
标题: issue103 G89 18号 历史类高频,欢迎指导. [打印本页]

作者: vickycy6    时间: 2005-8-18 22:55:51     标题: issue103 G89 18号 历史类高频,欢迎指导.

issue103: The study of history has value only to the extent that it is relevant to our daily lives.

History, a record of the past which reminds us about both the wax and wane of human process, arouse much debate and concern nowadays. Why we study the history? What is the purpose for us to study history? Is it that the study of history has value only when it is relevant to our daily lives, as the statement suggests? However, in my view, I concede that it seems has more value when history related with our daily lives, while it is not the whole merits of history.

On a personal lever, learning history is the basic requirement for a would-be succeed person. On the one hand, as a human being, one have no idea about the past of his country would unlikely be a indeed successful man. He who does not know how his country formed and what is the origin of its human culture, may also does not care about any development of exist stuff for everything has its own history, not only the progress of human or a country. We should first study the history of such main points, and then apply the method to other subjects. On the other hand, reading books which fulfill the wisdom of ancestors, is a process that cultivating our spirit. In contemporary world, the knowledge is the basic capital for us to stand in a complex society successfully. As the saying goes, reading history makes one sagacious, a man with erudite knowledge of history can easily identify his position in society and make the proper plan for his life according to the position now. It is the cultivation of brain, to some extent this cannot be involved with daily lives.

Admittedly, we are always familiar with the value we obtained in our daily life. For example, when we make the decision we always refer to some previous similar cases, and what should we not do and do is under the reference of history which provides good advice. Sometimes, we cogitate matters unconsciously based on the familiar consequence of history. However, we cannot say that history is only useful in the trifles of our daily life.

Let us come to the societal level in which the study of history may have more weight. For a country, the requirement of its people learn history is one way that form coherence for a country which is the power for people get-together. With the same background, sharing the same land, fighting for the same goal--making one’s country more prosperous, the coherence appears. Just the same faith in all the people makes the stability and unity in one country possible. Additionally, the history is a basic subject that records the information of the past without any objective opinion. Professors in such realm, take it as a philosophy to recognize the world, the assuming God. On this level, if we restrict the filed of history, we would bent the reality of history and also the history itself would become meaningless.

In summary, history is the accurate objective record of the past written in sequence. The study of history is the obligation for human beings as the symbol of the progress of us, no matter whether it is relevant to our daily lives or not. Form history, not only can we avoid some mistakes the superior had committed, but also render us a way to be more sagacious. Besides these, nowadays, increasing disciplines derives from history, such as historic-philosophy.
作者: tianrushui    时间: 2005-8-19 23:18:18

History, a record of the past which reminds us about both the wax and wane of human process, arouse much debate and concern nowadays. Why we study the history? What is the purpose for us to study history? Is it that the study of history has value only when it is relevant to our daily lives, as the statement suggests? However, in my view, I concede that it seems has more value when history related with our daily lives, while it is not the whole merits of history.这个结论句有些问题,因为你在后面的论述中只是说了history分别在与daily life 有关和无关时的价值,而没有对这两者进行比较,所以没必要用more

On a personal lever, learning history is the basic requirement for a would-be succeed person. On the one hand, as a human being, one have no idea about the past of his country would unlikely be a indeed successful man. He who does not know how his country formed and what is the origin of its human culture, may also does not care about any development of exist stuff for everything has its own history, not only the progress of human or a country. We should first study the history of such main points, and then apply the method to other subjects. On the other hand, reading books which fulfill the wisdom of ancestors, is a process that cultivating our spirit. In contemporary world, the knowledge is the basic capital for us to stand in a complex society successfully. As the saying goes, reading history makes one sagacious, a man with erudite knowledge of history can easily identify his position in society and make the proper plan for his life according to the position now. It is the cultivation of brain, to some extent this cannot be involved with daily lives.最后一句有些问题,只是要说history在与daily life有关和无关时的价值,并不是要说history和daily life哪个更能让人们获益,所以感觉最后一句有些多余.
Admittedly, we are always familiar with the value we obtained in our daily life. For example, when we make the decision we always refer to some previous similar cases, and what should we not do and do is under the reference of history which provides good advice. Sometimes, we cogitate matters unconsciously based on the familiar consequence of history. 这一段感觉写得有些问题啊,原题是说历史是不是只在和daily life有关时才有价值,你这里却写的,我们有些知识是从日常生活中得来的,个人感觉有些走题However, we cannot say that history is only useful in the trifles of our daily life.

Let us come to the societal level in which the study of history may have more weight. For a country, the requirement of its people learn history is one way that form coherence for a country which is the power for people get-together. With the same background, sharing the same land, fighting for the same goal--making one’s country more prosperous, the coherence appears. Just the same faith in all the people makes the stability and unity in one country possible. Additionally, the history is a basic subject that records the information of the past without any objective opinion. Professors in such realm, take it as a philosophy to recognize the world, the assuming God. On this level, if we restrict the filed of history, we would bent the reality of history and also the history itself would become meaningless.

In summary, history is the accurate objective record of the past written in sequence. The study of history is the obligation for human beings as the symbol of the progress of us, no matter whether it is relevant to our daily lives or not. Form history, not only can we avoid some mistakes the superior had committed, but also render us a way to be more sagacious. Besides these, nowadays, increasing disciplines derives from history, such as historic-philosophy.
你对daily life 的理解是不是就是和人自身利益相关的就属于daily life的范畴,而与整个社会相关的就不属于这个范畴了.
作者: fantasianos    时间: 2005-8-20 10:04:17

https://bbs.gter.net/viewthre ... &extra=page%3D1
我昨天2005-8-19 19:01改的,因为一下子没找到原文就新开了个帖子,楼主自己链过去看吧:)

[ Last edited by fantasianos on 2005-8-20 at 10:06 ]
作者: fantasianos    时间: 2005-8-20 10:31:26

作者: vickycy6    时间: 2005-8-20 20:38:45

作者: 蚱蜢舟    时间: 2005-8-20 20:40:51     标题: 我考的就是这个

作者: vickycy6    时间: 2005-8-21 00:04:22

另外写完文章后真的是不知道改怎么理解daily life....

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