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[i习作temp] ISSUE177 这篇尝试了新的发展段写法大家可以看看 欢迎互派 [复制链接]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2007-8-13 11:17:44 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
本来想写结尾的,实在没有时间了,打字太慢了 呵呵

TOPIC: ISSUE177 - "The study of an academic discipline alters the way we perceive the world. After studying the discipline, we see the same world as before, but with different eyes."
WORDS: 644          TIME: 上午 12:45:00          DATE: 2007-8-13

I could not agree with the speaker's claim more that we see the same world in different way after we learn lots of academic discipline. this assertion could be illustrated in diverse realms, from societal subjects to scientific ones.
Let first focus on the psychology realms which mainly dedicated in where people's action, behavior born from, as well as giving a prediction to people's responses to certain stimulation. After we learn psychology we might stand in the role of psychologist, who knows the reason for certain behavior of human being, which we usually confuse with. for example, we will be disappointed with some of our classmates when they speak loudly among lots of person and always try to put themselves in the center of people's concerns, before we learn psychology we may dislike their actions and keep distance from them, however, after learn psychology we may be aware of the source of these actions:  they just want to attract us simply because when they were young, their parents gave too little concerns and love to them to satisfy their emotion needs, as a consequence, when they grow up, this need stays and they become always worry about a circumstance where they could not arouse other's attention and so have to attract others even in awkward ways. if we know this history, Not only we will not accuse them for forgoing reasons any more but also will like to show larger tolerance to their behavior even provide solace to them.

When it comes to the field of history, the cases are the same, before we study history, we always see the world and figures through an simply black-and-white lens of our own, which categorize any people as either bad or good, as well as any thing as right or wrong. but this naive attitude would change and mature when we engage in history studying. take Hitler for example, when we were young, adults simply told us Hitler was a violator of society morality which mean a bad one to us only. however, we will get more insightful views about this figure when we learn the history of The Second World War: If victorious countries did not pose so severe a Versailles Treaty on German which stimulated a strong vengefulness of Germany, Hitler, who advocated so extremely a Nazism, would not win the trust of Germany and then would not cause the tragedy again, and surely we know Hitler is not the key figure contributing to this war, and criticism on him only would not facilitate us to learn more experiences from this caveat.

Students who learn science also have more insightful ideas about the world, shining stars are not pretty eyes of the sky but awful planets which carries great temperature which born of inner ceaseless nuclear reaction. Water is not simply a fluid but one material characterized by distinct qualities in the eyes of students who learns the fluid mechanics. after learning these knowledge, science imbues us with more rational eyes towards mysterious things existing in the world.

Why learning academic principle serves so magic benefits in changing and making people's attitudes deeper towards the same world? the answer exists in the essence of these academic discipline. All of we know that academic discipline is extracted from the experience accumulated for thousands of years by a myriad of great and talented people, including scientists, artists, and musicians, and so forth. Owing to the endeavor of these people, these academic discipline embrace uncountable information ,such as the characters of the material under different conditions and the reasons for a certain problems but could also explainable to the similar things shared a common essence, on the basis of these learning, when we hear to a music, it not a music again but a masterpiece of harmonic forms and compositional structure according to that era, when we evaluate some figures, they are not simply generals or leaders but the reflection of the productivity and society contradiction. In short, we have more insights about the essence of things and our attention not stays in outward appearances anymore. That’s the reason for different view of some world after our learning of academic principles.

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Rank: 5Rank: 5

发表于 2007-8-14 21:26:58 |只看该作者
Icould not agree with the speaker's claim more(去掉?) that we see the same world in different way afterwe learn lots of academic discipline. this assertion could be illustrated indiverse realms, from societal subjects to scientific ones.

Letusfirstfocus on the psychology realms which mainly dedicated(不要被动吧?) in where people's action, behaviorborn from, as well as giving a prediction to people'sresponses to certain stimulationas well as一般前后对得比较整齐,你前面是个句子,后面来个那么长的ing…. After we learn psychology we might stand in therole of(这个用法google不到)psychologist, who knows the reason for certain behavior of human being, whichwe usually confuse with(被动). for example, we will be disappointed with some ofour classmates when they speak loudly among lots of person and always try toput themselves in the center of people's concerns, before we learn psychologywe may dislike their actions and keep distance from them, however, after learnpsychology we may be aware of the source of these actions:  they justwant to attract us simply because when they were young, their parents gave toolittle concerns and love to them to satisfy their emotion needs, as aconsequence, when they grow up, this need stays and they become always worryabout a circumstance where they could not arouse other's attention and so haveto attract others even in awkward ways. if we know this history, Not only wewill not accuse them for forgoing reasons any more but also will like to showlarger tolerance to their behavior even provide solace to them.这一段例子的问题比较大,例子的描述太多了,很拖沓的感觉,把不必要信息都可以去掉。

Whenit comes to the field of history, the cases are the same, before we studyhistory, we always see the world and figures through an simply black-and-whitelens of our own, which categorize any people as either bad or good, as well asany thing as right or wrong. but this naive attitude would change and maturewhen we engage in history studying. take Hitler for example, when we wereyoung, adults simply told us Hitler was a violator of society morality whichmean a bad one to us only. however, we will get more insightful views aboutthis figure when we learn the history of The Second World War: If victoriouscountries did not pose so severe a Versailles Treaty on German which stimulateda strong vengefulness of Germany, Hitler, who advocated so extremely a Nazism,would not win the trust of Germany and then would not cause the tragedy again,and surely we know Hitler is not the key figure contributing to this war, andcriticism on him only would not facilitate us to learn more experiences fromthis caveat.这个例子,不好怎么说,为Hitler开脱罪名,呵呵,不知道考官看了作何感想了,希望他不是犹太后代。

Studentswho learn science also have more insightful ideas about the world, shiningstars are not pretty eyes of the sky but awful planets which carries greattemperature which born of inner ceaseless nuclear reaction. Water is not simplya fluid but one material characterized by distinct qualities in the eyes ofstudents who learns the fluid mechanics. after learning these knowledge,science imbues us with more rational eyes towards mysterious things existing inthe world.相比前面的两段,这一段太少了,事实上你写了两个人文科学,那个这个自然科学笔墨不能太少啊

Whylearning academic principle serves so magic benefits in changing and makingpeople's attitudes deeper towards the same world? the answer exists in theessence of these academic discipline. All of we know that academic disciplineis extracted from the experience accumulated for thousands of years by a myriadof great and talented people, including scientists, artists, and musicians, andso forth. Owing to the endeavor of these people, theseacademic discipline embrace uncountable information ,such as the characters ofthe material under different conditions and the reasons for a certain problemsbut could also explainable to the similar things shared a common essence,(因为这些就改变我们的看法?) on the basis of theselearning, when we hear to a music, it not a music again but a masterpiece ofharmonic forms and compositional structure according to that era, when weevaluate some figures, they are not simply generals or leaders but thereflection of the productivity and society contradiction.(写得很详细,但是都浮于表面了,没有回答为什么会改变,关键点没抓住)发展段写的有点弱,你还是没有说明为什么改变了我们的看法,

Inshort, we have more insights about the essence of things and our attention notstays in outward appearances anymore.(从这句话来看,你的意思是那些学科什么的让我们从表面的看法深入到事物的本质)That’s the reason for different view of somesameworld after our learning of academic principles.

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