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[i习作temp] Issue51 【0706G-CRUSADE小组】 第1次作业 by vanlucker [复制链接]

Rank: 4

发表于 2007-2-14 20:41:48 |只看该作者 |正序浏览
Issue510706GCRUSADE小组】次作业 by vanlucker

     "Education will be truly effective only when it is specifically designed to meet the individual needs and interests of each student."

1.       有效是什么?教育的目的为社会培养人才,是否培养出适合当今社会需要的人才决定是否有效。当今社会多元化,更需要多面手。
2.       兴趣是什么?如果对每个学生都因材施教,反而造成资源浪费,效率低下。每个人都有自己的个性与众多爱好,但是不是所有的都是好的,所以兴趣也是需要引导的,此外兴趣还可以后天培养,所以全面统一教育更适合与教育系统分配资源,提高效率。
3.       道德教育和民主社会价值观的培养不可忽视。道德和民主价值是当今社会生存的基本。任何人都必须遵守道德规范和法律。否则,一个只当评自己兴趣喜好作事的人是会被社会排斥的。换句话说,就是教育失败,更不用说有效。
4.       补充:根据教育阶段,我们可以有针对的进行个体的兴趣对其教育,比如:在小学和初中基础和道德教育同等甚至高于兴趣,高中时可以适当提高兴趣培养的比例,大学中则大部分是兴趣与需要的培养,这样分阶段可以使教育更有效率,可以培养德才兼备的人才。
5.       总结,兴趣培养固然重要,但同时个人基础教育和道德观念教育却不容忽视,否则,不用说效率,培养出缺少道德和基本知识的人是教育的失败

  The speaker would prefer our education to only design to meet the individual needs and interests of each student instead of teaching fundamental knowledge and values when it comes to effectiveness. While I concede that teaching students by the concern of their own interests and desires might serve the effectiveness of education, it would be more effective by instilling in young people the fundamental values, as well as by teaching them all-round knowledge.
  As I see it, there are three fundamental arguments to support my viewpoint. The first argument has to do with effectiveness. Some students dislike, even hate the knowledge from some fundamental subjects like mathematics even when they enter society, then they might fail in society due to a lack of particular fundamental knowledge they disregarded before. Accordingly, to the extent that the all-around knowledge and skills needed to perform in present-day society plays a more and more significant role, our education would be truthfully effective as focus on the all-round education.
  The second argument has to do with the individual interests and needs. Every student has his/her own characters and interests; and there would nevertheless be bad ones such as violence, pornography and drugs. Accordingly, educators should reclaim their bad, even dangerous characters and favors, cultivate them with their own suitable needs and interests, and help students develop their appropriate interests into even life goals. Yet it would be a waste of our education system only focus on the individual-centered education – at the expense of the limited resource. Thus, it seems more appropriate for the individual-centered education to account for an important but not entire portion of education.
  The third argument is an appeal to moral values and certain basic values upon which any democratic society depends. Only at the point when educators have already instilled in students certain moral values and ethical standards such as compassion, sympathy and humility, then students are more likely to accomplish their interest goals by morally, ethically means. Moreover, without certain fundamental values, no one can survive, let alone do interests, in any morality-driven society. These values, that contain principles of fairness, equity and freedom, cultivate students a very significant ability to cooperate, compete, and compromise. Thus, it would be truly effective that students can not be educated only by their favor and desires, as well as by instilling in them moral values and democratic principles; otherwise, it would be just a failure of our education that results in an unviable person of our society.
  Besides, admittedly, each education stage of students requires different teaching method; otherwise, let alone students’ vigor to study, the resource of education might allocate irrationally. As students grow into adults who can think independently and do “correct” works, it is truly effective that teach them knowledge they desire and interest in. For instance, higher education allow students to learn more that meet their interests and desires over moral fundamental values while primary education does not. Moreover, different teaching means for students of each education stage can save plenty of our limited resource for our education system to enhance teaching quality.
  In sum, it is by helping students develop their own appropriate interests and needs, teaching them all-around fundamental knowledge and instilling in them the moral and democratic values, and then students finally grow into adults who are the necessary roles of society, that our education is actually effective.

我的处女作,呕心沥血终于写出来....还是模仿老外280的....水平有限,希望大家多多指毛病,统统向我开炮;d: ;d:

使用道具 举报

Rank: 4

发表于 2007-2-15 16:34:57 |只看该作者
The speaker would prefer our education to only (be )designed to meet the individual needs and interests of each student instead of teaching(prefer sb. to do instead of doing我上网查语法好像没错,但是education 不知道能不能做主语teach) teach fundamental knowledge and values when it comes to effectiveness. (首句改为The speaker would prefer our educator to only educate students with each needs and interests instead of teaching fundamental knowledge and values when it comes to effectiveness.)While I concede that teaching students by the concern of their own interests and desires might serve the effectiveness of education, it would be more effectively by instilling in young people the fundamental values, as well as by teaching them all-round knowledge.
  As I see it, there are three fundamental arguments to support my viewpoint. The first argument(The first one) has to do with effectiveness(改为all-round knowledge). Some students dislike, even hate the knowledge from (改为of) some fundamental subjects like mathematics (添加and physics)even when they enter society步入社会是这么翻译的吗?好像老师以前说不能这么直译的(改为grow into adults), then they might fail in society due to a lack of particular fundamental knowledge they disregarded before. Accordingly, to the extent that the all-around knowledge and skills needed for students to perform in present-day society plays a more and more significant role, our education would be truthfully effective as focusing on the all-round education.
    The second argument has to do with the individual interests and needs. Every student has his/her own characters and interests; and there would nevertheless be bad ones such as violence, pornography and drugs. Accordingly, educators should reclaim their bad, even dangerous characters and favors, cultivate(foster 不知道哪个更好) them (with去掉) (theirown可去) suitable needs and interests, and help students develop their appropriate interests into even life goals. (Consider, for example, the incredible number of Thomas Edison’s inventions, like the phonograph and the electric lamp, due to his mother promoting into his life goal his specific interest which he favored to find out every question's answer.)Yet it would be a waste of our education system only focusing on the individual-centered education – at the expense of the limited resource. Thus, it seems more appropriate for the individual-centered education to account for an important but not entire portion of education.
  The third argument is an appeal to moral values and certain basic values upon which any去掉 democratic society depends. Only (at the point去掉) when educators have already instilled in students certain moral values and ethical standards such as compassion, sympathy and humility, (then去掉) do students (only后面的句子应该倒装吧) smoothly accomplish their interest goals (去掉by) morally and ethically (means 去掉) . Moreover, without certain fundamental values, no one can survive, let alone do(改为develop)their interests发挥兴趣的表达方法可以再查查, in any morality-driven society. These values, that contain the principles of fairness, equity and freedom, cultivate觉得这个动作应该是由人发出来的,如果没有把握的话可以换个表达方式(改为provide或者equip students with a very significant ability to) students a very significant ability to cooperate, compete, and compromise. Thus, it would(添加not)be truly effective that students can not (去掉)be educated only 觉得如果改成it would not be truly effective if students are educated only by )…by their favor and desires, as well as by instilling in them moral values and democratic principles; otherwise, it would be just a failure of(改to) our educators that results in cultivating an unviable person in our society.
  Besides, admittedly, each education stage of students requires different teaching methods; otherwise, the resource of education might allocate irrationally. As students grow into adults who think independently and do “correct” works(改为As students grow into adults who can think and work reasonably), it is truly effective that teaching them knowledge which they desire and showinterest in. For instance, higher education allow students to learn more that meets their interests and desires over moral fundamental values while primary education does not. Moreover, different teaching means for students of each education stage can largely save our limited resource for our education (system去掉) to enhance teaching quality.
  In sum, by helping students develop their own appropriate interests and needs, teaching them all-around fundamental knowledge and instilling in them the moral and democratic values, they would finally grow into adults who are the necessary roles of society, and then our education is actually effective.



[ 本帖最后由 vanlucker 于 2007-2-15 16:48 编辑 ]

使用道具 举报

Rank: 4

发表于 2007-2-14 23:14:43 |只看该作者

使用道具 举报

Rank: 2

发表于 2007-2-14 22:58:09 |只看该作者
The speaker would prefer our education to only designing to meet the individual needs and interests of each student instead of teaching fundamental knowledge and values when it comes to effectiveness. While I concede that teaching students by the concern of their own interests and desires might serve the effectiveness of education, it would be more effective by instilling in young people the fundamental values, as well as by teaching them all-round knowledge.
  As I see it, there are three fundamental arguments to support my viewpoint. The first argument可以考虑one替代,避免重复 has to do with effectiveness. Some students dislike, even hate the knowledge fromof some fundamental subjects like mathematics even when they enter society步入社会是这么翻译的吗?好像老师以前说不能这么直译的, then they might fail in society due to a lack of particular fundamental knowledge they disregarded before. Accordingly, to the extent that the all-around knowledge and skills needed for us to perform in present-day society plays a more and more significant role, our education would be truthfully effective as focus on the all-round education.
  The second argument has to do with the individual interests and needs. Every student has his/her own characters and interests; and there would nevertheless be bad ones such as violence, pornography and drugs. Accordingly, educators should reclaim their bad, even dangerous characters and favors, cultivate them with去掉 their own可去 suitable needs and interests, and help students develop their appropriate interests into even life goals. Yet it would be a waste of our education system only focusing on the individual-centered education – at the expense of the limited resource. Thus, it seems more appropriate for the individual-centered education to account for an important but not entire portion of education.
  The third argument is an appeal to moral values and certain basic values upon which any去掉 democratic society depends. Only at the point去掉 when educators have already instilled in students certain moral values and ethical standards such as compassion, sympathy and humility, then去掉 students areonly后面的句子应该倒装吧 more可去 likely to accomplish their interest goals by morally, ethically means morally and ethically . Moreover, without certain fundamental values, no one can survive, let alone do interests发挥兴趣的表达方法可以再查查, in any morality-driven society. These values, that containwhich include principles of fairness, equity and freedom, cultivate觉得这个动作应该是由人发出来的,如果没有把握的话可以换个表达方式 students a very significant ability to cooperate, compete, and compromise. Thus, it would be truly effective that students can not be educated only 觉得如果改成it would not be truly effective if students are educated only by …by their favor and desires, as well as by instilling in them moral values and democratic principles; otherwise, it would be just a failure of our education that results in an unviable person of our society.
  Besides, admittedly, each education stage of students requires different teaching methods; otherwise, let alone students’ vigor to study, the resource of education might allocate irrationally. As students grow into adults who can think independently and do “correct” works, it is truly effective that teaching them knowledge which they desire and showinterest in. For instance, higher education allow students to learn more that meets their interests and desires over moral fundamental values while primary education does not. Moreover, different teaching means for students of each education stage can save plenty of our limited resource for our education system可以考虑去掉 to enhance teaching quality.
  In sum, it is by helping students develop their own appropriate interests and needs, teaching them all-around fundamental knowledge and instilling in them the moral and democratic values句子不完整, and then students finally grow into adults who are the necessary roles of society, that our education is actually effective.


使用道具 举报

Rank: 2

发表于 2007-2-14 22:07:08 |只看该作者

使用道具 举报

RE: Issue51 【0706G-CRUSADE小组】 第1次作业 by vanlucker [修改]
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Issue51 【0706G-CRUSADE小组】 第1次作业 by vanlucker
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