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[i习作temp] issue121 [戮力同心小组] 第三次作业 [复制链接]

Rank: 4

发表于 2007-7-29 18:39:24 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
121. At various times in the geological past, many species have become extinct as a result of natural, rather than human, processes. Thus, there is no justification for society to make extraordinary efforts, especially at a great cost in money and jobs, to save endangered species."

The statement points out that the extinct species are the result of nature process more than human activities in various times in the pass. And it claims that governments unnecessarily make extraordinary efforts to save endangered species. From my point of view, lots of species become extinct because of the appearance of human, however, basic needs of people could not be met in some country, so governments should firstly measure their ability and then decide how much effort they could make to protect the threatened species.

Admittedly, extinction is a natural evolutional process. Many species become extinct because they could not adapt to the changing environment before the appearance of human beings. We are not able to protect them, even if we have the power to go back to the pass, we must not make any try to protect them. Otherwise, people would break the process of evolution, which might cause the disappearance of human beings.

However, hardly can we deny that many species become extinct as a result of the activities of human beings. Pollution, illegal animal prey and trade, and overdevelopment of land are the factors leading a species to extinction. For example, people preyed dodos in a wide extent for eating them in Mauritius Island. Dogs and other kinds of livestock mainly eat dodos’ eggs. Human being should be responsible for the extinction of the dodo. A resent survey shows that human accelerate the speed of the extinction of rare animals.

Human should make effort to protect the threatened species, not only for these species but also for human ourselves. The earth doesn’t belong to human but human belong to the earth. At least, we should stop to prey rare animals. Otherwise, we would accelerate the speed of the extinction of ourselves while accelerating the speed of the extinction of rare species.

But many people suffer from poverty, starvation; it is luxury for their government to protect rare species at enormous expense. Saving people is as important as saving rare animals. According to a recent survey of WFP (World Food Programme), there are 6,241,512 people dying of hunger. Their government should firstly spend the money on those who are unable to afford food instead of rare species. And those stable affluent societies could use their money for rare species.

In sum, I concede that extinction of animals is a natural evolution process. However, many species become extinct because of human activities. Governments should take measures to protect rare animals according to their ability and conditions.

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Rank: 5Rank: 5

发表于 2007-7-29 21:43:37 |只看该作者
The statement points out that the extinct species are the result of nature process more than human activities in various times in the pass. And it claims that governments unnecessarily make extraordinary efforts to save endangered species. From my point of view, lots of species become extinct because of the appearance of human, however, basic needs of people could not be met in some country, so governments should firstly measure their ability and then decide how much effort they could make to protect the threatened species.
Admittedly, extinction is a natural evolutional process. Many species become extinct because they could not adapt to the changing environment before the appearance of human beings. We are not able (unable) to protect them, even if we have the power to go back to the pass, we must not make any try to protect them. Otherwise, people would break the process of evolution, which might cause the disappearance of human beings.
However, hardly can we deny that many species become extinct as a result of the activities of human beings. Pollution, illegal animal prey and trade, and overdevelopment of land are the factors leading a species to extinction. For example, people preyed dodos in a wide extent for eating them in Mauritius Island. Dogs and other kinds of livestock mainly eat dodos’ eggs. Human being should be responsible for the extinction of the dodo. A resent survey shows that human accelerate the speed of the extinction of rare animals.
Human should make effort to protect the threatened species, not only for these species but also for human ourselves. The earth doesn’t belong to human but human belong to the earth. At least, we should stop to prey rare animals. Otherwise, we would accelerate the speed of the extinction of ourselves while accelerating the speed of the extinction of rare species.
But many people suffer from poverty, starvation; it is luxury for their government to protect rare species at enormous expense. Saving people is as important as saving rare animals. According to a recent survey of WFP (World Food Programme), there are 6,241,512 people dying of hunger. Their government should firstly spend the money on those who are unable to afford food instead of rare species. And those stable affluent societies could use their money for rare species.
In sum, I concede that extinction of animals is a natural evolution process. However, many species become extinct because of human activities. Governments should take measures to protect rare animals according to their ability and conditions.



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Rank: 2

发表于 2007-7-29 23:45:37 |只看该作者
The statement points out that the extinct species are the result of nature process more than human activities in various times in the pass. And it claims that governments unnecessarily make extraordinary efforts to save endangered species. From my point of view, lots of species become extinct because of the appearance of human, however, basic needs of people could not be met in some country, so governments should firstly measure their ability and then decide how much effort they could make to protect the threatened species.

Admittedly, extinction is a natural evolutional process. Many species (+have) become extinct because they could not adapt to the changing environment before the appearance of human beings. We are not able to protect them,(.)even if we have the power to go back to the pass, we must not make any try to protect them. Otherwise, people would break the process of evolution, which might cause the disappearance of human beings.


However, hardly can we deny that many species become extinct as a result of the activities of human beings. Pollution, illegal animal prey and trade, and overdevelopment of land are the factors leading a species to extinction. For example, people preyed dodos in a wide extent for eating them in Mauritius Island. Dogs and other kinds of livestock mainly eat dodos’ eggs. Human being should be responsible for the extinction of the dodo. A resent survey shows that human accelerate the speed of the extinction of rare (rare animals 容易歧义,some endagered)animals.


Human should make effort to protect the threatened species, not only for these species but also for human ourselves. The earth doesn’t belong to human but human belong to the earth. At least, we should stop to prey rare animals. Otherwise, we would accelerate the speed of the extinction of ourselves while accelerating the speed of the extinction of rare species.

But many people suffer from poverty, starvation; it is luxury for their government to protect rare species at enormous expense. Saving people is as important as saving rare animals. According to a recent survey of WFP (World Food Programme), there are 6,241,512 people dying of hunger. Their government should firstly spend the money on those who are unable to afford food instead of rare species. And those (relatively)stable affluent societies could use their money for rare species.可以再展开说一下。


In sum, I concede that extinction of animals is a natural evolution process. However, many species become extinct because of human activities. Governments should take measures to protect rare animals according to their ability and conditions.结尾可以深入扩展一下,有简单重复第一段之嫌

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