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[i习作temp] issue11 【0710G-HIT坚持交作业小组第十一次作业】SavileRow [复制链接]

Rank: 5Rank: 5

发表于 2007-8-10 20:23:57 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
题目:ISSUE11 - "All nations should help support the development of a global university designed to engage students in the process of solving the world's most persistent social problems."
字数:822         用时:01:00:00          日期:2007-8-10 15:33:34

1 同意看法,背景式开头每句对应一个分论点
2 世界各部分联系紧密互相影响,应该从整体上来解决(这段TS没写好,没点出世界大学)
3 世界上很多问题都是因为缺乏理解和交流,而世界大学可以提供这样一个平台
4 很多问题都有全球特性,所以需要作为能鼓励各国合作的世界大学
5 建立世界大学会遇到的问题
6 结尾

I agree with the speaker that it is necessary to build a global university for solving the world's most persistent social problems. In today's world, solving those persistent social problems in isolated perspectives will not achieve the desired objective. Besides, the origin of the problems we are facing covering environment, economy and politics, is the lack of understanding. Moreover, these problems are increasingly globalized with the process of globalization. A global university, however, is able to completely solve issues shared by every nation with a better and more efficient way.  

Firstly, a global university is definitely in need because every part of the world now connects with each other more tightly and thus, solving problems separately is not a good choice at all. With the development of technology, each nation is now weaved in a seamless web, and consequently, no matter how subtle the events breaking out in one region are, the rest of the world would be influenced. The field of finance has a compelling example. The Asian economy crisis in 1997 proves that the capital markets nowadays are more closely integrated than ever before. And one action in this globe village is usually transmitted to the other side of the village immediately. Since all aspects of the world, not only financial aspect, are so highly related and this trend is still developing, the attempt of tackling with those persistent problems in a narrow range of a certain region will end up as failure. A global university, nevertheless, provides the unity which is required in solving those problems, is absolutely in need. And with the help of a global university, our thinking and acting as a whole is the very first step in the success of winning this challenge.

Secondly, a global university can provide a platform for all nations represented by the students in the university to communicate thoroughly and understand the stand points of counterparts. The asymmetry of information is resulted from the lack of communication among nations and regions. One of the most enduring problems of all, war, is the result of absence of understanding even misunderstanding. In many cases, the small-ranged conflicts, which cause more casualties in total than two world wars according to statistics, are the perfect paragons of tragedies caused by lack of understanding. The world is so desperate to know about each other that diplomats are in every corner and they try to make the voice of their own countries' heard. The students of different nationalities in a global university can serve as diplomats. The communication between them could help different nations to accept and respect cultures and points of view easily. In addition, because the communication is non-politics oriented, it will not be that rigid and limited as that of real diplomatic circumstances and hence, it can be much more efficient. That is how a global university prevents and reduces these persistent problems in their infancy.

Thirdly, the problems about environment, politics and economy shared by the whole world now hold more global natures. And this is the reason why a global university which can promote the cooperation between nations is in need. Nowadays, the rapidly changing technology enables a great numbers of issues to cross the boundaries of nations and regions. And finally these issues which originate in a specific spot become universal plagues. Consider the worldwide journey of the exhaust from factories which has no nationalities. Or consider terrorism, world's number one enemy, is pandemic in recent years and the traces of terrorist attacks spread all over the world. Talking about economic issues, money laundering, a practice engaging in concealing the source of money gained from illegal act and legalizing it at the end, is crossing the borders along the connectivity among countless banks and now threatening the safety of international financial system. The solutions of all these problems have to be in international scope and that is why we have signed so many universal agreements and declarations. And building a global university aggregating the intellectual resources from various nations is even more efficient and more conducive.

However, even though a global university is so helpful, the establishment of it will not be simple and will be challenged by obstacles. The most headachy obstacle will be political intervene from nations imposed on global university. The university has to make independent decisions on what problems to solve in priority and how to solve them. If not, the impartiality which is essential to research and teaching will not be assured. This obstacle is especially detrimental because any nation naturally wants to advance its own agendas.

In sum, the establishment of a global university should be supported for the sake of solving the pressing and enduring problems in the world. The university, which is the new experiment of human beings, deserves our attention and concern because it can really help diminish and eliminate the problems. As long as we try to keep the university away from political interposition, we can make it successful and helpful.

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