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[经验思考] 羊年贺岁-网友习作点评系列之二 [复制链接]

Rank: 4

发表于 2015-3-1 23:35:57 |显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 tesolchina 于 2015-3-2 08:48 编辑

Universities should require every student to take a variety of courses outside the student's field of study.

Write a response in which you discuss your views on the policy and explain your reasoning for the position you take. In developing and supporting your position, you should consider the possible consequences of implementing the policy and explain how these consequences shape your position.


To broaden the horizons of students and encourage the exchange of ideas, in some universities, a variety of courses outside the student's filed of study is required to be attended by every student. However, the unified requirement ignores the various characteristics of different fields of study and diverse interests of students, which will divert the path to the original goal in some cases. In my opinion, the courses outside the field of study should not be mandatory.

一开始的背景指出某些大学这么做了 而不是指出有人提出这个建议
接下来说ignores the various characteristics of different fields of study and diverse interests of students 不太能看出来你想表达的观点 和后面你的立场衔接不够
divert the path from
original goal是什么呢  这里突然提出这个概念显得很突兀  

Firstly, some theoretical fields of study do need more focus on the subject so that the students will understand the key concepts and knowledge to further generate shining ideas.

are you suggesting that requirement of taking other courses will take away students' time that should be spent on core courses? If so, say it explicitly at the very beginning!  

Besides, if students are required to take courses in other fields, the relatively weak background may destruct their confidence, and has negative impact on their further study.

weak background on what? maybe this concept can be introduced later
the key issue here is whether student can perform well in those courses which may relate to their confidence and attitudes  

Last but not least, in some fields which do benefit from knowledge outside, such as economy, literature or engineering, students do not necessarily take courses in other fields, because the necessary knowledge can be obtained from other sources or has even been integrated in the courses in the original field.

economy- economics
your point is well taken; you are arguing that there are other ways students can learn materials outside their fields
maybe you can be more clear here suggesting two specific sources- elective courses and independent reading
the main argument should be on autonomy and students' academic freedom

I think your three points are all well justified
But you need to state the points more clearly emphasizing the right concepts  
Also try to write a better summary of your position at the end of your first paragraph

使用道具 举报

Rank: 4

发表于 2015-3-2 22:42:10 |显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 tesolchina 于 2015-3-3 13:41 编辑

Universities should require every student to take a variety of courses outside the student's field of study.

Write a response in which you discuss your views on the policy and explain your reasoning for the position you take. In developing and supporting your position, you should consider the possible consequences of implementing the policy and explain how these consequences shape your position.


To broaden the horizons of students and encourage the exchange of ideas, it is proposed in the claim that every student should be required to take a variety of courses outside his major field of study. However, the rigid requirement will have seriously negative impacts on students and there are a lot of alternative ways for students to acquire the knowledge outside their own fields.

negative impacts on students可否具体一点点
文章篇幅所限a lot of用a number of 更合适

Firstly, courses outside a student's field of study will definitely cost much time which could be spent on his major field, and ineluctably have negative impact on his study in his major field. For example, courses in math, physics, and engineering accumulate wisdom from many great people in the history, and students majoring in these subjects, already have so heavy burden to digest the concepts and skills that most of them need to study till mid-night to catch up the pace of professors. If they are assigned to take the courses of other fields, their limited time of entertainment and sleep will be occupied and no good will be done on their health.

accumulate wisdom from many great people in the history这个说法有点灌水的感觉

最后提到的后果- no good will be done on their health- 没有和大学教育结合起来
当然 health也是相关的 但是这里讨论和大学教育有关的话题会不会更合适
You can argue that students' time will be taken away by the course requirement from the major courses

Scrutinizing the proposal more closely, besides the extra cost of bandwidth, students' performance in these required courses may introduce unnecessary pressure and limit their quality of learning. Generally, students taking courses outside their majors are relatively weak at the corresponding background knowledge, and may take longer to get on track. During that hard starting period, they probably will not get good grades. Naturally, they may get frustrated and doubt if they are really good at learning, which will impede the learning not only in his own major and the courses in other fields.

Scrutinizing the proposal more closely和句子的主语不匹配啊
You may want to mention the concepts such as "confidence", "attitudes" and "motivation" to clarify your arguments
It's good to introduce the concepts from issue 45- quality of learning/ test grades

Even if we find that the knowledge in other fields is really essential, like the psychology knowledge for physicians, math for economics, and history for literature, the knowledge is still accessible to students without being delivered in formal courses. Thanks to internet and smart devices, knowledge in almost all fields of study are easily stored and shared, and it's quite handy for students to do self learning. A student can watch documentary on history on his iPad, read the blogs of best psychologists and attend the online presentation of a famous mathematician. They don't need to worry about the grades and are free to focus on what they are really interested in and exchange ideas with people all over the world, which can have more positive impact on their study.

this paragraph is well written
it actually refers back to the issue of grades again which is good
But you need to  bear in mind that formal teaching in a structured course is usually more efficient

In summary, the requirement for students to take courses outside their fields of study may impose pressure and squeeze time from students' tight schedule, and will further impede their study. As alternatives, students can access the essential knowledge from internet and digital medias, which may serve better to expand their knowledge base.

impose pressure (exert/put pressure to)
from internet and digital medias - digitally via the Internet


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使用道具 举报

Rank: 4

发表于 2015-3-3 17:53:22 |显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 ee_stone 于 2015-3-3 23:30 编辑


Universities should require every student to take a variety of courses outside the student's field of study.

Write a response in which you discuss your views on the policy and explain your reasoning for the position you take. In developing and supporting your position, you should consider the possible consequences of implementing the policy and explain how these consequences shape your position.


To broaden the horizons of students and encourage the exchange of ideas, it is proposed in the claim that every student should be required to take a variety of courses outside his major field of study. However, the rigid requirement will challenge students' tight schedules and confidence. And alternatively, there are a number of other ways for students to acquire the knowledge outside their own fields.

Original Comments:
negative impacts on students可否具体一点点
文章篇幅所限a lot of用a number of 更合适

Firstly, courses outside a student's field of study will definitely cost much time which could be spent on his major field, and ineluctably have negative impact on his study in his major field. For example, courses in  physics accumulate great ideas and incomprehensible concepts from Newton, Einstein and Shrodinger who were among the smartest persons on this planet. Students majoring in these subjects, already have so heavy burden to digest the concepts and skills that most of them need to study till mid-night to catch up the pace of professors. If they are assigned to take the courses of other fields, their limited bandwidth for the major courses will be distracted and it will be more difficult for them to perform well in their majors.

Original Comments:
accumulate wisdom from many great people in the history这个说法有点灌水的感觉
最后提到的后果- no good will be done on their health- 没有和大学教育结合起来
当然 health也是相关的 但是这里讨论和大学教育有关的话题会不会更合适
You can argue that students' time will be taken away by the course requirement from the major courses

If we scrutinize the proposal more closely, besides the extra cost of bandwidth, we will find that students' performance in these required courses may introduce unnecessary pressure and limit their quality of learning. Generally, students taking courses outside their majors are relatively weak at the corresponding background knowledge, and may take longer to get on track. During that hard starting period, they probably will not get good grades. Naturally, they may get frustrated and doubt if they are really good at learning. Further loss of their motivation and positive attitudes on learning will impede the learning not only in his own major and the courses in other fields.

Scrutinizing the proposal more closely和句子的主语不匹配啊
You may want to mention the concepts such as "confidence", "attitudes" and "motivation" to clarify your arguments
It's good to introduce the concepts from issue 45- quality of learning/ test grades

Even if we find that the knowledge in other fields is really essential, like the psychology knowledge for physicians, math for economics, and history for literature, the knowledge is still accessible to students without being delivered in formal courses. Thanks to internet and smart devices, knowledge in almost all fields of study are easily stored and shared, and it's quite handy for students to do self learning. A student can watch documentary on history on his iPad, read the blogs of best psychologists and attend the online presentation of a famous mathematician. They don't need to worry about the grades and are free to focus on what they are really interested in and exchange ideas with people all over the world, which can have more positive impact on their study.

this paragraph is well written
it actually refers back to the issue of grades again which is good
But you need to  bear in mind that formal teaching in a structured course is usually more efficient

In summary, the requirement for students to take courses outside their fields of study may put extra pressure and squeeze time from students' tight schedule, and will further impede their study. As alternatives, students can access the essential knowledge from internet and digital medias, which can serve better to expand their knowledge base.

impose pressure (exert/put pressure to)
from internet and digital medias - digitally via the Internet

使用道具 举报

Rank: 4

发表于 2015-3-3 23:29:27 |显示全部楼层
tesolchina 发表于 2015-3-3 23:08
To broaden the horizons of students and encourage the exchange of ideas, it is proposed in the c ...

汗,改了第一个a lot of漏看了第二个。。。

使用道具 举报

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