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[活动] bixueer独立写作作业~12 08 [复制链接]

Rank: 2

发表于 2009-12-8 23:19:40 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
It is well known that printed books are read by people every day and it would be seen that people reading the printed books every where as on the street, at the bus stop and even in the toilet. So we could simple draw the conclusion that printed books are of great significance on the contemporary society although the information are easily get via different kinds of facilities as wireless system, TV, net and so forth. Compared with the influence between printed books and television, we could not be in the risk of simplistic to agree with either assessment. However, for me, I think printed books deserve to get the awards.
Firstly, from the studying aspect, watching printed books would be more concentration with the knowledge if one wants to learn skills or messages. They would not be disturbed by the break-out news or advertisements. It would be easy to focus on the topics you want to learn. And even, the time for thinking is the main advantage of reading printed books. Like me, I always watch scientific papers from Journey Nature to get the abstracts or methods and think about my own researches rather than watching the TV to get the information.
In addition, when talked about the entertainments from printed books, the photos and fictions come to my mind.  Although I have to admit the explored information which TV brings is huge and plenty, we could not deny the effect that printed books bring. For example, well known Black Shot which provide some vivid photos using sarcasm to stimulate people to consider their lives leading to the thought of reality which exerts huge influence on the society.
More over, it is printed book that could be easier to hold and more convenience to portable. So it is common to find someone watching a printed book while travelling, hiking, and even sun bathing. And even more the ray from TV would harmful to eyes so people would not stare at the TV for long times, and not for the printed books. And as suggestions from doctors about TV time for no more than four hours a day so how could we say TV have more influence on the people?
In all, printed books are more useful and effective than the TV for a society.


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Rank: 5Rank: 5

发表于 2009-12-9 19:59:46 |只看该作者
本帖最后由 shiwei83 于 2009-12-9 20:02 编辑

It is well known that printed books are read by people every day and it would be seen that people reading the printed books every where as on the street, at the bus stop and even in the toilet. So we could simple draw the conclusion that printed books are of great significance on the contemporary society although the information are easily get via different kinds of facilities as wireless system, TV, net(最好用internet) and so forth. Compared with the influence between printed books and television, we could not be in the risk of simplistic to agree with either assessment. However, for me, I think printed books deserve to get the awards.
Firstly, from the studying aspect, watching printed books would be more concentration with the knowledge if one wants to learn skills or messages. They would not be disturbed by the break-out news or advertisements. It would be easy to focus on the topics you want to learn. And even, the time for thinking is the main advantage of reading printed books. Like me, I always watch scientific papers from Journey Nature to get the abstracts or methods and think about my own researches rather than watching the TV to get the information. (说的是印刷书和电视的对比,最好不要谈到报纸吧)-
In addition, when talked about the entertainments(表达有点问题,最好能改为recreational value) from printed books, the photos(这似乎也不属于书的范畴,如果想表达图册的意思,用album) and fictions come to my mind.  Although I have to admit the explored information which TV brings (to me)is huge and plenty, we could not deny the effect that printed books bring(to me either). For example, well known Black Shot which provide some vivid photos using sarcasm to stimulate people to consider their lives leading to the thought of reality which exerts huge influence on the society(这个例子也有点离题,因为是漫画不是书).
More over, it is printed book that could be easier to hold and more convenience to portable. So it is common to find someone watching a printed book while travelling, hiking, and even sun bathing. And even more the ray from TV would harmful to eyes so people would not stare at the TV for long times, and not for the printed books. And as suggestions from doctors about TV time for no more than four hours a day so how could we say TV have more influence on the people?(这一段的论点比较散,最好能集中一点来论证。句式最好能有些变化,不要一直用and开头的简单句
In all, printed books are more useful and effective than the TV for a society. (结尾太短了,最好能参考模板,再适当展开一些


使用道具 举报

Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2009-12-9 20:52:29 |只看该作者
It is well known that printed books are read by people every day and it would be seen that people reading the printed books every where as on the street, at the bus stop and even in the toilet. So we could simple draw the conclusion that printed books are of great significance on the contemporary society although the information are easily get (achieved)via different kinds of facilities as wireless system, TV, net(internet)and so forth. Compared with the influence between printed books and television, we could not be in the risk of simplistic (of后接名词吧)to agree with either assessment. However, (加一个as)for me, I think printed books deserve to get the awards.
! Q% }. [, m4 M% M# X6 SFirstly(最好用first,这是外教说的), from the studying aspect, watching printed books would be more concentration with (concentration应该是与on连接吧)the knowledge if one wants to learn skills or messages. They would not be disturbed by the break-out news or advertisements. It would be easy to focus on the topics you want to learn. And even(what's more), the time for thinking is the main advantage of reading printed books. Like me, I always watch scientific papers from Journey Nature to get the abstracts or methods and think about my own researches rather than watching the(watch,rather than do) TV to get the information. 你这段谈了报纸与文章不相干哦
' X: r3 A3 ?: y2 L" D% X* F7 X* q7 a& {( ~In addition, when talked about the entertainments from printed books(when it comes to the .......你是想表达这样的意思是吗), the photos and fictions come to(into) my mind.  Although I have to admit the explored information which TV brings (to me)is huge and plenty, we could not deny the effect that printed books bring(to me either). For example, well known Black Shot which provide some vivid photos using sarcasm to stimulate people to consider their lives leading to the thought of reality which exerts huge influence on the society.) n) a6 U0 b" p; y( h
More over, it is printed book that could be easier to hold and more convenience to portable这个词是形容词哦. So it is common to find someone watching a printed book while travelling, hiking, and even sun bathing. And even more the ray from TV would(be) harmful to eyes so people would not stare at the TV for long times(time), and not for the printed books. And as suggestions from doctors about TV time for no more than four hours a day so how could we say TV have more influence on the people?这段评语和上楼一样
" G: o; t0 G1 f7 F# ~" b2 N8 sIn all, printed books are more useful and effective than the TV for a society. 结尾短了点吧,最好看看高分作文
0 [1 L! O; L$ z

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Rank: 2

发表于 2009-12-10 11:20:57 |只看该作者

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