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[i习作temp] Issue11 勇往直前小组第7次作业 bynashiong [复制链接]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2007-8-2 08:29:12 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
TOPIC: ISSUE11 - "All nations should help support the development of a global university designed to engage students in the process of solving the world's most persistent social problems."
WORDS: 379          TIME: 上午 12:36:06          DATE: 2007-8-2

This claim seems specious at the first glance ,I concede that a global university supported by all nations could carry certain benefits,however , in my view ,it is unnecessary for us to develop a globe school aiming at giving a solution to the world's most persistent social problems.
it is usually regarded that Globe university supported by all countries mainly carries two benefits .first benefit involves diverse perspectives brought by students from different nations once globe school being established. and second benefits embrace a more fair decision than before. however , these two superiorities are just specious ,when it come to reality , it would  diminish .
First .most people assert that a global unversity will supply more perspectives to the solutions of worldwide persistent socail problems .however ,although I concede that students and staffs from different countries surely get aware of the situation of local countries more exactly than others , but when compare local research centers ,it will lose this superiority. Common sense tells us ,nearly every country owns many universities and a majority of universities owns research centers  ,which serve to solve its civil  problems. Do a handle of staffs and students in global universities will be more professional and of a deeper insight than the research centers in local country? definitely not .then some people would argur that if there is a global university ,diverse views could communicate and cooperate in an effort to solve a shared problems ,but this work is already done via other accesses nowadays .take, World Economy Forum ,for example . the Forum is aimed at ameliorating the global economy problems, which could be one of most persistent socail problems . each year ,representatives from lots countries engage in this activity and exchange their attitudes .when it comes to the field of worldwide security , a typical example goes that : six-party talks ,which aim at give a peaceful solution to a scurity concern as a result of North Korea nuclear weapon program ,also gather different countries together to communicate .from above analysis , we could find neither a global university will have a more insightful perspective than local research centers nor do it make a more effective access to communication than existing approach .so this superiority will not exist.

Secondly ,it is widely accepted that the other superiority of global unviveristy involves the fairness of solution to global social problems . although it always come true , it will find that enormous obstacles are on the way to implementing the solutions. because every country seeks to maximize its own benefits ,even the solution to the problem is fair to all the countries , in reality the powerful country ,like America, would not be willing to give up benefits which are not deserving .in short , implementation of fair solution always is not feasible . take , America ,as a example , famous United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change is one treaty which aims at reducing the emission of greenhouse gas to combat global warming ,this convention fairly allocate missions to each country , however , America ,the country with the biggest emission amount of greenhouse gas , refused to conform to this fair and reasonable solution ,the main reason for this result may arrive on the fact that America is the most powerful country in the world , according to its status , it could have the right to grab the benefits not belonged to it .maybe the fairness of solution maked out by global universities would still work out in a unfair world .

Moreover, this kind of university is very apt to be used as a tool for autarky in the name of justice and fairness by some powerful countries ,and we could not promise students and staffs will abandon their ideologies ,which could pose detrimental effect towards the fairness of solution .

Admittedly some poor countries ,like some ones in Africa, they had to deal with hungry ,disease ,and war all the time and could not allocate time and energy for a global social problems . then the global university would carry certain benefits in concerning about these countries ,which usually could be ignored nowadays .however ,a better solution to this problem might involve the assistances from global countries but not waiting for a unpractical solution .

In conclsuion , it is unnecessary for nations to establish a global universities according to the realism, although it could help poor countries to express ,but there are some better solutions.
这篇写的完全没有感觉 囧 表达觉得也烂的 一塌糊涂 orz 又没有什么信心了 ..........

使用道具 举报

Rank: 4

发表于 2007-8-3 16:53:31 |只看该作者
This claim seems specious at the first glance ,I concede that a global university supported by all nations could carry certain benefits, however , in my view ,it is unnecessary for us to develop a globe school aiming at giving a solution to the world's most persistent social problems.
it is usually regarded that Globe university supported by all countries mainly carries two benefits .first benefit involves diverse perspectives brought by students from different nations once globe school being established. and second benefits embrace a more fair decision than before. however , these two superiorities are just specious ,when it come to reality , it would  diminish .
First .most people assert that a global university will supply more perspectives to the solutions of worldwide persistent social problems .however ,although I concede that students and staffs from different countries surely get aware of the situation of local countries more exactly than others , but when compare local research centers ,it will lose
this(应该是it’s 吧) superiority. Common sense tells us ,nearly every country owns many universities and a majority of universities owns research centers  ,which serve to solve its civil  problems. Do a handle of staffs and students in global universities will be more professional and of a deeper insight than the research centers in local country? definitely not .then some people would argue that if there is a global university ,diverse views could communicate and cooperate in an effort to solve a shared problems ,but this work is already done via other accesses nowadays .take, World Economy Forum ,for example . the Forum is aimed at ameliorating the global economy problems, which could be one of most persistent social problems . each year ,representatives from lotslots of countries engage in this activity and exchange their attitudes .when it comes to the field of worldwide security , a typical example goes that : six-party talks ,which aim at give a peaceful solution to a security concern as a result of North Korea nuclear weapon program ,also gather different countries together to communicate .from above analysis , we could find neither a global university will have a more insightful perspective than local research centers nor do it make a more effective access to communication than existing approach .so this superiority will not exist.global university并不能很有效)这段前半部分在比较global universitylocal research centers,但是没有举例子。而后半部分讲的是有其他一些途径解决全球性的问题,感觉有点脱节了。

Secondly ,it is widely accepted that the other superiority of global university involves the fairness of solution to global social problems . although it always come true , it will find that enormous obstacles are on the way to implementing the solutions. because every country seeks to maximize its own benefits ,even the solution to the problem is fair to all the countries , in reality the powerful country ,like America, would not be willing to give up benefits which are not deserving .in short , implementation of fair solution always is not feasible . take , America ,as a example , famous United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change is one treaty which aims at reducing the emission of greenhouse gas to combat global warming ,this convention fairly allocate missions to each country , however , America ,the country with the biggest emission amount of greenhouse gas , refused to conform to this fair and reasonable solution ,the main reason for this result may arrive on the fact that America is the most powerful country in the world , according to its status , it could have the right to grab the benefits not belonged to it .maybe the fairness of solution made out by global universities would still work out in a unfair world .
这段话写得蛮好的,只是一直在论述各国难以达成共识,没有涉及global university啊,是不是有点偏了。
Moreover, this kind of university is very apt to be used as a tool for autarky in the name of justice and fairness by some powerful countries ,and we could not promise students and staffs will abandon their ideologies ,which could pose detrimental effect towards the fairness of solution .
Admittedly some poor countries ,like some ones in Africa, they had to deal with hungry ,disease ,and war all the time and could not allocate time and energy for a global social problems . then the global university would carry certain benefits in concerning about these countries ,which usually could be ignored nowadays .however ,a better solution to this problem might involve the assistances from global countries but not waiting for a unpractical solution .
In conclusion , it is unnecessary for nations to establish a global universities according to the realism, although it could help poor countries to express ,but there are some better solutions.


使用道具 举报

Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2007-8-3 17:26:39 |只看该作者
这篇是的确写的不是很清晰 囧 我是想用比较的手法来写
而我就在驳斥这二点没有任何优势 看来效果不是很好 囧

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RE: Issue11 勇往直前小组第7次作业 bynashiong [修改]
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Issue11 勇往直前小组第7次作业 bynashiong
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