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[活动] 〖TOEFL 4—6月-Dark_Tournament小组 tp_ningchen的第14次作业 [复制链接]

Rank: 2

发表于 2009-3-21 22:21:51 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
Disagree or agree the statement: People can learn more from watching television than reading books. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer
Even it was past many years, the fabulous time when I watched television with my sisters and friends is still vivid and abundant in happiness and tears. It is admitted that the invention of the television has brought enormous changes to our life and I believe most of them are benefit that make people could learn more it than reading books. The following reason would be listed to support my perspective.
First of all, the most improvement that books can’t compare with television is the shortage of voice and picture. Form the television we not only learn the literal information, but also the relative photos or video, moreover, if you watch a movie, you could gain more information about the work from the actor or actress, the director, the photographer and so on, which is can’t be provided by the original book. Take the American classic <Gone With the Wind> for instance, not matter how the detailed description the writer took effort to on the costume in that period, rarely the readers can accept the same acknowledge as the audiences from the movie. We can also find the distinction from the depiction of scenery, appearance and the other aspects.
More importantly, it is all known that the reading is an independent process, which means we can’t share our emotions and the knowledge during the moment we are reading. But the things would be different when we watch the TV. If it’s a comedian, we could laugh with friends or family, if it’s a tragedy, we also can hug together and console each other. From those experiences, we could obtain the common feeling and interest with the people we love.
In addition, the television is so popular in the world, you can watch news or show from it almost wherever you are, but books, they are more expensive and harder found. In that case, people could have more chances to learn from the TV.
In conclusion, I stand with the statement that: people can learn more from television than reading books.

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Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2009-3-22 21:00:34 |只看该作者
Even it was past (for) many years, the fabulous time when I watched television with my sisters and friends is still vivid and abundant in happiness and tears. It is admitted that the invention of the television has brought enormous changes to our life and I believe most of them are benefit that make people could learn more it than reading books.(i believe most of them are beneficial that it could make people learn more than reading books) The following reason would be listed to support my perspective.

First of all, the most improvement(这里用改进似乎不太好...用优点是不是会好些...advantage?) that books can’t compare with television is the shortage of voice and picture(既然是优点应该去掉short of吧). Form the television we not only learn the literal information, but also the relative photos or video(这里这样用的话就默认是learn photos or video的搭配...似乎不妥...), moreover, if you watch a movie, you could gain more information about the work from the actor or actress, the director, the photographer and so on(罗列的是否有些过分多了...而且前面一直用的we...到这里就变成you了...要避免这样的人称变化), which is can’t be(be can't be?) provided by the original book. Take the American classic <Gone With the Wind> for instance, not matter(no matter) how the detailed description the writer took effort to on the costume in that period, rarely the readers can accept the same acknowledge(acknowledgement) as the audiences from the movie. We can also find the distinction from the depiction of scenery, appearance and the other aspects.

More importantly, it is all(well) known that the reading is an independent process, which means we can’t share our emotions and the knowledge during the moment(moment强调一点的时间,用time) we are reading. But the things would be different when we watch the TV. If it’s a comedian, we could laugh with friends or family, if it’s a tragedy, we also can hug together and console each other. From those experiences, we could obtain the common feeling and interest with the people we love.

In addition, the television is so popular in the world, you can watch news or show from it almost wherever you are, but books, they are more expensive and harder found(to find). In that case, people could have more chances to learn from the TV.

In conclusion, I stand with the statement that: people can learn more from television than reading books.

god's in his heaven
all's right with the world

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Rank: 2

发表于 2009-3-24 22:50:30 |只看该作者
Even it was past many years, the fabulous time when I watched television with my sisters and friends is still vivid and abundant in happiness and tears. It is admitted that the invention of the television has brought enormous changes to our life and I believe most of them are benefit that make(去掉) people could learn more(from)it than reading books. The following reason would be listed to support my perspective.
First of all, the most improvement that books can’t compare with television is the shortage of voice and picture. Form the television we not only learn the literal information, but also the relative photos or video, moreover, if you watch a movie, you could gain more information about the work from the actor or actress, the director, the photographer and so on,(gain more information about the work???不太明白,我似乎可以明白童鞋是想说电视可以使人知道更多细节,更直观,童鞋可以直接表达出来)  which is can’t be provided by the original book(是不是就book就可以的). Take the American classic <Gone With the Wind> for instance, not(no) matter how the detailed description the writer took effort to on the costume in that period, rarely the readers can accept the same acknowledge as the audiences from the movie. We can also find the distinction from the depiction of scenery, appearance and the other aspects. (这段主题句明确。。说理例证都很到位)0 Q5 i# N, }1 z  I
More importantly, it is all known that the(去掉) reading is an independent process, which means we can’t share our emotions and the knowledge(with friends) during the moment we are reading. But the things would be different when we watch the TV(不要用缩写). If it’s a comedian, we could laugh with friends or family, if it’s a tragedy, we also can hug together and console each other. From those experiences, we could obtain the common feeling and interest with the people we love.
In addition, the television is so popular in the world, you can watch news or show from it almost wherever you are, but books, they are more expensive and harder found. In that case, people could have more chances to learn from the TV.' B; M- e. e* h7 U* K5 N& E
In conclusion, I stand with the statement that: people can learn more from television than reading books.(感觉结尾是不是太简单了,可以吧上面的几个论点在浓缩写一句话)

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