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[活动] 旸旸 8.11 2009 作文小组 作业 [复制链接]

Rank: 4

发表于 2009-9-11 19:22:34 |只看该作者
When it is rush hour, there are alwaystraffic jams in the busy streets or roads. People usually take more than onehour to drive only one kilometer long. So here comes to the issue whether it isnecessary to levy on drivers in the busy road sections at rush(我都没有想到这个词,汗) hour. In my perspective,it is not only important but also essentially necessary for local government tolevy on drivers in the busy road sections at rush hour and my reasons are asfollows.
To begin with, levying on drivers when thetraffic is busy could help to release the traffic jams. There is no doubt aboutthe fact that if there is tax at the busy road section, a majority of driverswould prefer to choose another way to their destination. Still some people aremore likely to travel by public transportations such as subways and buses. Inthis manner, fewer private vehicles will run at the busy road section andconsequently the traffic problems will be solved. Actually this method isreally acceptable because over a half number of automobiles in the busy roadsections are private transportations, and for most driverspaying for tax daily is a heavy burden on themselves(主语是paying). As a result, they would not intend to drive on the busy roadsections. Admittedly, some people will argue that the process of tax wastestime and aggravate traffic jams, yet since many vehicles will not exist in thebusy sections, as a matter of a fact, traffic jams can be controlled. Based onthe analysis above, I am highly supportive of the proposal that governmentshould levy on drivers in the busy road sections at rush hours.
Furthermore, if local government plans tolevy on drivers in the busy road sections at rush hours daily, the financialrevenue of the local government will increase. The benefits are manifest. Thebusy road sections need money to broad; local government can allocate morebudge to establish high ways and it can definitely release the traffic jams inthose busy sections; still it is the responsibility of the drivers, who usuallydrive in the busy road sections, to maintain the roads. Therefore, I amconvinced that drivers should be levied on in the busy road sections at rushhour.
In addition, another advantage of levyingon drivers in the busy road sections when there are massive traffics is that itcan help reduce the air pollution from vehicles. It is well known that wastegas is one of the major sources of green gases in the urban areas. Since newdriving taxes can limit the number of private cars and encourage more civiliansto take public transportations, the pollution from vehicles will besignificantly reduced. Thus it is more environment-friendly.
In sum, people can enjoy the benefitsresulting from new tax on drivers in the busy road sections at rush hour. Onone hand, it can greatly reduce traffic jams and air pollutions, which improvesdenizens' quality of life; On the other hand, more financial revenue can alsohelp solve traffic problems. Therefore, I totally agree that local governmentshould levy on drivers in the busy road sections at rush hour


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Rank: 4

发表于 2009-9-10 23:44:27 |只看该作者
旸旸 9.10作文

When it is rush hour, there are always traffic jams in the busy streets or roads. People usually take more than one hour to drive only one kilometer long. So here comes to the issue whether it is necessary to levy on drivers in the busy road sections at rush hour. In my perspective, it is not only important but also essentially necessary for local government to levy on drivers in the busy road sections at rush hour and my reasons are as follows.

To begin with, levying on drivers when the traffic is busy could help to release the traffic jams. There is no doubt about the fact that if there is tax at the busy road section, a majority of drivers would prefer to choose another way to their destination. Still some people are more likely to travel by public transportations such as subways and buses. In this manner, fewer private vehicles will run at the busy road section and consequently the traffic problems will be solved. Actually this method is really acceptable because over a half number of automobiles in the busy road sections are private transportations, and for most drivers paying for tax daily is a heavy burden on themselves. As a result, they would not intend to drive on the busy road sections. Admittedly, some people will argue that the process of tax wastes time and aggravate traffic jams, yet since many vehicles will not exist in the busy sections, as a matter of a fact, traffic jams can be controlled. Based on the analysis above, I am highly supportive of the proposal that government should levy on drivers in the busy road sections at rush hours.

Furthermore, if local government plans to levy on drivers in the busy road sections at rush hours daily, the financial revenue of the local government will increase. The benefits are manifest. The busy road sections need money to broad; local government can allocate more budge to establish high ways and it can definitely release the traffic jams in those busy sections; still it is the responsibility of the drivers, who usually drive in the busy road sections, to maintain the roads. Therefore, I am convinced that drivers should be levied on in the busy road sections at rush hour.

In addition, another advantage of levying on drivers in the busy road sections when there are massive traffics is that it can help reduce the air pollution from vehicles. It is well known that waste gas is one of the major sources of green gases in the urban areas. Since new driving taxes can limit the number of private cars and encourage more civilians to take public transportations, the pollution from vehicles will be significantly reduced. Thus it is more environment-friendly.

In sum, people can enjoy the benefits resulting from new tax on drivers in the busy road sections at rush hour. On one hand, it can greatly reduce traffic jams and air pollutions, which improves denizens' quality of life; On the other hand, more financial revenue can also help solve traffic problems. Therefore, I totally agree that local government should levy on drivers in the busy road sections at rush hour

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Rank: 5Rank: 5

发表于 2009-9-10 15:30:21 |只看该作者
旸旸 9.9作业0 M4 l& R( E8 b% X4 _% S+; ^* L) z) M  t+ t
In the lecture, the professor casts doubt on three traditional (widely accepted 更好) theories that are used to explain how birds navigate over thousands of miles to reach home.* N3 N3 }, q: v
! ~. q) A6 m- O) n: e, f$ u' J! H

Firstly, the professor questions the theory of the sun or the star compasses. In the lecture, the professor states that many birds can fly at night when there is no sun, so it verifies that birds do not rely on the so-called sun compass. Still there is no star compass because only on spice of birds use star to location and orientation

O8 R* P
Secondly, although birds use landmarks to help them navigate; however, it only happens before their journal (if they have made the journey before). Actually, landmarks mean nothing when the birds fly (back from new places) because the environments (不可数) are different. As a result, birds never (太绝对了吧) depend on landmarks to find home.

Finally, in the reading material, the author cites a report of scientists. In the report, scientists found tiny iron oxide crystals in the skin and attached magnets will disturb those birds' ability to navigate. Nevertheless, the professor argues that with the help of a magnet sensor, birds could only identify north and south but could not use it to navigate (speaker也承认了磁场有助于导航,但不能帮助鸟找到一个specific的地方). Even human beings have difficulties to navigate with advanced magnet sensors, never to say those birds.

, z2 N# C+ R' E4 O
In sum, because of the illustration and examples stated in the lecture, those three theories are not acceptable.

内容上,有些地方speaker也让步了的,我记得他有说,I admit...,所以并没有完全否定,只说reading中的理论limited。

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Rank: 4

发表于 2009-9-9 22:47:39 |只看该作者
旸旸 9.9作业

In the lecture, the professor cast doubt on three traditional theories that are used to explain how birds navigate over thousands of miles to reach home.

Firstly, the professor questions the theory of the sun or the star compasses. In the lecture, the professor states that many birds can fly at night when there is no sun, so it verifies that birds do not rely on the so-called sun compass. Still there is no star compass because only on spice of birds use star to location and orientation.

Secondly, although birds use landmarks to help them navigate; however, it only happens before their journal. Actually, landmarks mean nothing when the birds fly because the environments are different. As a result, birds never depend on landmarks to find home.

Finally, in the reading material, the author cites a report of scientists. In the report, scientists found tiny iron oxide crystals in the skin and attached magnets will disturb those birds' ability to navigate. Nevertheless, the professor argues that with the help of a magnet sensor, birds could only identify north and south but could not use it to navigate. Even human beings have difficulties to navigate with advanced magnet sensors, never to say those birds.

In sum, because of the illustration and examples stated in the lecture, those three theories are not acceptable.

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Rank: 8Rank: 8


IBT Zeal Cancer巨蟹座

发表于 2009-9-9 22:39:17 |只看该作者
Many teachers prefer to assign homework to students everyday because they think more endeavor usually leads to better achievement. A group of people really--这个放这里是怎么意思 daily homework is necessary for they maintain the belief that practice makes perfect. However, in my perspective, I could not support this contention and my reasons are as follows.开头还是很明快的.

To begin with, daily homework is not an essential factor that effects on a student's grades. The aim of homework is to help students review knowledge that have been learnt and remember what teachers impart in the class. In this manner, if students remember knowledge of one subject, or even master the class, it makes no sense to compel students to do homework daily. Actually considering the variety of students' ability to learn, teachers should give students opportunities to plan how much homework they should do in a week or in a month, depending on the extent to which they have learnt in class. I will illustrate this point by my example. In my university, we only have two mathematic classes in a week, so it is enough for students to remember the knowledge this week only if teachers assign homework twice a week. Convinced with my own experience, I am not supportive of the idea that teachers should assign homework to students every day.例子很不错的

econdly, if students do homework every day, their schedules will be destroyed没这严重吧,吓银. Students have different plans according to their various hobbies, abilities and skills. Some students need time to practice piano daily. Others may prefer to read books to improve their reading ability. It is also necessary for a group of students to spend time and energy on their research area. Still, many people need time to relax and to stay with their families. In addition, some students even have to work to earn their livings and tuition fees. Because of the different requirement of students, it is unnecessary for teachers to assign homework every day.我知道你想说的是作业的繁多会给日常生活带来不便. 这个我个人认为可以提下的, 但是你用好整个一段.多少有些走题的感觉. 可以适当说有人本来打算做这个但是有作业了, 就先做作业, 后来时间不够了, 别的也不做成. 很遗憾..

In sum, due to the different abilities and requirements of students, teachers should not assign homework. For one thing, assigning more homework could not help students to improve their study; for the other thing, it prohibits students from allocating their own time. Therefore, it is not acceptable for teachers to assign homework every day.语言结构很好的, 有变换. 单词选的不错,语法也没多的毛病

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Rank: 2

发表于 2009-9-9 21:43:37 |只看该作者
Many teachers assign homework to students every day. Do you think that daily homework is necessary for students? Use specific reasons and details to support your answer.6 F9 R4 j: r# L; l. @

Many teachers prefer to assign homework to students everyday because they think more endeavor usually leads to better achievement. A group of people really(应该用个动词吧?believe) daily homework is necessary for they(them)(and) maintain the belief that practice makes perfect.这句话的语法写的比较诡异 However, in my perspective, I could not support this contention and my reasons are as follows.' U$ B1 D2 G6 u+ W

To begin with, daily homework is not an essential factor that effects on a student's grades. The aim of homework is to help students review knowledge that have been learnt and remember what teachers impart in the class. In this manner, if students remember knowledge of one subject, or even master the class, it makes no sense to compel students to do homework daily. Actually considering the variety of students' ability to learn这个状语用的好, teachers should give students opportunities to plan how much homework they should do in a week or in a month, depending on the extent to which they have learnt in class. I will illustrate this point by my example. In my university, we only have two mathematic classes in a week, so it is enough for students to remember the knowledge this week only if teachers assign homework twice a week. Convinced with my own experience这个状语用的好!, I am not supportive of the idea that teachers should assign homework to students every day.

Secondly, if students do homework every day, their schedules will be destroyed(这个不恰当吧?disturbed). Students have different plans according to their various hobbies, abilities and skills. Some students need time to practice piano daily. Others may prefer to read(reading) books to improve their reading ability. It is also necessary for a group of students to spend time and energy on their research area. Still, many people need time to relax and to stay with their families. In addition, some students even have to work to earn their livings and tuition fees. Because of the different requirement of students, it is unnecessary for teachers to assign homework every day./ U2 v- i2 I1 j5 I

4 m4 O
/ r' ^  o# M$ `
In sum, due to the different abilities and requirements of students, teachers should not assign(daily) homework. For one thing, assigning more homework could not help students to improve their study; for the other thing, it prohibits students from allocating their own time. Therefore, it is not acceptable for teachers to assign homework every day.

总体来说,这篇文章写的还算好,但是只写了两个要点显得有点少,你要是实在写不出可以说一下daily homework 的好处,简略写,然后一转折,说他怎么不好。。写的这两个要点都能很好的说明主题,而且文章中的非谓语做状语很多用的都不错。

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Rank: 4

发表于 2009-9-8 22:09:39 |只看该作者
旸旸 9.8 作业

Many teachers assign homework to students every day. Do you think that daily homework is necessary for students? Use specific reasons and details to support your answer.

Many teachers prefer to assign homework to students everyday because they think more endeavor usually leads to better achievement. A group of people really daily homework is necessary for they maintain the belief that practice makes perfect. However, in my perspective, I could not support this contention and my reasons are as follows.

To begin with, daily homework is not an essential factor that effects on a student's grades. The aim of homework is to help students review knowledge that have been learnt and remember what teachers impart in the class. In this manner, if students remember knowledge of one subject, or even master the class, it makes no sense to compel students to do homework daily. Actually considering the variety of students' ability to learn, teachers should give students opportunities to plan how much homework they should do in a week or in a month, depending on the extent to which they have learnt in class. I will illustrate this point by my example. In my university, we only have two mathematic classes in a week, so it is enough for students to remember the knowledge this week only if teachers assign homework twice a week. Convinced with my own experience, I am not supportive of the idea that teachers should assign homework to students every day.

Secondly, if students do homework every day, their schedules will be destroyed. Students have different plans according to their various hobbies, abilities and skills. Some students need time to practice piano daily. Others may prefer to read books to improve their reading ability. It is also necessary for a group of students to spend time and energy on their research area. Still, many people need time to relax and to stay with their families. In addition, some students even have to work to earn their livings and tuition fees. Because of the different requirement of students, it is unnecessary for teachers to assign homework every day.

In sum, due to the different abilities and requirements of students, teachers should not assign homework. For one thing, assigning more homework could not help students to improve their study; for the other thing, it prohibits students from allocating their own time. Therefore, it is not acceptable for teachers to assign homework every day.

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Rank: 2

发表于 2009-9-4 21:35:20 |只看该作者
Agree or disagree: Getting advice from the older friends is more valuable than getting advice from friends at your age. (2007.8.11)

1 older friends has more experiences.
2 they spend more time on specilized area, so they are more professonal
3 they access new things.

When faced with problems, people usually appeal to friends for help. Nevertheless, here comes to a question whether advice from the older friends is more valuable or that from the friends with the same age. As far as I am concerned, I would prefer to call for help from the older friends and my reasons are as follows.

First of all, as we know, older friends have more experiences of both career and life compared with younger friends. Their experiences would be a great help to our problems because what they have experienced could be similar with what we suffer now. In this manner, the advantages of their advices(advice好像是不可数的) based on experiences are manifest. Just as judges of U.S. refer to precedent cases to make a judgment, we can enjoy the benefits from the precedent experiences. Virtually, hardly could anyone deny the role that experiences play in solving problems. Moreover, since older friends experienced more, they would give suggestions taking more aspects into account. Therefore, I am convinced that advices from older friends are more practical and effective.

Another reason why I prefer to advices from older friends is that since they are older than us, they usually spend more time and energy on one specialized area. As a result, these older friends would have a more insightful perspective that leads to promising advices. It has been long to know for us that, students would like to choose older professor(professors) as mentors; patients are fond of aged doctors when seeing a doctor; These phenomenon(phenomena) indicate the fact that in most cases older people are more professional in their devoted realm because of the longer time they spend on this area. According to the analysis above, there are sufficient reasons for us to call for advices from older friends when we faced with problems.

Admittedly, friends with the same age are easy to get along with; yet it is unacceptable to make conclusion that older friends are alienated. Friends rely on trust, common interests, not only bases on ages. It is well known that parents and children can become good friends because parents trust their children; students could make friends with their teachers for they have the same interest. Accordingly, there is no evidence to verify that ages would be the barrier for people to be good friends.

In sum, since the insightful perspective of older friends as well as their massive experiences, I would prefer advices from older friends.


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Rank: 8Rank: 8


IBT Zeal Cancer巨蟹座

发表于 2009-9-4 14:28:25 |只看该作者
When faced with problems, people usually appeal to好的. 我怎么没想起来 friends for help. Nevertheless, here comes to a question whether advice from the older friends is more valuable or that from the friends with the same age. As far as I am concerned, I would prefer to call for help from the older friends and my reasons are as follows.

of all, as we know, older friends have more experiences of--> In both career and life compared with younger friends. Their experiences would be a great help to our problems-->help to handle with our problem because what they have experienced could be similar with what we suffer now. In this manner, the advantages of their advices based on experiences are manifest. Just as judges of U.S. refer to precedent 嘻嘻很拍马屁的cases to make a judgment, we can enjoy the benefits from the precedent experiences. Virtually, hardly could anyone deny the role that experiences play in solving problems. Moreover, since older friends experienced more, they would give suggestions taking more aspects into account. Therefore, I am convinced that advices from older friends are more practical and effective.' X  \$ n: @% u- o5 j( F3 r! M
3 @( U) Q3 }. @  u! A
Another reason why I prefer to advices from older friends is that since they are older than us这个很faint的不说也罢, they usually spend more time and energy on one specialized area. As a result, these older friends would have a more insightful perspective好的 that leads to promising advices. It has been long to know for us that, students would like to choose older professor as mentors; patients are fond of aged doctors when seeing a doctor; These phenomenon indicate the fact that in most cases older people are more professional in their devoted realm because of the longer time they spend on this area. According to the analysis above, there are sufficient reasons for us to call for advices from older friends when we faced with problem

Admittedly, friends with the same age are easy to get along with; yet it is unacceptable to make conclusion that older friends are alienated. Friends rely on trust, common interests, not only bases on ages. It is well known that parents and children can become good friends because parents trust their children; students could make friends with their teachers for they have the same interest. Accordingly, there is no evidence to verify that ages would be the barrier for people to be good friends.这段我感觉有点画蛇添足, 因为没有问跟年长的不可以交朋友. 证明这个做什么...前2段就说的不错,很扣题, 这段写了不如不写,小跑题了.
In sum, |since the insightful perspective of older friends as well as their massive experiences, I would prefer advices from older friends. 字数很多的啊, 怎么写的我就不行字太多了 4段..可是有个实在例子, 会更生动

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Rank: 4

发表于 2009-9-3 22:35:24 |只看该作者
旸旸 9.3 作业

Agree or disagree: Getting advice from the older friends is more valuable than getting advice from friends at your age. (2007.8.11)
1 older friends has more experiences.
2 they spend more time on specilized area, so they are more professonal
3 they access new things.

When faced with problems, people usually appeal to friends for help. Nevertheless, here comes to a question whether advice from the older friends is more valuable or that from the friends with the same age. As far as I am concerned, I would prefer to call for help from the older friends and my reasons are as follows.

First of all, as we know, older friends have more experiences of both career and life compared with younger friends. Their experiences would be a great help to our problems because what they have experienced could be similar with what we suffer now. In this manner, the advantages of their advices based on experiences are manifest. Just as judges of U.S. refer to precedent cases to make a judgment, we can enjoy the benefits from the precedent experiences. Virtually, hardly could anyone deny the role that experiences play in solving problems. Moreover, since older friends experienced more, they would give suggestions taking more aspects into account. Therefore, I am convinced that advices from older friends are more practical and effective.

Another reason why I prefer to advices from older friends is that since they are older than us, they usually spend more time and energy on one specialized area. As a result, these older friends would have a more insightful perspective that leads to promising advices. It has been long to know for us that, students would like to choose older professor as mentors; patients are fond of aged doctors when seeing a doctor; These phenomenon indicate the fact that in most cases older people are more professional in their devoted realm because of the longer time they spend on this area. According to the analysis above, there are sufficient reasons for us to call for advices from older friends when we faced with problems.

Admittedly, friends with the same age are easy to get along with; yet it is unacceptable to make conclusion that older friends are alienated. Friends rely on trust, common interests, not only bases on ages. It is well known that parents and children can become good friends because parents trust their children; students could make friends with their teachers for they have the same interest. Accordingly, there is no evidence to verify that ages would be the barrier for people to be good friends.

In sum, |since the insightful perspective of older friends as well as their massive experiences, I would prefer advices from older friends.

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Rank: 4

发表于 2009-9-3 19:21:41 |只看该作者

In the reading material, the author analyzes the factors that cause cottage industry transit to the factory industry. These factors include advances in technology, legal protection and desire to reduce production. However, in the lecture, the professor totally disagrees with this contention.

The professor points(到底该用什么时态啊?) out that actually it is时态? the more workers in the 17th century not the advanced technology that cause the booms of factory industry. Because at the early stage of industrialization, many machines were mainly experimental and operational machines came later just a few years later. Thus advances in technology failed to play a pivotal role when cottage industry was replaced with factory industry." m- K* P7 j1 c  Y
1 y) O& Q6 x  K3 X; ~7 [
Secondly, the professor questions the effect of legal protection on the transition of cotton industry. Although the government drafted legislation to protect property rights, however in the Holland there was also legal protection for private property. So it makes no sense to conclude that the stronger legal protection leads to the existence of factory industry.. q7 N" j0 i3 z/ E6 ~& ^

`Finally, the professor still cast doubt on the lower cost of factory industry. In fact, factory owners need a mass of money to buy lands and build factories. As a result, the cost of distributing raw materials to individual workers was reduced; nevertheless the total cost of factory industry rose. So it is not acceptable that the lower cost of factory industry caused its prosperity.4 `" A4 W# J5 j

6 r5 W# j& O0 n9 Y
In sum, because of the doubts on the importance of advances in technology, legal protection and desire to reduce production, the professor completely disagree with the author's point.


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Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2009-9-3 15:39:59 |只看该作者
In the reading material, the author analyzes the factors that cause cottage industry transit to the factory industry. These factors include advances in technology, legal protection and desire to reduce production. However, in the lecture, the professor totally disagrees with this contention.

p" \9 d6 I) x- R  f7 x0 n
Firstly, the professor points out that actually it is the more workers in the 17th century not the advanced technology that cause the booms of factory industry(雇佣更多的工人引起的转变). Because at the early stage of industrialization, many machines were mainly experimental and operational machines came later just a few years later. Thus advances in technology failed to play a pivotal role when cottage industry was replaced with factory industry.

Secondly, the professor questions the effect of legal protection on the transition of cotton industry. Although the government drafted legislation to protect property rights, however(although和however可以一起用?学过来了。) in the Holland there was also legal protection for private property. So it makes no sense to conclude that the stronger legal protection leads to the existence of factory industry.; V, r; a!

B) E0 K& P5 b
+ i5 ]" X: r$ }  R
Finally, the professor still casts doubt on the lower cost of factory industry. In fact, factory owners need a mass of money to buy lands and build factories. As a result, the cost of distributing raw materials to individual workers was reduced; nevertheless the total cost of factory industry rose. So it is not acceptable that the lower cost of factory industry caused its prosperity.; X! s& h"

F; ?& z1 A) t
- |# W( l0 ?0 Y7 [' |
In sum, because of the doubts on the importance of advances in technology, legal protection and desire to reduce production, the professor completely disagrees with the author's point.
写的很好,学到了很多东西,表示factory industry繁荣就学到了好几种方法。句式变化很多,读起来也很舒服。我只找到写小毛病。向你学习了~

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Rank: 4

发表于 2009-9-2 22:21:53 |只看该作者
In the reading material, the author analyzes the factors that cause cottage industry transit to the factory industry. These factors include advances in technology, legal protection and desire to reduce production. However, in the lecture, the professor totally disagrees with this contention.

Firstly, the professor points out that actually it is the more workers in the 17th century not the advanced technology that cause the booms of factory industry. Because at the early stage of industrialization, many machines were mainly experimental and operational machines came later just a few years later. Thus advances in technology failed to play a pivotal role when cottage industry was replaced with factory industry.

Secondly, the professor questions the effect of legal protection on the transition of cotton industry. Although the government drafted legislation to protect property rights, however in the Holland there was also legal protection for private property. So it makes no sense to conclude that the stronger legal protection leads to the existence of factory industry.

Finally, the professor still cast doubt on the lower cost of factory industry. In fact, factory owners need a mass of money to buy lands and build factories. As a result, the cost of distributing raw materials to individual workers was reduced; nevertheless the total cost of factory industry rose. So it is not acceptable that the lower cost of factory industry caused its prosperity.

In sum, because of the doubts on the importance of advances in technology, legal protection and desire to reduce production, the professor completely disagree with the author's point.

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Rank: 4

发表于 2009-9-2 20:08:09 |只看该作者
Many people prefer to ask friends and relatives for help when they face problems. Then here comes to the view that most people prefer others making decision for them than making a decision for themselves. In my perspective, I totally agree with this point and several reasons lead to the phenomenon.

To begin with, for a group of people, they are afraid of taking responsibilities to some extent. When people make decision, they worry that their decisions may come to failure. However, if some people could help them make decisions, the situation would be much better, because it gives them a sense that they are guided by others, which means that they endeavor to solve problems or at least what they have done is acceptable in most people's views. As a result, even if the result turns out terrible, it is not their fault but destiny. This phenomenon is manifest when it comes to young children. Taking myself for example, when I was born, in most cases my parents make decision for me such as selecting a school and choosing my major. Hardly could I have an opportunity to make important decision by myself. So when I face the problem whether I should change my major in university, I trap in a dilemma. Since I have made achievement in my original major, I am afraid that I would fail to get good marks if I change my major. Instead, I ask my parents for help and let them make decision for me. It is a kind of escaping from responsibility. Convinced by my experience, I would agree that people prefer others making decision for them than making a decision for themselves.

Furthermore, most people are prone to others making decision for them because they are fond of suggestions from their friends and relatives. In most cases, more advices mean more reasonable solutions. When people ask others for help, it is quite possible that friends and relatives have the same experience. Apparently people are more likely to follow others' example if their friends or relatives successfully solved the problem. It is common in the field of justice that a judge makes a trial using reference of former cases, so why not people make decision referring to others' example. In this manner, friends or relatives would provide details of their former solutions. As a result, actually it's more likely that their friends or relatives make decision not themselves. Based on the analysis above, hardly could anyone deny the fact that most people are in favor of others making decision for them.

In sum, the phenomenon that people prefer others making decision for them is not only reasonable but also acceptable. On one hand, people are afraid of taking responsibilities to some extent; on the other hand, it is effective for people to follow examples of others.

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Rank: 4

发表于 2009-9-2 04:43:41 |只看该作者
rIn the reading material, the author casts doubt on the practice of prescribed burning. However, in the lecture, the professor acclaims that this point is not valid as following reasons.

First of all, although in the article the author warns that prescribed burning of prairie would cause environment problems such as air pollution and the global warming. Nevertheless, the professor points out that prescribed fire can change forests into ashes. Still it is a fern(fertilizer?fern在这出现了吗) to forests because it can warm soil which is beneficial to seeds. In addition, a planned fire can stop(还没发生用prevent好点) a big wild fire. These advantages are not what the disking have.

Furthermore, in the reading material the author questions the safety of prescribed fire because it is unpredictable. Since there are too many what-ifs and unexpected dangers to justify prescribed fire, it is too dangerous to use prescribed fire. However, the professor argues that the prescribed fire is usually planned for a long time and people know where and when it is set, so there is nothing to be afraid of。

Finally, the author of the reading material worries about the high cost of prescribed fire. According to studies, the cost of prescribed fire ranges from 10 dollars to 1,000 dollars per hectare, which depends on the size and nature of the burn. Yet in the lecture, the professor contends that actually the expenditure of prescribed fire is quite low, compared with the cost of fight wild fire which is 10 times (这里到底是cost more than10 times还是就是10times我忘记了) of the cost of prescribed fire, never mention to its damage to homes and families."

Based on the analysis, because of the benefits, safety and low cost, the professor cannot agree with the idea of the author.


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