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发表于 2008-4-12 09:54:20 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览





01/13/07: Many teachers assign homework to students every day. Do you think that daily homework is necessary for students? Use specific reasons and details to support your answer.

In my school, teachers are required to assign the same hours of homework as the class take everyday by the school. Even though we don’t get any advance in class, we will still be assigned homework. Although there’s no way a student to want homework, I still hold the opinion that daily homework is necessary for students.

First of all, homework serves a tool to examine ourselves. After having classes, we need time to absorb the knowledge we get out from class. Doing homework is considered to be the best and the most efficient way. Through doing daily homework, we apply what we learn in class by solving practical problems. We can get some feedbacks from ourselves, and questions might also be discovered through doing homework. By getting answer from your teacher the next day, you will achieve notable success. Therefore, daily homework serves as an important self-examine tool.

Similarly, it also helps the teacher to keep track of our learning progress. Teachers usually collect our homework the next day and return back to us the day after with their comments and suggestions. So turning in everyday’s homework ensures your teachers to know your progress, whether you understand what she taught, are there any questions you still have and so on. These are important information for teacher to decide whether they need to adjust their teaching plan. And she will also get a sense that some extra help might be necessary for some students.

Moreover, daily homework also prevents us from doing a large amount at a time, which is helpful to develop good study habits. If teachers assign homework once a week, many students will wait until the final second. As a result, they will probably stay up late on Sunday night in order to finish the homework. It is apparently not a good study habits and also harmful to their physical health. On the other sides, daily homework will keep students in doing the amount which everyone is able to handle and help us to build up our good study habits.

Given these facts, it is easy to see the importance of daily homework. Thus, I believe that it is absolutely necessary for students to do their homework everyday and hand it back to teacher in the next day.

01/14/07: Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Drivers should pay a fee to be allowed to drive on the city streets during the time when there is the greatest amount of traffic. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.

Nowadays, as more people can afford car, the traffic of the city is getting busier and busier. Some people suggested that drivers should pay a fee to be allowed to drive on the city streets during the time when there is a greatest amount of traffic. Personally, I think that the method will not solve the problem but make the situation even worse.

First of all, taxi drivers are the majority of the drivers on the city streets. If a fee is required in order to get allowance to drive on the street, the problem that who should be responsible for the fee, passengers or taxi drivers, will appear naturally. If the passengers need to pay extra fee during rush time, less and less people will choose to call cab in the future. If drivers, or cab companies are responsible for the fee, the city streets will be busy again since the number of cars on the streets doesn’t actually reduce.

Besides the specific case in Taxi drivers, another issue also contributes to my disagreement towards the suggestion. The standard of the fee is hard to control. If the fee is expensive that most people are unable to afford, I believe that taxi companies would definitely complain to the government that the policy prevent them running business. If it is cheap enough that everyone would like to pay in order to drive on the city streets, the policy will not make sense at all.

Moreover, the traffic situation is unpredictable. It’s really hard to say whether there will be a great amount of traffic on the street today. If in all of a sudden, the traffic becomes very busy, is it possible to require drivers to pay for access? The answer is absolutely not. It will also be unfair to those drivers who have already paid for the access fee in advanced if the traffic is actually not that busy.

In conclusion, the drawbacks of this suggestion overweigh the advantages. Thus, the suggestion that a fee should be imposed from drivers to get access to the street during rush time is actually unfeasible.

02/03/07: Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? People can learn more from watching television than reading books. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.

In the modern society, television becomes one of the most important media of transporting information. Comparing with those traditional media such as book, some people argue that we can learn more from watching television than reading books. In my opinion, in spite of the popularity of television, we can still learn more from the book than television.

To begin with, television now is full of entertainment programs which are also called visual junk. People can barely get anything meaningful out from it. For examples, talk shows about famous people’s privacy, violent movies. Many people are wasting too much time in watching it but learn nothing. Furthermore, it may also be harmful to our mental health. By contrast, the publication of a book requires strict censor. Thus books are relatively more meaningful than television in terms of education. People indeed are learning through reading books.

Secondly, it is more efficient to read books than to watch television. We all know that the programs on the television are limited everyday. Therefore, the amount of information you get from watching television is literally limited. For example, if you want to learn about animal’s behaviors, you have to wait until a certain time that National Geography is on, and you can only watch one chapter a time. On the other hand, people can decide what kinds of books and information they want and get them at a time in library or bookstore. If you are focusing on animal behaviors, the relevant science books can give you whatever answers you want at a time. For the above reason, people who spent several hours in library are more likely to be more productive than those who spend a day in watching television.

Moreover, books can hold knowledge better than television can. It’s easy for us to forget what we’ve already learned. When we want to go over what we learned in the past, books is definitely a better tool than television. We can just simply take out the book we’ve read and read over your annotation again if you have it. However, we can’t “annotate” television program. And books are more convenient to conserve than television programs.

Given these facts, despite the fact that television is popular and prevalent now, we still learn more in the books than in television.


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QQ联合登录 IBT Elegance Virgo处女座 GRE斩浪之魂 US Advisor Golden Apple 荣誉版主

发表于 2008-4-13 03:07:15 |只看该作者

In my school, teachers are required to assign the same hours of homework as the class take (taking) everyday by the school . Even though we don’t (→do not正式文章里不要出现缩写.get any advance in class, we will still be assigned homework. Although there’s (there is) no way (^that) a student to want (wants to do) homework (这句话说得太满了), I still hold the opinion that daily homework is necessary for students.

First of all, homework serves (^as) a tool to examine ourselves. After having classes, we need time to absorb the knowledge we get out (acquire) from class. Doing homework is considered to be the best and the most efficient way. Through doing daily homework, we apply what we learn in class by(to) solving practical problems. We can get some feedbacks from ourselves, and questions might also be discovered through doing homework. By getting answer (answers) from your(our. tone要一致) teacher the next day, you (we) will achieve notable success. Therefore, daily homework serves as an important self-examine (self-examining) tool.

Similarly, it (指代不清) also helps the teacher to keep track of our learning progress. Teachers usually collect our homework the next day and return back(删去) to us the day after with their comments and suggestions. So turning in everyday’s homework ensures your teachers to know your progress, whether you understand what she taught, are there any questions you(we连续四个都是tone的问题.) still have and so on.(这个句子最好能用ensure that重新写一下. These are important information (^ in the assignments 另外虽然题目里出现的是homework, 文章中也可以用同义词替换.) for teacher to decide whether they need to adjust their teaching plan. And (and是连词,不能用在句子的开头) she(我觉得你如果用teachers最好就用到底,不要一会用单数,一会用复数) will also get a sense that some extra help might be necessary for some students (T的作文在论述的时候比较看重细节支持,如果你在这句里可以给出具体的extra help是什么,some students又是指哪些学生, 我想应该会比泛泛的用some一代而过更能说服人).

Moreover, daily homework also prevents us from doing a large amount at a time(这里是指procrastinating?), which is helpful to develop good study habits. If teachers assign homework once a week, many students will wait until the final second. As a result, they will probably stay up late onSunday night in order to finish the homework. It is apparently not a good study habits (habit) and also harmful to their physical health. On the other sides(side), daily homework will keep students in(删去) doing the amount which everyone is able to handle and help us to build up our good study habits.

Given these facts, it is easy to see the importance of daily homework. Thus, I believe that it is absolutely necessary for students to do their homework everyday and hand it back to teacher in the next day.


美中不足的是, 论述部分可以再展开一些.注意到你的文章里有一个词出现的频率很高, “some”. 一个很好的elaboration的办法就是把你现有的用some的地方全部换成specific details. 解决了上面这个问题以后,可以考虑在文章里做一些同义词替换,再注意下句式的多样性,感觉你的表达还是偏单一. 不过T考查的还是驾御英语的能力,也不用过于追求fancy words.


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Rank: 1

发表于 2008-4-13 05:28:47 |只看该作者

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RE: 多篇作文求大家看看整体方向没错吧^^ [修改]
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