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[i习作temp] issue36 [0710G突击先锋小组]第14次作业 [复制链接]

Rank: 2

发表于 2007-8-5 14:09:41 |只看该作者 |正序浏览
I agree with that people great or not evaluated by people live after them would more just and objective than people live in the same time. From a historical perspective, people would not value contemporaneous event and individuals equitable for historical limitations. At the same time, the media and the will of the ruling class would also puzzle the judgment of people on their contemporaries. But in a sense, it is meaningful for people to judge of greatness of coeval to meet the demand of contemporaneous idols.

Why the greatness of people judged by later generations is more objective? There are at least two reasons: historical limitations and the ruling class. For one thing, people live in the same time always lack of acute historical perspective, even hold an unfair or jealous feeling to appraise their contemporaries, which we should call it "subjective points". I still remember the speech of my historical teacher in junior school that, people will realize current history at lease after 50 years. Nowadays, many famous figures, especially political lead, such as Clinton and Saddam, are controversial to people with different viewpoint of value. For instance, most people in Iran consider President Mahmoud as a great leader of fighting against the west, by contraries, west countries call him nuclear crisis maker. Most common people, as the neutral, could not tell the greatness and crime. Just leave to the time, which is the most justness court to adjudge the historical figure and event.

For another thing, the ruling class would like to magnify and overlook great individuals' with demand of govern, which cheat the public judgment of greatness. In other words, the rulers could make up 'great figures' and murder the speech and thought of real great ones, especially whose speech are hostile to their rule. Therefore, the great and tragic figures, like SiMa Qian, the author of 'Records of the Grand Historian ', is not understood by his contemporaries, no mention consider his greatness. At this case, only people live after SiMa Qian could appraise the right position for him in history: the first systematic Chinese historical text author and tremendously influenced Chinese historiography and prose.

However, people also need the contemporaneous idols which are always chosen through public appraisal in this era. In the democratic society, people evaluate their contemporaries getting more and more subjective and multiform. For example, in the realm of science, Nobel Prize and Wolf Prize winners, like Yang ZhenNing and Chen XingShen, are great contemporary scientist; in the field of sport, Jordan and Sampras who have win so many champions in basketball and tennis competitions are obviously sports giants; in the domain of economy, Ma HuaTeng and Li ZeKai whose companies have created economical myth, like 'QQ' and 'Tom' are appraise as outstanding enterprisers. It is reasonable for contemporary to value those greatness individuals because they contribute a lot in their special field, which will be difficulty for offer springs to evaluate in different circumstance.

To sum up, evaluating the greatness of individuals should do by people who live after them for the purpose of justness and objectivity. But in a way, consideration of contemporaries by the means of public and media is somewhat meaningful to historical judgment. There is an old saying that making history and historical figures as a mirror could understand the gains and loose. Thus, people could benefit much and work better through valuing the greatness of mind and thoughts.

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Rank: 2

发表于 2007-8-6 20:32:51 |只看该作者
I agree with that people great or not evaluated by people live after them would be more just and objective than people live in the same time. From a historical perspective, people would not value contemporaneous event and individuals equitable for historical limitations. At the same time, the media and the will of the ruling class would also puzzle the judgment of people on their contemporaries. But in a sense, it is meaningful for people to judge of greatness of coeval to meet the demand of contemporaneous idols.Why the greatness of people judged by later generations is more objective? There are at least two reasons: historical limitations and the ruling class. For one thing, people living in the same time always lack of[] acute historical perspective, even hold an unfair or jealous feeling to appraise their contemporaries, which we should call it "subjective points". I still remember the speech of my historical teacher in junior school that, people will realize current history at lease after 50 years. Nowadays, many famous figures, especially political leaders, such as Clinton and Saddam, are controversial to people with different viewpoint of value. For instance, most people in Iran consider President Mahmoud as a great leader of fighting against the west, by contraries, west countries call him nuclear crisis maker. Most common people, as the neutral, could not tell the greatness and crime. Just leave to the time, which is the most just court to adjudge the historical figure and event.For another thing, the ruling class would like to magnify and overlook great individuals' with demand of govern, which cheat the public judgment of greatness[这句的表达不是很好]. In other words, the rulers could make up 'great figures' and murder the speech and thought of real great ones, especially whose speech are hostile to their rule. Therefore, the great and tragic figures, like SiMa Qian, the author of 'Records of the Grand Historian ', is not understood by his contemporaries, no mention consider his greatness. At this case, only people live after SiMa Qian could appraise the right position for him in history: the first systematic Chinese historical text author and tremendously influenced Chinese historiography and prose.However, people also need the contemporaneous idols which are always chosen through public appraisal in this era. In the democratic society, people evaluate their contemporaries getting more and more subjective and multiform. For example, in the realm of science, Nobel Prize and Wolf Prize winners, like Yang ZhenNing and Chen XingShen, are great contemporary scientist; in the field of sport, Jordan and Sampras who have win so many champions in basketball and tennis competitions are obviously sports giants; in the domain of economy, Ma HuaTeng and Li ZeKai whose companies have created economical myth, like 'QQ' and 'Tom' are appraise as outstanding enterprisers. It is reasonable for contemporary to value those greatness individuals because they contribute a lot in their special field, which will be difficulty for offer springs to evaluate in different circumstance.To sum up, evaluating the greatness of individuals should do by people who live after them for the purpose of justness and objectivity. But in a way, consideration of contemporaries by the means of public and media is somewhat meaningful to historical judgment. There is an old saying that making history and historical figures as a mirror could understand the gains and loose. Thus, people could benefit much and work better through valuing the greatness of mind and thoughts.


使用道具 举报

Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2007-8-6 18:32:56 |只看该作者

I agree with that people great or not [The greatness of individuals用原题的说法吧,这种说法有点怪]evaluated by people live after them would more just and objective than people live in the same time. From a historical perspective, people would [do] not value contemporaneous event and individuals equitable for historical limitations. At the same time, the media and the will of the ruling class would also puzzle the judgment of people on their contemporaries. But in a sense, it is meaningful for people to judge of greatness of coeval to meet the demand of contemporaneous idols.   连词用的不太准确,At the same time  But,最后一句你要表达的意思我不太明白   

Why the greatness of people judged by later generations is more objective? There are at least two reasons: historical limitations and the ruling class. For one thing, people live in the same time always lack of acute historical perspective, even hold an unfair or jealous feeling to appraise their contemporaries, which we should call it "subjective points". I still remember the speech of my historical teacher in junior school that, people will realize current history at lease after 50 years. [此处建议加上:and I paraphrase]Nowadays, many famous figures, especially political leaders, such as Clinton and Saddam, are controversial to people with different viewpoint of value. For instance, most people in Iran consider President Mahmoud as a great leader of fighting against the west, by contraries, west countries call him nuclear crisis maker. Most common people, as the neutral, could not tell the greatness and crime. Just leave to the time, which is the most justness court to adjudge the historical figure and event.

For another thing, the ruling class would like to magnify and overlook great individuals' with demand of govern, which cheat the public judgment of greatness. In other words, the rulers could make up 'great figures' and murder the speech and thought of real great ones, especially whose speech are hostile to their rule. Therefore, the great and tragic figures, like SiMa Qian, the author of 'Records of the Grand Historian ', is not understood by his contemporaries, no mention consider his greatness. At this case, only people live after SiMa Qian could appraise the right position for him in history: the first systematic Chinese historical text author and tremendously influenced Chinese historiography and prose.  
建议你说一下ruling class 是如何magnify and overlook SiMa Qian,这样你的例子才切题,老外对中国的情况不熟悉,他们那里言论自由,你的例子是不太好理解。

However, people also need the contemporaneous idols which are always chosen through public appraisal in this era. In the democratic society, people evaluate their contemporaries getting more and more subjective and multiform. For example, in the realm of science, Nobel Prize and Wolf Prize winners, like Yang ZhenNing and Chen XingShen, are great contemporary scientist; in the field of sport, Jordan and Sampras who have win so many champions in basketball and tennis competitions are obviously sports giants; in the domain of economy, Ma HuaTeng and Li ZeKai whose companies have created economical myth, like 'QQ' and 'Tom' are appraise as outstanding enterprisers. It is reasonable for contemporary to value those greatness individuals because they contribute a lot in their special field, which will be difficulty for offer springs to evaluate in different circumstance.
他们的伟大后代无法评价吗?这个让步有些过了,如果在让步的时候注意呼应你的TS 会不会更好??好像你没有展开more and more subjective and multiform,只是有几个例子在那里,说明他们是成功人士,可是如何被subjective and multiform认识的呢??

To sum up, evaluating the greatness of individuals should do by people who live after them for the purpose of justness and objectivity. But in a way, consideration of contemporaries by the means of public and media is somewhat meaningful to historical judgment. There is an old saying that making history and historical figures as a mirror could understand the gains and loose. Thus, people could benefit much and work better through valuing the greatness of mind and thoughts.



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