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[MBA申请精华] 美国著名商学院 MBA Candidate 闲聊系列之四:Pennsylvania State University (Smeal) [复制链接]

Rank: 11Rank: 11Rank: 11Rank: 11


荣誉版主 Economist QQ联合登录 Scorpio天蝎座 Golden Apple

发表于 2006-7-12 14:55:54 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
zz from CD   ID: PSU  已经过整理& B6 w* F* s% D% ~( G8 ?$ J% N

4 I/ Q5 ^7 y0 [
( n" g, b% V3 e& ]  j
) s  }) [& \. a& s/ R8 Z; JSmeal专业特色是什么?毕业生工作主要集中哪些行业?. r) S' A- W8 k. o' k) g

3 m2 `& N% {$ n6 B& nThank you for your interests in Smeal. The Smeal MBA portfolios include:
2 F. H( I9 e0 M4 Y% l1 x  w- @0 C: z* Q; g
1. Corporate Financial Analysis and Planning 0 V. O/ ]/ a' N  d
2. Corporate Innovation and Entrepreneurship
; S+ D# t2 l" ^3. Investment Management and Portfolio Analysis ( ^1 f3 S, F4 P: W) T/ H5 s
4. Product and Market Development # V2 t8 }- f* s# A
5. Supply Chain Management % i! a2 I. d4 U" M4 m
6. Strategic Leadership
9 A( m! g8 v3 ?4 U( ?/ l$ _8 V- r* \( f( A
Smeal corporate finance portfolio has traditional strength in northeast and mid-Atlantic.Many major firms have long term relationship with Smeal in recruiting finance talents, to name a few from the company list: Intel, ExxonMobil,Dell,Black&Decker....2 G% ^, r1 Z, X  @2 O4 `( v# Q/ R

: k* j9 \; X* T6 C! n6 S: ASupply chain management is another strength of Smeal. Graduates in this portfolio always have very good placement rate. We just held a supply chain career fair in Sept. The recruiters include: American Airlines, IBM, Bristol-Myer-Squibb,Kraft,JnJ,Merck,Pfizer... I have pasted the link to the full list of recruiting companies below in case you want to explore more at this topic.7 H$ Z; O% R. E2 o7 U3 f
) \( {  U9 t; |  |
* g7 @7 \! {" _1 E0 b  j' P
. h. u0 A4 \8 U) x$ G# P0 C7 y% _. mProduct and market development portfolio in Smeal mainly focus on B2B marketing. Institute for the Study of Business Markets (ISBM) is influential in global B2B marketing world. We have Smeal alumni work in marketing in companies like IBM, Chevron,DuPont, Honeywell,3M....
, z  t; |8 k( g. {" a
0 i( P  O8 U4 F5 W# P0 u" uthere're some photos here as fowllows:
5 e; L9 m# P' S, H7 g0 Z0 o' O3 l/ P0 ]' |' J
) \; i! V: G$ U' s
! S- m2 C. Y8 n4 B

5 Z" h; ?% ~% V7 f2 g! a% B0 \  R3 m# [6 c

4 y: _  p$ U  q7 d7 {; F& Y, b0 D! q/ A! [4 t# m
5 J; l3 {7 q% U7 U- ~( }

) C; \( x6 p9 O- b
not applicable

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Rank: 11Rank: 11Rank: 11Rank: 11


荣誉版主 Economist QQ联合登录 Scorpio天蝎座 Golden Apple

发表于 2006-7-12 14:57:21 |只看该作者
请介绍一下PSU所在的University Park的一些情况吧。比如什么地理位置,气候,生活等等
4 Z% C7 s# [/ d) f" f( r" o/ Y* A% n% ]# C" M& v
PSU所在的城市叫STATE COLLEGE,不管人们习惯把校园称为UNIVERSITY PARK.STATE COLLEGE位于宾州中部,离费城或者匹兹堡差不多都是两三小时车程. STATE COLLEGE有自己的机场,不过机票比从大机场飞要贵$150-200,所以一般地,同学都会坐车或者开车去费城/匹兹堡.
3 y) ~9 O0 d/ ~* y
/ c5 R. j2 I- _, q* U气候嘛,我觉得算是典型的东北部气候,春秋短,冬夏长,尤其是冬天,从11月到来年3-4月.据说去年的冬天不算厉害,不过一夜之间积雪能到3英寸已经让我很长见识了. 温度最低能到零下20度的样子,可主观感受并没有什么,毕竟在室外的时间不长,所以即使有同学是海南岛来的也不要怕.
2 e3 j. i2 B8 x: t. z6 o7 p% {3 x4 @4 _+ {* s, x1 _
生活方面,我觉得挺方便的.MALL和SUPERMARKET都很齐备,商品种类和样式当然不能和大城市比,不过对与学生来说是足够了,而且少点雪拼的诱惑还能保存钱包的实力.( 希望老婆不要看到) 中国同学采买家乡菜的商店主要有两个,规模和西岸的大超市没法比,但货物也算齐备,不会让你觉得巧妇难为无米之炊.PSU还是一个出名的PARTY SCHOOL,我想主要是因为本科生很多.每到周末,COLLEGE AVE.上就人满为患,每间酒吧里都挤满了人. MBA学生有自己比较固定的聚会场所,平时大家去联络感情或者放松一下,遇有逢年过节的,各社团组织也会组织活动. 这里课余生活的另一个重要项目是TAILGATE,每逢周末,全校学生加上附近居民,在足球场外,聚餐畅饮,海聊海侃. 第一次见到那一望无际的停车场,看到平生见到的最大规模的宴会的时候,我觉得这最高可达10+万人规模的场景确实是令人叹为观止.
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Rank: 11Rank: 11Rank: 11Rank: 11


荣誉版主 Economist QQ联合登录 Scorpio天蝎座 Golden Apple

发表于 2006-7-12 15:00:01 |只看该作者
( s2 \0 v: {" X& k: x3 e5 N# j8 k7 s$ O5 c+ y
To keep it fair to all applicants, Smeal hopes to see essays about the same length, i.e. 1-page long. To answer your questions, yes, you can use single-space. Hope this helps!
& B/ R' e$ a1 u
7 w- I4 K: E/ v$ b
' B* J4 I. s) ~% s; ^5 o5 K% P
+ j8 E! S) C; [/ Y& _& B. E8 C0 _5 uPersonal Essays: ]+ }# P5 r, L. d
Your responses to essay questions will be reviewed to determine your goals and aspirations, and if they match with the goals of the Smeal MBA program. Essays should be written concisely and clearly.
. g. o4 \9 H  ~% h; T7 z/ U8 R; m& B0 s& s4 `9 B! l* U. x+ J
( h/ \# F' n" y2 h, V
- ]' v2 T! j( j6 B
在申请网页上就能看到。在这儿贴一下: : Q: o; s# h3 h8 Z* V/ K2 X

" T" B: c* `1 V& s; g# `5 T* o* t必写: 1 s1 k3 J$ B$ f" ?& @( V$ ]

! i, [& A- A: H$ u1. Discuss your short- and long-term career goals. How do you see the Smeal College MBA degree assisting you in attaining these goals : j9 y* d, S# h+ {$ h

( Y8 `; d. {; r$ O; `4 t2. We all have our own “defining moments” in our personal history: times when we made a choice that affected the future direction of our lives. Describe a decision you have made that has proven to be a turning point in your career/personal life. If you had made a different choice at that time, how might your life be different? " X) a' B/ Z, E% g
4 G" G+ e& u# w# s5 s" Q
选择: 3 Y8 h4 x+ e$ _, n. ~3 U

4 n6 K& t" @6 i" y3 h: n3 q- c* m3. Donald Trump recently published a book “The Best Business Advice I Ever Received.” It is a compilation of business advice received by successful business men and women. What is the best business advice you have ever received? How has it impacted your professional experience and career?& M$ q$ W; b% `$ a4 a1 f
2 z, g  o# B2 R; e2 k5 b
: u$ ^2 G  q" X  ?- ]) B7 k2 @$ T5 g) o! W" c( s% H
4. If you did not have to work for a living, how would you choose to spend your time? Why?8 q/ M4 q, P& S8 T

8 b" M* W  R" B/ W. WBTW, PSU的申请网页挺难找的,不在how to apply,在early acceptance里。
4 w) T/ r# Z4 q4 ?  P) C! c& B8 e* Y9 }+ ]

4 u# Q) l* K6 a* x5 W# nGPA很低70/100,能申请peen state的奖学金吗?,什么情况才能给全额奖学金?
' u* B- e4 [, C9 n' d- c& r) N$ H4 E$ n& G3 z3 x
GPA is not the only standard our admission officers use to screen applicants, so please don't feel bad about your GPA. As for the eligibilities for the scholarship, to be honest with you, I don't know if there's an existing on-the-shelf standard. I know some scholarship receipients in my class and their profiles are all different,some have longer working experience, some have higher GMAT scores,.... In general, outstanding working and academic history and a solid career plan will make you a strong scholarship candidate. I know I may not answer your questions as specific as you wanted, and the answer may sound diplomatic, but this is what I truly feel. Lastly, I believe "Value" is a magic word in the application process. If you can demostrate the value a Smeal MBA will bring to you and the value you will be able to add to Smeal program, you will be in a very good shape. Good luck!% O* g: u0 h; ^+ `7 `% b' l
# n- B, C3 W; p8 d0 n

) {8 j9 P" M8 K; j% y请教PSU,580+的TOEFL有可能被录取吗,如果GMAT700+,工作经历>8年(航天技术背景景),谢谢!9 f0 X: K- K5 a* W

% a* |: j# M- Y3 j9 \! D2 ~Please see the information I copied for you. I believe your GMAT score and working history are strong, and a 600+ TOEFL score will make your profile very competitive. Any other questions? Good luck! ; ?- O) A% G' K, h/ h( h% J
2 l( M1 k: N. O1 v3 N
The TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language) is required of all applicants whose native language is not English. International candidates who have not received a degree from a U.S. college or university must earn a score of 600 or better on the paper-based TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language) or 250 on the computer-based TOEFL. Scores must be sent directly to the Smeal College MBA office. (code 2660)
not applicable

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Rank: 11Rank: 11Rank: 11Rank: 11


荣誉版主 Economist QQ联合登录 Scorpio天蝎座 Golden Apple

发表于 2006-7-12 15:02:21 |只看该作者
What is the placement for Class of 2005?
/ }, g4 Q9 n& I8 b7 @4 D( B/ j! c& c/ ^7 e, n- w
' ^* `/ h' c  e
I don't think the 05 statistics has been released. However you can go to http://www.smeal.psu.edu/mba/stats.html to see 04 statistics. Generally speaking, 05 placement was much better than that of 04. 8 _! o/ U- n: l4 }" B2 m

  K( \- P8 T. r) `5 h6 a5 ]; ~4 MI believe the viewers of this discussion care more about the placement for students from mainland China. In 05 Class, the placement distribution is as following:
$ D" H: s# ?$ G9 G4 h
. A; b: E" r+ l  N* N: Y3 w3 supply chain management 5 o, ?( q9 W# q% N( R
7 S" _  w) ^/ a! l7 l( a
1 b2b marketing
8 r; q/ x; }5 D4 r! p2 y
0 |8 J- `  O6 }- \* \1 corporate finance
+ x# J8 z1 M* x6 c
6 `" c1 [' j0 [1 accounting
$ B/ c: l" m, t7 j
" Q; S- O4 |+ Y: I2 corporate finance (Beijing)
. @, T7 x! n( L- W! f+ \
8 _" \# }1 R2 S& c( T6 a/ k1 go for PHD
6 u+ t# t  n+ N, C
# b5 ]  _3 `0 u. c3 t1 I don't have information + X6 J% M4 y1 E
  \1 @. F2 l" d3 g0 N
Most of the employers for above students are Fortune 500 companies. 0 _) V$ b7 z  I
9 Q8 i2 }. c$ R  K
Is the info good enough for you? Should you have more questions, please let me know. Take care!
( D4 f5 Q* W4 y' K; _
8 |& o. \2 e( e6 `  o* u9 S1 v' [. B1 p) Q1 V. }  q

4 D$ ^0 E6 z! f* x  eAnother question, how about internship for class 2006?/ e- ]% ?* }3 y3 {; T; }

, r& ~) u3 @6 [7 z' fI don't have statistics for the internship distribution for class of 2006. Generally speaking, the percentage of students who secured at least one internship was higher than that of last year. For Chinese students specifically, everyone has an internship (if my memory serves me right). The major areas for intern hiring are finance and supply chain, almost 50-50.
6 V% _% ]! G$ L
' X. G8 H* `2 n/ I& c. x: H) B% z: C  c# D. K
) b8 r: [4 N9 v
. q4 A$ F, ^* n( C' {) @1 e美国学生有WORKING EXPERIENCE<2年的, 不过大陆来的同学好象一般有4/5年经验. 学校怎么看的? 我想当然是越长越好咯, 对学校排名有贡献嘛,当然这也不是铁板一块,如果其他方面都挺好的话,短一点的工作经历也无妨.
7 i4 f" n+ A& f/ G$ \- H" Z9 n
9 q$ D2 `* L5 ]! o; w
8 f; h4 n4 ]1 q) w4 O: X8 \! s4 J" Q# k: U8 c" e8 f
我当时好像是邮寄的hard copy成绩单,还有推荐信。等我问问看能不能上传soft copy.
! O2 `) w3 T; U
7 \* N9 `% P4 s0 k$ ]: t3 x3 g不过有个问题,成绩单都是学校开出来的,还盖有大红印章,如果上传soft copy的话,你怎么证明真实性呢?
not applicable

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Rank: 11Rank: 11Rank: 11Rank: 11


荣誉版主 Economist QQ联合登录 Scorpio天蝎座 Golden Apple

发表于 2006-7-12 15:05:20 |只看该作者
- {3 @6 {! j3 @6 }  ?, ?. P+ |7 Q8 P) N
% l3 n; v3 _) ]. Y8 Y) ?学校强调学生来源的多样性,这是肯定的,班级里大部分同学有商业背景,其他的同学有的原来是教师,有的是记者,有的来自非盈利组织, 医生好象还没有听说过, 也许做医生已经够好,就不想再念书了吧# G( m& z' _2 V$ v) F6 Q$ [" L
6 r+ d! o" B, |8 ~1 X5 z1 |
% Y: m; [6 ]) o3 \4 x6 v: n0 H
Thank you for your information first. I want to do career change and now is interested in finance. ( not sure corp finance or IB ) But you know, I am from IT and have no b/g on this field, though I am being studied the heavily-technically BS formula and term-structure models(HJM, BGM etc). In addition, I believe, before enrollment, I can have part knowledge of finance. Based on this information, could you tell me how possible to have career change successfully and how? If possible, provide me some successful cases around you. MFE is one way. However, here I just want to know MBA way. BTW, could you give PSU's financial aid information? Thank you very much.2 x! K) y. x0 \* |  y7 Z0 j7 t) j$ W

2 j; w# o$ v" L( ^" G5 S0 y3 FI believe career change is something case by case. MBA degree can never GUARANTEE a success in this regard.But I believe it's fair to say that with an MBA degree, a career change is more possible. % E8 S/ N1 u( F- o! E% ?
$ H  e: K  S  W7 T6 R! ^
I've seen cases of career change. Someone enters finance field with no previous finance background, even no business ground. To be honest with you, I found the requirement for relative experience is less strict for finance jobs than for other jobs.
3 d( C# K$ `% H) d1 x
0 o9 s# [& M( a6 E% A* m) xIf you want the general info for financial aid, the follwoing link will direct you to the useful site.http://www.smeal.psu.edu/mba/tuition.html( {$ Q" ]# |8 Y7 T
, e$ ~$ [. C, p
8 u0 e5 f3 Y# q, q+ U( ]
& w& K0 Y' E) ?8 ~3 D) d' e
请帮忙评估我这样的background 拿奖学金的概率高吗?500强通讯企业4年技术&市场工作(tech->product marketing),GMAT680(还没考 预计成绩 俺英语很差 非牛人),国内重点本科GPA很低(平均70/100)你觉得这样的情况 奖学金有戏吗?% z7 @; H. C/ ]9 ~7 ]* H

8 f8 Q& W* ~5 hThe average W/E for class entering in 2005 is 5 years. Mid-range GMAT is 720-560. I think you have a very competitive profile. If you can raise your GMAT score to over 700, I feel the chances of receiving financial aid will be larger.
. ^0 ^' r. q- H7 R% N0 @0 A! R1 e5 T

( L, \: J) _1 u: J; X7 h4 |麻烦你问一下,smeal还有一个专业是master of manufacuring management, 一年的,这个专业的具体情况怎么样?我的背景是本科computer engineering,研究生mechanical engineering,没有full time工作经验,但有假期的internship.谢谢' X8 `( s- R, ^' L7 A

6 q* [* z& n1 s) D( m坦白讲, 除了学供应链的同学外,一般的MBA学生对MMM不是很了解, 比如我. 我在学校网站上看了一下,也帮你问了一下, 希望下面的信息对你有用. ! p) {- v( h5 i& x
6 _' U; d7 e' U: A9 K1 P2 K
1,这个专业要求工程,技术的背景. 就这点来说, 你以前的专业是很吻合的.
! B: ^1 s! ~% _3 J  e( u+ T2 J/ q0 E$ ?: p/ p6 k- k
2,要求有一定的工作经验, 最好是生产制造行业的经验. 不过每年班上都会有应届的本科毕业生,所以入学前的实习也是可以被认做工作经验的. * q; {# @6 P4 l
7 ?" ~- {  d" g
3,如果你申请MBA的话, 可以在第二年开始攻读MMM,毕业时你会得到两个学位. 这样你在生产制造的企业里就很受欢迎了., K1 [% I; t$ g- P8 j; v

+ \& X* g- y  H贴个链接,有兴趣可以看看.
/ C5 f# q# g+ t# l0 T' d& E- W( G( |9 }# y% a) t! B+ a9 K
not applicable

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Rank: 11Rank: 11Rank: 11Rank: 11


荣誉版主 Economist QQ联合登录 Scorpio天蝎座 Golden Apple

发表于 2006-7-12 15:06:00 |只看该作者
Do you know whether it is difficult to find a job in the USA and stay there after graduation from smeal?( J7 r0 e0 H- B2 \4 T  q

. b9 C6 @6 f8 C0 U5 pBy the way, the ranking of Smeal is not in the Top50, does it disadvantage the future career? And is it worthing to study? By the way, I know it is strong in supply chain management. is this subject worthing to study?
; a, D. d( {. z

, D( v/ [% X( D3 H# Q$ M) g1 [; k/ j+ n# x8 v
8 b8 A; ]- H9 C( ]* L: C- R. @0 x' J* J
1, As far as I know, almost all Chinese graduates from SMEAL got jobs in US if they determined to do so. The job market in US this year is better than that of previous years, so I believe it will be even easier to secure a job. An important trend in most recent years for MBA's from China was to go back China. Many feel that they would develop themselves faster in fast growing China. Another point of doing so was to avoid glass ceilings of career development. ( U4 C3 |1 p# Y( k: V( m$ Y
+ p$ d( a3 q$ D" P* }. N9 f
2, SMEAL remains in Top 50 according to most of important rankings. Disadvantage? I don't think so. Yes, SMEAL's strength in supply chain is well-known. However, that is not the only shining point. SMEAL's finance and marketing are strong too. ! u+ L* \5 i) G% @9 g; c

$ X. w+ v) c' T" |6 n9 H3, Supply chain is comparatively new to China's industries, so knowing more in SCM will provide you with more competitive advantage. :) Is supply chain a good portfolio to devote to? I believe the answer will be based on your own choice. Do you want a career in SCM or not?
2 s2 J+ w% k: a2 ^6 x
4 r2 I/ |- R# _I hope this response answered your questions. If you have further questions, please post them here. I will try my best to answer them. Good luck!
not applicable

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Rank: 11Rank: 11Rank: 11Rank: 11


荣誉版主 Economist QQ联合登录 Scorpio天蝎座 Golden Apple

发表于 2006-7-12 15:07:12 |只看该作者
Which school is better if i want to go to finance: michigan state U, ohio state U or penn state U,   another question is in the second year do u pay in state tuition or out state tuition7 r1 b; V% s) I6 y, a2 p

( ~- k- X6 p9 z0 lPenn State!
! }8 {6 Q, n0 o+ L  S$ a
; ]% r: J  o7 Q4 R. T2 mTo be honest with you, SMEAL's finance is really strong, although it may not match those big name top schools. The faculties are very knowledgable and have strong experience in both academics and businesses. You can find alumni and employers in almost every parts of U.S., especially in Northeast and Mid-Atlantic. I feel what we learnt here in finance is really really solid and that will surely prepare SMEAL graduates well enough to start new careers. If you are looking for big names, SMEAL may not be a right place for you. (I believe one day it will be one of the big names too.)As wise finance people, we should comapre ROIs. And SMEAL is the place that offers great ROI.8 _2 q$ a: b% @8 l3 a
0 i1 s9 ^3 i4 T& L
As for the second year tuition, if you are paying out state tuition in first year, you will pay out state tuition in second year too. Good luck!
. ]) n/ [* r7 m& S0 K: ~/ q
2 w/ n2 B2 u1 A' y+ y3 W! @- |, Y( r, D4 F5 h2 M) @: B' ^' x, h+ K2 Q
: n' G# H7 f0 f3 x9 C) h
interview的时候会问些什么问题?$ _' M5 ]% }4 l& \; S6 h2 _) o+ i4 M
% E$ D) f. p/ R! G2 y
5 H3 C- q" K7 O& H. L7 N- B/ u
9 d" U4 m: t; a, ~. p8 B: t" F1, Why MBA?
" b4 V( r9 c4 K$ q! l2 F  N3 z! {* l( E# O
2, Why Penn State? * s( E, A0 h0 y( n: W7 J

% A. ]) X. I0 G. ^# `# [3, 用实例来说明你在以前工作学习中展示的领导能力。 1 A% X! L; T* i5 K
' r9 h! ]" D: j! g1 v7 N0 k
( U/ q/ H% `& v. x  @$ d# F$ W
6 @0 D, [! |7 k; l5,你取得的最大成就是什么。
2 M. p7 D* f9 s7 X* a: J3 r
1 \4 x, h% z$ A" o. c6,你认为自己最大的弱点是什么。 # q4 b. f( a; G- a7 K- e
0 t% ]0 N7 K5 g  j) b
7,你的职业发展规划是怎样的. 5年以后/10年以后 7 z6 I' c; X4 h$ Z  \+ S

: U. s) F- F' u! v大概就是这类的问题,很BEHAVIOR BASED,如果你在中国的话,多半是电话面试,半个小时到45分钟,气氛应该不紧张,面试前把自己的简历和ESSAYS多看几遍,不要让面试官觉得他/她比你还熟就行了。嘿嘿。。。
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荣誉版主 Economist QQ联合登录 Scorpio天蝎座 Golden Apple

发表于 2006-7-12 15:09:16 |只看该作者
I intend to apply for MBA of your school this year. When I review application materials I have some questions, could you help clarify:
) u; x' s0 Q' d" Q7 ^) [# }- a( x' u9 f- `+ W; a5 t. E3 D$ @
Per Financial statement, I have bought a house in China, can the copy of real estate ownership certificate be a finanicial statement proof?
$ q/ @4 i+ M) y* w, M# |) v) cI am preparing for on line submission, I want to know if some off -line documents like financial statement or official GMAT/TOEFL score sheet are nesessary before deadline. I am now asking bank and ETS to prepare the documents to send SMEAL, I cannot promise if they can arrive just before Dec 1st. If they are late for the deadline, will SMEAL still accept my application as round 1? ! L( \/ _# \& Y& g# Q7 K, \/ f
6 l( T( G$ Y5 Y) H, t1 W
Your answer will be highly apprecaited.

& V  M4 \( j8 R* p  s0 E
5 g, {9 `' |5 X8 O& ~8 u, U% K) S9 J# W
hi,- n5 T; b! E9 Q+ n3 Q

! [# d7 o& v3 y' q. B" ?1, I believe real estate ownship certificate will not be considered as a financial statement by the shool. But it's helpful to show your bond to home country when you interview with visa officers.% `& G' D4 H/ Z. W/ K  R
# \. i- N, Y0 E% X; i% W7 H! {
2, I think as long as the online application package is done by Dec.1, you will be considered as Round 1. I will ask our admissions managers and come back to you.By the way, I didn't see you mention your transcript and recommendations. When you send out the package, don't forget them please. :)
& J7 H9 Y6 R6 S2 a
2 I  R; \1 d, s" d
. B3 W4 h7 |9 _. E$ q; ?When I requested my TOEFL/GMAT score report through ETS, I filled in department code 00 for undergraduate program not 02 for management school. Is it a big problem?
6 t6 x2 M4 g3 W5 L; s1 n, ?
% w* s/ l  j& l' E2 o3 K( `, z2 ~Our code is 2660. If you filled in this one, I think you are OK. Meanwhile, you can check your status on our online application system.
1 |" c; `* b  L+ p# ~
2 B/ m0 b7 V, `! ^
! B' Q* }; c: W3 y/ v! J# j1. "By the way, I didn't see you mention your transcript and recommendations. When you send out the package, don't forget them please. :) "
3 }+ l% p; g) i; Z5 ?5 b# Y; A$ c* \- R6 ]# r9 g# Z& x
Do you mean that we can send the transcript and recommendations by post, not necessarily on line? According to PSU's website, all applications to the Smeal MBA Program must be completed online.
7 z. n1 [; v$ m: B9 x' i# F
0 v, z0 F2 j4 M3 c2. Shall I submit the application first and offer my financial statement after I get the admission offer?
! q9 |2 W4 F2 b' ?: O
0 r9 H8 N8 O: x) u3 t4 b
1, You must compete your application online and you need to submit official transcript (hard copy) as well. I mentioned recommendation letters b/c some reference prefer to fill in the paper forms.
' M* m% V" q& e+ }: O2 G
& J2 C7 `; I2 o, u$ u: B; _/ v2, You can save the financials for next step. To meet the deadline, I think it's more urgent for you to complete the application.   F# X9 L8 K0 N$ l+ C& y

4 X+ w+ `: X3 p7 Y) a7 s% m, p- m! D& N2 a" I
will GPA plays key role on the application, since my GPA in my first university is below 3?. @, ~4 t- w6 \

# K  s% t# p# H7 x2 c5 J& kTo be honest, I believe GMAT and working experience are more important than GPA. And what really counts is the overall evaluation, not an evaluation against a single standard. Good luck!
not applicable

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荣誉版主 Economist QQ联合登录 Scorpio天蝎座 Golden Apple

发表于 2006-7-12 15:11:01 |只看该作者
thank you so much for your help on us. I have a question on the transcript, when I check the website, it is said that we should circulate a photocopy of our transcript for their early check, does it means when they ask the original copy I should send that?
6 |9 D/ H0 V' N2 q' t+ Q* f+ b( ]. q4 s5 v. n/ w: O' B
Secondly, PSU doesn't require the words number of essay. It just mentioned the maximum is one page. A lot of other universities regulate the line space and character size. What should I deal with the essay for PSU? I found it really difficult to condense each essay within 400 words.
7 c) E$ L( K0 |8 \. E

; T& Q) a$ I: B" ~1,Original copy means hard copy with your undergraduate school's official stamps. These transcripts are sealed by school sometimes.
7 \. {2 w/ m5 |' }' f( c3 n! Z8 [4 X: Q( A# A
2,The purpose of setting one-page limit is to keep application process fair to all the applicants. If you really have hard time in condense your essay into one page, I think it's ok for you to change the font size and space a little bit.
# N1 N! w$ b* p* ?/ w* c
% L( Z* u% ~8 v  O+ s1 O2 O
, b7 w8 H- U7 b+ {
8 |4 _' P- Y- G* c& }Could you tell me more about the Institute for the Study of Business Markets and the e-Business Research Center? How do those research centers work? 0 Z+ k6 i* b2 r2 r
; s" S- ]- Z# z: I
The official info is available here http://www.smeal.psu.edu/isbm/ . You can find info about this organization, its events, its members and etc.4 k4 P& L! [  p! b0 H, q$ Z

, y* u2 a8 J" mDr. Oliva teaches Brand Management and Integrated Marketing Communication and co-teaches B2B. These are all great classes. If you have further intests, you can visit www.ralpholiva.com 6 o9 U6 e9 z) f8 Y# a+ V

. Y) G7 `( I, M& }* lI am not familar with the e-biz center. The link to its webpage is as following:
) J$ a- U7 d+ O% T& g* k; {7 X; J8 m3 F
http://www.smeal.psu.edu/ebrc/. Hope the information on there can address your needs.
not applicable

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荣誉版主 Economist QQ联合登录 Scorpio天蝎座 Golden Apple

发表于 2006-7-12 15:13:01 |只看该作者
Smeal 是不是在奖学金方面比较慷慨。道听途说来的。不知道是不是真的,请大虾指点一下!
# ?' w$ e5 B+ e  l& O, n9 u/ t
5 m! Y# m2 k& r( E6 gOver 1/3 of the class have full assistantships. These assistantships carry a full tuition waiver and monthly stipend. Really good packages are waiting for you guys...
+ f  T/ T* `+ U7 r+ R  O0 {% d! h( A- @6 f' I, R- h0 h
The number of applicants to Penn State exploded this year. If you want to see Joe Pa in person, you'd better hurry up...' Y6 P; R1 i/ b5 d; z2 S" x
3 l- h" n5 }: }9 B
, [& C5 Q+ m% _- B  x6 v
9 i0 B& m& `$ _- Z8 a
Do I need related experience if I want to jump into supply chain management? what industry experience is prefered?
: A2 A: B4 z  n* N  J/ k  t& }1 I7 |: [  A2 _( p
No previous related experience is required when you choose a portfolio. All you need is a strong interest in that portfolio.
) P- N1 b# s: ~' W! ~% w1 J5 a; e  V' @9 k

; C: M/ e3 |+ U9 O& @7 l' x7 j% K9 u2 Y$ e' Y
我接到INVTERVIEW 通知, 请问需要做何准备呢?
9 q& A0 d) i; t( E5 w. B
. Z5 _4 Z7 N! A其实Penn State的面试问题不是很刁钻,我建议你好好回顾一下你的工作/学习经历,看看如何能结合他们说明这样几个问题:
. z' l+ ?/ l8 e5 e  u) p, G$ e8 G" L/ e7 a- E* X- S/ x% ], t6 k! P
1,Why MBA?! f; h# j0 j4 `1 c$ P: T% ?

& E. H* s& o2 D3 T2 L2.Why Penn State?
$ g, ^7 c' o5 J# W  l
! ?! f& C  ]2 o& X* O3,Why at this point?7 |* s& B0 J* s
; J! ^" k4 t0 C' p9 i5 e. R/ Y
4,What's your career plan?Short term/long term?0 C; I2 B! S; U# W2 U

( v+ Y( w) r7 }7 @% c5 n5,Use examples to demostrate how you worked in a team/leadship skills.1 s2 X, y% |, E' B. z) l7 y

% |" r9 a5 P/ g) `' z3 n6,What's your biggest failure in your professional experience?What did you learn from it?
% K) r" R( V# w' m4 I- `' i% |6 h! B" `: n8 _  Y0 O) D
可以问的问题还有很多,不过万变不离其中,重要的是你能结合以往经历和你对未来的规划,突出说明1,Penn State的MBA能给你带来价值,你也能为学校带来价值。2,Penn State和你的职业发展计划是很好的MATCH.
not applicable

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荣誉版主 Economist QQ联合登录 Scorpio天蝎座 Golden Apple

发表于 2006-7-12 15:15:29 |只看该作者
The us news ranks MIT, MSU, OSU as the top 3 universities for SCM, so is PSU really stronger in SCM than those 3 universities?1 K: n. Y3 U4 J0 m% h
* J/ k( I% _! X: _! p2 R8 K5 R
I believe PSU is in the same tier as those three schools in SCM. They are have great SCM program.
! V7 l2 M- `- a  x
- [" y9 m" g1 X/ }! `" q
5 e- ]. u9 [0 m
6 n  z% C" H  g我看了学校的网页,上面说得到ta/ra的学生可以免除学费,而且每个月还有生活费。请问生活费由多少?嘿嘿。。。0 k! n6 j, u% s5 s: F

% r: n% a; D+ R6 f8 c! D2 GThe package detail is not released yet. Currently, the stipend is somewhere around $600/Month on a 10 hour/week assignment. In you second year, you may have chance to upgrade to a 20 hour/week assignment and that will double the pay.
6 f; E! X  L* ^( d  B/ L8 U# q* K+ S2 I" ~3 v" N. X' K
GA package also covers a big share of your insurance...isn't it great!
! l8 q& b% V- U4 x% ~6 x3 ~
, }! D4 O9 L8 Q) a" i6 [+ w6 \  ?' d8 ?7 ?& U

8 D( X1 O( \$ X3 A随着大家对于PSU的了解,申请的人也就增加了,那么竞争就强了。
' w+ m/ n9 T* a- \
" l/ }6 B9 a5 k; Z/ s* uGMAT 700, T 610,
3 Z, P6 s, {$ b# o5 r
" s, u/ l/ r8 f! G1 A7 fBachelor in P.E, GPA 3.2
$ |6 T5 Q- _* y7 G. c
$ U+ u9 `& [0 m$ z* ^9 {Master in sports management, GPA 3.2
7 F( N0 N" ]/ ]1 L3 X' m" Y0 K# @- g4 x4 U$ i% F% H& Q
) ]% G+ L! ]0 _: Y  n, r! {$ c. @+ I  w: s! z$ ~
: ?8 I. x. f* M5 p( @* x% m" V. H7 h! L! p4 D* z# X% |
1。不知道我这样的背景有没有希望被录取和申请到你说的GA?8 e! L9 Q8 M* o6 V+ M

! d2 h, V9 `' ^/ \4 x3 y2。由于我的行业特殊,那么我在申请时应该如何发挥优势,避免劣势?
: T' V2 D' ?& H0 l0 m) z& f5 j; g
8 {1 O8 h+ g5 o6 D9 @3。如果毕业我想做赛事营销,或者大公司的体育赞助部门工作(such as Coca-Cola or Nike),那么应该申请PSU哪个专业?

( t" w( J6 |" T: w8 |
9 z0 ]: z% _1 T) X4 |2 V. Y1。你的GMAT,TOEFL都很好呀,唯一低于平均水平的是工作时间。PENN STATE的入学前平均工作时间是5年。GA的发放并不仅仅基于几项硬性指标,我觉得你是很有希望的。* i5 Q: }! ?6 r

4 d& N, W0 i0 b3 [& a2。老实说,我觉得行业特殊在录取的时候并没有什么劣势,因为学校追求学生来源多样性。 我个人认为,对于背景特殊的学生来说,更多的要考虑的是在毕业求职的时候如何发挥优势,避免劣势。
; L4 }: P) E7 G, |- M, O$ _9 ~7 B0 {3 k' f! [0 l- |  ?8 W
3。因为你想做营销,所以我想当然得认为你会读MARKETING. 你说的专业是指 MBA的方向还是其他的硕士/博士专业?
not applicable

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荣誉版主 Economist QQ联合登录 Scorpio天蝎座 Golden Apple

发表于 2006-7-12 15:18:15 |只看该作者
如果我申请MBA,以后做我上述的体育营销,那么PSU MBA的哪个方向适合我呢?
% p1 G8 s6 f% V, m3 G, c, }, k
Corporate Innovation and Entrepreneurship
& w1 G4 k- @  f0 EProduct and Market Development
. L0 G# _! t% e- q. MStrategic Leadership

! ^1 w6 |5 [: `) H
! k& }- m6 O/ S* JPrimary portfolio: Product and Market Development
* h% M( z1 W/ B
$ @/ \/ T/ L. M- i3 g) n6 VSecondary portfolio: Corporate Innovation and Entrepreneurship
( y. R% k4 p& Z" w1 ^- C2 M% K) V4 b
Strategic Leadership 的内容与企业的宏观决策比较相关,与marketing的直接连接不多。记得去年NFL有来我们这里招marketing的intern,也许以后会有更多的你感兴趣的公司。
) O1 U6 y2 v3 F. Z% W: `/ u( R
) U( C: B! b3 f& O4 g# S5 t6 ~$ H" e5 p! U$ x
可以回答我几个问题吗? 要申请2006,可是才刚动手/// 急!
- r- l& E8 R0 i1 s4 X/ z4 K: k
9 q( ]* Z. y2 z. J1 U7 U1.Gmat大概平均多少?
' J! ^' v) B8 ]3 _0 ?

. X( b. Y( R6 {没法说平均。。。。据我所知道,今年的几个中国同学中间,拿到GRADUATE ASSISTANTSHIP的几个同学,是680-710左右。
, A9 l3 R; B* c$ W6 q2 l3 U( K( K
% V# T! ?$ Y- v0 M( ~' i0 A  ~  T没拿GA的几个同学,在680以下了。/ [8 N- ^% u: ~/ g. ]( v  ]# l' c

7 A+ p8 f) V1 }+ @  A1 `2.一月初网上添申请会不会太完?+ u& K, ~0 g8 _7 m! {, w" ^  ~' O
绝对不晚。/ m8 i7 @& u$ J+ X: k1 C# X# x
. s4 m* o0 q+ p; ~' g, `
3. 有supply chain经验,学markketing 可以吗?+ a: }/ b. R' g( J% |5 N+ g
没有问题的。8过我个人觉得学SUPPLY CHAIN比较好吧。这边最出名的就是这个方向。6 S* T$ ]  {3 g
# M1 |5 a/ b4 Y' i. s% W4 O" K9 l
4.如果本科的学校只提供成绩,没换算成GPA 可以吗?
& G0 Z4 s" I% [2 E/ q  [9 v
; ?6 A8 F+ Z- S! c6 B. T我觉得是没有问题的。您直接和ADCOM说一下就好了。他们会自己算。2 [) Y; n. w. g* i- x: J

. ], s' {2 w# T' T+ e3 I& y# L我都要急坏了,年纪也不小了,真的不想再等了..... 谢谢谢谢!!!+ A+ k: ~2 l  W- {8 ~! w7 V2 \! [

5 G- k$ v3 S- t$ x5 ^4 I8 e' Q# Z不着急不着急,我们这边好几个同学都三十朝上呢。。。! V* j1 I. E3 f% L* F( S
. D/ l6 k) q4 t4 [/ P
$ S6 p9 |* }  E6 c4 c
2 e0 T% b8 A3 H; N4 A
Could you please heve a look at my questions as below?
2 T) ^! b# \0 X# }: v8 e, z* A2 Z! \2 {6 g( j
Basic information: T607,G640, working in a international US firm headquatering in Penn state for about 5 years, in supply chain field, but plan to study in accounting or finance;have not been a manager.
7 ~2 R+ J5 a& A, B3 H' p1 x8 u
7 P# q7 ]2 I/ O+ {$ e: WSince I just finished GMAT, I just started applying... is it too late? Is my score of GMAT not enough? Is my plan of changing to accounting or finance possible?

, t9 p# P$ y1 V+ D9 [/ v* Z; E# T( Y5 e7 Z( F- V
* I( K" y+ g! f' e( S( x2 X' u; f/ Z7 F2 k+ n9 O
现在申请不晚。6 I4 `1 V) Z) ?7 g" w' C
+ L+ L( J( e% F  Z/ b- X
3 y8 r, ^7 I7 |! N! _
7 b0 g7 U; T& A) I: @1 a) X至于换方向是不是可能,这不好说的。不过,无论您申请的时候说要念什么方向,真的进了PROGRAM,还是可以换的,没有关系的。
not applicable

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荣誉版主 Economist QQ联合登录 Scorpio天蝎座 Golden Apple

发表于 2006-7-12 15:20:01 |只看该作者
我是在国内的,所以一直担心GMAT分不够.已经决定要试一试, 正全力准备资料呢!/ N) ]2 j" l  w2 ~# R9 {! N

* c& [$ ~- p7 D看来我是不是应该先申请SUPPLY CHAIN胜算要大一点呢?
4 [  W2 J9 {  T' L3 \; w

% k0 T. ?5 ^7 o/ O% P个人觉得,只要可以自圆其说就有胜算。如果说申请SUPPLY CHAIN方向,算CAREER ENHANCEMENT,的确也许更加convincing.您可以联系几个在读的同学聊聊,或者找校友聊聊,看看他们的看法。5 c) S) W# L3 |

1 {8 L8 `7 N! Z: V( N$ X
+ l2 z% p4 Y4 X6 f3 v; }2 t7 p9 x$ c! i9 }$ r
我现在人就在Penn State. 有7年很好的工作背景,在一家500强的美国公司工作4年,是做operation 的,职位是Supply Chain Manager .我是公司的第一个员工,为公司做了很多贡献.工作得到我的上司的肯定! 给我写推荐信的是一位是美国人,亚太区的总裁(我是他招聘进来的), 另外一位是奥地利人,我的直接上司,他来中国之前是美洲的Manufacturing Director,是在美国那Ph.D的.他们都很肯定和欣赏我的工作和我的personality.本科毕业于西北的一所重点大学,可惜GPA很低.70-80/100.我们学校早期毕业的学生的GPA都是很低的.在我们班同学第一名的GPA也就80-90/100.我是今年6月份才计划上MBA的.9月考的GMAT.才650.根据我的了解,以我的工作经验,这个分数申请一些学校, 还是可以的. 可是最致命的一点是我的托福才577.今年11份在中国考的.现在重考也来不及了,我现在正在准备申请的Essay .
) {' Y4 d+ U8 \' {0 G1 F  s$ O% }7 D
% _& u- T$ S3 Y/ A1 R* e
# _3 I& W5 R7 Z/ T, j

+ m. C. B0 Y) s) R4 |' a$ L我觉得TOEFL有点麻烦,GPA倒是低就低点,您那些分数,不算低了。2 Y$ }: X4 T$ _4 o5 w/ m6 ]
# @& ?9 A& g- W
TOEFL不如马上重考,在美国考机考,应该来得及,考到600以上比较好。& `3 E9 K% `5 ~9 L

9 {: t: A3 }. j2 z2 r# t您就在PENN STATE, 强烈建议直接到系里来找ADCOM的Carry 或者David谈谈,试试和他们约个时间啊什么的,哪怕简单谈谈,让他们认识你,会有帮助。而且,如果您的先生在PENN STATE念书,您可以告诉ADCOM,他们会考虑家庭因素。1 @' N0 D+ l+ n& ~
/ E7 D0 X# l# I* ], P
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荣誉版主 Economist QQ联合登录 Scorpio天蝎座 Golden Apple

发表于 2006-7-12 15:26:16 |只看该作者
如果第二轮申请被拒, 还能申请同一年第三轮吗?如果行, 怎样操作?我背景不行, 不想要奖学金, 就想申请SMEAL, 是否应等到第三轮申请(我在宾洲), 那样会不会机会大些? 4 ?# Y- G8 m2 K! M" ]) ?
$ ?7 h1 t: w/ ~$ j
1,admission应该只会接受一次申请,如果你的材料没有任何变化,多次申请也不会增加改变录取决定的可能性。 + F" D# k! A* z1 S  L  x+ P
9 k9 M4 Q% s- \( ?/ H1 U, U, |  @6 J2 l" y
) {1 s+ B* ]: |5 b" ~0 Y) s' M
/ Y4 @$ y8 I8 M' m3 Y1 R% R3 U) qSmeal的教学质量如何?就业情况怎么样?如果选finance,一般情况下都能找到什么样的finance工作?大部分进公司、银行还是其他的financial services?谢谢!
% n, P; d* [2 ^3 Y) A. V+ |' h4 @3 _/ m( v0 a2 K9 b1 @$ B( _+ ?
在smeal,有两个方向是和finance相关的,corporate finance 和 investment。coporate finance的学生大多去做公司财务, investment的学生多去金融机构(银行和信用卡公司比较多一点)。 从人数上说,学公司财务的学生至少是学投资的学生的两倍。. J  e6 x" i- P" k

' n4 [- k" R0 |1 i' U  ^( u5 r0 ^1 ~) u5 o+ Y6 ?: P
能否說說 strategic leadership 課程的評價 ?
% D6 |9 M3 n1 _# K2 r6 g+ o- F9 `# S6 N* g1 m' I8 X, z. A2 E
坦白地说,选这个方向的学生没有其他几个方向多,倒是有不少人把这个作为自己的第二方向。 / v( h  F% f: D; A

. Z( a/ r$ V; g* Q) r4 ~" \% Z有大牛教授在执掌这个方向的课程,可我感觉对于国际学生找工作来说,这个方向没有财务或者供应链实惠。$ R/ [) ?, Q- S# E8 ^; b: ~' z
( x9 n1 [9 I1 z- G& r; R
" q, L- Z( E! ]& ?
PSU是把operation的方向放在corporation innivation and entrepreneuship还是supply chain management里?4 V/ q) }6 h$ v! L% X5 m
; d# p  u; x! ~: r1 H. \) n4 S8 ]
Supply chain management. 我记得我去年学的供应链的课本名字就叫operations management.
  j  x' _  Y' y* t/ Y2 H! ?  n/ q  b) T5 J: d5 D: w$ C9 [/ M* b; p# p! k

2 A* l( n3 O+ w5 z; G想问一下,PSU两年MBA实际的学费要多少?如果GPA不高,有没有希望拿奖学金?谢谢!!!!& g% F0 J3 \  s
- A+ Z$ Q8 B: n, j* F7 N1 X5 _7 M
关于费用,请参考:" ]$ F: X( ^" _$ ?( K
- V9 `* I1 z: N: J! n. g8 [
http://www.smeal.psu.edu/mba/tuition.html2 g8 Z& g' |+ H/ W7 Y5 V7 i

9 j3 _3 Z/ f) ~5 pGPA并不是决定因素,希望当然是有的。其他因素包括G/T,工作历史,面试...
  t3 E) Q3 ^- p: e5 t- }+ a. R7 g5 @7 B
  _" U" `- q: G# w8 F  T' g  h

4 _6 S3 {: c9 c2 r4 e: W2 y" ]我专业是学贸易的,好像和那个supply chain没什么关系吧?不知道可不可以申请这个专业? 谢谢!!
# L0 ^2 q2 {6 N  }
# W2 A. m; }6 v2 V) K当然可以,只要你有志于从事这方面的工作3 V0 E  _: U( ^! _  Q

6 W; c* b7 U! Y$ [  u6 H9 I1 X0 ]" {0 ~# l

* ]4 n: l/ M3 W1 B* y欧在****工作,任务就是为民营企业服务,包括帮助他们寻找投资和技术等。
' P% t% ?3 C) `8 a- `' {0 n5 ?* ]' S* o9 L5 u' C7 ]
欧原来在写why MBA和goals时,写short-goal是回国到一家management consulting 公司,为民营企业提供管理方面,尤其是企业长期战略方面的咨询(因为在工作中看到很多民企还是家族式管理,缺乏战略意识)。
2 r& q# ~) Z0 m( C. P9 n7 a; J% f2 D5 k
但是我的担心是,看完您2位前面的帖子,似乎PSU在strategy leadership这个方面(如果按照我的short-term goal,就要念这个方向了吧)不太强,念的学生也不太多。那么如果我这样写的话,学校会不会认为我的目标和他们的program 不match呢?就你们所知,有米有学生毕业后到consulting firm呢?
" `- _8 K1 p- Z% Y: `$ N# `6 S7 }

5 B& D' z2 h1 |2 y4 a不会,学校希望各个专业都齐头并进呢。我原来说的意思是,如果你读consulting,在就业的时候选择比其他更热门的专业的学生要少一些。可是,如果你自己有打算的话,这就不一定是一个问题了。我想只要你在申请的文件里把自己的想法说清楚,招办的人不会觉得奇怪的。想想欧们还有来自非营利组织,军队,学校和blablabla的学生呢,你的背景比他们的和商业有关联得多。
' q3 C" {  t: J  g( v4 k- U% B7 c+ @/ h

% c8 }' @& i& _8 @1 y欧还有一个想法,就是写我的short-term goal是回国为民营企业做finance方面的consulting.因为我在工作中看到许多企业财务管理混乱,所以在吸引外商投资时,外商多次因此中止谈判。这样写的好处是因为Corporate finance 是Smeal的一个强项。但是缺点是,偶米有finance方面的背景,据说学校会因此怀疑我的学术能力,因为finance牵扯到很多数字方面的咚咚吧。
- f9 F/ r# Z0 P* a! h0 c7 \( [) I
% v  l" W4 g7 y' F0 `6 s老实说,我也不觉得这是个问题。有的同学一点财务背景也没有,一样被录取,而且学得很好呀。“来读书就是来学习的,如果都会,而且还很强,那还读什么呢?”这是我的师兄送给我的话,我现在转送给你。
not applicable

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荣誉版主 Economist QQ联合登录 Scorpio天蝎座 Golden Apple

发表于 2006-7-12 15:29:01 |只看该作者
刚才查了一下,昨天给我面试的人叫David Lenze, associate Director of Admissions, 真的希望自己不要折掉啊,还要和哥哥团聚呢.555555. 感觉自己应该有很多东西说的,但是当时可能比较紧张,有点词不达意. 那个人说我的经历和别人不太一样,因为我在supply chain, sales and marketing都做过,也不知道他会不会考虑一下diversity.期待ing.
& l: l$ M8 r6 n# `' |$ t: C2 o: i6 i# L% s3 S1 R
对了,一般面试完多久会收到消息啊?我也忘了问今年有多少人申请第一轮,大概的录取比例有多少.+ P& q  j' X$ X" f" O% C% _* c2 z
$ o$ c* U8 \1 N) F: y1 H* Q
往年的经验是啥样的? 还有,奖学金是在什么基础上给的啊? GMAT 700有戏吗?

" D+ d* I2 x8 {  T# z) r3 V* M
3 l4 g2 y$ q, S7 R7 q" R4 b& C你是第一轮还是第二轮呀?第二轮的申请马上要截至了,admission非常忙,我猜二月初以前你大概不会收到什么消息。
  ?3 U$ h( o1 X8 t- \; s6 ^
2 |3 V1 C$ \2 X1 l* q. D今年的申请人数和去年同期相比上升了至少30%,录取比例我就知之不祥了。
* K( {6 O% f, T0 J: x, t
- b) R! g) E( h- p6 ]奖学金的发放是基于各项评估的总体质量,并不是只看分数,这个我们以前讨论过。700 有戏吗?怎么说呢, 还要看你的其他材料和其他学生的情况。 : v0 M$ K6 j: B# Z( k+ o( m
( j: J0 U  X5 U: N9 R4 r: i! x! U8 J
我很希望我能回答你所有的问题,可是有的问题我确实不知道确切的答案。抱歉! 如果你有什么疑问,在这里又得不到解答的,我建议你给DAVID写信。他是个非常热心,非常和气的人。
/ f) p+ R: @1 P1 z
* x2 d! F% S& ~+ l8 S# b; {- `8 ~- r/ U$ B) _

( }) `4 d6 u. g1 ~2 I虽然面试感觉不好,但还是要给大家一些经验,以下是我面试时候碰到的题目( k" e6 B: o- Z- t, E" ]) L1 P, o

# \) [& y/ O7 g# W; A# l$ B让我比较郁闷的是面试官说他已经看过我的resume和essay了,所以我们不需要重复这些,他希望了解更多。然后就是一系列的问题
- ^5 q, f- @; A+ ~; w6 w/ B  `( v& S7 B" D6 s- x
1。tell me some moment when were most stressful# q+ f, A( z/ w- X+ [! c. H, o) m
2. share some experience of team work
; I7 K9 A3 o) Y3 V8 Q3. your weakness
+ c9 |( u2 B4 x& v. }6 U4. what's your view about good leader.
+ ]7 ?) n! m0 D. |2 G# |5 J. R* y+ R; y
听起来都挺常规的,但是答起来发现都不那么常规。而且举例子的时候不能举essay上面的,David说了,他看过essay了,所以想从别的地方了解一些。还有两个问题我不记得了,哦,是why MBA, why smeal。
! d" t+ E# z# A) V
% e% s) ?$ u9 g# c# i差不多就是这个样子,希望可以对后来的面试的同学有帮助。
. V5 V) {7 D2 ]' E1 a6 I( c5 X

  a) o% E) k- g- W8 x有的时候准备多一点内容是必要的,不能每个问题只准备一个答案,有一次面试官问我:请你举出你的三个最大的弱点。我曾经很认真的想过怎么介绍我的最大的弱点和准备怎么克服,可这个问题还是让我觉得措手不及。
not applicable

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