因为要申请研究型学位,所以从今年寒假时候开始向老师套词,一直套词到了现在的10月中旬,其中不回复的老师占大多数,回复的老师中,类似于“individual professors do not make the admission decision, that is taken by our admissions committee, please do feel free to submit an application, mention my name on your application and I am sure I will be shown it.” 占大多数,没有funding占一部分,回复比较详细的占很小的一部分。
Thanks for passing along your documents. Unfortunately I'm not able to offer you a position in my group -- my ongoing projects require a stronger HCI background.
Thank you very much for having provided further details about your background. Unfortunately, the expertise you developed in the context of your Master research does not match with the research opportunities that I am currently pursuing. As such, I regret to inform you that I will not be in position to provide you supervision for a Master’s degree.
I do not think that would be a good match for my group and, moreover, I would not be able to provide the kind of guidance that you need.