Work Assignment :
Briefly describe (Please enter not more than 1000 characters; Do not use the symbols " & ~) your most recent work/job assignments, if any, relating to the programme you are applying for admission (Use a separate sheet of paper, if necessary). You may also indicate any research experience you may have or any paper(s) that you may have published over the last 5 years. A statement of support from your employer would be useful. Use a separate sheet of paper if necessary. Pursue Reason :
State (Please enter not more than 1000 characters; Do not use the symbol " & ~) why you wish to pursue this programme and how you would use the knowledge you gain from it in practice (A separate statement of support from your employer would be useful).
他们都说不能输入超过1000字符,那显然只能写一小段话。我看网上有些人说可以在Pursue Reason里加一句see attached for more info,然后在submit申请之后还能上传一个PS?