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[a习作temp] ARGUMENT99 【MathSCU 10G】第13次作业 [复制链接]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2007-7-23 23:28:26 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
TOPIC: ARGUMENT99 - The following appeared in a memo from the economic minister of the small country Paucia.

"Using a newly developed variety of seed, farmers in our neighboring country Abundia produced 80 percent more rice last year than in any previous year. To increase the income of farmers in our own country, we should encourage them to cultivate this new variety of rice rather than some of their traditional crops. Such high yields of rice will also improve our country's balance of trade by enabling us to begin exporting it."
TIME: 00:30:00          DATE: 2007-7-23 20:57:53

To begin with, the arguer fails to provide any evidence to prove the causal relationship between the new variety of seed and the increase of rice production in Abundia. It is entirely possible that as the farmers use the new seed, they adopted new methods to protect the crops from pests, such as new pesticide; or perhaps the government in Abundia has announced some policy about agriculture, encouraging the farmers to plant more rice; or perhaps the agriculture technologies, such as modern apparatus or new irrigation technology, are brought in, which leads to the harvest of rice.  

Furthermore, even if the new kind of seed can really contribute to high yield of rice, the arguer can not claim it is suitable for Paucia. The arguer ignores the agriculture condition differences of the two countries, such as climate, soil condition, and irrigation technology. As we know, growing rice needs a lot of water. It is probable that in Abundia there are several rivers flowing across, while in Paucia there lacks enough water to irrigate rice. Or perhaps the temperature in Paucia is too low to grow rice. Without ruling out such possible conditions disparity, the arguer can not make a sound conclusion.

Moreover, even if the rice can grow well in Paucia, it can not necessarily improve the country's balance, for the arguer does not provide any information about the international trade of the country. Maybe Paucia is famous for economic crops, such as coco or rare fruits, which other countries would like buy than rice. Or perhaps most countries are not need to input rice. If that, the increase of rice production in Paucia may not improve its trade balance.

To sum up, the argument is not convincing as it stands. To substantiate the conclusion, the arguer should provide more evidence to justify the necessary relationship between the seed change and the rice production increase in Abundia. Additionally, the arguer must prove the new kind of rice can grow well in Paucia. The trade record of Paucia is also needed to prove the harvest of rice can truly improve its trade balance.


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Rank: 5Rank: 5

发表于 2007-7-24 22:00:44 |只看该作者

回复 #1 jiafeimaoxyz 的帖子

To begin with, the arguer fails to provide any evidence to prove the causal relationship between the new variety of seed and the increase of rice production in Abundia. It is entirely possible that as the farmers use the new seed, they adopted new methods to protect the crops from pests, such as new pesticide; or perhaps the government in Abundia has announced some policy about agriculture, encouraging the farmers to plant more rice; or perhaps the agriculture technologies, such as modern apparatus or new irrigation-irrigated technology, are brought in, which leads to the harvest of rice.  

Furthermore, even if the new kind of seed can really contribute to high yield of rice, the arguer can not claim it is suitable for Paucia. The arguer ignores the agriculture condition differences of the two countries, such as climate, soil condition, and irrigation technology. As we know, growing rice needs a lot of water. It is probable that in Abundia there are several rivers flowing across, while in Paucia there lacks enough water to irrigate rice. Or perhaps the temperature in Paucia is too low to grow rice. Without ruling out such possible conditions disparity, the arguer can not make a sound conclusion.还可以说农民的口味,对已有粮食的认可度已经很高了

Moreover, even if the rice can grow well in Paucia, it can not necessarily improve the country's balance, for the arguer does not provide any information about the international trade of the country. Maybe Paucia is famous for economic crops, such as coco or rare fruits, which other countries would like buy than rice. 这个观点好,可以再展开一下,比如也许这个国家的地理和气候决定了他们不是农业大国,提高贸易平衡主要依靠的是高新技术或者重工业Or perhaps most countries are-do not need to input rice. 这个观点不是很有说服力很多国家确实要进口粮食。可是说如果这种粮食不适合种植国内供给都会成为问题 更不用说出口了。If that, the increase of rice production in Paucia may not improve its trade balance.

To sum up, the argument is not convincing as it stands. To substantiate the conclusion, the arguer should provide more evidence to justify the necessary relationship between the seed change and the rice production increase in Abundia. Additionally, the arguer must prove the new kind of rice can grow well in Paucia. The trade record of Paucia is also needed to prove the harvest of rice can truly improve its trade balance.

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