标题: ISSUE 61People should undertake risky action only after [打印本页] 作者: skywongchiu 时间: 2014-12-7 22:05:56 标题: ISSUE 61People should undertake risky action only after
People should undertake risky action only after they have carefully considered its consequences.
Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the recommendation and explain your reasoning for the position you take. In developing and supporting your position, describe specific circumstances in which adopting the recommendation would or would not be advantageous and explain how these examples shape your position.
Whether people should undertake risky action after they have carefully considered its consequences? It depends on the nature of the risky actions that we are discussing about. If the risky actions might only hurt our physical conditions, people can take this action after having had a deliberated consideration of its consequences. On the other hand, if the risky actions might endanger our life, people should try to avoid the action even if they have a carefully considered its consequences. Besides, the urgency of the action also affects that whether people should take the risky actions.
While the risky actions might potentially cause physical pain to us, people can take the action after having had a careful consideration of its consequences. 每一個行動, 特別是高危的行動, 都有成本和得益。當成本較得益少的時候, 這一個行動是有價值的。For example: 攀山是高危的, 因為這活動有機會導致參加者受到皮膚擦傷。但是這活動可以訓練參加者的自信心和體能, 令到參加者發揮潛能。所以當參加者細心評估成本和得益之後, 他們應該參加這活動。 (Risky management or carefully evaluate 係咩來架: how do u manage and reduce, such as training and evaluate your conditions) 不是只講benefit and cost
However, once the risky action might potentially endanger people life, they should make an attempt to avoid taking the action. 人只得一個生命。當成本過大的時候 (例如:如果行動失敗會令參加者喪失生命), 就算有了對行動的後果有了細心的評估, 我們都應該盡量避免參與這一活動。For example: 酒後駕駛是一個危險的行動。酒後駕駛很有可能喪失生命當有意外發生的時候。所以我們應該盡量不要酒後駕駛。
Furthermore, whether we should take the action is contingent on the urgency of the actions. If people must take the actions since an alternative plan is absent from the existing situation, people would approach the action after having had considered its circumstances clearly. 例如:我們一定要用盡方法停止日本福島核泄漏。這是因為核泄漏是一個緊急的問題。不立即處理的話, 後果會更加serious. 切爾諾貝爾核泄漏就是因為沒布立即處理, 所以造成過百萬人傷亡。 作者: skywongchiu 时间: 2014-12-7 22:06:36
王老師的意見: 全文寫3個不同的risky action circumstance: 一個可以說正面的 (當細心評估後, 可以做這個action); 另一個可以說反面的 (當細心評估後, 不可以做這個action)。此外, 說清楚第3個point (nuclear plan) 內我所指的people和具體化carefully considered its consequences.
Whether people should undertake risky action after they have carefully considered its consequences? It depends on the nature of the risky actions that we are discussing about. If the negative result of approaching the risky action might be avoided by carefully considering its consequence, people can take this action. On the other hand, if the negative result of approaching the risky action might not be avoided, people should try to avoid the action. Besides, the urgency of the action also affects that whether people should take the risky actions.
While the negative result of approaching risky action might potentially be avoided, people can take the action after having had a careful consideration of its consequences. Each action, particularly the risky action, will potentially produce negative impacts on the people who approach the action. However, by considering the action’s consequences carefully, people might avoid the potential negative impacts. For example, climbing is one of the risky actions and it will potentially hurt the people who take the activity. However, the participants would evaluate whether they are suitable or capable to approach the activity by evaluating their psychical and mental conditions, and also the weather condition. By carefully studying the factors that might potentially lead to a negative result, the participants would minimize the threats and hence they can do climbing.
However, once the potential threats caused by approach the risky action might not be avoid, people should make an attempt to avoid taking the action. 有些高危活動的後果是我們不可以評估和避免的。For example: 酒後駕駛是一個危險的行動。就算一個身體健康和技術超群的駕駛者, 酒精都會令到他失去正常的駕駛能力。酒後駕駛者很有可能喪失生命當有意外發生的時候。所以我們應該盡量不要酒後駕駛。
Furthermore, whether we should take the action is contingent on the urgency of the actions. If people must take the actions since an alternative plan is absent from the existing situation, people would approach the action after having had considered its circumstances clearly. 例如:我們 (the related workers in the nuclear plan in Fukushima) 一定要用盡方法停止日本福島核泄漏。這是因為核泄漏是一個緊急的問題。相關的人員是沒有足夠的時間去思考。 在這一個前提之下, 他們只有選擇馬上進行行動。 因為不立即處理的話, 後果會更加serious. 作者: tesolchina 时间: 2014-12-8 00:48:40
61. People should undertake risky action only after they have carefully considered its consequences.
Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the recommendation and explain your reasoning for the position you take. In developing and supporting your position, describe specific circumstances in which adopting the recommendation would or would not be advantageous and explain how these examples shape your position.
TS (pt1, pt2, pt3): Recently, the New Year's Day witnessed that a myriad of people committed one of the most common dangerous misbehaviors - drunk driving, which might heavily harm both the drivers and pedestrians. To prevent the relevant accidents, some suggest that all the individuals like those drunk drivers should behave in such a risky way only after a thorough evaluation of the potential awful outcomes of the action. Even though I agree that people need to carefully contemplate the consequences of their actions before engaging in the behavior like drinking and driving, which involves serious results yet permits the drivers to think for some time, other dangerous actions that cause little loss and is essential in emergency do not entail the second consideration. When we have enough time and energy and the action itself is very crucial, we indeed should thoroughly consider the outcomes of our behavior. However, if we merely have little time, or the behavior is only trivial, or some of our actions are out of the human nature, we do not need or cannot spend too much time thinking.
ts (pt1): In the first place, the significant but not urgent actions should take our time and energy to evaluate their risk. 如果一件事情关系重大,又不紧急,那么我们就应该三思而后行了。例如酒驾事关身家性命,当然严重,而酒前酒后驾驶员都有足够的时间考虑,那么她就得想清楚后果再决定喝不喝酒,开不开车。又如修水坝等大型工程,对生态环境影响巨大,而在动工前,政府和公司都有足够时间考虑是否开工,因此也是要多加评估后再动手。
ts (pt2): Nevertheless, we need not to contemplate every trifle, or we will waste too much time. 有些琐事虽然有风险,但成本太小,不宜花太多时间考虑后果。例如普通一天里,一个女生早上起来考虑穿什么衣、什么裙去上班,做早餐时放多少调料等事情。衣裙搭配不当的确有被同事嘲笑的危险,而调料放错了,也有遭受一顿难吃早餐的风险,但是如果在这些事上花太多时间考虑,势必耽误正事。
ts (p3): What is more, faced with the emergency, people cannot have sufficient time to consider their behavior outcome and should undertake actions as soon as possible. Under certain conditions, a person’s behavior is even conditioned reflex without any contemplation. 比如说,报纸上不乏母亲在车轮下救子的报道。这些母亲的行为就是出于母爱的第一反应,根本就没经过仔细思考。又如,在地震抢险中,救援队员在余震频发的时候,冒着生命危险进入可能进一步坍塌的废墟中争分夺秒救人,也没有太多时间考虑自己的安危。