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[i习作temp] Issue136 G89 8.19号作业 [复制链接]

Rank: 5Rank: 5

发表于 2005-8-19 23:16:43 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
The absence of choice is a circumstance that is very, very rare.

In my observation, the absence of choice is a really circumstance that is very, very rare. As human beings, who possess independent thinking, we have to make choices for many great or trivial events every day. However, we always hear people complaint that they have no choice. Nevertheless, in my opinion, it is not short of choice, but we do not find alternatives.

Sometimes, the reason why people consider that there is no choice is that choices before them do not satisfy them. When facing to choices, some people have a good dream to select the one full of  merits but no detrimental. When finding the flaws of a choice, those people always ignore them and do not regard them as a choice.  However, not everything can be the same as people's wishes. Every choice has its own shortages. At last, the people wish to find a perfect choice will inevitably find that there are no choice to meet their needs.

Some other people always follow the popular trend and do not realize that there are other alternatives. Take the examination for the entrance of university in China for example, which is a really tough examination. Every year millions of students take part in this examination. In order to pass this exam, students have to work extremely hard. Many students do not like this examination , or even hate it. When asked why participate in it, many of them may reply" I have no choice. Everyone takes part in it, so I have to ." Is it really no other choice. Undoubtedly not. They could choose to work after finished their high school education. There are indeed alternatives, however those students ignore them.

Sometimes, there are too many choices so that selecting one becomes difficult, and thus makes people feel that there is no choice. Generally speaking, this always happens to leaders of a community. As leaders, it is their responsibility to ensure the maximum profit of every member of the community. Therefore, they should carefully contrast and scrutinize the shortcomings and merits of each alternative, and finally select the best one. However, it is easy to say, while hard to make. The difficulty of balancing the advantages and disadvantages always make one feel that I have no choice.

To sum up, people seldom face the circumstance that there is no choice before us. However, they may be not satisfied with those choices or they do not realize those choices or they find difficult to select one. It is always those reasons that lead people to feel that they have no choice.


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Rank: 4

发表于 2005-8-20 11:48:25 |只看该作者
In my observation, the absence of choice is a really circumstance that is very, very rare. As human beings, who possess independent thinking, (这里连接的结构有点问题)we have to make choices for many great or trivial events every day. However, we always hear people complaint that they have no choice. Nevertheless, in my opinion, it is not be short of choice, but we do not find alternatives.

Sometimes, the reason why people consider that there is no choice is that choices before them do not satisfy them. When facing to choices, some people have a good dream to select the one full of  merits but no detrimental. When finding the flaws of a choice, those people always ignore them and do not regard them as a choice.  However, not everything can be the same as people's wishes. Every choice has its own shortages. At last, the people wish to find a perfect choice will inevitably find that there are no choice to meet their needs.(最好能举个例子)

Some other people always follow the popular trends and do not realize that there are other alternatives. Take the examination for the entrance to university in China for example, which is a really tough examination. Every year millions of students take part in this examination. In order to pass this exam, students have to work extremely hard. Many students do not like this examination , or even hate it. When asked why participate in it, many of them may reply" I have no choice. Everyone takes part in it, so I have to ." Is it really no other choice. Undoubtedly not. They could choose to work after finished their high school education. There are indeed alternatives, however those students ignore them.(这段例子不错)

Sometimes, there are too many choices so that selecting one becomes difficult, and thus makes people feel that there is no choice. Generally speaking, this always happens to leaders of a community. As leaders, it is their responsibility to ensure the maximum profit of every member of the community. Therefore, they should carefully contrast and scrutinize the shortcomings and merits of each alternative, and finally select the best one. However, it is easy to say, while hard to make(改成do怎样?). The difficulty of balancing the advantages and disadvantages always make one feel that I have no choice.(这段感觉和第二段说的是一个问题)
To sum up, people seldom face the circumstance that there is no choice before us. However, they may be not satisfied with those choices or they do not realize those choices or they find difficult to select one. It is always those reasons that lead people to feel that they have no choice.

可以从简单的方面说一下关于选择,例如现在商品的种类繁多,sufficient for choices
To be a brave girl!

使用道具 举报

Rank: 2

发表于 2005-8-20 21:06:42 |只看该作者
The absence of choice is a circumstance that is very, very rare.

In my observation, the absence of choice is a really circumstance that is very, very rare. As human beings, who possess independent thinking, we have to make choices for many great or trivial events every day(everyday!!). However, we always hear people complaint that they have no choice. Nevertheless, in my opinion, it is not short of choice, but we do not find alternatives.

Sometimes, the reason why people consider that there is no choice is that choices before them do not satisfy them. When facing to choices, some people have a good dream to select the one full of  merits but no detrimental. When finding the flaws of a choice, those people always ignore them and do not regard them as a choice.  However, not everything can be the same as people's wishes//people wishes//. Every choice has its own shortages. At last, the people wish to find a perfect choice will inevitably find that there are//is// no choice to meet their needs.

Some other people always follow the popular trend and do not realize that there are other alternatives. Take the examination for the entrance of university in China for example, which is a really tough examination. Every year millions of students take part in this examination. In order to pass this exam, students have to work extremely hard. Many students do not like this examination , or even hate it. When asked why participate in it, many of them may reply" I have no choice. Everyone takes part in it, so I have to ." Is it really no other choice. Undoubtedly not. They could choose to work after finished their high school education. There are indeed alternatives, however those students ignore them.//把我的意思更好的表达了哦!:)//

Sometimes, there are too many choices so that selecting one becomes difficult, and thus makes people feel that there is no choice. Generally speaking, this always happens to leaders of a community. As leaders, it is their responsibility to ensure the maximum profit of every member of the community//好//. Therefore, they should carefully contrast and scrutinize the shortcomings and merits of each alternative, and finally select the best one. However, it is easy to say, while hard to make. The difficulty of balancing the advantages and disadvantages always make one feel that I have no choice.

To sum up, people seldom face the circumstance that there is no choice before us. However, they may be not satisfied with those choices or they do not realize those choices or they find difficult to select one. It is always those reasons that lead people to feel that they have no choice.


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