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[i习作temp] issue41 v6站队 8.2 科学vs伪科学 [复制链接]

Rank: 2

发表于 2005-8-2 23:21:05 |只看该作者
Such nonmainstream areas of inquiry as astrology, fortune-telling, and psychic and paranormal pursuits play a vital role in society by satisfying human needs that are not addressed by mainstream science.

B1 不可否认,伪科学在社会上还是存在的,分析其存在的部分原因
B2 但这并不意味着伪科学扮演着社会的主要角色,而是科学是社会活动的主角,科学是经得起时间的考验的
B3 随着社会的进步,政府和媒体的引导可以使人们更多得应用科学去解决问题,科学是真善美的化身

TV plays, movies and some cartoon series always contain some scene of ritual of astrology, fortune-telling, and paranormal pursuits. Although, 可以隔开的吗?I don’t knowsome of them are virtual, they are really depicted the facet of the contemporary society on which some people depend to solve problems. Yet, we can not conclude that the nonmainstream areas play a key role to satisfy human needs through the phenomenon, for the mainstream science is the end of society to meet the human taste.

Undeniable, nonmainstream areas show some power in social activities. When people face to some big problem pl.that never met before, sometimes they would appreciate to invite a witch to do some so-called paranormal pursuits to magnetize the fortune while drive off the bad luck. Reasons for their behaviors are concluded as below. First, the nonmainstream areas are ones that mysterious enough to catch some people's curiosity. Human always want to find the fresh and unknown world, and paranormal and psychic pursuits are told as mystery and sometimes effective. Second, some nonmainstream areas are traditional culture which transmitted by the ancestors as they did not know too much about the mainstream 那时不存在主流只说,naturalscience at their time, but the rituals and ceremonies propagated as culture always maintain the marks of the nonmainstream areas. Moreover, though the science and technology are developing rapidly, it does not mean that the average knowledge level of the general populace is so? high. Lots of people do not have such ability to use science to deal with the problem, instead of which the pseudoscience is more accessible for them to employ. All the possibilities lead to the phenomenon of nonmainstream areas still prevailing today.

However, it does not mean that nonmainstream areas are play the significant role in society. The real actor should be the mainstream science which would bring better life to human being. Since the science is accumulated the essence of famous and non-famous scientists through thousands of years. When a hypothesis is brought, many researchers try to prove it and the theory is gradually established. This can be examined by time while the pseudoscience can not be proved and evaluated by time. Augurs asserted that 1999 is the last year of the cosmos many years ago. But in 2005 we are still sitting here with省略 typing an issue. The assertion is overthrown automatically. On the contrary, science, through cerebrating and calculating, is not easily turned down, and always fresh and vivid to the society. For example, Einstein proposed the relativity which made the Newton’s law in classic mechanics seem totally false, but it is not as what is seems, for the classic law is aiming at the particle activity in an ordinary speed while the relativity is discussing the particle which acts in or near the speed of light. When the fundamental situation is the ordinary speed, the relativity and the classic theory are almost the same. This indicates that the true science can be examined and should be the vital role in social activities.

Furthermore, as the society developed, government and media should advocate that more and more people should adopt mainstream science when meeting troubles. As the government is the most effective means to lead the positive trends which merit the populace. Truth, Beauty and Mercy 是fa lun gong吗?呵呵,很牵强are the information which is brought by mainstream science, we always feel comfortable when we calculate a complicated problem with neat and quick algorithm, we always feel fortune when we finally get the solution after long time consideration, and we always feel gratified when we help others with what we learned just now. All satisfactions are distributed by science, and what we now share in the daily life are all the efforts of science: computer simplifies the life formula; television brings more laughter to the family; telephone and internet shorten the distance between two people though they are separated by the ocean. People should more and more depend on the mainstream science as the social step is faster and faster.

To sum up, the vital role is the mainstream science which attributes to a brand new life of human race. Though the nonmainstream areas exist nowadays, as the technology and science boosting, the average quality of the populace would be enhanced as well, so we are optimistic on people's employment in science rather than superstition.几天不见,当刮目相看啊。尤其是句子不象以前那么复杂和难懂了,每句之间富有逻辑。前两点很好,只是第三点很勉强,可以说科技给我们带了实在的实惠啊,相比之下那些就没有。还有一点:早点限时吧

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Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7

发表于 2005-8-3 09:30:33 |只看该作者
If you think English is easy, take GRE
If you think math is easy, take wavelet
If you think life is easy, take a girlfriend

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Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7

发表于 2005-8-3 11:04:42 |只看该作者
TV plays, movies and some cartoon series always contain some scene of ritual of astrology, fortune-telling, and paranormal pursuits. (和87一样这一句也不是很必要)Although, some of them are virtual(这个词用在这儿有点模糊), they are really depicted(ing??) the facet of the contemporary society on which some people depend to solve problems. Yet, we can not conclude that the nonmainstream areas play a key role to satisfy human needs through the phenomenon, for the mainstream science is the end of society to meet the human taste(这句没读懂,但估计是我阅读水平有问题,回头还望楼主给讲一下).

Undeniable, nonmainstream areas show some power in social activities. When people face (to删) some big problem that never met before, sometimes they would appreciate to invite a witch to do some so-called paranormal pursuits to magnetize the fortune while drive off the bad luck. (下面这样分层表述很清晰,学习ing)Reasons for their behaviors are concluded as below. First, the nonmainstream areas are ones that mysterious enough to catch some people's curiosity. Human always want to find the fresh and unknown world, and paranormal and psychic pursuits are told as mystery and sometimes (seemingly)effective. Second, some nonmainstream areas are traditional culture which transmitted by the ancestors as they did not know too much about the mainstream science at their time, but the rituals and ceremonies propagated as culture always maintain the marks of the nonmainstream areas. Moreover, though the science and technology are developing rapidly, it does not mean that the average knowledge level of the general populace is so high. Lots of people do not have such ability to use science to deal with the problem, instead of which the pseudoscience is more accessible for them to employ. All the possibilities lead to the phenomenon of nonmainstream areas still prevailing today.(虽然上面讲得很有条理,但感觉和题目要求的satisfying need还是有一定的距离)

However, it does not mean that nonmainstream areas are play the significant role in society. The real actor should be the mainstream science which would bring better life to human being. Since the science is accumulated the essence of famous and non-famous scientists through thousands of years. When a hypothesis is brought, many researchers try to prove it and the theory is gradually established. This can be examined by time while the pseudoscience(这个概念的引入根非主流学科还是有差距的,最好说明一下) can not be proved and evaluated by time. Augurs asserted that 1999 is the last year of the cosmos many years ago. But in 2005 we are still sitting here with typing an issue. The assertion is overthrown automatically.(既然不强调文段的观点,这个短句就最好不要单独出现,有一点散了) On the contrary, science, through cerebrating and calculating, is not easily turned down, and always fresh and vivid to the society. For example, Einstein proposed the relativity which made the Newton’s law in classic mechanics seem totally false, but it is not as what is seems, for the classic law is aiming at the particle activity in an ordinary speed while the relativity is discussing the particle which acts in or near the speed of light. (我明白楼主的意思,但可能这个例子的支持力不是很强,语言还需要变换一下,突出经受考验)When the fundamental situation is the ordinary speed, the relativity and the classic theory are almost the same. This indicates that the true science can be examined and should be the vital role in social activities.(着一段还是与satisfying need离得远了点)

Furthermore, as the society developed, government and media should advocate that more and more people should adopt mainstream science when meeting troubles.(很扣题!) As the government is the most effective means to lead the positive trends which merit the populace. Truth, Beauty and Mercy are the information which is brought by mainstream science, we always feel comfortable when we calculate a complicated problem with neat and quick algorithm, we always feel fortune when we finally get the solution after long time consideration, and we always feel gratified when we help others with what we learned just now. All satisfactions are distributed by science, and what we now share in the daily life are all the efforts of science: computer simplifies the life formula; television brings more laughter to the family; telephone and internet shorten the distance between two people though they are separated by the ocean.(比较上面的真善美而言,这一段举例更合理,更扣题) People should more and more depend on the mainstream science as the social step is faster and faster.

To sum up, the vital role is the mainstream science which attributes to a brand new life of human race. Though the nonmainstream areas exist nowadays, as the technology and science boosting, the average quality of the populace would be enhanced as well, so we are optimistic on people's employment in science rather than superstition.

If you think English is easy, take GRE
If you think math is easy, take wavelet
If you think life is easy, take a girlfriend

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