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[i习作temp] issue51 高频 诚征G友互改 留链接 [复制链接]

Rank: 1

发表于 2005-7-15 22:16:48 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
高频51"Education will be truly effective only when it is specifically designed to meet the individual needs and interests of each student."

What is the truly effective education is always an important issue that all of education faculties, parents and students themselves must consider. The speaker gives his opinion that only when it is designed to meet the needs and interests of each student, education is an effective one. I do not agree with this conclusion.

As a threshold matter, students in primary school or even in high school, who have not enough knowledge and society experience, do not really know what they need and interest in. They have only a little knowledge of science, humanity, and social science, so they do not have a clear understanding of them. It is difficult and dangerous for them to choose the field that they may contribute all their lives to when they are only children. Moreover, even if they have interest in some field, the interest may be unconstant. Today they may like physics, and some days later they may have interest in art. It is ridiculous and unnecessary for teachers to follow and cater such interests of students. And it is a great waste of education resources to design programs and arrange courses for such reason. Thus, students under age do not really know their interests and teachers should not follow their interests.

In addition, even if students really know their interests, the compulsive fundamental lessons about science, humanity and social science are necessary for them to develop their intellect and help to make innovation in their own academic fields afterwards. In order to understand the gist of this statement, it is necessary to see an example. The Mona Lisa, Leonardo da Vinci's most famous work, which is an consummate example of chiaroscuro, is as well known for its mastery of technique innovation as the mysteriousness of its legendary smile. The fantastic use of light and shadow on subject makes it impossible to forget. Da Vinci' artistic innovation can not separate from his well understanding of physics principles. Therefore, broader study which students may have no interests is good and unnecessary for them.

Last but not last, the truly effective education is not one to cater the needs and interests of students but one to enlighten the intellect of them and to nurture moral values in order that students will become well-rounded persons and well beings of democratic society. Not only should students master the knowledge and skills they may have interest in, but also they should know strong values and ethical standards needed after their graduation. These values include principles of fairness and equity upon which our system of law is based, as well as the values of tolerance and respect when it comes to the viewpoints of others. All of these are most important for our society to thrive or even survive. Consequently, in order to educate students in a truly effective way, education faculty should enlighten the intellect of them and cultivate ethical standards to them.

To sum up, I do not agree with the speaker that only when it is specially designed to meet the needs and interests of students, education is a truly effective way.  Students in primary school or even in high school do not really know their interests and teacher should not cater them blindly. Moreover, broader courses in science, humanity and society science are better for them. To enlighten intellect and nurture moral values is best and truly effective education.

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Capricorn摩羯座 荣誉版主

发表于 2005-7-27 20:22:40 |只看该作者
"Education will be truly effective only when it is specifically designed to meet the individual needs and interests of each student."

What is the truly effective education is always an important issue that all of education faculties, parents and students themselves must consider. The speaker gives his opinion that only when it is designed to meet the needs and interests of each student, education is an effective one. I do not agree with this conclusion. [开头提出观点很明确。]

As a threshold matter, students in primary school or even in high school, who have not enough knowledge and society [social] experience, do not really know what they need and interest [are interested ] in. They have only a little knowledge of science, humanity, and social science, so they do not have a clear understanding of them. It is difficult and dangerous for them to choose the field that they may contribute all their lives to when they are only children. Moreover, even if they have interest in some field, the interest may be unconstant. Today they may like physics, and some days later they may have interest in art. It is ridiculous and unnecessary for teachers to follow and cater such interests of students. [前面一部分的内容写得不错;但是感觉后面的内容提到“教育资源的稀缺”,是不考虑另起一段或者干脆不要呢?个人认为一段文章集中于一个中心点比较好。] And it is a great waste of education resources to design programs and arrange courses for such reason. Thus, students under age do not really know their interests and teachers should not follow their interests. [觉得这里与题目联系下会更好,或者更确切的说,“教育的设计”。]

In addition, even if students really know their interests, the compulsive fundamental lessons about science, humanity and social science are necessary for them to develop their intellect and help to make innovation in their own academic fields afterwards. In order to understand the gist of this statement, it is necessary to see an example. The Mona Lisa, Leonardo da Vinci's most famous work, which is a consummate example of chiaroscuro, is as well known for its mastery of technique innovation as the mysteriousness of its legendary smile. The fantastic use of light and shadow on subject makes it impossible to forget. Da Vinci' artistic innovation cannot separate from his well understanding of physics principles. Therefore, broader study which students may have no interests is good and unnecessary for them. [觉得这段的内容也可以和“effective education”联系起来。]

Last but not last [个人感觉还是不要在issue里用这些经常在argument里用的标志词。], the truly effective education is not one to cater the needs and interests of students but one to enlighten the intellect of them and to nurture moral values in order that students will become well-rounded persons and well beings of democratic society. Not only should students master the knowledge and skills they may have interest in, but also they should know strong values and ethical standards needed after their graduation. These values include principles of fairness and equity upon which our system of law is based, as well as the values of tolerance and respect when it comes to the viewpoints of others. All of these are most important for our society to thrive or even survive. Consequently, in order to educate students in a truly effective way, education faculty should enlighten the intellect of them and cultivate ethical standards to them.

To sum up, I do not agree with the speaker that only when it is specially designed to meet the needs and interests of students, education is a truly effective way.  Students in primary school or even in high school do not really know their interests and teacher should not cater them blindly. Moreover, broader courses in science, humanity and society science are better for them. To enlighten intellect and nurture moral values is best and truly effective education. [感觉这里把前面的TS句重新写了一遍,作用不是很大。]
Love, is always a star in the foggy dawn......


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