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[a习作temp] Argument200 勇往直前小组第六次作业 bynashiong [复制链接]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2007-7-28 09:49:12 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
In the argument above , the arguer claims that dentists should target the male consumer and emphasize both the effectiveness  
of their anesthetic techniques and the sensitivity  to attract patients, actually , this claims could be threefold:
  1)men are more likely to be distressed when have dental work done than women
  2)lack of effectiveness of anesthetic techniques and the sensitivity to nervous or suffering patients results in this Distress
  3)distress problem gains most concerning of patients.
however , above claims could find little support from the facts listed in the above argument.
First of all. the only facts that the number of distressed male patients is three times more than women could not sustain the  
deduction that man are more apt to be distressed . because we do not know the total number of male and female who come to  
visit denist ,then the simply assertion that man are more aptly to be distressed are unwarranted , perhaps 10 females comes  
with one being distressed while 100 male comes with 3 distressed, yet the amount of suffered men is treble than women ,but  
obviously women are more likely to be distressed ,which means the ads should target female patients but not male ones.
Secondly. even the first claims is arguable ,arguer unfairly asserts that lack of effectiveness of anesthetic techniques  
and the sensitivity of staffs could be decisive factors contribute to patients' distress . it is possible that the  
unbearable condition of hospital or bad temper of the dentist results in the distressed mood . if so ,emphasis on the  
effectiveness and sensitivity could make little sense.
Finally. even above two claims all stand , arguer fails to providen any evidence to verify that distression is concerned by  
patients most .perhaps the very thing  patients cared is the quatity of related equipments or the experiences of denist. if  
so ,the ads aimed to alleviate the distress worry of patients would serve little benefit to attract patients.

In sum , the conclusion lacks credibility,  Only the arguer could provide more evidences  to resolve fallacies in above  
claims ,the conclusion could be persuasive.

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Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2007-7-28 22:16:59 |只看该作者
In the argument above , the arguer claims that dentists should target the male consumer and emphasize both the effectiveness of their anesthetic techniques and the sensitivity  to attract patients, actually , this claims could be threefold:
  1)men are more likely to be distressed when have dental work done than women
  2)lack of effectiveness of anesthetic techniques and the sensitivity to nervous or suffering patients results in this Distress
  3)distress problem gains most concerning of patients.
however , above claims could find little support from the facts listed in the above argument.

First of all. the only facts that the number of distressed male patients is three times more than women could not sustain the  deduction that man are more apt to be distressed . because we do not know the total number of male and female who come to  visit denist ,then the simply assertion that man are more aptly to be distressed are unwarranted , perhaps 10 females comes  with one being distressed while 100 male comes with 3 distressed, yet the amount of suffered men is treble than women ,but  obviously women are more likely to be distressed ,which means the ads should target female patients but not male ones.(举例子之前可以加一句说理的话,例子可以再深一步阐述)

Secondly. even the first claims is arguable ,arguer unfairly asserts that lack of effectiveness of anesthetic techniques  and the sensitivity of staffs could be decisive factors contribute to patients' distress .(人家虽然是这个意思,但是没这么说啊,是不是还是从正面说比较好。) it is possible that the  unbearable condition of hospital or bad temper of the dentist results in the distressed mood . (没证据和例子支持你的观点咧?呵呵)if so ,emphasis on the  effectiveness and sensitivity could make little sense.

Finally. even above two claims all stand , arguer fails to providenprovideany evidence to verify that distression is concerned by  patients most .perhaps the very thing  patients cared is the quatity (quality) of related equipments or the experiences of denist. if  so ,the ads aimed to alleviate the distress worry of patients would serve little benefit to attract patients.

In sum , the conclusion lacks credibility,  Only the arguer could provide more evidences  to resolve fallacies in above  claims ,the conclusion could be persuasive.

使用道具 举报

Rank: 4

发表于 2007-7-28 22:47:00 |只看该作者

In the argument above , the arguer claims that dentists should target the male consumer and emphasize both the effectiveness  of their anesthetic techniques and the sensitivity  to attract patients, actually , this claims could be threefold:
  1)men are more likely to be distressed when have dental work done than women
  2)lack of effectiveness of anesthetic techniques and the sensitivity to nervous or suffering patients results in this Distress
  3)distress problem gains most concerning of patients.
however , above claims could find little support from the facts listed in the above argument.


First of all. the only facts that the number of distressed male patients is three times more than women could not sustain the  deduction that man are more apt to be distressed . because we do not know the total number of male and female who come to  visit denist, then the simply assertion that man are more aptly to be distressed are unwarranted , perhaps 10 females comes  with one being distressed while 100 male comes with 3 distressed, yet the amount of suffered men is treble than women ,but  obviously women are more likely to be distressed ,which means the ads should target female patients but not male ones.

Secondly. even the first claims is arguable ,arguer unfairly asserts that lack of effectiveness of anesthetic techniques  and the sensitivity of staffs could be decisive factors contribute to patients' distress . it is possible that the  unbearable condition of hospital or bad temper of the dentist results in the distressed mood . if so ,emphasis on the  effectiveness and sensitivity could make little sense.

Finally. even above two claims all stand , arguer fails to provide any evidence to verify that distression is concerned by  patients most .perhaps the very thing  patients cared is the quatity of related equipments or the experiences of denist. if  so ,the ads aimed to alleviate the distress worry of patients would serve little benefit to attract patients.

In sum , the conclusion lacks credibility,  Only the arguer could provide more evidences  to resolve fallacies in above  claims ,the conclusion could be persuasive.


[ 本帖最后由 linshao 于 2007-7-28 22:50 编辑 ]

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RE: Argument200 勇往直前小组第六次作业 bynashiong [修改]
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Argument200 勇往直前小组第六次作业 bynashiong
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