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[主题活动] [1010G]8月中旬上海YY作文进阶小组-北美作文中译英 [复制链接]

Rank: 1

发表于 2010-5-21 19:12:17 |只看该作者
issue 190 题目"as long as people in a society are hungry or out of work or lack the basic skills needed to survive,the use of public resources to support the arts is inappopiate--and, perhaps, even cruel--when one considers all the potential uses of such money."
issue190,这个题目的观点在于“用public resources去支持art是inappropriate的”,我们大部分人都会从驳论的角度进行分析但是issue考的应该是立论,就是要有自己的观点,不知这点战友们同意否

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Rank: 2

发表于 2010-5-21 23:46:32 |只看该作者
“自己的观点”是不是也可以是不同意?你可以不同意、反驳speaker的观点,然后最重要的是说清自己的观点以及论证自己观点的正确性,这也是issue。 46# sjkdgxm

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Rank: 2

发表于 2010-5-21 23:49:26 |只看该作者
今天的I 10翻译真是翻的很崩溃,被各种事情打扰,翻了好长时间的说~~~~(>_<)~~~~

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Rank: 4

发表于 2010-5-22 00:02:40 |只看该作者
48# grassfree

O(∩_∩)O~ 我都是晚上 或者大清早翻得 这样都没有人呢打扰了

加油 哦 苹果:)
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Rank: 4

发表于 2010-5-22 10:09:40 |只看该作者

Political leaders withdrawing information from the public sometimes is necessary, or even is apt behaviours, which I agree with the speaker's claim. An oppose exposures
a contrary view would reveal that to promote the public's ultimate profits interests is naive behaviour for the political leaders to substance for public policy and to kindness. However
nevertheless, we must never let
allow our political leaders hold extravagant undue freedom to withhold information,
; otherwise, we would hardly get rid of suspicious to admit the public behaviour and cut down any basis of philosophical theory to democratic society.

One reason why I fundamentally agree with the speaker's claim is that in order to get the chance to efficiently lead the public, one who want to be the leader
a would-be leader
must primarily gain and maintain the power right
political power
. In the political games, totally outspoken complete forthrightness is the symbols of weak
vulnerability, and naive, of which the short points will not gain respect a politist deserves from his opponent, who in turn may use the two shortcoming to beat in a right condition. According to my observation, in my observation it is necessary to meet
pander the electorate for gaining and maintaining the right of political leading. For example, if  whole political leaders exposure their each one of their private weaknesses, short in personality and the details to their private life, then there would be no right honest and outspoken person to be chosen. Although the claim may seem somewhat misanthropic, actually personal scandals can be proofed the bad root to many political 's political lives, have in fact proven the undoing of many a political career;so
thus, I hold the claim is still factual.realistic

Another reason why I fundamentally agree with the speaker is that totally opening some species information may threaten to the public safety, or even may threaten the state safety. For example, if the president would publicize the clearly planned strategies used by the government to against to a international terrorist or a druger, these strategies must be fail, and lead to the result that public healthy and safety would be threaten and the public's health and safety would be compromised as result. It is essential to withhold information for avoiding the public pains
pannic. Although such situations
are rare, it actually do happen
they do occur occasionally. Such as an example, during the first few  hours in the early of the new thousandth year, the system to against missiles endured the bug related to Y2K. The fact did not be publicized until the problems had been solved some later in that day. Such doing is reasonable, for instantly publicizing the emergency got no use, instead may lead the panic of the public.

Realizing to maintain the public profit by withdrawing public information is necessary, however relating to the leader's motives and agenda, ordinary public leading need to be honest and outspoken to their civilian. History telling us, those lacking outspoken want to be leaders are total same with to those snatch and maintain by ( equal by cheating, operating the civilian. /// and Hetero such idols must immediately show in our brains. Of course every democratic society should hatred abhor such action to .. the public, for the reason that such // actions are against the demoniacal principles of democratic government. Considering another but more ordinary example. Such as the message of the positive affection made by President Nyclson tried to exclude in the water gate. His action showed concerning self-interest over the more profits in democratic system, while it is democratic system that gave him the political right.

In sum, politic games require the politist have, in a degree, we may conclude, cheating and lack of outspoken,.... The game of politics calls for a certain amount of disingenuousness and lack of forthrightness that we might otherwise characterize as dishonesty.but such action is essential method to realize the ultimate goals for positive political leading. However, in any kind of democratic policy, one leader who mainly depend on cheating and withdrawing to keep the leadership and push personal agencies or hold back self motivation,just is against to the democratic leader, who are surely faith in the end.

1.A contrary view would reveal 提出反面观 a naivete about the inherent nature of public politics, and about the sorts of compromises on the part of well-intentioned political leaders necessary in order to further the public's ultimate interests.
2.we risk sanctioning demagoguery and undermining the philosophical underpinnings of any democratic society.
3.publical leadership
4. Earn a politician respect among his or her opponents, and which those opponents will use to every advantage to defeat the politician, 没看懂为什么有两个to advantage 呢?
5..for example, were all politicians to fully disclose
every personal foibles,character flaw, and detail concerning personal life,
few honest politicians would ever by elected.
6.national security
7.drug trafficker
8.public panic
9.during the first few hours of the new millennium the U.S. Pentagon's missile defense system experienced a Y2K-related malfunction.
10.and legitimately so, since immediate disclosure would have served no useful purpose and might even have result in mass hysteria.
11 come io mind
12 the democratic principle of  government by the people
13 consider also less egregious examples,
Demonstrate a concern for self-interest above the broader interests of the democratic system that granted his political authority in the first place.
Call for

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Rank: 2

发表于 2010-5-22 15:13:57 |只看该作者
Issue 8

I agree with the speaker that it is necessary, even desirable, for political leaders to withhold information from the public. A converse point exposes a kind of naive and childish behavior that ... Nevertheless, we can't allow political leaders having excessive freedom to withhold information, otherwise we risk allowing advocating the masses and undermining philosophy underpinnings of any democratic society.

One reason that I essentially agree with the speaker is: who want to be a political leader must firstly own and maintain political power for gaining the chance of effective leadership. In political games, complete forthrightness is a symbol of vulnerability and naiveté, neither of which can win deserving respect from opponents. Those political opponents will use these two defects to defeat their opponents under every advantage condition instead. In my observations, certain methods that catering the electorate is necessary to win and maintain political leadership. For example, if every personal short coming, characteristics flaw and the details about personal living of every political leader were revealed , few honest political leaders would be elected. Although this view may be some kinds of cynical, personal scandals have been proved as the bane of many leaders' political career. So I think this view is realistic.

Another reason that I generally agree with the speaker’s point is that completely public some sorts of information may threaten public safety, even the whole country. For example, did a president disclose a government’s specific plan concerning thwart international terrorists or drug smuggling, the plan would surely fail and the health and safety of the public would be threatened as a result. Withhold information is necessary to avoid public panic. This situation is unusual, but it surely happens sometimes. For example, American … was not function at the first hours in the new century. This fact was published after later when the problems were solved. It is reasonable because immediately published the information would make no difference but cause the public panic.

Consider withholding information is usually necessary to maintain public interests, but normal leaders should be honest about the motives and agendas to the whole citizens. History tells us that those who are not honest are same with those who conquer and maintain their powers by strength or demagoguery, that is, by cheating and operating the masses. Examples such as C and Hitler will immediately present in our heads. Any democratic society should surely hate demagoguery because this operates breaks democratic principle of democratic government. Consider a more usual example. President Nixon tried to withhold the information about his active role in water gate. His behavior shows that he care about his own interest more than democratic institution which had gave him political power at the beginning.

In sum, politics game calls for a certain extent of dishonest which we may conclude as cheating, and this behavior is a kind of necessary mean to accomplish the realization of final goals about effective leading. But a leader who mainly depends on cheating and secrecy to maintain power, to promote personal agenda or to conceal personal motive betrays the democracy, and finally surely fail in politics game in any democracy.

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Rank: 4

发表于 2010-5-23 01:06:45 |只看该作者
本帖最后由 cant0577 于 2010-5-23 14:37 编辑

早上做实验 晚点补上~~~


I strongly agree with the claim that we define ourselves primarily through our identification with social groups, just as the speaker's claiming
asserts. Admittedly, in at certain special stage of life people seem appear to usually to use certain other ways to define themselves. However, in my opinion, the relation made in the stage by connecting with groups to illustrate ourselves basic needs is merely covered or set aside.  
During these stages the fundamental need to define one's self through association in social groups is merely masked or suspended.

Each growing psychologist is always to concede that it takes the key affection during the process of self-understanding and psychological growing to anyone child through social connection with other kids. Any developmental psychologist would agree with that socialization with other children plays a critical role in any child's understanding and development of self. In the daily-care centers or kidgarden classes, children quickly know that they want to play the same toys at the same time or in the same ways as other children. They gradually begin to understand the same things which themselves and some others at the same age share, such as in appearance, actions,behavior favourite and hatred; and they also realize the difference between the peer or elder students and adult. In another way words, those children start to realize the definication of their identification is hardly avoiding the close-ship between them and the peer and ... Their identity inextricably involves their kinship with certain peers and alienation from other people.

As the development that children move to playground and other location after classes, as children progress to the social world of the playground and other after-school venues,their early realization about someone's relationship closer than others develop a identification with social group and hold a desire to separate these group with others. Girls start to gather and part with boys, and club and are quickly firmed--usually having special rites, process codes and rules in order to further distinguish the group member to other children. The obvious apparent needs of willing to be a special exclusive groups are kept to continues through high school. At the stage of high school, students are identified by the annual identification from the social groups to which they belong. Even at the stage of college, students are also eager to attending clubs, brother-party, girl students parties to set up themselves as identification with a member of social group. In my observation, children do such without parents's guildness. Therefore, thus the desire to identify ourselves through a separate social group seemly comes from the psychological needs of a certain inner,through one's own personal relation to illustrate ourselves.

However as  young adults take the duty of mates, parents and occupations, they appear to define themselves less through the social associations, more through the marital position, parents' position and jobs to define ourselves. In today, to most young adults the last one of the standard may be primarily important. When two young adults meet at first time, besides the initial greeting, there is no exception that the first question is what your job is. However, I confirm that such central change from a social group to an occupation is not we liking to tell the change of our ways. Rather,The change in turn is a economic needed production, for we have no leisure time or financial independence in economy to assure us to participant in social activities. After the old retire from the work territory, one identification with social groups seems to appear again, no matter such group is cheese club, invention club, or country club. In short, people seem to be donated by the need of being a member of an unique group, and it is through the whole life journey.

In sum, I agree that people gain and maintain their self feelings chiefly by the ways belonging to certain distinct groups. Admittedly, no matter for what reason, there always are some people who don't like belonging to any groups. Yet, the separate is just  exceptations. Moreover, although many adults on working may define themselves according to their occupations temporarily for the practical reason, in all, at bottom we human are nothing if  not social animals.
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