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[i习作temp] issue50 自我感觉最良好的一篇有拍必回..... [复制链接]

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发表于 2007-8-8 16:36:05 |只看该作者 |正序浏览
TOPIC: ISSUE50 - "In order to improve the quality of instruction at the college and university level, all faculty should be required to spend time working outside the academic world in professions relevant to the courses they teach."
WORDS: 595          TIME: 上午 12:44:35          DATE: 2007-8-8

As developments of society , a increasing number of teachers in universities now spend some time work outside the campus , are these outside working experiences necessary and beneficial to the rise of instruction quality? the speakers claims so , however, in my view, the result relies primarily on the specific realms the teachers dedicated in . if the professor devotes himself to some majors involves pure theories only ,then work outside would do no good to the instruction ,otherwise ,working outside should receive more encourages .
Firstly , I think working outside in relevant professions would carries benefits to the quality of instruction if the major of professor refers not to  pure theory but lots of practical experiences . when the professor works outside , his new theroy could be checked in the realistic world . in addition , he could ferret out the demands of society simultaneously. as he comes back to school and address the boring contents to the classes , lots of vivid examples and applications ,which derive from the out-working experiences ,could serve to spark the interests of the students . moreover , he could also make a appropriate curriculums to the classes according to the demands of society .via these kinds of interaction , improvement of the quality could show in two aspects mainly .1) students ' interests are aroused by the ample out-working experiences of professors 2)education to the students could meet the needs of society .to illustrate this point , we need look no further than my experience in campus , I major in engineering, which could be a major connected directly with society . my professors always spend months working outside in relevant professions , when I take their classes , they always could cites many examples in reality and make the class attractive .also each year they amend the curriculums scheme according to requirements of society collected during their outside working periods . consequencely , graduates of my major are welcome by many companies for their abilities. obviously working outside results in this rise in education quality.
However , when the major refers to pure theory like physics and mathematics ,in my view , working outside could just pose detrimental effects on the quality of instruction. Common sense tells us , pure theory realms are ones characterized by difficult mathematics skills ,full imaginations ,and very diligences .and these kinds of abilities could not born from societal works which focus on meets the needs of the public .So only could the teachers own have some insights about the problems and spends lots of time in preparing  the classes at the same time, the quality of instructions could then rise .a typical adverse examples goes that : John Nash ,whose major is mathematics ,rarely prepares classesfor his students  in his early teaching career ,although he is insightful and talented ,still his class come to be one of  most obscure ones . from this example we could see that, only the professors prepare well for the class they will teach and convey clearly the insightful views to the classes , the quality of instructions could then be improved ,while work outside do no goods to above two all .
In conclusion . what speaker claims is a over-statement ,for the teacher teaches in pure theory ,there is no need for them to work outside ,in addition, only access to a better quality of instruction involves insightful ideas of themselves and clear communication with students. and for the teacher teaches in other realms ,especially practical ones, working outside is a good choice.

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