
标题: 【CASK EFFECT】0910G阅读全方位锻炼--难度【LSAT】1-1 [打印本页]

作者: 草木也知愁    时间: 2009-7-10 16:56:38     标题: 【CASK EFFECT】0910G阅读全方位锻炼--难度【LSAT】1-1

本帖最后由 草木也知愁 于 2009-7-10 16:57 编辑

CASK EFFECT0910G阅读全方位锻炼--难度【LSAT】汇总贴
CASK EFFECT0910G阅读全方位锻炼--速度【CET】汇总贴
CASK EFFECT0910F阅读全方位锻炼--越障【SCI】汇总贴
CASK EFFECT0910G阅读全方位锻炼--真题【GRE】(后期推出)
CASK EFFECT0910G阅读全方位锻炼--深度【FICTION】(后期推出)
CASK EFFECT0910F阅读全方位锻炼--RAM 汇总贴(后期推出)





Immigrants’ adoption of English as their primary language is one measure of assimilation into the larger United States society. Generally languages define social groups and provide justification for social structures. Hence, a distinctive language sets a cultural group off from the dominant language group. Throughout United States history this pattern has resulted in one consistent, unhappy consequence, discrimination against members of the cultural minority. Language differences provide both a way to rationalize subordination and a ready means for achieving it.

Traditionally, English has replaced the native language of immigrant groups by the second or third generation. Some characteristics of today’s Spanish-speaking population, however, suggest the possibility of a departure from this historical pattern. Many families retain ties in Latin America and move back and forth between their present and former communities. This “revolving door” phenomenon, along with the high probability of additional immigrants from the south, means that large Spanish-speaking communities are likely to exist in the United States for the indefinite future.

This expectation underlies the call for national support for bilingual education in Spanish-speaking communities’ public schools. Bilingual education can serve different purposes, however. In the 1960s, such programs were established to facilitate the learning of English so as to avoid disadvantaging children in their other subjects because of their limited English. More recently, many advocates have viewed bilingual education as a means to maintain children’s native languages and cultures. The issue is important for people with different political agendas, from absorption at one pole to separatism at the other.

To date, the evaluations of bilingual education’s impact on learning have been inconclusive. The issue of bilingual education has, nevertheless, served to unite the leadership of the nation’s Hispanic communities. Grounded in concerns about status that are directly traceable to the United States history of discrimination against Hispanics, the demand for maintenance of the Spanish language in the schools is an assertion of the worth of a people and their culture. If the United States is truly a multicultural nation—that is, if it is one culture reflecting the contributions of many—this demand should be seen as a demand not for separation but for inclusion.

More direct efforts to force inclusion can be misguided. For example, movements to declare English the official language do not truly advance the cohesion of a multicultural nation. They alienate the twenty million people who do not speak English as their mother tongue. They are unnecessary since the public’s business is already conducted largely in English. Further, given the present state of understanding about the effects of bilingual education on learning, it would be unwise to require the universal use of English. Finally, it is for parents and local communities to choose the path they will follow, including how much of their culture they want to maintain for their children.

1.It can be inferred from the passage that one of the characteristics of immigrant groups to the United States has traditionally been that, after immigration, relatively few members of the group

(A) became politically active in their new communities
(B) moved back and forth repeatedly between the United States and their former communities
(C) used their native languages in their new communities
(D) suffered discrimination in their new communities at the hands of the cultural majority
(E) sought assimilation into the dominant culture of the new communities they were entering

2.The passage suggests that one of the effects of the debate over bilingual education is that it has

(A) given the Hispanic community a new-found pride in its culture
(B) hampered the education of Spanish-speaking students
(C) demonstrated the negative impact on imposing English as the official United States language
(D) provided a common banner under which the Spanish-speaking communities could rally
(E) polarized the opinions of local Spanish-speaking community leaders

3.In lines 38-39, the phrase “different political agendas” refers specifically to conflicting opinions regarding the

(A) means of legislating the assimilation of minorities into United States society
(B) methods of inducing Hispanics to adopt English as their primary language
(C) means of achieving nondiscriminatory education for Hispanics
(D) official given responsibility for decisions regarding bilingual education
(E) extent to which Hispanics should blend into the larger United States society

4.In lines 64-65 the author says that “It would be unwise to require the universal use of English.” One reason for this, according to the author, is that

(A) it is not clear yet whether requiring the universal use of English would promote or hinder the education of children whose English is limited
(B) the nation’s Hispanic leaders have shown that bilingual education is most effective when it includes the maintenance of the Spanish language in the schools
(C) requiring the universal use of English would reduce the cohesion of the nation’s Hispanic communities and leadership
(D) the question of language in the schools should be answered by those who evaluate bilingual education, not by people with specific political agendas
(E) it has been shown that bilingual education is necessary to avoid disadvantaging in their general learning children whose English is limited

5.In the last paragraph, the author of the passage is primarily concerned with discussing

(A) reasons against enacting a measure that would mandate the forced inclusion of immigrant groups within the dominant United culture
(B) the virtues and limitations of declaring English the official language of the United States
(C) the history of attitudes within the Hispanic community toward bilingual education in the United States
(D) the importance for immigrant groups of maintaining large segments of their culture to pass on to their children
(E) the difference in cultures between Hispanics and other immigrant groups in the United States

作者: lisa0702    时间: 2009-7-10 19:27:59

作者: 草木也知愁    时间: 2009-7-10 19:42:52

lisa0702 发表于 2009-7-10 19:27


作者: jessicalulu    时间: 2009-7-29 22:08:15

Grounded in concerns about status that are directly traceable to the United States history of discrimination against Hispanics, the demand for maintenance of the Spanish language in the schools is an assertion of the worth of a people and their culture.
作者: 天天添添    时间: 2009-8-8 12:37:21

Grounded in concerns about status (后面是修饰status的从句)that are directly traceable to theUnited States history of discrimination against Hispanics, the demandfor maintenance of the Spanish language in the schools is an assertionof the worth of a people and their culture.! Q& o* z6 L! q



作者: jlmjacky    时间: 2009-8-16 16:54:59

1# 草木也知愁 草木
这个要先看文章 还是先看题
作者: fiefuyt    时间: 2009-8-16 19:49:05

作者: shfh5547    时间: 2009-8-18 23:35:21

“different political agendas” 我觉得说的是absorption和separatism,因为是说西班牙语所以解释成为extent to which Hispanics should blend into the larger United States society?

以及If the United States is truly a multicultural nationthat is, if it is one culture reflecting the contributions of manythis demand should be seen as a demand not for separation but for inclusion.这段,我觉得破折号里面的意思和前面的相反额,望大牛们科普下~


作者: speedzshaw    时间: 2009-8-19 21:49:57

自己做的时候就对了仨 对了答案后再看题目觉得很浅显 做的时候都想到过 可就是最后把自己推翻了
作者: wobaobao519    时间: 2009-8-20 09:17:23

本帖最后由 wobaobao519 于 2009-8-20 09:55 编辑

第一遍:貌似懂了, 为什么题目错的几乎麽有对的?
好吧, 再看一遍~~
作者: 泡面    时间: 2009-8-22 12:52:18

political agenda 应该对应到哪里呢?
作者: gaofei323    时间: 2009-8-27 23:32:12

对了3个~~有蒙的嫌疑 呵呵
第一题为什么选B,不是说Many families retain ties in Latin America and move back and forth between their present and former communities.? 我选的E
第三题The issue is important for people with different political agendas, from absorption at one pole to separatism at the other.这句话什么意思。。。没有看懂。。。
LSAT的逻辑真绕。。。。很多转折词也不是很明显 搞不清楚在说什么 去看cet舒服下好了 呵呵
作者: gaofei323    时间: 2009-8-27 23:39:43

10# wobaobao519
所以要选择 reasons against enacting a measure
作者: AdelineShen    时间: 2009-8-28 12:38:30

作者: wswjwj    时间: 2009-8-28 21:49:11

蒙的对了一个…… 查字典还是对了一个 刚对的还错了Orz 不活了……
作者: gaofei323    时间: 2009-8-28 23:23:13

16# Bela1229
谢谢bela~ 其实我是说第一题选E不选B 第三题我是完全不懂。。。不过你的讲解很有帮助哈~
文中提到了, the demand for maintenance of the Spanish language in the schools is an assertion (the act of asserting; also: DECLARATION, AFFIRMATION)
of the worth of a people and their culture. 说明保持西班牙语就可以保留下来他们的特征(旗帜)
其他几个选项:A 新的骄傲?没有说什么新的啊 B 记得文章说过双语教育就是帮助非英语的孩子学习的吧 就是将好处那段的第一个好处。 C 这个信息也没有找到,常识来说,几百万移民不至于改变国家本来的语言吧 E 极化社区领袖的观点 我没有找到他们的观点 所以不选这个
纯属个人见解~~ 非常欢迎讨论~~
作者: 银落    时间: 2009-8-29 23:22:58

1. Some characteristics of today’s Spanish-speaking population, however, suggest the possibility of a departure from this historical pattern. Many families retain ties in Latin America and move back and forth between their present and former communities.

2. To date, the evaluations of bilingual education’s impact on learning have been inconclusive. The issue of bilingual education has, nevertheless, served to unite the leadership of the nation’s Hispanic communities. 和
If the United States is truly a multicultural nation—that is, if it is one culture reflecting the contributions of many—this demand should be seen as a demand not for separation but for inclusion.

3.The issue is important for people with different political agendas, from absorption at one pole to separatism at the other.

4.To date, the evaluations of bilingual education’s impact on learning have been inconclusive.和
  Further, given the present state of understanding about the effects of bilingual education on learning, it would be unwise to require the universal use of English.

5. More direct efforts to force inclusion can be misguided. For example,

作者: winning1030    时间: 2009-8-29 23:51:38

作者: winning1030    时间: 2009-8-29 23:52:34

觉得你找得很正确~ 20# 银落
作者: Grace13    时间: 2009-9-1 18:58:39


It can be inferred from the passage that one of the characteristics of immigrant groups to the United States has traditionally been that, after immigration, relatively few members of the group
它问的是以前的情况,而文中给出的是现在的情况,即Some characteristics of today’s Spanish-speaking population, however, suggest the possibility of a departure from this historical pattern. Many families retain ties in Latin America and move back and forth between their present and former communities.
再看B选项说的是moved back and forth repeatedly between the United States and their former communities
这个在现在是many families所做的,那自然在以前就是few members的行为啦


21# winning1030
作者: Mason.PD    时间: 2009-9-2 01:11:20


It can be inferred from the passage that one of the characteristics of immigrant groups to the United States has traditionally ...
Grace13 发表于 2009-9-1 18:58

作者: green.mi    时间: 2009-9-4 00:28:48


It can be inferred from the passage that one of the characteristics of immigrant groups to the United States has traditionally ...
Grace13 发表于 2009-9-1 18:58

谢谢 终于觉得懂了第一题了
作者: dairyman    时间: 2009-9-15 00:59:24

作者: cjlu    时间: 2009-9-22 02:04:25

有点郁闷~留记号 mark~
作者: 无敌小番茄    时间: 2009-9-26 20:09:06

蒙对3个 看完答案就是更蒙了
不知道对的怎么对的 不知道错的怎么错的
作者: lghscu    时间: 2009-12-15 20:48:08

1st time: 04:56
total time:23:12
作者: lghscu    时间: 2009-12-15 21:14:43

本帖最后由 lghscu 于 2009-12-26 19:48 编辑

[CASK EFFECT] 难度【LSAT】1-1 解读解读
作者: fdmyang    时间: 2009-12-26 17:05:36

Thanks for posting, will take the exercise from today for a step of improvement.
作者: fdmyang    时间: 2009-12-26 17:32:42

got 3 of  8.

作者: wxneverlost    时间: 2010-2-26 17:27:30

作者: xuhantao    时间: 2010-4-8 20:47:40

作者: kane1027    时间: 2010-6-13 22:00:44

老大,我还是没找找到附件,555555. 3# 草木也知愁
作者: kuaido    时间: 2012-5-19 20:56:33

提示: 作者被禁止或删除 内容自动屏蔽
作者: remijohn90    时间: 2012-5-27 11:01:07

本帖最后由 remijohn90 于 2012-5-27 11:02 编辑

第二题:The issue of bilingual education has, nevertheless, served to unite the leadership of the nation's定位这句话
a common banner指的是一个共同的旗帜;
第三题:from absorption at one pole to separatism at the other是完全吸收还是完全不管?所以选程度一项;
作者: fuyuluo    时间: 2016-1-26 10:13:25

为什么没有看到答案呢 求啊

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