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[i习作temp] issue147 [勇往直前小组] 7.28 [复制链接]

Rank: 2

发表于 2007-7-28 23:42:02 |只看该作者 |正序浏览
As the rapid social and technological development continue changing our life, the gap between tradition and modernization has become obvious. So some people maintain that tradition and modernization are incompatible and one must choose between them. But since both of them have affected our life everyday, in my view, the two effects are related to each other in many aspects and call for a balance.

Admittedly, there are so many differences between tradition and modernization. Even in some cases they are actually exclusive. A good example that well illustrates my view comes from music. We can make a comparison between the classical music and the Rock&Roll. It is obvious that the former is regarded as the symbol of elegance and nobleness while the latter expresses the pursuit of personality and freedom. Undoubtedly, it is hard for an old man to accept the rapid rhythm and heavy beat in the rock music; meanwhile it is also difficult for a young man to be interested in the style of classical music. Consequently, in some aspects tradition and modernization show great difference so that different people have different choices.

However, for the most part, tradition and modernization don’t reject each other and even connect with the counterpart so much. Often we don’t have to pick one of them but only combine them properly.

First of all, tradition can be considered as a prerequisite for modernization.  It is undeniable that any development of modernization is based on the tradition because without the supports from tradition, modernization would lose the motivation of advancement. We can take the example of the development of language. As is known, the modern British language results from the ancient Greek and Latin language. Lack of the base of Greek and Latin, British people could not develop their own language and the modern English would not exist in the world now. Almost all the developments of varied modern languages have the same situation. As a result, it is true that modernization is the extension and evolvement of tradition.

Moreover, the balance of the two has been realized as one of the important elements of the development of society. More and more people have realized that if rejecting tradition, one may lose his/her direction when facing problems; meanwhile if rejecting modernization, one would confront the difficulty of communicating with others. For example, Einstein found the theory of relativity due to the help of traditional physics and his own creativity. If he ignored the importance of the classical physics, he would miss the mistake of the traditional comprehension while if he just trusted what other scientists said, it is impossible for him to discover the theory of relativity. So the combination and balance of tradition and modernization will propel the development to our society.

In sum, from what has been discussed above, it is easy to reach the conclusion that not only are tradition and modernization relevant to each other but their balance plays a significant role in the progress of our society. Consequently, it is unnecessary for us to choose only one of them. On the contrary, the most important thing is making a rational combination and keeping the balance, due to which society can continue advancing.

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Rank: 5Rank: 5

发表于 2007-7-30 21:28:22 |只看该作者
Asthe rapid social and technological development continue changing our life, thegap between tradition and modernization has become obvious. So some peoplemaintain that tradition and modernization are incompatible and one must choosebetween them. But since both of them have affected ourlife everyday, in my view, the two effects are related to each other in manyaspects and call for a balance.(没有明显的因果关系啊)Admittedly, there areso many differences between tradition and modernization. Even in some casesthey are actually exclusive. A good example that well illustrates my view comesfrom music. We can make a comparison between the classical music and theRock&Roll. It is obvious that the former is regarded as the symbol ofelegance and nobleness while the latter expresses the pursuit of personalityand freedom. Undoubtedly, (这个词语气太重,有点偏激了,老人也可能喜欢现代音乐啊)it is hard for an old man to accept the rapid rhythmand heavy beat in the rock music; meanwhileitis also difficult for a young man to be interested in the style of classicalmusic. Consequently, in some aspects tradition and modernization show greatdifference so that different people have different choices.However, for the mostpart, tradition and modernization don’t reject each other and even connect withthe counterpart so much. Often we don’t have to pick one of them but onlycombine them properly.First of all,tradition can be considered as a prerequisite for modernization.  Itis undeniable that any development of modernization is based on the traditionbecause without the supports from tradition,modernization would lose the motivation of advancement(这个因果也有点牵强啊,没有传统作为基础,现代的东东就失去进步的动机吗?现代的东东进步的动机是什么?或者你可以说现代的东西是传统的积累与沉淀). We can take the exampleof the development of language. As is known, the modern British languageresults from the ancient Greek and Latin language. Lack of the base of Greekand Latin, British people could not develop their own language and the modernEnglish would not exist in the world now. Almost all the developments of variedmodern languages have the same situation. As a result, it is true that modernizationis the extension and evolvement of tradition.Moreover, the balanceof the two has been realized as one of the important elements of thedevelopment of society. More and more people have realized that if rejectingtradition, one may lose his/her direction when facing problems; meanwhile ifrejecting modernization, one would confront the difficulty of communicatingwith others. For example, Einstein found the theory of relativity due to thehelp of traditional physics and his own creativity. If he ignored theimportance of the classical physics, he would miss the mistake of thetraditional comprehension while if he just trustedwhat other scientists said(这个想表达什么呢?与传统或现代都关联不大啊), it is impossible for him to discover the theory ofrelativity. So the combination and balance of tradition and modernization willpropel the development to our society.这一段对于balance的论证不多,你用爱因斯坦的例子只是说明传统与现代都离不开,但是没有对于怎样balance的进行阐述。In sum, from what hasbeen discussed above, it is easy to reach the conclusion that not only aretradition and modernization relevant to each other but their balance plays asignificant role in the progress of our society. Consequently, it isunnecessary for us to choose only one of them. On the contrary, the mostimportant thing is making a rational combination and keeping the balance, dueto which society can continue adva

[ 本帖最后由 woodman 于 2007-7-30 21:29 编辑 ]

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Rank: 4

发表于 2007-7-29 18:22:30 |只看该作者
As the rapid social and technological development continue changing our life, the gap between tradition and modernization has become obvious. So some people maintain that tradition and modernization are incompatible and one must choose between them. But since both of them have affected our life everyday, in my view, the two effects are related to each other in many aspects and call for a balance.(TS清楚,但是貌似和前句不构成因果关系吧,用伴随状语比较好)

Admittedly, there are so many differences between tradition and modernization. Even in some cases they are actually exclusive. (本段TS未在全文TS中提到,应该在上面稍微点一下)A good example that well illustrates my view comes from music. We can make a comparison between the classical music and the Rock&Roll(不要the). It is obvious that the former is regarded as the symbol of elegance and nobleness while the latter expresses the pursuit of personality and freedom. Undoubtedly, it is hard for an old man to accept the rapid rhythm and heavy beat in the rock music; meanwhile it is also difficult for a young man to be interested in the style of classical music. (老头不喜欢摇滚,青年不喜欢经典不构成明确且必然的关系。这里可以把他们specialize一下,比如一个沉稳的钢琴家老头和一个年轻的punk...)Consequently, in some aspects tradition and modernization show great difference so that different people have different choices.

However, for the most part, tradition and modernization don’t reject each other and even connect with the counterpart so much. Often we don’t have to pick one of them but only combine them properly.

First of all, tradition can be considered as a prerequisite for modernization.  It is undeniable that any development of modernization is based on the tradition because without the supports from tradition, modernization would lose the motivation of advancement. We can take the example of the development of language. As is known, the modern British(English不好么...) language results from the ancient Greek and Latin language(e...大部分来自Celts,France吧..). Lack of the base of Greek and Latin, British people could not develop their own language and the modern English would not exist in the world now. Almost all the developments of varied modern languages have the same situation. As a result, it is true that modernization is the extension and evolvement of tradition.

Moreover, the balance of the two has been realized as one of the important elements of the development of society. More and more people have realized that if rejecting tradition, one may lose his/her direction when facing problems; meanwhile if rejecting modernization, one would confront the difficulty of communicating with others. For example, Einstein found the theory of relativity due to the help of traditional physics and his own creativity. If he ignored the importance of the classical physics, he would miss the mistake of the traditional comprehension while if he just trusted what other scientists said, it is impossible for him to discover the theory of relativity. So the combination and balance of tradition and modernization will propel the development to our society.(恩,满好。美中不足的是又是小爱...)

In sum, from what has been discussed above, it is easy to reach the conclusion that not only are tradition and modernization relevant to each other but their balance plays a significant role in the progress of our society. (第一段列?Despite...)Consequently, it is unnecessary for us to choose only one of them. On the contrary, the most important thing is making a rational combination and keeping the balance, due to which society can continue advancing.

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