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[优秀习作] Issue123 本版本题讨论专帖 by imong [复制链接]

Rank: 8Rank: 8

发表于 2004-7-20 03:06:44 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
It is possible to identify a person's politics within a very short time of meeting him or her. Everything about people—their clothes, their friends, the way they talk, what they eat—reflects their political beliefs.

3.short-time meeting只能提供浅层的了解,代表的是不同人群各自的文化和个性,而不是政治立场(后分为两个body)

Can one's politics be identified through a short-time contact by others?  I do not agree with such an assertion that everything about people reflects their political beliefs so I will give out a negative answer to the question at beginning, although there really exist some special examples which can reach this point.

What we could not deny is the fact that under some circumstance, it is possible to identify others' politics quickly by observing the details of them -- their clothes, their friends, the way they talk, and what they eat. In some countries and regions with the unification of church and state, somebody's politics can be justified at the first glance when his/her eating taboos are noticed, for instance, an Arabism people with his/her taboo of consuming pork. On the other hand, in some special historical era, people were willing to present their politics by wearing different clothes, such as the famous feminism forerunners "Blue Stocking" in England history, who were all wearing blue stockings as they were called. However, though to identify one's politics hurry is feasible under some situations, it cannot be acted on general circumstance.

In general circumstance, as a common sense, a very-short-time meeting can only provide people a correspondingly facial impression about others, which is usually not strong enough to justify their politics inside. Such fast cognition has to stay on the facet of their clothes, their friends, the way they talk and what they eat. On one hand, such symbols show others the culture they are growing in rather than their politics. Cited as an example, Chinese are accustomed to use chopsticks when they are eating, compared with the Westerns using knives and forks. And similarly, many African females living in primary tribes always bare their up body, which is regarded bizarre in any enlightened society. Such differences are easily noticed after a short time of meeting, but they really show nothing linked with those people's politics.

On the other hand, the impression in a short time sometimes represents people's characteristics much more than their politics, too. One cannot draw such a conclusion -- the two people respectively from USA and Japan have the same political point of view to support the war in Iraq -- just when he/she has seen them chatting with the same language, same body gestures, or wearing in the similar Hip-hop style. Another great example will be presented here: could notorious Hitler has friends who were not linked so closely with Nazi? Hofmann was one of them. As a photographer, he had the same interest with Hitler, who was not only an autocrat but also an outstanding artist. In conclusion, a short-time impression can only offer a shallow cognition, which is not keen enough to show one's politics.

On contrast, one's political beliefs as a kind of profound feeling needs long-time meeting to be known well, since it cannot be reflected by everything about him/her. People should spend long time to observe one's inclination on politics, and analyze his/her every choice on his/her political way, and so can people tell the skin-deep cognitions from his/her real political beliefs. For example, even though one of your neighbors claims that he is an honest supporter of Republican, how can you recognize that is only a joke if you have not seen his voting to the Democrat candidate? Here goes a significant Chinese saying, "Time reveals a person's heart", which can be a summarization of my opinion here.

To sum, it is usually impossible to know one's political beliefs in a very short time meeting, because not every thing of him/her is reflecting his/her politics so clearly. Politics as a deep belief is kept inside of people, which needs a long-term cognition process.(615words)


使用道具 举报

Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7

发表于 2004-7-20 03:10:12 |只看该作者
符合1+1的特训 打算做到报告里面~~ :p

//nod 睡醒了仔细来研究~~~

打算写一片同主题的来看看 :D

使用道具 举报

Rank: 16Rank: 16Rank: 16Rank: 16


荣誉版主 Sub luck

发表于 2004-7-20 11:48:24 |只看该作者


Can one's politics be identified through a short-time contact by others? I do not agree with such an assertion that everything about people reflects their political beliefs so (这里连得就不好)I will give out a negative answer to the question at beginning, although there really exist some special examples which can reach this point. (开头写得并不太好。不如I don't agree with the assertion that.....第一句,Although .... it is .... 第二句。看你的论点怎么展开了。看出来总体反对,继续。)

What we could not deny is the fact that(It cannot be denied that...) under some circumstance, it is possible to identify others' politics quickly by observing the details of them (detail of behavior或者什么别的?detail of 人 觉得诡异的。如果开头用it cannot be denied后面就再调整一下不要连着两个it)-- their clothes, their friends, the way they talk, and what they eat. In some countries and regions with the unification of(by?介词不同,意思迥异) church and state, somebody's(one's) politics can be justified at the first glance when his/her eating taboos are noticed, for instance, an Arabism people with his/her taboo of consuming pork. (这个段落如果我写可能会调下顺序。TS之后直接For example, political beliefs are reveals at no time when one notice that ... taboo. And further...后面一句扩展一下。感觉更smooth也容易follow些)On the other hand, in some special historical era, people were (时态?)willing to present their politics by wearing different clothes, such as the famous feminism forerunners "Blue Stocking" in England history, who were all wearing blue stockings as they were called. (不如拆成两句)However, though to identify one's politics hurry is feasible under some situations, it cannot be acted on general circumstance.(这句话不应该放到这个位置吧?哪怕是紧接着在下面单独作为一个para)

In general circumstance, as a common sense, a very-short-time meeting can only provide people(这个people可能多余,而且可以把provide people整个换成一个更好的动词) a correspondingly facial impression about(on?) others, which is(facial impressiong逗号,enough to.... yet too inadequte for.... 我上次说过的逗号的妙用) usually not strong enough to justify their politics inside. Such fast (hasty or something?)cognition has to stay on the facet of their clothes, their friends, the way they talk and what they eat. On one hand, such symbols show others the culture they are growing in rather than their politics. Cited as an example, Chinese are accustomed to use chopsticks when they are eating, compared with the Westerns using knives and forks. And similarly, many African females living in primary tribes always bare their up body, which is regarded bizarre in any enlightened society. Such differences are easily noticed after a short time of meeting, but they really show nothing linked with those people's politics. (这个段落强调的是non-politics,还是culture,还是not politics but culture?)

On the other hand, the impression in a short time sometimes represents people's characteristics much more than(how about "rather than"?) their politics, too. One cannot draw such a conclusion -- the two people respectively from USA and Japan have the same political point of view to support (in support of)the war in Iraq -- just when he/she has seen(on seeing?) them chatting with the same language, same body gestures, or wearing in the similar Hip-hop style.(similar和hiphop的修饰指代似乎vague) Another great example will be presented here: could notorious Hitler has friends who were not linked so closely with Nazi? Hofmann was one of them. As a photographer, he had the same interest with Hitler, who was not only an autocrat but also an outstanding artist. (突出一下Hoffman的politics到底是什么。这里的展示"顺序",如果是我写,仍然要考虑调整)In conclusion, a short-time impression can only offer a shallow cognition, which is not keen enough to show one's politics.

On contrast, one's political beliefs as a kind of profound feeling needs(复数?) long-time meeting to be known well, since it cannot be reflected by everything (诡异)about him/her. People should spend long time to observe one's inclination on politics, and analyze his/her every choice on his/her political way, and so can people tell the skin-deep(shallow) cognitions from his/her real political beliefs. For example, even though one of your neighbors claims that he is an honest supporter(fervent advocator忘了是er还是or了) of Republican, how can you recognize that is only a joke if you have not seen his voting to the Democrat candidate? (可以用第三人称叙述这个例子的,而且还显得更真实客观)Here goes a significant Chinese saying, "Time reveals a person's heart", which can be a summarization of my opinion here. (如果能把例子更有力些就好了,这个例子——个人感觉——说服力并不强)

To sum, it is usually impossible to know one's political beliefs in a very short time meeting, because not every thing of him/her is reflecting his/her politics so clearly. Politics as a deep belief is kept inside of people, which needs a long-term cognition process.(615words)

Rien de réel ne peut être menacé.
Rien d'irréel n'existe.

使用道具 举报

Rank: 6Rank: 6

发表于 2004-7-20 13:39:05 |只看该作者
Can one's politics be identified through a short-time [U]contact by others[/U] 这么使用不妥? I do not agree with such an assertion that everything about people reflects their political beliefs [U]so I will give out a negative answer to the question at beginning,[/U] 可删 although there really exist some special examples which can reach this point.

[U]What we could not deny is the fact that[/U] under some circumstance(s), it is possible to identify others' politics quickly by observing the details of them -- their clothes, their friends, the way they talk, and what they eat. In some countries and regions with the unification of church and state, somebody's politics can be justified at the first glance when his/her eating taboos are noticed, for instance, an Arabism people with his/her taboo of consuming pork. On the other hand, in some special historical era, people were willing to present their politics by wearing different clothes, such as the famous feminism forerunners "Blue Stocking" in England history, who were all wearing blue stockings as they were called. However, though to identify one's politics hurry is feasible under some situations, it cannot be acted onunder general circumstance.

In general circumstance, as a common sense, a very-short-time meeting can only provide people a correspondingly facial impression about others, which is usually not strong enough to justify their politics inside. Such fast cognition has to stay on the facet of their clothes, their friends, the way they talk and what they eat. On one hand, such symbols show others the culture they are growing in rather than their politics. Cited as an example, Chinese are accustomed to use chopsticks when they are eating, compared with the Westerns using knives and forks. And similarly, many African females living in primary tribes always bare their up body, which is regarded bizarre in any enlightened society. Such differences are easily noticed after a short time of meeting, but they really show nothing linked with those people's politics.

On the other hand, the impression in a short time sometimes represents people's characteristics much more than their politics, [U]too[/U](删) . One cannot draw such a conclusion -- the two people respectively from USA and Japan have the same political point of view to support the war in Iraq -- just when he/she has seen them chatting with the same language, same body gestures, or wearing in the similar Hip-hop style. Another great example will be presented here: could notorious Hitler has friends who were not linked so closely with Nazi? Hofmann was one of them. As a photographer, he had the same interest with Hitler, who was not only an autocrat but also an outstanding artist.这个例子非常好 In conclusion, a short-time impression can only offer a shallow cognition, which is not keen这个词不好,accurate即可 enough to show one's politics.

On contrast, one's political beliefs as a kind of profound feeling应该不是feeling而是一种preference [U]needs long-time meeting to be known well,[/U]requires a deep comunication befor understanding  since it cannot be reflected by everythingtoo absolute about him/her. People should spend long time to observe one's inclination on politics, and analyze his/her every choice on his/her political way, and so can people tell the skin-deep cognitions from his/her real political beliefs. For example, even though one of your neighbors claims that he is an honest supporter of Republican, how can you recognize that is only a joke if you have not seen his voting to the Democrat candidate? Here goes a significant Chinese saying, "Time reveals a person's heart", which can be a summarization of my opinion here.

To sum, it is usually impossible to know one's political beliefs in a very short time meeting, because not every thing of him/her is reflecting his/her politics so clearly. Politics as a deep belief is kept inside of people, which needs a long-term cognition process(process of cognition).(615words)

使用道具 举报

Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2004-7-20 14:38:06 |只看该作者
Can one's politics be identified through a short-time contact by others? I do not agree with such an assertion that everything about people reflects their political beliefs so I will give out a negative answer to the question at thebeginning, although there really exist existssome special examples which can reach this point. 开头还算干净利落

What we could not deny is the fact that under some circumstance circumstances, it is possible to identify others' politics quickly by observing the details of them -- their clothes, their friends, the way they talk, and what they eat. In some countries and regions with the unification of church and state, somebody's politics can be justified at the first glance when his/her eating taboos are noticed, for instance, an Arabism Arabic? people with his/her taboo of consuming pork. On the other hand, in some special historical era, people were willing to present their politics by wearing different clothes, such as the famous feminism forerunners "Blue Stocking" in England history, who were all wearing blue stockings as they were called. However, though to identify one's politics hurry hurrily is feasible under some situations, however,前面的挪到这儿来好像更顺一些it cannot be acted on general circumstance.这一句好像不能用作对这一段的小结吧,因为根本没提general circumstance,是为启下用的吗

In general circumstance, as a common sense, a very-short-time meeting can only provide people a correspondingly facial superficial?impression about othersothers 包括上文总觉着有些别扭,是为了避免单数one person, one之后再指代时出现太多的he or she 吗?, which is usually not strong enough to justify their politics inside. Such fast cognition has to has to?必须?is more likely to? stay on the facet of their clothes, their friends, the way they talk and what they eat又重复一遍,感觉不是太好. On theone hand, such symbols show others the culture they are growing in rather than their politics. Cited as an example, Chinese are accustomed to use chopsticks when they are eating, compared with the Westerns using knives and forks. And similarly, many African females living in primary tribes always bare their upupper body, which is regarded bizarre in any enlightened society. Such differences are easily noticed after a short time of meeting, but they really show nothing linked with those people's politics.

On the other hand, the impression in of? a short time sometimes represents people's characteristics哦,看了提纲才知道是个性, too.too? One cannot draw such a conclusion -- the two people respectively from USA and Japan has the same politics to support the war in Iraq -- just when he/she has seen them chatting with the same language, same body gestures, or wearing in the similar Hip-hop style.这个例子能证明吗?I am not sure Another great example will be presented here包括上文,举例时好像不用这么大张旗鼓吧?: could notorious Hitler hashave,前面是could friends who were not be linked so closely with Nazi? Hofmann was one of them. As a photographer, he had the same interest with Hitler, who was not only an autocrat but also an outstanding artist. In conclusion, a short-time impression can only offer a shallow cognition太抽象,是对上文culture/ characteristic一个还是两个的总结啊?, which is not keen enough to show one's politics.

On contrastIn contrast, one's political beliefs as a kind of profound feeling needs感情需要? long-time meeting to be known well缺谓动, since it cannot be reflected by everything about him/her. People should spend long time to observe one's inclination on politics, and analyze his/her every choice on his/her political way, and so can people tell the skin-deep金山解释为“肤浅的, 表面的”? cognitions from his/her real political beliefs. For example, even though one of your neighbors claims that he is an honest你其实想说 loyal吧? supporter of Republican, how can you recognize that is only a joke if you have not seen his voting to the Democrat candidate? Here goes a significant Chinese saying, "Time reveals a person's heart", which can be a summarization of my opinion here.感觉也不好?but I am not certain whether it is ok?

To sumTo sum up? In sum, it is usually impossible to know one's political beliefs in a very short time meeting, because not every thingaspect? of him/her are reflecting reflectshis/her politics so clearly. Politics as a deep belief areis? kept inside of people, which needs long-term a a long termcognition process.(615words)

1. 从中文到英文,逻辑结构很清楚(其实也因为我逻辑通常都很乱啊:)),所以我就主要从语法上改了一下啦;
2. 有些例子我不知道是否贴切?然后例子后是否缺少一点个人的分析?呵呵,这是我刚刚被大牛们指出过的啊~
3. 不过限时的情况下,思路这么清晰,还能写成这样,很不错了;估计我都不会打字了:D

使用道具 举报

Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7

发表于 2004-7-20 15:10:58 |只看该作者
It is possible to identify a person's politics within a very short time of meeting him or her. Everything about people—their clothes, their friends, the way they talk, what they eat—reflects their political beliefs.

3.short-time meeting只能提供浅层的了解,代表的是不同人群各自的文化和个性,而不是政治立场(2。3的衔接又不太好——由此看出,让步段的位置有问题)

Can one's politics be identified through a short-time contact by others? (through…by others?别扭啊)I do not agree with such an assertion that everything about people reflects their political beliefs so I will give out a negative answer to the question at beginning(这个句子虽然回答了开头的提问,但是表达得不好 罗嗦), although there really exist some special examples which can reach this point. (开头段写的直白一点会更舒服呢)

What we could not deny is the fact that under some circumstance, it is possible to identify others' politics quickly by observing the details of them -- their clothes, their friends, the way they talk, and what they eat. In some countries and regions with the unification of church and state, somebody's(one’s) politics can be justified at the first glance when his/her eating taboos are noticed, for instance, an Arabism people with his/her taboo of consuming pork. On the other hand(one hand呢?词组应该搭配着), in some special historical era, people were willing to present their politics by wearing different clothes, such as the famous feminism forerunners "Blue Stocking"(强!这都用上了。) in England history, who were all wearing blue stockings (meaning that they were feminists) as they were called. However, though(前面两词连着很别扭) to identify one's politics hurry is feasible under some situations, it cannot be acted on general circumstance.(不错)

In general circumstance, as a common sense, a very-short-time meeting can only provide people(us) a correspondingly facial impression aboutothers(people), which is usually not strong enough to justify their politics inside. Such fast cognition has to stay on the facet of their clothes, their friends, the way they talk and what they eat. (换个词组,已经用过了)On one hand, such symbols show others the culture they are growing in rather than their politics. Cited as an example, Chinese are accustomed to use chopsticks when they are eating, compared with the Westerns using knives and forks. And similarly, many African females living in primary tribes always bare their up body, which is regarded bizarre(unmoral in some Islamic countries 这样感觉强烈一些) in any enlightened society. Such differences are easily noticed after a short time of meeting , but they really show nothing(little) linked with those people's politics.(People could easily notice all of these differences above after a short time of observation only to find that they are nothing to do with people’s political beliefs)

On the other hand, the impression in a short time sometimes represents people's characteristics much more than their politics, too. One cannot draw such a conclusion -- the two people respectively from USA and Japan have the same political point of view to support the war in Iraq -- just when he/she has seen them chatting with the same language, same body gestures, or wearing in the similar Hip-hop style. Another great example will be presented here: could notorious Hitler has friends who were not linked so closely with Nazi? Hofmann was one of them. As a photographer, he had the same interest with Hitler, who was not only an autocrat but also an outstanding artist. In conclusion, a short-time impression can only offer a shallow cognition, which is not keen(???) enough to show one's politics.(例子举得好)

On contrast, one's political beliefs as a kind of profound feeling needs long-time meeting to be known well, since it cannot be reflected by everything about him/her. People should spend long time to observe one's inclination on politics, and analyze his/her every choice on his/her political way, and so can people tell the skin-deep cognitions from his/her real political beliefs. For example, even though one of your neighbors claims that he is an honest supporter of Republican, how can you recognize that is only a joke if you have not seen his voting to the Democrat candidate? Here goes a significant Chinese saying, "Time reveals a person's heart", which can be a summarization of my opinion here.

To sum, it is usually impossible to know one's political beliefs in a very short time meeting, because not every thing of him/her is reflecting his/her politics so clearly. Politics as a deep belief is kept inside of people, which needs a long-term cognition process.(还算不错~语言还是有些生疏了吧?others 用的很多 meeting应该是个错误用法。自圆其说做得不错。继续努力)

使用道具 举报

Rank: 2

发表于 2004-7-20 15:23:06 |只看该作者



使用道具 举报

Rank: 11Rank: 11Rank: 11Rank: 11


Aries白羊座 荣誉版主

发表于 2004-7-20 17:40:35 |只看该作者


Can one's politics be identified through a short-time contact by others? I do not agree with such an assertion that everything about people reflects their political beliefs so I will give out a negative answer to the question at beginning, although there really exist some special examples which can reach this point. 这个开头偶还是稀饭的 只是的确 从句子的排列和语气上看感觉是完全否定的 好象出在negative这些词语的用上面

What we could not deny is the fact that under some circumstance, it is possible to identify others' politics quickly by observing the details of them -- their clothes, their friends, the way they talk, and what they eat. In some countries and regions with the unification of church and state, somebody's politics can be justified at the first glance when his/her eating taboos are noticed, for instance, an Arabism people with his/her taboo of consuming pork. On the other hand, in some special historical era, people were willing to present their politics by wearing different clothes, such as the famous feminism forerunners "Blue Stocking" in England history,强 这是G阅读里面的东西 问个题外话 这个blue stocking是英国的吗 我怎么记得是法国的呢 要不那个法国的是salon?年久失修 忘记了~~~ who were all wearing blue stockings as they were called. However, though to identify one's politics hurry is feasible under some situations, it cannot be acted on general circumstance.同意蒙蒙 这句话位置严重不对 感觉刚说明了一个问题 马上自己给一个耳光

In general circumstance, as a common sense, a very-short-time meeting can only provide people a correspondingly facial impression about others, which is usually not strong enough to justify their politics inside. Such fast cognition has to stay on the facet of their clothes, their friends, the way they talk and what they eat. On one hand, such symbols show others the culture they are growing in rather than their politics. Cited as an example, Chinese are accustomed to use chopsticks when they are eating, compared with the Westerns using knives and forks. And similarly,这个similiarly是哪来的similiar? many African females living in primary tribes always bare their up body, which is regarded bizarre in any enlightened society. Such differences are easily noticed after a short time of meeting, but they really show nothing linked with those people's politics.感觉这段很奇怪 虽然是完全颠覆上一个body的论断 但是感觉没有说服人的逻辑在里面 就这个例子 凭什么就说general呢 如果是我 这段我想 我会举反例的同时 加上更多的分析和推论 不过也是初步设想 还不晓得自己写的时候会成虾米样子

On the other hand, the impression in a short time sometimes represents people's characteristics much more than their politics, too.提出新的观点哦~~~ One cannot draw such a conclusion -- the two people respectively from USA and Japan have the same political point of view to support the war in Iraq -- just when he/she has seen them chatting with the same language, same body gestures, or wearing in the similar Hip-hop style. Another great example will be presented here: could notorious Hitler has friends who were not linked so closely with Nazi? Hofmann was one of them. As a photographer, he had the same interest with Hitler, who was not only an autocrat but also an outstanding artist.这个例子 用的是经典 可是 怎么看不到任何的similiar impression在里面呢~~~只是说他们有共同的兴趣 跟短时间内了解政治是虾米关系~~不明白中~ In conclusion, a short-time impression can only offer a shallow cognition, which is not keen enough to show one's politics.

On contrast, one's political beliefs as a kind of profound feeling needs long-time meeting to be known well, since it cannot be reflected by everything about him/her. People should spend long time to observe one's inclination on politics, and analyze his/her every choice on his/her political way, and so can people tell the skin-deep cognitions from his/her real political beliefs. For example, even though one of your neighbors claims that he is an honest supporter of Republican, how can you recognize that is only a joke if you have not seen his voting to the Democrat candidate? Here goes a significant Chinese saying, "Time reveals a person's heart", which can be a summarization of my opinion here. 日久见人心~果然强悍的翻译~~总结不错 驳论过程中有argu的味道~~呵呵~~

To sum, it is usually impossible to know one's political beliefs in a very short time meeting, because not every thing of him/her is reflecting his/her politics so clearly. Politics as a deep belief is kept inside of people, which needs a long-term cognition process.是不是都习惯写这么点的结尾 结尾我也不是很擅长 哪天哪位指导一下~~~

True love never runs smooth.

使用道具 举报

Rank: 11Rank: 11Rank: 11Rank: 11


Capricorn摩羯座 荣誉版主

发表于 2004-7-20 19:41:17 |只看该作者
It is possible to identify a person's politics within a very short time of meeting him or her. Everything about people—their clothes, their friends, the way they talk, what they eat—reflects their political beliefs.

3.short-time meeting只能提供浅层的了解,代表的是不同人群各自的文化和个性,而不是政治立场(后分为两个body)

Can one's politics be identified through a short-time contact by with? others? I do not agree with such an assertion that everything about people reflects their political beliefs so I will give out a negative answer to the question at the beginning, although there really exist some special examples which can reach this point 有些指代不明了。this point. 应该是指原题的观点吧。但从位置上来看里TS比较近,可能会被误解为指你的看法。可以改成the opposite point。不过再细想想,觉得把although...改称although there exist some exceptions更舒服

What we could not deny is the fact 改成It is no denying the fact that under some circumstance, it is possible to identify others' politics quickly by observing the details of them -- their clothes, their friends, the way they talk, and what they eat. In some countries and regions with the unification of church and state, somebody's 怪怪的用a person's politics can be justified at the first glance when his/her eating taboos are noticed, for instance, an Arabism people 索性就用an Arab with his/her taboo of consuming pork. On the other hand, in some special historical era, people were willing to present their politics by wearing different clothes, such as the famous feminism forerunners "Blue Stocking" in England history, who were all wearing blue stockings as they were called. However, though to identify one's politics hurry is feasible under some situations, it cannot be acted on general circumstance. in circumstance和under circumstance都对,但on不太肯定

In general circumstance, as a common sense, a very-short-time meeting can only provide people a correspondingly facial我想你要说得意思用superficial来表达更准确 impression about others, which is把which is去掉可以在句式上换换口味 usually not strong enough to justify their politics inside. Such fast cognition has to stay on the facet of their clothes, their friends, the way they talk and what they eat.感觉和前一句重复了 On one hand, such symbols show others the culture they are growing in rather than their politics. Cited as an example, Chinese are accustomed to use chopsticks when they are eating, compared with the Westerns using knives and forks. And similarly, many African females living in primary tribes always bare their upupper body, which is regarded bizarre in any enlightened society. Such differences are easily noticed after a short time of meeting, but they really show nothing linked with those people's politics.

On the other hand, the impression in a short time sometimes represents people's characteristics much more than their politics, tootoo是哪来的. One cannot draw such a conclusion -- the two people respectively from USA and Japan have the same political point of view to support the war in Iraq -- just when he/she has seen them chatting with the same language, same body gestureslanguage和gestures好像不能反映characteristics吧, or wearing in the similar Hip-hop style. Another great example will be presented here: could notorious Hitler has friends who were not linked so closely with Nazi? Hofmann was one of them. As a photographer, he had the same interest with Hitler, who was not only an autocrat but also an outstanding artist这里没有递进关系. In conclusion, a short-time impression can only offer a shallow cognition, which is not keen enough to show one's politics.感觉这一段只不过是继续上一段的话题对原题得看法给反例。实际上整个段落似乎并没有涉及到你提出的characteristic

On contrast这个词组可能有问题,不确定, one's political beliefs as a kind of profound feeling needs long-time meeting to be known well, since it cannot be reflected by everything about him/her.我觉得应该摆一个shortly以和long-time对应 People should spend long time to observe one's inclination on politics, and analyze his/her every choice on his/her political way, and so can people tell the skin-deep cognitions from his/her real political beliefs. For example, even though one of your neighbors claims that he is an honest supporter of Republican, how can you recognize that is only a joke if you have not seen his voting to the Democrat candidate?用陈述句就可以了,you will not recognize that is only a joke until you see his voting to the ... Here goes a significant Chinese saying, "Time reveals a person's heart", which can be a summarization of my opinion here.

To sum, it is usually impossible to know one's political beliefs in a very short time meeting, because not every thing of him/her is reflecting his/her politics so clearly. Politics as a deep belief is kept inside of people, which needs a long-term cognition process.(615words)


Life is full of drama.

使用道具 举报

Rank: 2

发表于 2004-7-20 22:19:23 |只看该作者

使用道具 举报

Rank: 1

发表于 2004-7-20 23:01:42 |只看该作者

使用道具 举报

Rank: 8Rank: 8

发表于 2004-7-21 01:50:38 |只看该作者

It is possible to identify a person's politics within a very short time of meeting him or her. Everything about people—their clothes, their friends, the way they talk, what they eat—reflects their political beliefs.



3.short-time meeting只能提供浅层的了解,代表的是不同人群各自的文化和个性,而不是政治立场(后分为两个body)


使用道具 举报

Rank: 8Rank: 8

发表于 2004-7-21 02:13:51 |只看该作者

最初由 needle 发布
[B] [/B]

这一段,呼应开头的some special circumstance(某种特定环境。这里sarahong注意了,some表示某种的时候,后面可以接单数)下,可以通过短时间了解一个人的政治立场。呼应原题的eating/clothes设置了arbism people和blue stocking两个例子。

这一段最大的问题在于最后一句话,However, though to identify one's politics hurry is feasible under some situations, it cannot be acted on general circumstance。总结之后的转折本来是想引起下文的,实际上放的位置是不合适的。

最初由 needle 发布
[B]3.short-time meeting只能提供浅层的了解,代表的是不同人群各自的文化和个性,而不是政治立场(后分为两个body) [/B]

写过特例,下面写的是general situation。我本来是写了一个大body的。但是感觉篇幅不平衡,所以按意群分成了两个body。一方面说明facial impression可以体现出来文化,一方面可以体现出来个性(“体现”主要是从观察者的角度写的)。为避免跑题,在表示能够体现**的时候,我联系了politics,着重写出了可以看到**而不能看到politics.


最初由 needle 发布



1.it cannot be acted on general circumstance:act on是一个词组,表明“起作用”。on不是和后面的circumstance构成词组的。

2.one's political beliefs as a kind of profound feeling needs(复数?) long-time meeting to be known well:这里need做动词,不过我犯了低级的语法错误。//shy...主语是beliefs,不应该用needs.

3.imong说的“对politics理解不够深刻”我深表赞同。这里对这个概念的漠视,导致文章在“究竟怎样才能identify one's politics”上显得无比的肤浅。


使用道具 举报

Rank: 2

发表于 2004-7-22 05:32:34 |只看该作者
Can one's politics be identified through a short-time contact by others? I do not agree with such an assertion that everything about people reflects their political beliefs so I will give out a negative answer to the question at thebeginning, although there really exist some special examples which can reach this point. can one's politics be identified through a short-time contact by others? The author in the statement argues that it is possible because everything about people reflects their political beliefs. In my view, however, the answer to this question is "no" except in few situations.

What we could not deny is the fact that under some circumstance, it is possible to identify others' politics quickly by observing the details of them specific things-- their clothes, their friends, the way they talk, and what they eat. In some countries and regions with the unification of church and state, somebody's politics can be justified at the first glance when his/her eating taboos are noticed,. fFor instance, an Arabism people with his/her taboo of consuming pork. In arabian countries most of people are prohibited to eat pork. On the other hand,表示转折,这里只是并列的意思吧 in some special historical era, people were willing to present their politics by wearing different clothes, such as the famous feminism forerunners "Blue Stocking" in England history, who were all wearing blue stockings as they were called. However, though to identify one's politics hurry is feasible under some situations, it cannot be acted on general circumstance.这句去掉,下面可以带一下On the one hand ...,On the other hand...两者所列举的是具有相反或相对关系的事物。他们所反映的是转折关系。

In general circumstance, as a common sense, a very-short-time meeting can only provide people a correspondingly facial impression about others, which is usually not strong enough to justify their politics inside. Except in few situations as metioned in the above, generally speaking, a short-time meeting can only give us a rather superficial impression and that cannot offer us an understanding of others' political beliefs in their deep inside. Such fast cognition has to stay on the facet of their clothes, their friends, the way they talk and what they eat. On one hand, such symbols show others the culture they are growing in rather than their politics. Cited as an example, Chinese are accustomed to use chopsticks when they are eating, compared with the Westerns using knives and forks. And similarly, many African females living in primary tribes always bare their up body, which is regarded asbizarre in any enlightened society. Such differences are easily noticed after a short time of meeting, but they really show nothing (linked with)about those people's politics.

On the other hand, the impression in a short time sometimes represents people's characteristics much more than their politics, too. One cannot draw such a conclusion -- the two people respectively from USA and Japan have the same political point of view to support the war in Iraq -- just when he/she has seen them chatting with the same language, same body gestures, or wearing in the similar Hip-hop style. Another great example will be presented here: could notorious Hitler has friends who were not linked so closely with Nazi? Hofmann was one of them. As a photographer, he had the same interest with Hitler, who was not only an autocrat but also an outstanding artist. In conclusion, a short-time impression can only offer a shallow cognition, which is not keen enough to show one's politics.

On contrast,By contrast one's political beliefs as a kind of profound feeling needs long-time meeting to be known well, since it cannot be reflected by everything about him/her. People should spend long time to observe one's inclination on politics,in observing political inclination and analyze his/her every choice on his/her political way, analyzing his/her manifestation and stance in political respect and so can people tell the skin-deep cognitions from his/her real political beliefs.thus reach a comprehensive conclusion about political beliefs.   For example, even though one of your neighbors claims that he is an honest supporter of Republican, how can you recognize that is it only a joke if you have not seen his voting to the Democrat candidate? Here goes a significant Chinese saying, "Time reveals a person's heart", which can be a summarization of my opinion here. good sentences

To sum, it is usually impossible to know one's political beliefs in a very short time meeting, because not every thing of him/her is reflecting his/her politics so clearly. Politics as a deep belief is kept inside of people,in people's mind which needs a long-term cognition process. and knowing that is a long-time process.(615words)
总之,这片文章逻辑不错,但是就是觉得对于political beliefs没有具体化,老是在外围转没有深刻的分析


使用道具 举报

Rank: 2

发表于 2004-7-22 05:36:53 |只看该作者
好久没有接触过作文了,改的不好请多包涵。有的地方不是你的语法有毛病而是我在试着能不能表达的更好一点。/so shy~~~~


使用道具 举报

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