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[i习作temp] Issue144 【永往直前小组】第六次作业by269750640 [复制链接]

Rank: 5Rank: 5

发表于 2007-7-25 20:58:06 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
This statement actually consists of a series of three related claims :(1)how to define " something of lasting value "(2) the critic  and artist can give society  something valuable (3)it is the artist not the critic to give society something of lasting value. While I discuss the first claim, whether I agree with the other two claims depends partly on how one defines "something of lasting value," and partly on how willing one is to humble oneself to the unknown future scenarios.
    As for the statement's first claim, how to define” something of lasting value”, in different people there have multitudinous answers. Insofar as humans have the unique capacity for independent thought, subjective judgments, and emotional response, for making judgments based on normative considerations. They are different in so many aspects, such as values, culture, religion, belief and so on. The standard of "something of lasting value" are diverse between each other.

     As for the statements second claim, what is the critic's value to the society? And what is the artist's value to the society? Firstly, to discuss the critic's value. In my view, the critic's function is to help human being understand the production comprehensive, profound and systemic. They can strengthen the reader's curiosity and interest through penetrative analysis. They can arouse the reader's passion through show something which reader can not understand or ignored. For instance, The realism and The formalism represent the different judgments .Second to discuss the artist's value. In my opinion, the artist's function is to voice and record human’s emotion, to express the internal of human psyche. On the surface, the artist just express the feeling of him or her, actually no matter what the production is, it is represent the human being emotion. Art is creations with great inspiration as well as fully originality; creative artists make their work not only convey their feeling about life and society but also leave the public something precious。Considering the musician and painting area, there are tremendous amount of famous production, from Beethoven’s Hero Symphony to Schubert's Unfinished Symphony, from Van Gogh's sunflower to Picasso’s and Leonardo da Vinci's oil paintings .Or consider the area of literature, from Emily Bronte's Wuthering Heights to Alexandria Dumas's The Three Musketeers, from Nathaniel Hawthorne's The Scarlet Letter to Stendhal’s The Red and The Black, they are all represent the writer's voice of emotion.
    To the statement's third claim, When to comes to something of lasting value gives society, comparing with the critic, the artist’s function is an innovation, they bring forth new ideas, and express the human being’s emotion in the different way .No matter how excellent and superiority the critic is, they are just do something in the artist's basement .The fundamental is the artist’s production is really value to judgment and commentary. And what is "something of lasting value" is still an indefinite answer, if it means something are pivotal to the society and can lasting for a long time, the artist's still provide the function of creativity and express the emotion which can exist in the future life.

    From the discussion above, we can get a conclusion that the critic provide us more comprehensive and profound understand to the artist's production. When a work of art come out, critics follow, those evaluations made by critics are also valuable。However, its defects are also oblivious. It can not provide creativity of value which can last in the society just like the artist's do. Therefore, the artist might be the one who gives society something of lasting value.

218."In order for any work of art— whether film, literature, sculpture, or a song—to have merit, it must be understandable to most people." 218 艺术作品要有价值不管是电影、文学还是歌曲都必须能让大多数人们理解
2 艺术作品并不需要让所有人都理解对于各种艺术品理解的范围和领域都不一样
165."In any given field, the leading voices come from people who are motivated not by conviction but by the desire to present opinions and ideas that differ from those held by the majority." 165 在任何领域领导作用总是来自于这些人他们并不为传统的观念所动而是极力渴望表达那些和主流思想不同的观点和想法
159."The human mind will always be superior to machines because machines are only tools of human minds." 159 人总是比机器聪明因为机器只不过是人类的工具而已
157."There is no such thing as purely objective observation. All observation is subjective; it is always guided by the observer's expectations or desires."157 没有哪件事情是客观观察的结果。所有的观察都是主观的;它们在很大程度上决定于观察者的期望和偏好。
2 观察在一定程度上反映了人的主观情绪
3 很大程度上决定观察者的期望和偏好

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Rank: 5Rank: 5

发表于 2007-7-27 14:42:11 |只看该作者
Thisstatement actually consists of a series of three related claims (1)how todefine " something of lasting value "(2) thecritic  and artist can give society  something valuable(从何得来的?) (3)it is theartist not the critic to give society something of lasting value. While I discussthe first claim, whether I agree with the other two claims depends partly onhow one defines "something of lasting value," and partly on howwilling one is to humble oneself to the unknown future scenarios. 这种方式的开头可能很难拿下印象分,因为一旦对题目把握不准,开头就惨败了。

As forthe statement's first claim, how to define” something of lasting value”, in(among) different people there have(are) multitudinous answers. Insofar as humanshave the unique capacity for independent thought, subjective judgments, andemotional response, for making judgments based on normative considerations.They are different in so many aspects, such as values, culture, religion,belief and so on. The standard of "something of lasting value" arediverse between each other.既然你都不能给出统一的定义——什么是永久的价值,没有一个标准,下文你根据什么说艺术家或者批评家创造了永久价值呢?有点矛盾哦
As forthe statement’s second claim, what is the critic's value to the society? Andwhat is the artist's value to the society? Firstly, to discuss the critic'svalue. In my view, the critic's function is to help human being understand the production(art work更好) comprehensive, profound and systemic(动词后用副词). They canstrengthen the reader's curiosity and interest through penetrative analysis.They can arouse the reader's passion through show something which reader cannot understand or ignored. For instance, The realismand The formalism represent the different judgments.(例子没有展开,作用不大) Second to discuss the artist'svalue. In my opinion, the artist's function is to voice and record human’semotion, to express the internal of human psyche. On the surface, the artistjust express the feeling of him or her, actually no matter what the productionis, it is represent the human being emotion. Art is creations with greatinspiration as well as fully originality; creative artists make their work notonly convey their feeling about life and society but also leave the publicsomething precious. Considering the musician and painting area, there aretremendous amount of famous production, from Beethoven’s Hero Symphony toSchubert's Unfinished Symphony, from Van Gogh's sunflower to Picasso’s andLeonardo da Vinci's oil paintings.(要展开说明他们的作品有什么价值) Or consider the area ofliterature, from Emily Bronte's Wuthering Heights to Alexandria Dumas's TheThree Musketeers, from Nathaniel Hawthorne's The Scarlet Letter to Stendhal’sThe Red and The Black, they are all represent the writer's voice of emotion.

To thestatement's third claim, When to(it) comes tosomething of lasting value gives society, comparing with the critic, theartist’s function is an innovation, they bring forth new ideas, and express thehuman being’s emotion in the different way .No matter how excellent andsuperiority the critic is, they are just do something in the artist's basement.The fundamental is the artist’s production is really value to judgment andcommentary. And what is "something of lasting value" is still anindefinite answer, if it means something are pivotal to the society and canlasting for a long time, the artist's still provide the function of creativityand express the emotion which can exist in the future life.

Fromthe discussion above, we can get a conclusion that the critic provide us morecomprehensive and profound understand to the artist's production. When a workof art come out, critics follow, those evaluations made by critics are alsovaluable. However, its defects are alsooblivious. It can not provide creativity of value which can last in the societyjust like the artist's do. Therefore, the artist might be the one who givessociety something of lasting value.

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RE: Issue144 【永往直前小组】第六次作业by269750640 [修改]
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Issue144 【永往直前小组】第六次作业by269750640
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