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[未归类] 12.17 独立写作作业 [复制链接]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2009-12-17 22:22:15 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
本帖最后由 wuxiahhu 于 2009-12-17 22:31 编辑


Among the countless hot social topics rises a serious one, which illustrates whether people in the past or in the current would be easier to succeed. From my chair, the scale of judgment will incline toward the latter one. In a further way, the following examples in the academic and political aspects will hereupon strengthen my side on this topic.

The point of central importance for my side focus on that the great achievements nowadays can meet the needs of the ever-accelerated updating of science, which was impossible in the past. To be more specific, in modern times, more widespread Internet, more advanced facility and more experience will make beneficial contributions to the research on the science.

First, since people can get any information they need easily through the Internet, and more widespread Internet makes it more convenient to know the latest achievement in the world about the research she/he is doing, therefore, the study direction and method will be determined more accurately and quickly by means of absorbing others’ strong points. A survey by Times last week reflected that nearly sixty-eight of the scientists claimed that the rapid development of the Internet was an indispensable factor to promoting their research.

Second, the advanced facility plays an increasingly important role in the science. For example, if the microscope had not been invented, the research on the microorganism would have not been carried out. If the telescope had not been produced, the research on the outer space would have not been promoted. So more advanced facility at present can provide broader space to explore and more accurate data to research.

At last, researcher can learn from the experience in the past, which can avoid the mistake having happened. In this way, lots of time and funds will be saved, and the research will become more efficient. As the proverb said by Newton goes: If I have been able to see further, it was only because I stood on the shoulders of giants.

Not only dose the great influence in the science justify my status, but the effect in the political field also provides the full support. To be frankly, the political world used to be full of the prejudice to the skin color, religion and the blood. Compared with the situation in the past, it has become fairer now. People would not focus on your blood, but pay more attention to your capability. Also, election becomes more democratic, and not controlled by the minority, who is rich or in power. For instance, Barack Obama became the first African-American president of the United States, which cannot imagine in the twentieth century.

In conclusion, people in the current would be easier than ones in the past to succeed,
providing the fact that not only in the academic aspect, but also in the political field, the great achievement nowadays enhanced the progress more quickly, which would not happen in the past.


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Rank: 1

发表于 2009-12-18 18:31:31 |只看该作者
Among the countless hot social topics rises a serious one, which illustrates whether people in the past or in the current would be easier to succeed. From my chair, the scale of judgment will incline toward the latter one. In a further way, the following examples in the academic(academic我不太确定,印象中好像the 和复数不是同时出现的吧) and political aspects will hereupon strengthen my side on this topic. ( E6 ]1 g/ n+ p/ R9 `, a

The point of central importance for my side focus on that the great achievements nowadays can meet the needs of the ever-accelerated updating of science, which was impossible in the past. To be more specific, in modern times, more widespread Internet, more advanced facility and more experience will make beneficial contributions to the research on the science.

First, since people can get any information they need easily through the Internet, and more widespread Internet makes it more convenient to know the latest achievement in the world about the research she/he is doing, therefore, the study direction and method will be determined more accurately and quickly by means of absorbing others’ strong points. A survey by Times last week reflected that nearly sixty-eight of the scientists claimed that the rapid development of the Internet was an indispensable factor to promoting their research.* J! x4 A- X, K3 ?Second, the advanced facility plays an increasingly important role in the science. For example, if the microscope had not been invented, the research on the microorganism would have not been carried out(这样说是不是太绝对了,加一句as successful as they are now). If the telescope had not been produced, the research on the outer space would have not been promoted(同上一句, 个人觉得过于绝对, as far as they have reached currently. So more advanced (sophisticated) facility at present can provide broader space to explore and more accurate data to research. At last, researcher(s) can learn from the experience in the past, which can avoid the mistake having(being) happened. In this way, lots of time and funds will be saved, and the research will become more efficient. As the proverb said by Newton goes: If I have been able to see further, it was only because I stood on the shoulders of giants.
$ S. I' ^/ W1 n' t5 ~
Not only dose the great influence in the science justify my status, but the effect in the political field also provides the full support. To be frankly, the political world used to be full of the prejudice to the skin color, religion and the blood. Compared with the situation in the past, it has become (much) fairer now. People would not focus on your blood, but pay more attention to your capability. Also, election becomes more democratic, and not controlled by the minority, who is rich or in power. For instance, Barack Obama became the first African-American president of the United States, which cannot imagine in the twentieth century. , z; H/ m9 z* C' l

In conclusion, people in the current would be easier than ones in the past to succeed, ' t( w  \! d8 `) J3 R/ ~# Q
providing the fact that not only in the academic aspect, but also in the political field, the great achievement nowadays enhanced the progress more quickly, which would not happen in the past.

很厉害的楼主, 我基本是看不出什么毛病了, 句型很多样, 语言也很溜,多多学习~

使用道具 举报

Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2009-12-20 21:30:53 |只看该作者
Among the countless hot social topics rises a serious one, which illustrates whether people in the past or in the current would be easier to succeed. From my chair, the scale of judgment will incline toward the latter one. In a further way, the following examples in the academic and political aspects will hereupon strengthen my side on this topic.
. }' u  A1 F' {9 i. Q8 u. O6 T" s( d( P3 f1 [$ d  S! G: P5 R
The point of central importance for my side focus on that the great achievements nowadays can meet the needs of the ever-accelerated updating of science, which was impossible in the past. To be more specific, in modern times, more widespread Internet, more advanced facility and more experience will make beneficial contributions to the research on the science.
+ ~! R& x1 e' M5 l3 W2 ?" [: R! `
First, since people can get any information they need easily through the Internet, and more widespread Internet makes it more convenient to know the latest achievement in the world about the research she/he is doing, therefore, the study direction and method will be determined more accurately and quickly by means of absorbing others’ strong points. A survey by Times last week reflected that nearly sixty-eight of the scientists claimed that the rapid development of the Internet was an indispensable factor to promoting their research.
, |' U( J( Z! v' G, q
3 e4 q5 W8 \0 s+ m& n/ \6 MSecond, the advanced facility plays an increasingly extremely important role in the science. For example, if the microscope had not been invented, the research on the microorganism would have not been carried out. If the telescope had not been produced, the research on the outer space would have not been promoted这两句与上楼主的评语一样. So more advanced facility at present can provide broader space to explore and more accurate data to research.
. E5 ^  Y5 e0 h# c
* a! W. p7 G$ WAt last, researchers can learn from the experience in the past, which can avoid the mistakes having happenedhappening. In this way, lots of time and funds will be saved, and the research will become more efficient. As the proverb said by Newton goes: If I have been able to see further, it was only because I stood on the shoulders of giants.. B1 k$ R9 ?# F' d

+ J/ G2 m* y% S! ~. B3 ^Not only dose the great influence in the science justify my status, but also the effect in the political field also provides the full support. To be frankly, the political world used to be full of the prejudice to the skin color, religion and the blood. Compared with the situation in the past, it has become fairer now. People would not focus on your blood, but pay more attention to your capability. Also, election becomes more democratic, and not controlled by the minority, who is rich or in power. For instance, Barack Obama became the first African-American president of the United States, which cannot imagine in the twentieth century.
! B2 Y5 v$ q1 q5 v' \6 X; O: O6 X- S7 a* i+ _
In conclusion, people in the current would be easier than ones in the past to succeed,
3 q7 K3 l/ |2 r9 K% M% Fproviding the fact that not only in the academic aspect, but also in the political field, the great achievement nowadays enhanced the progress more quickly, which would not happen in the past.* g8 W* E: G3 n


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