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[i习作temp] issue103 4月作文小组3月27日第三次作业 by寂寞樱花 [复制链接]

Rank: 4

发表于 2007-3-27 18:35:07 |只看该作者 |正序浏览
TOPIC: ISSUE103 - "The study of history has value only to the extent that it is relevant to our daily lives."
WORDS: 559          TIME: 2:27:48          DATE: 2007-3-27


The speaker states the study of history has value only insofar as it is relevant to our daily lives is to ignore the value of studying history .It would seem to be a rather shallow statement that implies study of history is useless. To the contrary, I disagree with the speaker and in my view, otherwise, study history is very important whether it is relevant to our daily lives.

First of all, learning about great human achievements of the past provides inspiration in the development of technology and arts. And the achievements completed by the past are the foundation to build upon to make more progresses in sciences and arts of our society today. Take the three classical laws of Newton as an illustration, which is the origin of physics, is the base of much new technology nowadays. So is the arts, Beethoven’ music has created a new pattern of music which affect our pop music today. The precious historical heritage the past left to us was a great amount of treasure today.

Moreover, history also provides a terrain for moral contemplation. For example, the sayings of Confucius "Two head are better than one" also hold true in works and studies nowadays. And from the ancient Chinese author Sun Tzu's book "The Art of War", today's military commanders and even business leaders gather valuable information that allows them to operate more efficiently and effectively. All these demonstrate that study of history is valuable thus we stand on the shoulder of a giant and could see farther.

Secondly, history is helpful for us to make decisions and avoid making the same mistakes in history. To study history is to look at a road map of human behavior that has led us to where we are today in the world. For instance, in the period of World War II, the economy of the world is depression and people suffered from the chaos which brought by the war, what was worse is the impeding of development of society. People nowadays know the significance of stability and peace and mistakes like this could be avoided through studying of history.

Beside avoiding of making mistakes, people can also gain great experiences from history, as Francis Bacon said "Histories make man wise". We can achieve faster if we use the elites from history for reference and use them for ourselves, and studying historical examples of courage in the face of adversity can provide motivation to face their own personal fears in life. Sostudying history provides values far beyond its impact on the daily lives on people.

Histories that tell the national story, emphasizing distinctive features of the national experience, are meant to drive home an understanding of national values and a commitment to nation loyalty. For example, study the history of American Civil War, civilian will know what a tough experience the nation has undergone and may develop a stronger patriotism.

Last but not least, our society is changing all the time and history is indispensable to understanding why such changes occur. There is an old Chinese saying that "History is a mirror that reflects the vicissitude of life". As the saying goes, a purely contemporary analysis may shed some lights on the problem, but a historical assessment is clearly fundamental and essential.

In sum, the speaker fails to recognize the importance of studying history which can help us to understand how society changes and to enhance the culture of not only the individuals but also the nations, and the study of history has value even if it has nothing to do with our daily life.

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Rank: 4

发表于 2007-3-30 18:41:04 |只看该作者

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Rank: 2

发表于 2007-3-29 11:26:48 |只看该作者

The speaker states thestudy of history has value only insofar as it is relevant to our dailylives is to ignore the value of studying history .It would seem to be arather shallow statement that implies study of history is useless. Tothe contrary, I disagree with the speaker and in my view, otherwise,study history is very important whether it is relevant to our dailylives.

First of all, learningabout great human achievements of the past provides inspiration in thedevelopment of technology and arts. And the achievements completed bythe past are the foundation to build upon to make more progresses insciences and arts of our society today. Take the three classical lawsof Newton as an illustration, which is the origin of physics, is thebase of much new technology nowadays. So is the arts, Beethoven’ musichas created a new pattern of music which affect our pop music today.The precious historical heritage the past left to us was a great amountof treasure today.

Moreover, history alsoprovides a terrain for moral contemplation. For example, the sayings ofConfucius "Two head are better than one" also hold true in works andstudies nowadays. And from the ancient Chinese author Sun Tzu's book"The Art of War", today's military commanders and even business leadersgather valuable information that allows them to operate moreefficiently and effectively. All these demonstrate that study ofhistory is valuable thus we stand on the shoulder of a giant and couldsee farther.

Secondly, history ishelpful for us to make decisions and avoid making the same mistakes inhistory. To study history is to look at a road map of human behaviorthat has led us to where we are today in the world. For instance, inthe period of World War II, the economy of the world is depression andpeople suffered from the chaos which brought by the war, what was worseis the impeding of development of society. People nowadays know thesignificance of stability and peace and mistakes like this could beavoided through studying of history.

Beside avoiding of makingmistakes, people can also gain great experiences from history, asFrancis Bacon said "Histories make man wise". We can achieve faster ifwe use the elites from history for reference and use them forourselves, and studying historical examples of courage in the face ofadversity can provide motivation to face their own personal fears inlife. Sostudying history provides values far beyond its impact on the daily lives on people.

Histories that tell thenational story, emphasizing distinctive features of the nationalexperience, are meant to drive home an understanding of national valuesand a commitment to nation loyalty. For example, study the history ofAmerican Civil War, civilian will know what a tough experience thenation has undergone and may develop a stronger patriotism.

Last but not least, oursociety is changing all the time and history is indispensable tounderstanding why such changes occur. There is an old Chinese sayingthat "History is a mirror that reflects the vicissitude of life". Asthe saying goes, a purely contemporary analysis may shed some lights onthe problem, but a historical assessment is clearly fundamental andessential.

In sum, the speaker fails to recognizethe importance of studying history which can help us to understand howsociety changes and to enhance the culture of not only the individualsbut also the nations, and the study of history has value even if it hasnothing to do with our daily life.


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RE: issue103 4月作文小组3月27日第三次作业 by寂寞樱花 [修改]
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issue103 4月作文小组3月27日第三次作业 by寂寞樱花
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