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[i习作temp] Issue147 勇往直前小组第六次作业 bynashiong [复制链接]

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发表于 2007-7-28 22:58:30 |只看该作者 |正序浏览
TOPIC: ISSUE147 - "Tradition and modernization are incompatible. One must choose between them."
WORDS: 557          TIME: 上午 12:45:00          DATE: 2007-7-28

The speaker claims that tradition and modernization must be mutual exclusively , so we must choose only one of them. Although I concede that in some cases, tradition must yield to modernization , but in  most part ,the two could stay together well, even one embrace the other.
First of all. in some fields , tradition and modernization are not incompatible , moreover, all of them contribute to the sparking of that realms because of their distinctions . First, when it comes to music field, we may find :no matter traditional music or modern music ,they all gains tremendous concerns . surely we will not despise the romance of Chopin's Scherzo while we appreciate the regularity of Bach's Fugues , and we will not reject the passion f Liszt’s etudes  while we attract by the sanctity of Mozart 's symphony .as these great masterpieces represent various styles , there is no reason for us to reject any one of them .
second. we would experience the similar situation in the realm of art . it goes with saying that the deepness of Monalisha , the colorful ray of  "luncheon on the grass" ,and the mystery of "the red vineyard" all contribute to the thriving of  art  .although all these works come from different era ,some are traditional work in Renaissance while others are "modern" one in Post-impressionism ,but all of them are dispensable in art history and to painting-lover  ,we need not to choose only one of them  but enjoy them all .
Secondly , sometimes there is a marriage between  modernization and  tradition and the latter might embrace the former . an typical cases goes that :football ,now usually accepted worldwide, once derived from ancient China . in that period , football was made by skins of the animal and stuffed with grass .however , as the society develops and technologies progress , football now is always produced by lighter material and replete of air- which decrease its weight and promise a longer flying distance than before . in this case , we can see that there is no conflict between the "modern" football and traditional one,the only differences are the improvements for convenience and they have already been combined together- traditional function and modern technology . then the adherence of choose only one of them will result in the diminish of football in the world.
Admittedly ,not are tradition and modernization in harmony for all time, tradition must yield to the modernization in several situations ,especially referring to the modern products which could replace  former ones  . for instance , when we drive to Supermarket for shopping , it is hard for us to imagine that in primitive era, people had to ride horse when they wanted to go out ,yet  people would not be apt to choose a out-of-date traveling tool of low efficiency and inconvenience ,of course, except for fan .several other fields like : communication :traditional mean might be via letter while by email today . and acquiring information :traditional approach might be visiting in person while through watching TV or using computer today. consequently, tradition would yield to modern inventions  which serve to improve people's lives  .in this circumstance , only one of them could remain.

In sum , it is presumptuous for speaker to claim so . in most realms ,tradion and modernizaion could deal with each other well , even bring benefits to the other .

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Issue147 勇往直前小组第六次作业 bynashiong
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