隔开一个太平洋的网恋 |
蓦然回首 那人确在灯火阑珊处....... |
想我的时候来看我. 看我的时候带水果. 橘子和苹果. 橘子代表你疼我. 苹果代表你爱我. http://www.ucatv.com.cn/entertainment/joke/animation/moonlightxs.swf |
Whistling softly in the dark
Is a better cure than anything For a confused mind searching for an answer Whistling loudly enough to drown out that little voice inside your head Is a better way than any other To prevent miscommunication of feelings Whistling quickly for a dog Is a necessary task If you wish to be a best friend in return And whistling a tune all your own Is the only way To survive this life in one piece |
既自以心為形役,奚惆悵而獨悲! 悟已往之不諫,知來者之可追。 實迷途其未遠,覺今是而昨非。 木ノ葉舞うところに火は燃ゆる 火の影は里を照らし、また木ノ葉は芽吹く ----ナルト |