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[i习作temp] Issue11 [勇往直前小组]十二生肖ByPuding [复制链接]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2007-8-1 18:51:16 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
TOPIC: ISSUE11 - "All nations should help support the development of a global university designed to engage students in the process of solving the world's most persistent social problems."
WORDS: 503          TIME: 0:45:00          DATE: 2007-7-31

I strongly agree with the statement that building global universities is necessary in the world for it will solve many serious problems currently. However, the claim that the global universities can solve the world's most persistent social problems is too extreme. And the statement has not considered the feasibility that all nations have the ability to help build a global university.

With the development of the modern society, the urgency to understand the economic, social and environmental issue that are being faced in different regions of the planet, and the need for the people in the world to learn to communicate and cooperate, has never been more pressing. Economic, ecological and political issues today are global that must be faced in all of their complexity. It is therefore imperative to develop an authentic sense of planetary citizenship and harmonious cooperation to confront planetary issue. However, the task is too large for government regulation, aid agencies or development bank alone. Thus, global education and knowledge is a pre-requisite for human survival on earth. By establishing global universities, students in the university, the would-be decision makers will learn the techniques in policy analysis, crisis management, conflict resolution and negotiation and will make a win-win for their country.

The global university can indeed solve a lot of planetary problems in the world. In the following aspects: Firstly, for the environmental problem, the student in global universities can bring diverse cultural and educational perspectives to the problem they seek to solve, and the global cooperation will make it easier. Consider, for instance, the depletion of atmospheric ozone, which has warned the Earth to point out that it threatens the very survival of human beings. And the restoration of the ozone needs the whole countries in the world to make effort on it. Secondly, as to the economic realm, international cooperation is necessary for coping with the challenge we confront today. For example, the fanatical crises that harm the global economy need all nations to regulate their economic policy. Thirdly, the significance of the global university also can be embodied in the issue of fighting against the crime such as the transportation of drugs. Hence, global university may solve many problems in the world.

However, some problems can never be solved merely by the endeavor of global university, for the causes of those problem is so complex that involves lots of factors, for example, human ethic history. Consider the terrorism for example; the cause for the terrorism is complicated: secession of a territory to form a new sovereign state, dominance of territory or resource by various ethic groups, economic deprivation of a population, etc. For these reasons, as long as the injustice, different religious, ruler and ruled class exist in the world, there will be terrorism forever.

Furthermore, despite the problems that the global university will solve for us, the establishment of such university poses a certain problem of its own, which must be addressed in order that the university can achieve its objects. For instance, some country such as Iraq which survived in the flames of wars, cannot afford to establish a global university at all. Or consider many countries in Africa; the government cannot absolutely feed all of their people, not to say the building of a global university.

To sum up, I hold the opinion that it is requisite to build global universities in the world because it will solve several problems on earth. However, the global university cannot solve all the most persistent social problems, and the establishment in all countries all over the world is not feasible.

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Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2007-8-1 23:09:04 |只看该作者
TOPIC: ISSUE11 - "All nations should help support the development of a global university designed to engage students in the process of solving the world's most persistent social problems."

I strongly agree with the statement that building global universities is necessary in the world for it will solve many serious problems currently. However, the claim that the global universities can solve the world's most persistent social problems is too extreme. And the statement has not considered the feasibility that all nations have the ability to help build a global university.

With the development of the modern society, the urgency to understand the economic, social and environmental issue that are being faced in different regions of the planet, and the need for the people in the world to learn to communicate and cooperate, has never been more pressing. Economic, ecological and political issues today are global that must be faced in all of their complexity. It is therefore imperative to develop an authentic sense of planetary citizenship and harmonious cooperation to confront planetary issue. However, the task is too large(用heavy可能好些) for government regulation, aid agencies or development bank alone. Thus, global education and knowledge is a去掉 pre-requisite for human survival on earth. By establishing global universities, students in the university, the would-be decision makers will learn the techniques in policy analysis, crisis management, conflict resolution and negotiation and will make a win-win(可以这样说么?) for their country.

The global university can indeed solve a lot of planetary(行星的?还是用global比较好) problems in the world. In the following aspects: Firstly, for the environmental problem, the student in global universities can bring diverse cultural and educational perspectives to the problem they seek to solve, and the global cooperation will make it easier. Consider, for instance, the depletion of atmospheric ozone, which has warned the Earth to point out that it threatens the very survival of human beings. And the restoration of the ozone needs the whole(all) countries in the world to make effort on it. Secondly, as to the economic realm, international cooperation is necessary for coping with the challenge we confront today. For example, the fanatical crises that harm the global economy need all nations to regulate their economic policy. Thirdly, the significance of the global university also can be embodied in the issue of fighting against the crime such as the transportation of drugs. Hence, global university may solve many problems in the world.这段是讲可以解决各种问题,但是讲到各类问题的时候没有具体说清楚不同的学生在一起能如何有效的发挥作用。感觉更像是在说这些都是全球性的问题,似乎更应归入第一段

However, some problems can never be solved merely by the endeavor of global university, for the causes of those problem is so complex that involves lots of factors, for example, human ethic history. Consider the terrorism for example; the cause for the terrorism is complicated: secession of a territory to form a new sovereign state, dominance of territory or resource by various ethic groups, economic deprivation of a population, etc. For these reasons, as long as the injustice, different religious, ruler and ruled class exist in the world, there will be terrorism forever.

Furthermore, despite the problems that the global university will solve for us, the establishment of such university poses a certain problem of its own, which must be addressed in order that the university can achieve its objects. For instance, some country such as Iraq which survived in the flames of wars, cannot afford to establish a global university at all. Or consider many countries in Africa; the government cannot absolutely feed all of their people, not to say the building of a global university.这两个例子似乎不是大学内部存在的问题,而且也没有说要让一个国家来建立世界大学。可能换下例子比较好

To sum up, I hold the opinion that it is requisite to build global universities in the world because it will solve several problems on earth. However, the global university cannot solve all the most persistent social problems, and the establishment in all countries all over the world is not feasible. 结论似乎有点偷换概念之嫌啊,题目没有说在每个国家都建立世界大学

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Rank: 5Rank: 5

发表于 2007-8-3 03:09:23 |只看该作者
TOPIC: ISSUE11 - "All nations should help support the development of a global university designed to engage students in the process of solving the world's most persistent social problems."

I strongly agree with the statement that building global universities is necessary in the world for it will solve many serious problems currently. However, the claim that the global universities can solve the world's most persistent social problems is too extreme. And the statement has not considered the feasibility that all nations have the ability to help build a global university.

With the development of the modern society, the urgency to understand the economic, social and environmental issue that are being faced in different regions of the planet, and the need for the people in the world to learn to communicate and cooperate, has never been more pressing. Economic, ecological and political issues today are global that must be faced in all of their complexity. It is therefore imperative to develop an authentic sense of planetary citizenship and harmonious cooperation to confront planetary issue. However, the task is too large(用heavy可能好些) for government regulation, aid agencies or development bank alone. Thus, global education and knowledge is a去掉 pre-requisite for human survival on earth. By establishing global universities, students in the university, the would-be decision makers will learn the techniques in policy analysis, crisis management, conflict resolution and negotiation and will make a win-win(可以这样说么?) for their country.(我感觉缺乏evidence的段落最好要慎重,你说问题很严重, 我们急需怎么怎么;多少给个例子吧,老米很喜欢以例服人)

The global university can indeed solve a lot of planetary(行星的?还是用global比较好) problems in the world. In the following aspects: Firstly, for the environmental problem, the student in global universities can bring diverse cultural and educational perspectives to the problem they seek to solve, and the global cooperation will make it easier. Consider, for instance, the depletion of atmospheric ozone, which has warned the Earth to point out that it threatens the very survival of human beings. And the restoration of the ozone needs the whole(all) countries in the world to make effort on it. Secondly, as to the economic realm, international cooperation is necessary for coping with the challenge we confront today. For example, the fanatical crises that harm the global economy need all nations to regulate their economic policy. Thirdly, the significance of the global university also can be embodied in the issue of fighting against the crime such as the transportation of drugs. Hence, global university may solve many problems in the world.这段是讲可以解决各种问题,但是讲到各类问题的时候没有具体说清楚不同的学生在一起能如何有效的发挥作用。感觉更像是在说这些都是全球性的问题,似乎更应归入第一段

However, some problems can never be solved merely by the endeavor of global university, for the causes of those problem is so complex that involves lots of factors, for example, human ethic history. Consider the terrorism for example; the cause for the terrorism is complicated: secession of a territory to form a new sovereign state, dominance of territory or resource by various ethic groups, economic deprivation of a population, etc. For these reasons, as long as the injustice, different religious, ruler and ruled class exist in the world, there will be terrorism forever.(我还是理解however 后面应该跟重点, 你前面说该建 可是后来又转折转跑了)
如果说它好 我觉得 这两个思路比较顺当

  A首先 诚然它有哪些毛病; 但是仔细权衡 这些是可以克服的/ 比起其好处要小很多的  所以我们说它好

  B  总体上他是好的 1,2  ;in addition 它会有一些小问题/过度了也不行, 所以它大体上是好的,但是执行的时候要注意什么什么

------你觉得咧? 欢迎讨论

Furthermore, despite the problems that the global university will solve for us, the establishment of such university poses a certain problem of its own, which must be addressed in order that the university can achieve its objects. For instance, some country such as Iraq which survived in the flames of wars, cannot afford to establish a global university at all. Or consider many countries in Africa; the government cannot absolutely feed all of their people, not to say the building of a global university.这两个例子似乎不是大学内部存在的问题,而且也没有说要让一个国家来建立世界大学。可能换下例子比较好

To sum up, I hold the opinion that it is requisite to build global universities in the world because it will solve several problems on earth. However, the global university cannot solve all the most persistent social problems, and the establishment in all countries all over the world is not feasible. 结论似乎有点偷换概念之嫌啊,题目没有说在每个国家都建立世界大学

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Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2007-8-3 10:23:58 |只看该作者


TOPIC: ISSUE11 - "All nations should help support the development of a global university designed to engage students in the process of solving the world's most persistent social problems."

I strongly agree with the statement that building global universities is necessary in the world for it will solve many serious problems currently. However, the claim that the global universities can solve the world's most persistent social problems is too extreme. And the statement has not considered the feasibility that all nations have the ability to help build a global university.

With the development of the modern society, the urgency to understand the economic, social and environmental issue that are being faced in different regions of the planet, and the need for the people in the world to learn to communicate and cooperate, has never been more pressing. Economic, ecological and political issues today are global that must be faced in all of their complexity. It is therefore imperative to develop an authentic sense of planetary citizenship and harmonious cooperation to confront planetary issue. However, the task is too large(用heavy可能好些) for government regulation, aid agencies or development bank alone. Thus, global education and knowledge is a去掉 pre-requisite for human survival on earth. By establishing global universities, students in the university, the would-be decision makers will learn the techniques in policy analysis, crisis management, conflict resolution and negotiation and will make a win-win(可以这样说么?) 嗯,我在网上查的for their country.(我感觉缺乏evidence的段落最好要慎重,你说问题很严重, 我们急需怎么怎么;多少给个例子吧,老米很喜欢以例服人)

The global university can indeed solve a lot of planetary(行星的?还是用global比较好) problems in the world. In the following aspects: Firstly, for the environmental problem, the student in global universities can bring diverse cultural and educational perspectives to the problem they seek to solve, and the global cooperation will make it easier. Consider, for instance, the depletion of atmospheric ozone, which has warned the Earth to point out that it threatens the very survival of human beings. And the restoration of the ozone needs the whole(all) countries in the world to make effort on it. Secondly, as to the economic realm, international cooperation is necessary for coping with the challenge we confront today. For example, the fanatical crises that harm the global economy need all nations to regulate their economic policy. Thirdly, the significance of the global university also can be embodied in the issue of fighting against the crime such as the transportation of drugs. Hence, global university may solve many problems in the world.这段是讲可以解决各种问题,但是讲到各类问题的时候没有具体说清楚不同的学生在一起能如何有效的发挥作用。感觉更像是在说这些都是全球性的问题,似乎更应归入第一段 谢谢,可能还是没有表达清楚

However, some problems can never be solved merely by the endeavor of global university, for the causes of those problem is so complex that involves lots of factors, for example, human ethic history. Consider the terrorism for example; the cause for the terrorism is complicated: secession of a territory to form a new sovereign state, dominance of territory or resource by various ethic groups, economic deprivation of a population, etc. For these reasons, as long as the injustice, different religious, ruler and ruled class exist in the world, there will be terrorism forever.(我还是理解however 后面应该跟重点, 你前面说该建 可是后来又转折转跑了)我这里是有一些问题没法解决,上面是大部分问题可以解决
如果说它好 我觉得 这两个思路比较顺当

  A首先 诚然它有哪些毛病; 但是仔细权衡 这些是可以克服的/ 比起其好处要小很多的  所以我们说它好

  B  总体上他是好的 1,2  ;in addition 它会有一些小问题/过度了也不行, 所以它大体上是好的,但是执行的时候要注意什么什么

------你觉得咧? 欢迎讨论

Furthermore, despite the problems that the global university will solve for us, the establishment of such university poses a certain problem of its own, which must be addressed in order that the university can achieve its objects. For instance, some country such as Iraq which survived in the flames of wars, cannot afford to establish a global university at all. Or consider many countries in Africa; the government cannot absolutely feed all of their people, not to say the building of a global university.这两个例子似乎不是大学内部存在的问题,而且也没有说要让一个国家来建立世界大学。可能换下例子比较好我所查到的全球化大学是这样的:在各国都要建立,基于网络技术,是这样的

To sum up, I hold the opinion that it is requisite to build global universities in the world because it will solve several problems on earth. However, the global university cannot solve all the most persistent social problems, and the establishment in all countries all over the world is not feasible. 结论似乎有点偷换概念之嫌啊,题目没有说在每个国家都建立世界大学题里就是All nation(民族,国家)

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