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[a习作temp] argument 116 第一篇没限时 给看看有啥大错误不 [复制链接]

Rank: 2

发表于 2011-1-16 17:44:11 |只看该作者 |正序浏览
The following appeared in a memo from Grocery Town's regional manager.
'The new Grocery Town store in Elm City, located near a new residential development, has a 'high-low' pricing policy where average prices are relatively high, but deep discounts are offered on some items in weekly specials. This store has been showing increased profits every month as the nearby residential development gets closer to full capacity. It follows that people prefer a pricing policy where they can find bargains on specific items. Since there is a new residential development planned in Oak City, we should change the pricing policy at all of our Oak City stores from our current 'everyday low prices' policy to a 'high-low' policy. This will increase the profits at all of our stores in Oak City.'

1.’high-low’ pricing policy可能不是盈利增加的最直接原因。
2.Elm CityOak City可能从人口结构上不同,所以即使’high-low’ pricing policy适合E城,也不一定在O城能生效。

This argument above presented a sound case for arguing that if the company wants to raise profits at all stores in Oak City, where there is a new residential development planned, they should copy ‘high-low’ pricing policy in Elm City. For the new Grocery Town store in Elm City, with a ‘high-low’ pricing policy, has make increased profits with the new residential development nearby gets closer to full capacity. However, there are some flaws in making the conclusion that changing to ‘high-low’ pricing policy is a good way to increase profits at all stores in Oak City.

First of all, the author does not make enough analyze to convincing us that the ‘high-low’ pricing policy is the key to the mothly raising profits in Grocery Town store in Elm City. As the auther stated in the argument that the Grocery Town store is near a new residential development which gets closer to full capacity. Maybe it is because that the nearby residential development has more and more residents as it gets closer to full capacity in the latest months. It is obverious that more nearby residents means more customer, and more customer means more profits. Also, the Grocery Town store has being opening for a short time, maybe the raising of profits in the early months is a general phenomenon for all stores. And many other factors, such as advertisement, service quality and so forth, can affect the profits, which the author did not exclude.

Moreover, it is unreasonable to directly copy pricing policy in Elm City into stores in Oak City without analyzing whether the two cities are comparable. Maybe the Elm City has residents with neithor super-high or relatively low purchasing power and the ‘high-low’ pricing policy will fully explore the two group, while all residents are not so rich in Oak City, thus the 'everyday low prices' policy is more conducive to stores in Oak City. Or maybe citizens in two cities have different buying intentions, thus deep discounts on some items in weekly specials will not so profitable in Oak City. There should be more study on the comparability of two cities before we deduce a conclusion.

Finally, even we concede that the two city is alike, the author did not make enough statement to prove that the pricing policy of stores near new resential development will be conducive to store all around the city. Stores in old towns and store near new residential developments have different situations. Maybe the pricing policy will do some benefits in stores near new residential developments for its ability to attract more customers, but weak in helping profits in old towns because the good service and quality will be more important in these areas. The author should add much more evidence before he make a final statement.

In conclusion, the author should do more research on proving that the pricing policy is the key to making monthly increasing in profits. Also, he should make more study on the similarity between stores near new residential development in Elm City and all stores in Oak City before he deduce a final statement that using the ‘high-low’ pricing policy is a good way to increase profits at all stores in Oak City.

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