for people.- i" J( F2 q  b& i) Z' u
In addition, paying too much attention on pets may cause a problem of social communication. People are fond of pets for many reasons, mainly about for the pets’ loyalty and loveliness. Some people prefer feeding a pet to communicating with others, but communication with others is so important that it cannot be replaced by pets, as no one can live alone in the modern society. Sharing ideas or motions with other through talking and having fun with family members are more significantly meaningful than keeping pets.
% z" ~% z+ ]. W' c6 T/ j8 }5 p9 SIn summary, after the financial crisis, people are supposed to be rational keep pets. The expense used on pets can make full use on individual benefit. And also people should gain care and accompany from others, which can lead to a happy life.


作者: heyx    时间: 2011-9-8 23:57:12

5# wq1102
作者: tequilawine    时间: 2011-9-10 13:19:35

不好意思,前几天太忙,给你改完了,查收, 9.7
作者: heyx    时间: 2011-9-12 23:02:14

本帖最后由 heyx 于 2011-9-14 19:03 编辑

It is often not a good thing to move to a new city or a new country because of the lose of old friends?
作者: byebyehaku    时间: 2011-9-14 19:49:21

作者: ccgedu    时间: 2011-9-14 21:11:04

本帖最后由 ccgedu 于 2011-9-14 22:34 编辑

Nowadays moving to a new place is a regular thing in the modern society. [url=]According to a survey, one moves from one place to another four times in his life on average.[/url][雨林木风1] Still(However比较好) some people prefer to live in one city from young to old, because they cherish the relationship with their old friends. As for me, I would like to move to a new city or a new country.
First of all, moving from a place to another is not a bad thing. Oppositely it is a meaningful thing. Because we can make new friends and have a new neighborhood or community, which relaxed(relaxes) ourselves to some extent. New friends can share fresh experience with us and we can celebrate festivals together with our new neighbors. For example, my uncle who lived with us in the past now have gone to Shanghai and settled in there. I heard(hears) from him that the community he has lived in all welcome the newcomer. His new neighbors invited him to their house to celebrate the Spring Festival. He feels it was like at home. So from my uncle's case, I think there are a lot of advantages to move to a new [url=]place[/url][雨林木风2] .
In addition, sometimes we move to a new place, for we get promotion to work in another place. It is also a good thing. We will feel luck that our superior appreciate us and we can contribute our time and efforts to the career.
Besides, with the advance of science and technology, no old friends can(could) be lost. We may use a lot of means to communicate with these friend that we have not seen for a long time by telephone, email, msn or text-messaging. It is a case that one of my old friends has moved to Canada, we have no opportunity to communicate with each other face to face, but we still contact with others every week. I write an email to him twice a week and sometimes we can make a telephone. Up to now, we are still best friends. So I disagree with the idea that we will lose our old friends when we more(move) to a new city or a new country.
In summary, it is not a bad thing to move to a new city or a new country. Actually, we won't lose our close friends, in addition we will make more new friends and stay with them in harmony.



作者: heyx    时间: 2011-9-14 22:35:00

10# ccgedu
作者: heyx    时间: 2011-9-15 16:03:23

9月14日 综合+独立
College or University should offer more preparation before they start working

作者: heyx    时间: 2011-9-16 00:24:08

本帖最后由 heyx 于 2011-9-16 10:43 编辑

9月15日  综合+独立
综合 TPO12
独立 20100925NA Do you think that young people in today are less dependent on their parents than in the past.

作者: wwwxwwwx    时间: 2011-9-16 13:13:20

TPO 12 综合修改

作者: chair020928    时间: 2011-9-16 16:45:36

9月14 日的 修改
作者: 窝头拌咸菜    时间: 2011-9-16 22:54:26

13# heyx
作者: samuelandcarol    时间: 2011-9-16 23:46:43

9月15日20100925NA Do you think that young people in today are less dependent on their parents than in the past.

Nowadays, some people assert that currently young people in today(currently 和 in today 重复了吧) more rely on their parents than before. Other(others) hold the view that the last several decades(over the past decades) have seen(前头缺少主语) a decline in parental influence on children. As for me, I support the latter one and believe that young people are less dependent on their parents in today than in the past.

To begin with, currently young people often make discussions(decisions) on their own without their parents' help. In the past, young people who had to make discussion(decisions) were willing to (一句话里不能有两个动词,前头有make了)turn to their parents for advises. It has become(去掉) a huge change between the two generations. Nowadays, an increasing number of students have their opinions on the incidents which is going to be confronted with(face to 更贴切点). And it is probable that young people perfer to determine on their problems, partly because every child wants to be an independent adult respected by others.

Besides, with the advanced science and technology, young people is affected not by parents, but by many other ways(这里不应该是not only but also么? 不然你这的衔接关系不通啊). Internet plays a(an) important role in young people's ideas. Met with difficulties, the youngs is(are) likely to search the information which is helpful and useful to solve the problems on the Internet(with their life 才说的通巴). And  TV(program) also has an influence in the young people's minds. For example, my deskmate Frank wanted(want) to buy a computer recently, but he had no idea about how to choose a suitable one. Meanwhile, his parents were not proficient (expert)at modern technology. So after he contrasted several brands of computers on the Internet and watch advertisements about computers on the TV, he made his final discussion(decision这个单词错了3遍了,请牢记区别!). It is obvise(obvious) that we become less dependent on their(our) parents(但建议做好用客观词,比如 people become……), for the appearance of Internet and the TV (progarm).

In addition, young people have more freedom in today than in the past. In other words, parents lose control over youngsters. Young people often feel that they have nothing in common with their parents and maybe they have a generation gap, so their parents' influence in their lives decreases(so the influence from their parents on their lives are decrease). At the same time, young people have more time and efforts (这两个不能并列吧,不是同属性啊)in today than in the past to do whatever they want, which is called freedom.

In summary, based on reasons I discussed above, It is clear that young people in today are less dependent on their parents than in the past, for the decline of parents' influence, popularity of Internet and TV and freedom of youngsters(and 有点多了). Additionally, I find it likely that this trend will continue and young people's dependence on parents (also)will continue to decrease.

抱歉这么晚才发来 偷懒去了  嘻嘻

作者: byebyehaku    时间: 2011-9-17 08:53:10

作者: heyx    时间: 2011-9-17 21:35:10

本帖最后由 heyx 于 2011-9-17 23:08 编辑

9月16日  综合+独立
TPO 13
A&D There is never a reason for people to be rude (impolite) to another person. Use specific reasons to support your answer.
作者: rxli08    时间: 2011-9-18 17:07:17

作者: rxli08    时间: 2011-9-18 17:15:19

作者: rxli08    时间: 2011-9-18 22:26:51

916 20100821NA Do you agree or disagree with the following statements? There is never a reason for people to be rude (impolite) to another person. Use specific reasons to support your answer.

When it comes to what attitude a person should have to others, it has many arguments on it. The majority of people claim that it is difficult to behave well continuously, especially/whenever you are) in complex conditions or in pressure; the others advocate that rude behavior should be avoided all the time. Admittedly, no one can guarantee being/that he is) in good manner no matter what the situation is. Nevertheless, I still conceive that people should try their best to behave politely without exceptions.

First and foremost, being polite to others always is one's virtue, which shows one's cultivation. Meanwhile, the polite behavior helps people to deal with troubles efficiently. In other words, if one cannot control his rude manner, it is certain that he has a bad self-discipline. Although one may explain that he is in pressure or that the condition he met in is so complicated that he lost control, a bad manner cannot lead to a wonderful result that one wants. If one can control his or her behavior when facing a dilemma, it means that he or she possesses some certain merits well acquired by well-educated experiences. 前后有什么因果关系呢?没看明白That won't make the troubles develop from bad to worse.

In addition, to cherish our friends, people have no reason to be rude to another person, even our competitors. Friends will give us a hand when we are in trouble and comfort us when we feel frustrated, so we cannot be rude to them. One day if we took/take our friends' help for granted and behave badly to hurt them, we would /will miss the kind/deserved friends. Even we should not be rude to our competitors, for the competitor is a mirror to show our weaknesses and shortages from ourselves. If we are rude to treat our competitors, 这个因果如何成立they will leave from us and we won't observe our shortcomings. 例子与上文不同Take one of my best friends Tom for example; he used to be one of my competitors in the English speech contest. In the process of preparation, I give him some advices and pointed out some shortcomings of his speech. He didn't agree with me and got angry at me with disdain, but I didn't be angry at him as he treated me and still in good manner. As the consequence, he failed in the contest and realized his shortages. After that, he made friends with me sincerely. It told us the fact that politeness is a good merit for us to obtain friendship.

Finally, a good manner will have a positive/postive influence in people's health. That means that one's rudeness is not only hurt other's feeling, but also impair their own/ one's health. The long life always needs an open heart and a happy mind, so there is totally no reason to be rude to others in any case. For instance, my grandfather has lived in a happy life, because he is very friendly/kind to all kinds of peoples. He was an official of local government before retiring/he retired. Though he used to be busy in his works, he was still in good behavior. The psychological crutch supported him and made him feel young and happy. 是说心理上的拐杖使他开心吗?We don't know how old we can live, but we can control our emotion and regulate the bad manner to make us live longer.

In summary, based on the reasons I discussed above, it is obvious that people have many advantages to control their bad manners and being rude to others will decline one's cultivation, lose friends and impair their bodies/health 感觉impair health 有点奇怪, 不知道对不对. Everyone should/is supposed to have politeness to treat another person.

作者: cherryqingyi    时间: 2011-9-19 18:09:16


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