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[i习作temp] issue17 『勇往直前小组』第十一次作业linshao [复制链接]

Rank: 4

发表于 2007-7-31 23:15:03 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
ISSUE17 - "There are two types of laws: just and unjust. Every individual in a society has a responsibility to obey just laws and, even more importantly, to disobey and resist unjust laws."

What is the criteria to distinct the unjust and just for laws? To different country, different culture, and different people, the criteria will not be the same.
We can take the democratic country-United States as an example. The US Constitution was built up for more than 200 years, however, it remains without any change. Only 27 was approved from more than 3000 Amendments, and only one was repealed- Volstead Act. Is it unjust? Maybe not, but it is unavailable, and causing many other illegal actions which is hard to manage. In retrospect of our human history, we cannot find a similar code as US Constitution. The magic power of it is justice for everyone. It was enacted for people's most foundational benefit-the freedom, the pursuit of happiness and the security. For the basic right of our human, the unjust law must be overturned. Abraham Lincoln wrote the Emancipation Proclamation and Homestead Act, and then the 13th amendment was approved for the basic human right of Negro. And the Congress which represented the mind of citizens in the US enacted 19th Amendment for giving the suffrage to women. But if there is no Lincoln, no Martin Luther King and no feminists, the Negro will still is segregation and the women will still face the discrimination. Therefore to the laws which violate the foundational right of human, we have the responsibility to resist them for keeping the basic right and equality of us.
On the other hand, other laws may not the case like the law of some states. These laws might be controversial to different groups. From the fact that only 27 amendments were approved from 3000, we can find that even in a same country people's opinions to just and unjust is variety. That is because different groups always have conflict on the benefit. For instance, in the process of producing of some businesses, it is inevitable to cause some pollutions and other negative effect on citizens lives. So the law is made to restrict them, to citizens, the law maybe just, but to businesses, they may claim that it is too strict to impact their profits seriously, and to the people who are both employees and citizens, their attitude may be ambiguous. Thus such law is a compromise, a mediation made for the both side.
Moreover, for different country, their viewpoints to just or unjust are largely distinct. We can take the flag-burning ban as an example. Almost every country include my country has its law for banning the action insulting the things which are the symbolization the country as flag. In these countries, flag-burning is an unbearable action to every its citizens. But in the US, may people regard the ban to be a violation of freedom of action which is written down in the First Amendment. Writing so many words, my object is to illustrate that the just and unjust of the laws, which is sophisticated than the basic requirement, is hard to be distinguished. Before our action for resistance, we'd better to think more from others perspective, and making more negotiation is better for both sides.
In sum, to any unjust law which violating the foundational right of our human, we must take every measure to resist it, we can even do some violent movement to gain our freedom from the unjust government. As the law which is enacted for compromise, for mediate, we should be more rational, and we need to think in others perspectives. Even the law is obviously incline to one side, all we have to do is to take the peaceful measure, and don't let our creative protest to degenerate into physical violence as Martin Luther King once said.

ISSUE119 - "When research priorities are being set for science, education, or any other area, the most important question to consider is: How many people's lives will be improved if the results are successful?"
1.  能够解决现在最urgent 社会问题的学科理所当然的应该给予优先权。如:通信,经济,商科,法律、医学。哪些人会受益。实际证明这些学科也是最兴旺发达的。最优秀的学生通常都去了这些地方。
2.  有一些看起来没什么用的长期看会很有用。哲学、文学、历史、数学、物理(其它科的基础)。
3.  在研究成果没有出来之前,我们很难判断哪些是能给最多人带来利益的。因此,让其平衡发展。按照经济学的观点,那些已经兴旺发达的学科,政府不需给予太多关注,否则几年后供大于求;而那些现在默默无闻的学科今后可能是很有用的学科,需要给予扶持。
ISSUE80 - "All students should be required to take courses in the sciences, even if they have no interest in science."
1.理科非常的重要,是我们了解世界的桥梁。我们学习数学知道基本的计算问题,学习物理知道世界的基本规律,学习化学知道了周围世界的组成,基本框架。而且理科可以让我们学会reasoning ,训练我们的逻辑,让我们学习用分析的眼光看待一些事物时。学习理科知识让我们变的更加理智。
3.如果在大学中,让所有的学生都参加理科课程的学习,会对学生有很大负面影响的。(比如艺术的学生,对数字之类根本不感兴趣,一定让他们参加微积分calculus 的学习。她们根本听不懂这门课程,考试多半不及格,她们不仅没学会,而且浪费了他们很多时间。一个学艺术的学生,只要掌握了生活中基本的运算就可以了,学习微积分无法帮助他们提升他们的艺术敏感,也无法给他们灵感,只是打击他们自信心。因为大学的理科课程通常比较生僻,没有兴趣根本学不会,所以没有兴趣的学生,特别是人文学科和艺术类的学生,根本没有必要学)
ISSUE195 - "The goal of politics should not be the pursuit of an ideal, but rather the search for common ground and reasonable consensus."
ISSUE241 - "An individual's greatness cannot be judged objectively by his or her contemporaries; the most objective evaluators of a person's greatness are people who belong to a later time."
2.很多伟大的人在活着的时候就已经声名显赫了,他们的问答得到了contemporaries的认可;牛顿(Newton)达芬奇(Da Vinci)比尔盖茨(Bill Gates
3.另一些人是在死后才被后人认可的。哥白尼(Copernicus)梵高 (Van Gogh)

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Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2007-8-1 10:53:05 |只看该作者
ISSUE17 - "There are two types of laws: just and unjust. Every individual in a society has a responsibility to obey just laws and, even more importantly, to disobey and resist unjust laws."

What is the criteria to distinct the unjust and just for laws? To different country, different culture, and different people, the criteria will not be the same.
We can take the democratic country-United States as an example. The US Constitution was built up for more than 200 years, however, it remains without any change. Only 27 was approved from more than 3000 Amendments, and only one was repealed- Volstead Act. Is it unjust? Maybe not, but it is unavailable, and causing many other illegal actions which is hard to manage. In retrospect of our human history, we cannot find a similar code as US Constitution. The magic power of it is justice for everyone. It was enacted for people's most foundational benefit-the freedom, the pursuit of happiness and the security. For the basic right of our human, the unjust law must be overturned. Abraham Lincoln wrote the Emancipation Proclamation and Homestead Act, and then the 13th amendment was approved for the basic human right of Negro. And the Congress which represented the mind of citizens in the US enacted 19th Amendment for giving the suffrage to women. But if there is no Lincoln, no Martin Luther King and no feminists, the Negro will still is segregation and the women will still face the discrimination. Therefore to the laws which violate the foundational right of human, we have the responsibility to resist them for keeping the basic right and equality of us.
On the other hand, other laws may not the case like the law of some states. These laws might be controversial to different groups. From the fact that only 27 amendments were approved from 3000, we can find that even in a same country people's opinions to just and unjust is variety. That is because different groups always have conflict on the benefit. For instance, in the process of producing of some businesses, it is inevitable to cause some pollutions and other negative effect on citizens lives. So the law is made to restrict them, to citizens, the law maybe just, but to businesses, they may claim that it is too strict to impact their profits seriously, and to the people who are both employees and citizens, their attitude may be ambiguous. Thus such law is a compromise, a mediation made for the both side.
Moreover, for different country, their viewpoints to just or unjust are largely distinct. We can take the flag-burning ban as an example. Almost every country include my country has its law for banning the action insulting the things which are the symbolization the country as flag. In these countries, flag-burning is an unbearable action to every its citizens. But in the US, may people regard the ban to be a violation of freedom of action which is written down in the First Amendment. Writing so many words, my object is to illustrate that the just and unjust of the laws, which is sophisticated than the basic requirement, is hard to be distinguished. Before our action for resistance, we'd better to think more from others perspective, and making more negotiation is better for both sides.
In sum, to any unjust law which violating the foundational right of our human, we must take every measure to resist it, we can even do some violent movement to gain our freedom from the unjust government. As the law which is enacted for compromise, for mediate, we should be more rational, and we need to think in others perspectives. Even the law is obviously incline to one side, all we have to do is to take the peaceful measure, and don't let our creative protest to degenerate into physical violence as Martin Luther King once said.
(整体来说 ,你的确是这样写了 ,恩 个人觉得偏离了主题一点点)

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Rank: 4

发表于 2007-8-1 23:01:55 |只看该作者

回复 #2 xiongnashiong 的帖子


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