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[活动] 独立写作小组 ————BY HOLYIRINI [复制链接]

Rank: 4

发表于 2010-3-9 23:04:26 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
本帖最后由 holyirini 于 2010-3-10 15:23 编辑


Many teachers assign homework to students every day. Do you think that daily homework is necessary for students? Use specific reasons and details to support your answer.

Daily assignment tends to be more common in the schools nowadays. I fundamentally agree with the notion that schools especially primary and middle schools should arrange homework after class. However, on the other hand, I concern that it is not a wise idea to impose assignment on college students so significantly.

Someone may argue that homework as a classic method in years' practices of teaching has generated successful influence on students' study. The argument can be commonly recognized. Every child who attends school at the first time should firstly learn to do this work assigned by their teacher. And also as experts' study shows, the period of students around the early age about 8 to 12 years old are the best time to absorb knowledge and exert their curiosity and creativity to remember and use knowledge. Thus, homework is considered as a indispensible steps in the early years' learning.

However, while we stand on the other side of students who are perfectly educated and have the ability to learn by themselves, the situation must change according to the different levels of learning skills. College students used to follow teacher's steps in China and accomplish the work teacher assign when they are in the primary or middle stage of learning. This must be transformed into another kind of learning in order to adapt to the objectives of colleges which aim to cultivate students to needs of the present society.
Self-consciousness should be placed first which I suppose most of the college students possess. Then, as I see it, abilities of communication, meditation and observation are three basic skills that can not received from textbooks. Certainly, the application synthetically of specialized knowledge in one subject and other social inter-communication skills must be considerably emphasized. All of these can not be trained by just assignments.

In conclusion, every teaching medium should consider the concrete issue that what a student really needs and on the other hands what it can actually give a student.




Daily assignment tends to be more common in schools nowadays. I fundamentally agree with the notion that schools, especially primary and middle schools, should arrange homework after class. However, on the other hand, I concern that it is not a wise idea to impose assignment on college students.

Some may argue that homework as a classic method in years' practices of teaching has generated successful influence on students' study. The argument can be commonly recognized. Every child who attends school at the first time should firstly learn to do the work assigned by their teachers as a necessary method of beginning their study careers. And also as experts' study shows, students in their 8 to 12 years old are the best time to absorb knowledge and exert their curiosity and creativity to remember and use knowledge. Meanwhile, knowledge taught in the class should be reviewed and absorbed by accomplishing homework after class. Thus, homework is considered as an indispensible step in the early years' learning.

However, compared to the students in the primary study process, while we stand on the other side of students who are perfectly educated and have the ability to learn by themselves, the conclusion should change according to the different levels of learning skills. College students used to follow teacher's steps and accomplish the work assigned by their teachers when they are in the primary or middle stage of learning. This need be transformed into another kind of learning in order to adapt to the objectives of colleges which aim to cultivate students to meet the needs of the contemporary society. (这个下面的内容,前面有提到学校要培养适应社会需要的学生。就不加了吧。)Self-consciousness should be on the top of the list , which I suppose most of the college students possess, as a result of the reality no one has the obligation to supervise your study and help your self-development in the modern society. Then, as I see it, abilities of communication, meditation and observation are three basic skills that can not be received from textbooks. Certainly, the synthetic application of specialized knowledge in one subject and other social inter-communication skills must be considerably emphasized. All of these can not be trained by just assignments.

In conclusion, every teaching medium should consider the concrete issue that what a student really needs
in specific stages and on the other hands what students can gain from a certain teaching method.

已有 1 人评分声望 收起 理由
happyfaith2008 + 2 真是好样的!

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Rank: 4

发表于 2010-3-10 13:53:17 |只看该作者
(惊!童鞋...好像昨天的题目是人们应不应该为公共交通付费...)Daily assignment tends to be more common in the schools nowadays. I fundamentally agree with the notion that schools especially primary and middle schools should arrange homework after class. However, on the other hand, I concern that it is not a wise idea to impose assignment on college students so significantly.

Someone may argue that homework as a classic method in years' practices of teaching has generated successful influence on students' study. The argument can be commonly recognized. Every child who attends school at the first time should firstly learn to do this work assigned by their teacher(这句话与观点为什么作业有成功的影响联系不紧啊~). And also as experts' study shows, the period of students around the early age about 8 to 12 years old are the best time to absorb knowledge and exert their curiosity and creativity to remember and use knowledge. Thus(在这两句话之间要论证知识和作业的关系~), homework is considered as a indispensible steps in the early years' learning.(对了,既然下面要讲高等教育方面,这段主题句最好点明这里讲的是初级教育)

However, while we stand on the other side of students who are perfectly educated and have the ability to learn by themselves, the situation must(must太强烈了,换委婉一点的词吧~) change according to the different levels of learning skills. College students used to follow teacher's steps in China and accomplish the work teacher assign when they are in the primary or middle stage of learning. This must be transformed into another kind of learning in order to adapt to the objectives of colleges which aim to cultivate students to needs of the present(contemporary会不会好一些?!) society.(这两段之间联系有点不紧密,最好在这段中间就过渡下这些needs包括什么,要不下文突然来几个东西有点唐突)
(最好在这里加个主题句,比如说就是那些现代社会的needs)Self-consciousness should be placed first which I suppose most of the college students possess(为什么呢?要小小论证下下~). Then, as I see it, abilities of communication, meditation and observation are three basic skills that can not received from textbooks. Certainly, the application synthetically(为什么是副词形式。。。不懂。。。) of specialized knowledge in one subject and other social inter-communication skills must be considerably emphasized. All of these can not be trained by just assignments.
In conclusion, every teaching medium should consider the concrete issue that what a student really needs (最好加个in specific stages)and on the other hands what it can actually give a student

好吧。。。我不是很清楚题目就改了,原谅我吧= =

还有,我发现我就是那个写500多的。。。虽然我很不想写这么多,但不知道为什么就是写了那么多,而且绝对是超时。我也想写300多,顶多就四百多,500字30分钟真的吃不消= =

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Rank: 4

发表于 2010-3-10 14:27:26 |只看该作者
2# lain0119





已有 1 人评分声望 收起 理由
happyfaith2008 + 1 word要达到积分才能传。你先在坛子里面多回 ...

总评分: 声望 + 1   查看全部投币

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Rank: 1

发表于 2010-3-10 14:39:54 |只看该作者
本帖最后由 何惜醉流霞 于 2010-3-10 14:51 编辑


Daily assignment tends to be more common in the (没有特指,复数就好,the不需要~) schools nowadays. I fundamentally agree with the notion that schools, (插入语最好还是逗号隔开吧)especially primary and middle schools, should arrange homework after class. However, on the other hand, I concern that it is not a wise idea to impose assignment on college students so significantly(这个significantly的用法有点奇怪).

someone是某人吧,有指代的..Some 就成了~) may argue that homework as a classic method in years' practices of teaching has generated successful influence on students' study. The argument can be commonly recognized. Every child who attends school at the first time should firstly learn to do this (改成the 吧,this 在前面木有明确的指代)work assigned by their teachers. And also as experts' study shows, the period(个人觉得这里的年龄段还是不要用period,直接students in their XX岁就好)
of students around the early age about 8 to 12 years old are the best time to absorb knowledge and exert (
喜欢这个exert,学习~)their curiosity and creativity to remember and use knowledge. Thus, homework is considered as a indispensible steps( an indispensable step~笔误啦) in the early years' learning.
/ a) j1 j; f5 b7 K
However, while we stand on the other side of students who are perfectly educated and have the ability to learn by themselves, the situation(这里change的应该是conclusion吧?前半句已经交代过situation~must change according to the different levels of learning skills. College students used to follow teacher's steps in China(觉得有点突兀呢..提前in China college students后面吧,免得错觉在修饰steps =v=and accomplish the work teacher assign (assigned by their teachers) when they are in the primary or middle stage of learning. This must be transformed into another kind of learning in order to adapt to the objectives of colleges which aim to cultivate students to
(meet the+) needs of the presentcontemporary好一点吧~ society.
Self-consciousness should be placed first(唔,建议换个什么on the top of the list之类的,be placed first这个用法还是有点不太顺~which I suppose most of the college students possess. Then, as I see it, abilities of communication, meditation and observation are three basic skills that can not received (be received) from textbooks. Certainly, the application synthetically (没记错的话synthetically是“人工的,合成的”意思吧,基本上指的还是化工领域的那种合成,用在这儿似乎不太合适) of specialized knowledge in one subject and other social inter-communication skills must be considerably emphasized. All of these can not be trained by just assignments.

In conclusion, every teaching medium should consider the concrete issue that what a student really needs and on the other hands
what it can actually give a student.( it
的指代需要明确出来,是a certain teaching method吧,另外give a student…..~~不如直接改成what students can gain from a certain teaching method…之类~)


使用道具 举报

Rank: 1

发表于 2010-3-10 14:44:38 |只看该作者
擦汗 难道看错了 我是应该改你的作文不~?

使用道具 举报

Rank: 4

发表于 2010-3-10 14:54:18 |只看该作者
本帖最后由 holyirini 于 2010-3-10 15:02 编辑

5# 何惜醉流霞




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Rank: 4

发表于 2010-3-10 16:55:04 |只看该作者
本帖最后由 holyirini 于 2010-3-10 17:08 编辑

you agree or disagree with the following statement? People can benefit more from traveling in their own country than traveling to foreign countries.#

Gradually, traveling becomes a more appealing and attractive activity for citizens nowadays. However, debate occurs in the comparison of how much benefit we gain between domestic scenic spot and overseas tourist attraction. On balance, I stand on the point of any country no matter whether it is your motherland containing its value for visitors to obeserve. The assertion obviously broadens the advantage aspects of traveling in visitor's own country and shrinks the merits of other countries.

I concede that traveling is a beneficial way to know various cultures in different places. With Tourist Industry being emphasized in many countries as a lucrative method to develop local economy, an increasing number of districts and countries are open to the world. By which method can they attract more tourists around the world? Certainly, the unique cultural elements are on the top of list.
Each spot has its own special culture and relevant cultural entertainment such as distinct ethnic shows and activities. Thus, there can not be a definite answer of weighing the importance of different cultures unless putting them into the status in human's history. However, it is also unfair to defy one culture just as a result of its less influence in history.

My next point is related to tourists who take the initiative to choose the places they visit. I suppose that according to tourists themselves, benefits vary from person to person. Two aspects affect the benefits, which are respectively attitude and interest. Take adults' and children’s tour for example, as illustrated below. Ault tourists pay more attention on scenery or cultural background of traveling spot, while children are likely to notice something they are interested such as a variety of shops beside spots. This leads to a result that adults may receive more information and gain more memory about where they go than children, who are on the contrary.

In conclusion, benefits both from tourists' own country and others are hard to measure due to the vague comparison on value between distinct cultures and effects on different kinds of tourists themselves.(343 words)


使用道具 举报

Rank: 4

发表于 2010-3-11 12:53:44 |只看该作者
本帖最后由 holyirini 于 2010-3-12 00:24 编辑

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? A teacher who is a serious and strict person is more effective in teaching than a teacher who is a humor and easygoing person

The speaker tends to measure teachers' efficiency by classify them in two opposite characters. I concede that a serious and strict teacher may treat his or her teaching in a serious and strict way which leads to an effective work. However, the speaker potentially denies possible validity of teachers who are humorous and easygoing, which the possibility obviously exists. From my perspectives, a teacher's character can not be seen as a kind of criteria to assess teaching levels.

With National College Entrance Exam system occupying an increasingly critical position in students' future, teachers especially those teaching in high schools are under pressure by being required to teach students to gain higher exam scores. The pressure coming from all aspects of society calls for every teacher working in a more serious and strict way. Facing to the situation, teachers naturally possessing these characters, which is serious and strict, are more likely to adapt to the contemporary way in teaching. Compared to those above, humorous and easygoing teachers are commonly regarded as no pragmatic value with just inane appearance. However, this contention mistakes humorous and easygoing character as impractical aspects and ignores the other aspects of these teachers.

Furthermore, no one can assert that a person with humorous and easygoing character do not have the other different characters. Also, it seems completely contradictive on logic. Human as an intricate kind of animal own the most complicated characters that there still isn't definite classification and explanation to these characters. Take my history teacher for example. He is the kind of people who is really active in class but also strictly even harshly on the quality of our homework and exam scores.

To conclude, the criterion of comparison between two kinds of teachers on affectivity is vague and lack of theoretical foundation. We should not judge a teacher just by considering his or her character due to that a person's total characters can not be realized by others even himself or herself.

使用道具 举报

Rank: 1

发表于 2010-3-11 16:26:53 |只看该作者
本帖最后由 何惜醉流霞 于 2010-3-11 16:29 编辑


Gradually, traveling becomes a more appealing and attractive activity for citizens nowadays. However, debate occurs in the comparison(sb. debate on sth.) of how much benefit we gain between domestic scenic spot and overseas tourist attraction.(这个句子不是很通虽然可以明白意思) On balance, I stand on the point of any country no matter whether it is your motherland +or not containing its value for visitors to observe (observe). The assertion obviously broadens
the advantage aspects(overdraw the advantage) of traveling in visitor's own country and shrinks the merits (shrink
of other countries.4 T: t* l3 F5 d

1 L, ~' l  W8 @4 _$ C+ y& V
I concede that traveling is a beneficial way to know various cultures in different places. With Tourist Industry(
不用大写) being emphasized in many countries as a lucrative method to develop local economy, an increasing number of districts and countries are open to the world. By which method can they attract more tourists around the world? Certainly, the unique cultural elements are on the top of list.Each spot has its own special culture and relevant cultural entertainment (这个搭配也是有点怪,建议traditional ways of entertainment) such as distinct ethnic shows and activities. Thus, there can not be a definite answer of weighing the importance of different cultures unless(there exist no consensus when we try to measure the importance of different cultures)putting them into the status in human's history(后面这半句没太明白,求详情). However, it is also unfair to defy one culture just as a result of its less influence in history.(能明白,但是感觉这个表达是中式思维,直接说just because its lack of influence on human cultural history会不会好一点)

W3 j; R. N/ B3 m# @
My next point is related to tourists who take the initiative to choose the places they visit. I suppose that according to tourists themselves, benefits vary from person to person. Two aspects affect the benefits, which are respectively (
副词) attitude and interest. Take adults' and children’s tour (这个表达也是..different attitude held by A&C about T)for example, as illustrated below(可以去掉). Ault tourists pay more attention on scenery or cultural background of traveling spot, while children are likely to notice something they are interested such as a variety of shops beside spots. This leads to a result that adults may receive more information and gain more
memory about where they go than children, who are on the contrary.

In conclusion, benefits both from tourists' own country and others are hard to measure due to the vague comparison on value between distinct cultures and effects on different kinds of tourists themselves.(缺主语)343 words! r$ O/ \5 B: O6 T& P


具体到这篇文章,个人觉得论点不是很明确。要不国内或国外旅游选一个支持,要不就两边兼顾说各有各的好。这篇文章的两个论点,“traveling is a beneficial way to know various cultures in different places”和“according to tourists themselves, benefits vary from person to person”虽然可以感觉到初衷是两边都照顾到,尽量客观,但有点顾左右而言他之嫌,感觉并没有回答题目本身的问题。还是再考虑下论点吧~
已有 1 人评分声望 收起 理由
happyfaith2008 + 2 赞~~

总评分: 声望 + 2   查看全部投币


使用道具 举报

Rank: 4

发表于 2010-3-11 18:19:03 |只看该作者
9# 何惜醉流霞

or not加不加应该都可以吧。
Thus, there can not be a definite answer to weigh the importance of different cultures unless putting them into the status in human's history.

respectively 是应该副词啊。不是用来修饰名词的。
benefits(主语) both from tourists' own country or others are(谓语) hard to measure【 due to the vague comparison on value between distinct cultures and effects on different kinds of tourists themselves(修饰Comparison)】(名词性从句).


已有 1 人评分声望 收起 理由
happyfaith2008 + 2 大家都好认真。赞一个,加油~~

总评分: 声望 + 2   查看全部投币

使用道具 举报

Rank: 2

发表于 2010-3-12 19:29:51 |只看该作者
The speaker tends to measure teachers' efficiency by classify them in two opposite characters. I concede that a serious and strict teacher may treat his or her teaching in a serious and strict way(和前面的A SERIOUS AND STRICT有点重复,把前面的OMIT吧) which leads to an effective work. However, the speaker potentially denies possible validity of teachers who are humorous and easygoing, which the possibility obviously exists. From my perspectives, a teacher's character can not be seen as a kind of criteria to assess teaching levels.

, U
With National College Entrance Exam system occupying an increasingly critical position in students' future, teachers especially those teaching in high schools are under pressure by being required to teach students to gain higher exam(OMIT EXAM) scores. The pressure coming from all aspects of society calls for every teacher working in a more serious and strict way. Facing to (到底要不要TO,CHECK IT)the situation, teachers naturally possessing these characters, which is serious and strict, are more likely to adapt to the contemporary way in teaching. Compared to those above, humorous and easygoing teachers are commonly regarded as no pragmatic value with just inane appearance. However, this contention mistakes humorous and easygoing character as impractical aspects and ignores the other aspects of these teachers.7 C; `: ?& S0 E, n
1 Q6 o9 H: J& W% ]" {

Furthermore, no one can assert that a person with humorous and easygoing character do not have the other different characters. Also(应该是转折连词吧。), it seems completely contradictive on logic. Human as an intricate kind of animal own the most complicated characters that there still isn't definite classification and explanation to these characters(THERE BALABALA 这个句子是CHARACTERS的定语从句,后面又TO THESE CHARACTERS,语法出现了问题). Take my history teacher for example. He is the kind of people who is really active in class but also strictly even harshly (应该是形容词吧,或者在前面添加DO THINGS?)on the quality of our homework and exam scores.' c; ?/ L$ E8 e% \6 T# k  V
' d4 x% T5 K7 A, S. x

To conclude, the criterion of comparison between two kinds of teachers on affectivity is vague and(is) lack of theoretical foundation. We should not judge a teacher just by considering his or her character due to (换成BECAUSE最好,DUE TO容易出现语法问题)that a person's total characters can not be realized by others even himself or herself.2 ?/ o1 n$ T& x6 R


使用道具 举报

Rank: 4

发表于 2010-3-12 20:11:33 |只看该作者
Gradually, traveling becomes a more appealing and attractive activity for citizens nowadays. However, debate occurs in the comparison of how much benefit we gain between domestic scenic spot and overseas tourist attraction. On balance, I stand on the point of any country no matter whether it is your motherland containing its value for visitors to obeserve. The assertion obviously broadens the advantage aspects of traveling in visitor's own country and shrinks the merits of other countries.1 b% ]3 H% V/ Q0 J
( v' E& L4 j, H( w/ o0 E9 F
I concede that traveling is a beneficial way to know various cultures in different places. With Tourist Industry being emphasized in many countries as a lucrative method to develop local economy, an increasing number of districts and countries are open to the world. By which method can they attract more tourists around the world? Certainly, the unique cultural elements are on the top of list.
, x8 Y* _. ~$ f. r- VEach spot has its own special culture and relevant cultural entertainment such as distinct ethnic shows and activities. Thus, there can not be a definite answer of weighing the importance of different cultures unless putting them into the status in human's history. However, it is also unfair to defy one culture just as a result of its less influence in history.
, w# l5 f/ i9 C- s% o5 _) L$ p7 W- ]3 \( L/ K  }
My next point is related to tourists who take the initiative to choose the places they visit. I suppose that according to tourists themselves, benefits vary from person to person. Two aspects affect the benefits, which are respectively attitude and interest. Take adults' and children’s tour for example, as illustrated below. Ault tourists pay more attention on scenery or cultural background of traveling spot, while children are likely to notice something they are interested such as a variety of shops beside spots. This leads to a result that adults may receive more information and gain more memory about where they go than children, who are on the contrary. 4 U. @, F- _0 H$ j. `5 z6 v% G) O1 _
; e3 X7 L. w7 N- t( d- X- d
In conclusion, benefits both from tourists' own country and others are hard to measure due to the vague comparison on value between distinct cultures and effects on different kinds of tourists themselves.(343 words)

明天就考了。。所以。。。= =嗯啊。。对不起你啊 没怎么认真改语法

还有好多高级的词汇 。。羡慕 :)

使用道具 举报

Rank: 4

发表于 2010-3-13 12:38:42 |只看该作者
3.11 修改 by speedzshaw
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Free your ambitious mind and learn the art of dying.

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Rank: 4

发表于 2010-3-14 00:13:54 |只看该作者
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Children should only play sports for fun, not in competition or contests.

Sports are considered as indispensible activities of children, which lots of them have fun in playing. However, nowadays an increasing number of competition and contests among teenagers are held in schools in various ways. Thus, a heated debate on the purpose of children's sports raises. From my perspective, I fundamentally agree with the notion that playing sports should function just for fun, not for other competitive purposes.

For fun, children would maintain a relaxing mind and enjoy playing sports. If sport can cultivate children’s interests just like computer games, it would obviously be beneficial to children’s physical health. On the other hand, healthy body can protect children from diseases and also develop a healthy mind. Various studies show that sports can be the major curing of some diseases and ought to be emphasized in daily life. The nation also pays much attention on children’s extracurricular activities. Schools are considered more comprehensively developed which strengthen the sport facilities to enable every child to join sport activities. This is also in accordance with the contemporary policy of Quality Education.

However, putting a child into a competition or contest just according to adults' opinion is a deal which lacks meditation. Not can any child handle with the competition and undertake the competitive task. Some even can not bear pressure from coaches and other relevant persons. As a result of competition that is always related to prize, award and even dignity, children may treat it as an important event and unconsciously gain much pressure. That extra pressure would cause several consequences such as loss scores in studying and gloomy mind on daily life. Thus, competition tends to affect children on more negative aspects than positive aspects.

In brief, children should play sports without any pressure in order to foster its habit of playing sports. As a result, they can achieve some goals and obtain health both on body and mind.(316words)


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Rank: 4

发表于 2010-3-14 23:28:59 |只看该作者
本帖最后由 holyirini 于 2010-3-16 11:45 编辑

3.14, u* P* C0 v" ~/ r/ F; v. z; ^0 T
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Most people prefer having other people make decisions for them rather than making decisions by themselves
During the whole life, we always encounter various choices to select and decisions to make. Any decision may even lead us to a new path of our life, although the process of making them is hard and challenging. Thus, for my part, decisions should be made by people themselves.

No one can ensure that he or she can make right decisions all the time. It is a choice that would not have a final judgment whether it is beneficial or not until some kind of results are given rise to. Hence, People making decisions can not foresee the results but they would try their best to conduct the results to a favorable way. As a result of every decision having its possibility to fall in unexpected consequences, why would we give up the chance to decide giving it to others?

We should treasure opportunities for us to decide whether our life or others' career. As it is an challenging job and responsible for results it would cause, important decisions are only allowed to made by the board in a cooperation for instance. Ordinary staffs in their company have no voice in business and personnel affairs, even though they may own much wiser idea than the board. Nevertheless, if we obtain a chance to make decisions, we should devote all our efforts to grasp it and make the best decision if possible.

Adaption to make decision benefits us a lot on the aspects of fostering independent ability and cultivating our confidence. Imagine that if you are accustomed in having others make decisions for you, you will unconsciously and even subconsciously be dependent on others. When you meet choices to select, the first idea coming up from your mind is calling for help from others rather than face them yourselves. Take my classmate in high school for example. She is an diligent student dedicating most of her spare time on math questions but she always gets a low score on math’s exam. That can be attributed to her backward attitude toward difficult questions and dependent on other students and teachers to help her with difficulties. The failure in gaining scores would on the other hand result in lacking confidence in the subject. Being afraid to be wrong and discouraging experiences would play a detrimental role in one's development.

In sum, making decisions by ourselves is an necessary and complex skill to learn, which is our right we can not be ignored and our opportunities to develop independence and confidence.

3.14, u* P* C0 v" ~/ r/ F; v. z; ^0 T
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Most people prefer having other people make decisions for them rather than making decisions by themselves
' b6 i4 T2 I1 j

During the whole life, we always encounter various choices to select and decisions to make. Any decision may even lead us to a new path of our life, although the process of making it is hard and challenging. Thus, for my part, people prefer to make decisions by themselves.

Firstly, some people who have a adventurous spirit and enjoy making decisions for unpredictable consequence. It is a choice that would not have a final judgment whether it is beneficial or not until some kind of results are given rise to. To some people, it is more likely to gambling games, which can alternatively either give them promotion and honor or offer disaster to their lives. “Who cares?” The sentence used widely among youngsters represents an attitude toward tackling with decisions.

Secondly, people prefer to treasure opportunities for us to decide whether our life or others' career. As it is a challenging job and responsible for results it would cause, important decisions are only allowed to make by the board in cooperation for instance. Ordinary staffs in their company have no voice in business and personnel affairs, even though they may own much wiser idea than the board. Nevertheless, if we obtain a chance to make decisions, we should devote all our efforts to grasp it and make the best decision if possible.

In the final analysis, adaptability to make decision benefits people a lot on the aspects of fostering independent ability and cultivating our confidence. Imagine that if you are accustomed in having others make decisions for you, you will unconsciously and even subconsciously be dependent on others. When you meet choices to select, the first idea coming up from your mind is calling for help from others rather than face them yourselves. Take my classmate in high school for example. She dedicates most of her spare time on math exercises but she always gets a low score on math’s exam. That can be attributed to her backward attitude toward difficult questions and dependence on other students and teachers to help her with difficulties. The failure in gaining scores would on the other hand result in lacking confidence in the subject. Being afraid to be wrong and discouraging experiences would play a detrimental role in one's development.

In sum, making decisions by ourselves is a necessary and complex skill to learn, which is our right we can not be ignored and our opportunities to develop independence and confidence.
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