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[未归类] 【TRANSFORMER】_ISSUE48_0808 [复制链接]

Rank: 4

发表于 2009-8-8 01:18:50 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
48 "The study of history places too much emphasis on individuals. The most significant events and trends in history were made possible not by the famous few, but by groups of people whose identities have long been forgotten."


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Rank: 2

发表于 2009-8-8 21:27:12 |只看该作者
TOPIC: ISSUE48 - "The study of history places too much emphasis on individuals. The most significant events and trends in history were made possible not by the famous few, but by groups of people whose identities have long been forgotten."
WORDS: 568          TIME: 00:45:00          DATE: 2009-8-8 17:46:53

When we refer to the World War II, we will think about Churchill, the secretary of England who lead English to fight again Nazi, as well as when people talk about the Industrialization, Walt, who invented the steam engine, will be brought up every time. I accept the fact that individuals in history have been gained too much emphasis. Meanwhile, not only the famous individuals, but also groups of people determent the most consequent events and trends.

To begin with, it is undeniable fact that people have paid much attention on individual, especially in education. When we study our history, we can easily understand the history events by bearing the name of individual in mind in that the individual marks the history event. In other words, individual is regarding to learning history. In addition, students can learn their good character and moral values from these individual because the individual serves a mean to be role modal. Lincoln, who ran three miles in order to return six cents, tells us to be honest. Beethoven, who completed an army of symphonies even though he was completely deaf, teaches us the value of willpower. Bill Gates, who founded the great company Microsoft, transmits the remits of diligence and passion to work. To sum up, the individuals help us remember our history and at the same time teach us favorable moral value.

In addition, the emphasis on individual also lies in their contribution to the development of our society. In the science area, one of paradigmatic examples is Einstein, who rose up the theory of relative, which revealed the relationship of space and time. Another case is Newton, who discovery the theory of gravity, which conduce to descendents' research on astronomy. In the political field, Deng Xiaoping present us the importance of economics to a country, and brought about the "Reform and Open Up" policy, thus China become a strong country step by step in the late Century 20th. Hardly our society is able to reap the fruit on economics and science sphere without the contribution of these great individual.

However, to avoid an air of self-righteousness, we could not ignore the essential situation of groups of people in human history. In many cases, the individuals can not reach their goals without the help from billions of common people. For supporting example, one need look no further than the improvement of blacks' social situation in American history. Albeit Martin Luther King is an important key to enact the legislation to enable the equal rights of blacks and whites, the strong support from a large amount of black people speed up the pace of the change of blacks' situation. When it comes to the art sphere, sometimes common people instead of few individuals bring about flourishing. Friendly, the famous idol in Being Olympic, which express the Chinese Olympic merits -- "Green Olympic, Human Olympic, High-tech Olympic". Surprisingly, it is not created by one or a few of individual artists. In fact, its design idea is collected from nearly one thousand designers and is screen by ordinary persons, from officials to athletes, from scientists to pupil students. In all, besides the outstanding and well-known individuals, common people are of great importance to history.

In conclusion, I concede with the speaker's opinion that famous few individuals makes most of significant events and trends possible, however, owing to the essential role of groups of people, we should not overlooks these ordinary people. Perhaps the best way of learning history is taking both the individuals and groups of people into account.

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Rank: 4

发表于 2009-8-9 00:44:13 |只看该作者
本帖最后由 blade134 于 2009-8-9 02:07 编辑

The argument of which one affect the history more, the individuals or the general public who have not ever known, has maintained for many years. Obviously, we can not deny the contribution of the individuals, who we regard as heroes, yet we can not ignore the influence of the general ones because they have a basic support of such stars in history.

Admittedly, heroes play essential role to history. Abraham Lincoln, one of the greatest president of the Unite States, … .Without Churchill, the Britain, or even the world would not have enough courage to fight with Hitler, without Washington, the Americans would not have the institution of today, without Einstein, we would not have found Relativity Revolutionized Modern -- the generic relation between energy and other factors. Even, without Bill Gates, we would have lived in a world with no information communication and office auto working systems. Thus, these individuals are deserved to be remembered for their wonderful achievements.

Nevertheless, the success of such individuals based on the support of the society. Take Lincoln as an example, many people know the Gettssburg Address but few know why Lincoln had decided to wage the Union. In fact, there are two appropriate deductions, one is someone or ones unknown suggested him to do so, another one, which seems more reasonable, is that the situation of people in the North, who had bear great sorrow because losing jobs or even lives, helped the president make the decision -- all men are created equal intensely. No matter which one has the possibility, or none of them, the function of the unknown general had taken effect distinctly. In another case, Einstein, the greatest scientist in the 20th century, had fled to American and achieve the achievements in science since he was persecuted in his motherland. Imagine that if no one helped him flee from Europe to American, which turned out to be the greenhouse for him and his research, or if no one had found his talent on study and provided him the chance of studying further and publishing some papers on the scientific issues, he would have still worked as a common stuff as what he did in Swiss. From these cases we can conclude that the relationship between these individuals and general public is akin to the stone on top of pyramid in Egypt.

In all, the general public who are not so famous as heroes are the essential composition of heroes success. Without them, these individuals, such as heroes, scientists, artists are merely a dust in the long river of history.


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