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[i习作temp] issue51 [勇往直前小组] 8.3 [复制链接]

Rank: 2

发表于 2007-8-4 14:19:33 |只看该作者 |正序浏览
I fundamentally agree that only when the education is designed specifically to meet the individual needs and interests of each student, will it be truly effective. Admittedly, people have some internally mutual similarities which sourced from the reason that we are the same race and have the same inherent nature. Yet, collective life experience and process of society advance demonstrate that the education which underscore the individual needs and interests serves a better effectively and efficiency.

I concede that every student necessarily studies several courses such as mathematics, history, philosophy. After all, the experience from long term of education tells us that those courses are beneficial to most of students for the reason that those are fundamental knowledge on which almost every further education is based on. Those studying also confirms us the qualification as a member in society. Meanwhile, it is publicly accepted that people's internally mutual similarities makes it feasible to supply a common education---although every student acquires the knowledge mentioned above through almost the same method and uses the similar textbook, the  effectiveness of this style of education is acceptable.

However, considering the fact that difference between students objectively exists, the education which specifically designed to meet the individual needs and interests is sure to be a better choice. Our collective life experience tells us only when a person is truly fascinated in what he or she learnswill ones possibility of success in study be greater. If we educate different people in the same way in which some students’ interests and needs may be ignored, it’s sure that the passionate of certain students will be harmed. What’s more, as we all know, different choices of career lead to different desire of courses. For example, if a person dreams to be politician, he or she may want to learn some knowledge about politics, economics and law. Astronomy or Medicine seems useless for him or her to study. On the contrast, for the people dreaming of being an astronomer or a doctor, studying of those courses turns to be viewed as the essential preparations. Hence, the education specifically designed is more effective given that it is responsibility of education to content the variety of the people’s need.

On the other hand, the process of society advance dictates the necessity of education which focuses on the difference of students and strength the uniqueness of individual. Education is always regarded as a process of shaping students’ mind. If the education supplied to each student is almost same, we can expect a result that the similarity of students mind will be strengthened while the uniqueness of individual weakened. However, when we study the process of society advance, the truth is that the collision of different ideas is always the source of innovation in science and reform in society. Different ideas provide us a multiple prospects toward the world which guarantee the methods solving problems turning to be variable.

In sum, although the common education seems to be effective to some extent and it also easier to be carried out, the educators should design the content specifically to meet the individual needs and interests of each student, when considering the education’s long term influence to the society and the ultimate object of it.


[ 本帖最后由 高加索 于 2007-8-4 15:41 编辑 ]

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Rank: 5Rank: 5

发表于 2007-8-7 09:35:52 |只看该作者
I fundamentally agree that only when the education isdesigned specifically to meet the individual needs and interests of eachstudent, will it be truly effective. (前面是肯定,后面怎么突然转折了)Admittedly, people have some internally mutual similarities whichsourced from the reason that we are the same race and have the same inherentnature.(这个说法值得商榷,太空了,same race and have the sameinherent nature说法太大了。还不如说统一教育方式有什么优点)Yet, collective life experience and process of society advancedemonstrate that the education which underscore the individual needs andinterests serves a better effectively and efficiency. 开头可以用一句话引入主题

I concede that every student necessarily studiesseveral courses such as mathematics, history, philosophy. After all, theexperience from long term of education tells us that those courses arebeneficial to most of students for the reason that those are fundamental knowledgeon which almost every further education is based on. Those studying alsoconfirms us the qualification as a member in society.(写明为什么使我们合格) Meanwhile, it is publicly accepted that people's internally mutual similarities(写具体,不要说些似是而非的话)makes it feasible to supply a common education---although every studentacquires the knowledge mentioned above through almost the same method and usesthe similar textbook, the effectiveness of this style of education isacceptable.

However, considering the fact that difference betweenstudents objectively exists, the education which specifically designed to meetthe individual needs and interests is sure to be a better choice. Ourcollective life experience tells us only when a person is truly fascinated inwhat he or she learnswill ones(delete)possibility of success in study be greater. If we educate differentpeople in the same way in which some students’ interests and needs may beignored, it’s sure that the passionate of certain students will be harmed.What’s more, as we all know, different choices of career lead to differentdesire of courses. For example, if a person dreams to be politician, he or shemay want to learn some knowledge about politics, economics and law. Astronomyor Medicine seems useless for him or her to study. On the contrast, for thepeople dreaming of being an astronomer or a doctor, studying of those coursesturns to be viewed as the essential preparations. (现在各学校天文学和医学都不是必修课,并没有阻碍相当政治家的学生啊。还有,你如何用这个例子证明个性化的教育能增加学生的学习热情从而学的更好呢?例子没有很好的服务于主旨,你可以说想当政治家的人对于政治经济等课程学的更好,因为感兴趣,而在不感兴趣的天文等课程上表现不那么理想) Hence, the education specifically designed is moreeffective given that it is responsibility of education to content the varietyof the people’s need.

On the other hand, the process of society advance dictatesthe necessity of education which focuses on the difference of students andstrength the uniqueness of individual.Educationis always regarded as a process of shaping students’ mind. If the educationsupplied to each student is almost same, we can expect a result that thesimilarity of students mind will be strengthened while the uniqueness ofindividual weakened. However, when we study the process of society advance, thetruth is that the collision of different ideas is always the source of innovationin science and reform in society. Different ideas provide us a multipleprospects toward the world which guarantee the methods solving problems turningto be variable.

In sum, although the common education seems to beeffective to some extent and it also easier to be carried out, the educatorsshould design the content specifically to meet the individual needs andinterests of each student, when considering the education’s long term influenceto the society and the ultimate object of it.

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